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Group Assignment [MKT201]

TOPIC: Analysis of students' satisfaction with Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp

flavour instant Noodle Dish in Can Tho City

Name of group member Code

1. Quách Xuân Mai CS170871
2. Hà Lam Thanh CS170419
3. Nguyễn Thị Kim Thoa CS171606
4. Lê Hồng Ngọc CS171525
5. Châu Ngọc Diễm Quỳnh CS171074
6. Đào Huỳnh Trân CS171183

Cần Thơ - 19/3/2022

Table of Contents
I. Introduction...............................................................................................................1
II. Objectives................................................................................................................... 2
2.1. General objectives...................................................................................................2
2.2. Detail objectives......................................................................................................2
III. Overview of previous research papers.....................................................................2
Document 1: of Giá trị cảm nhận, sự thỏa mãn và lòng trung thành của khách
hàng – một nghiên cứu trong ngành hàng tiêu dùng nhanh (FMCG).....................2
Document 2: Model analysis of customer’s attitude and behaviour upon instant noodle
products.......................................................................................................................... 3
Document 3: Effects of supply chain design and collaboration on customer’s
satisfaction of instant noodles in Ekiti State, Nigeria.....................................................3
Document 4: Consumer perception and satisfaction to wards instant noodles................4
Document 5: Brand preferences and level of satisfaction in cosuming noodles among
working women in tiruchirapplili district.......................................................................4
IV. Overviews of the enterprise......................................................................................4
4.1. Introduction..........................................................................................................4
4.2. Formation of the company....................................................................................5
4.3. Development history.............................................................................................5
4.4 Product Display........................................................................................................5
V. Research Methods.....................................................................................................6
5.1. Sample.................................................................................................................. 6
5.2. The scale............................................................................................................... 6
VI. Research results.........................................................................................................6
Table 0. Survey of students who have used with Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour
instant Noodle Dish........................................................................................................6
Table 1. Describe the components of the survey sample................................................7
Table 2. Feel about Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish...................8
Table 3. The quality of Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish.............8
Table 4. The price of Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish................9
Table 5. The supply chain of Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish....9
Table 6. Satisfaction with products Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant Noodle
Dish.............................................................................................................................. 10
VII. Conclude................................................................................................................10
VIII. Solusion.................................................................................................................. 11
IX. References................................................................................................................12

Analysis of students' satisfaction with
Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish
in Can Tho

Publication Date: 19/3/2023

Author: Group 5, subject MKT201
FPT Universtity campus Can Tho

Abstract : The group of 5 subjects MKT201, class BA1703 of FPT University

students in Can Tho conducted a study to Analysis of students' satisfaction with
Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish in Can Tho. The purpose of
this study is to know the student's evaluation of the product satisfaction. The
authors conducted a survey of 60 students with a prepared questionnaire. The
research method used is descriptive statistics including frequency statistics and rate
description. The study showed the relationship of student ratings to the criteria of
perception, price, quality and supply chain of Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour
instant noodles in Can Tho. From there, it can be seen that students have positive
reviews about the product and are potential customers of Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp
flavour instant noodles.
Key words: Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant noodles, satisfaction,
behavior, perception.

I. Introduction
Instant noodles were invented in the 1950s in Japan, originally created to meet the
dietary needs of the military during World War II. Instant noodles then became a
popular product in the global market because it provided consumers with a fast,
convenient and affordable food option. Nowadays instant noodles have become an
indispensable part for almost all consumers. The perceived value of consumer
satisfaction is one of the factors that determine the success or failure of a business.

[G5_BA1703_MKT201] 1
Criteria for evaluation of satisfaction also depend on many factors such as
perception, price, supply chain, and quality. In addition, the study also showed the
link between attributes for students with different gender, income, and learning
environment. Research results will provide more information to groups of students
and businesses.

II. Objectives

2.1. General objectives

Analysis of students' satisfaction with Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant
Noodle Dish in Can Tho City to know their feelings and evaluations about the
product, satisfied and unsatisfied consumers about the product Hao Hao sour-hot
shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish. From there, a number of solutions are
proposed to improve the quality. Satisfying customer needs will ensure the
competitive advantage of enterprises.

2.2. Detail objectives

 To Know how students feel about Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant
Noodle Dish
 To know how students feel about the quality of Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp
flavour instant Noodle Dish
 To know how students feel about the price of Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp
flavour instant Noodle Dish
 To know how students feel about the supply chain of Hao Hao sour-hot
shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish
 To offer some solution to improve the quality

III. Overview of previous research papers

Document 1: Giá trị cảm nhận, sự thỏa mãn và lòng trung thành của khách
hàng – một nghiên cứu trong ngành hàng tiêu dùng nhanh (FMCG)
Le, Duong (2013) conducted a study of Giá trị cảm nhận, sự thỏa mãn và lòng
trung thành của khách hàng – một nghiên cứu trong ngành hàng tiêu dùng nhanh
(FMCG). The study was conducted with the aim of understanding the different
roles of perceived value and satisfaction on customer loyalty based on different

[G5_BA1703_MKT201] 2
product groups and customer characteristics in the FMCG industry. . The authors
have conducted a survey of 373 consumers with a prepared questionnaire. The
research methods used include Cronbach's alpha analysis, exploratory factor
analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and linear structural model. Research shows
the relationship between perceived value and customer satisfaction and loyalty. In
which, perceived value is greatly influenced by two components: price and brand
reputation. Besides, loyal customers will tend to say well about the product and
repeat using it. On the other hand, the fact that loyal customers continue to search
for other substitutes is a relatively special point in this study.

Document 2: Model analysis of customer’s attitude and behaviour upon

instant noodle products
Eduardsah, Mohammad Wartaka (2018) conducted a study Model Analysis of
customer’s attitude and behavior upon instant noodle products. This research aims
to figure out the attitude and behavior of the consumers upon instant noodles, and
to find out a relative value of affecting attributes. The authors have conducted a
survey of 200 consumers with a prepared questionnaire. The study used applied
statistics analysis covering the analysis of the multi attribute model, subjective
norms and theory of reasoned action. Research shows that to be important to
consumers about the variety of flavors of the product, the product must meet the
"Halal" standard - the Islamic food standard, followed by ease of finding and last.
The same is the product packaging design. These criteria determine the product
consumption behavior in the direction of good or bad. And from there, the brand
comes up with the right marketing strategy, maintains the criteria and consumers
respond to the survey, and improves better as the head of the product.

Document 3: Effects of supply chain design and collaboration on customer’s

satisfaction of instant noodles in Ekiti State, Nigeria
Ogunmola, Arogundade (2018) conducted a study Effects of supply chain design
and collaboration on customer’s satisfaction of instant noodles in Ekiti State,
Nigeria. The study examined the effects of collaboration and supply chain design
on customers' satisfaction at the downstream end of the chain using Ekiti State as
study area. The authors conducted a survey of 381 retailers with a prepared
questionnaire. The survey uses simple linear regression analysis as a statistical
technique. Research shows that collaboration and supply chain design are based on

[G5_BA1703_MKT201] 3
customer satisfaction assessments. These two criteria are the main determinants
affecting consumer satisfaction and are very important for any manufacturing

Document 4: Consumer perception and satisfaction to wards instant noodles

Dr. Devkanya Gupta, Ms. Meenakshi Bisla (2019), did a study Consumer
perception and satisfaction towards instant noodles. The study shows the
perception of consumers towards instant noodles and forecasts the future instant
noodle market to know the satisfaction and perception difference for instant
noodles of the consumers. consumers. The study was carried out by one way
ANOVA and independent t-test methods. The authors have conducted a survey of
160 consumers with a prepared questionnaire. Research shows that customers'
perception of instant noodles seems to be different for each individual and
therefore the choice of instant food is also different. Different perception due to
changing tastes, preferences, prices, peer pressure and changing lifestyles, the
future noodle market will be very competitive as the demand for food keeps
increasing, the satisfaction Noodle product satisfaction is not based on gender or
age difference, instant noodle perception varies from brand to brand.

Document 5: Brand preferences and level of satisfaction in cosuming noodles

among working women in tiruchirapplili district
Dr. T. Unnamalai, Dr.G.Gopinath ( 2020 ) conducted a study Brand preferences
and level of satisfaction in consuming noodles among working women in
Tiruchirappalli district. The authors have conducted a survey of 100 people With
this background both primary and secondary data have been collected for the
study. Chi square test and percentage analysis are used for this study. Research
shows that the use of noodles has increased recently and consumers intend to
continue buying noodles in the future.

IV. Overviews of the enterprise

4.1. Introduction
Vina Acecook Vietnam Joint Stock Company is one of the big enterprises in the
instant noodle industry in Vietnam. In the domestic market, the company has a
scale of 10 manufacturing factories from North to South, 6000 employees, with
more than 700 distribution agents, accounting for 51.5% of the domestic market

[G5_BA1703_MKT201] 4
share. With the export market, Acecook Vietnam's products are now present to
more than 40 countries around the world, including countries with strong export
market shares such as the US, Australia, Russia, Germany, Singapore, Cambodia,
Laos, and Canada.

4.2. Formation of the company

Established on December 15, 1993 and officially put into operation since 1995,
after many years of operation, Acecook Vietnam Joint Stock Company has
continuously grown to become a leading general food company. leader in Vietnam
with a strong position in the market, specializing in providing high quality and
nutritious instant products.

4.3. Development history

 1993:15/12/1993 Established Vifon Acecook Joint Venture
 1995:07/07/1995 selling first products in Ho Chi Minh City
 1996:28/02/1996 Joining the US export market Establishing a
branch Can Tho
 1999: Won the title of "Vietnamese High Quality Goods" for the
first time
 2000: Launched Hao Hao Noodles The company's breakthrough in
the instant noodle market.
 2003: Complete the factory system from North to South.
 2004: Officially changed its name to Acecook Vietnam Co., Ltd and
moved the factory to Tan Binh Industrial Park.
 2006: Officially joined the instant rice market by building a factory
in Vinh Long and launching Pho Xua & Now.
 2008: Changed its name to Acecook Vietnam Joint Stock Company
(January 18). Official member of the World MAL Association.
 2010: 07/07/2010 received the First Class Labor Medal.
 2012: Inaugurated the leading modern factory in Ho Chi Minh 2 in
Southeast Asia. Ranked 81st in the VNR500 ranking - Top 500
largest enterprises in Vietnam. Ranked 100 in the V1000 ranking -
Top 1000 largest tax paying enterprises in Vietnam. Golden Dragon
Award. Typical Saigon businessman Medal "For the development of
industry and trade" Award "Famous brand.
 2015: Acecook Vietnam Joint Stock Company has changed its brand

4.4 Product Display

[G5_BA1703_MKT201] 5
Not only possessing delicious, attractive taste, suitable for Vietnamese taste, and
reasonable price. Each package of instant noodles born from Acecook Vietnam is
also guaranteed the maximum quality by the production line and strict Japanese
quality regulations, with the goal of bringing delicious and happy meals to

V. Research Methods
The study used descriptive statistics. By surveying 68 respondents, the questions in
the survey were adjusted to be appropriate and understandable for consumers.

5.1. Sample
The sample was selected by a controlled probability method according to
categorical variables with size after data filtering and cleaning. The data is n = 60.
In which, in terms of gender, male accounts for 38.3% and female accounts for
61.7%. Regarding income, there are 28.3% of people with income below 2 million,
53.3% of people with income between 2 and 5 million, 15% of people with income
between 5 and 10 million and 3.3% number of people with incomes over 10
million. Regarding schools, 51.7% are studying at FPT Can Tho University, 15%
are studying at Can Tho University, 1.7% are attending Tay Do University, and
3.3% are Nam Can Tho University, Can Tho University of Medicine - Pharmacy is
3.3%, the remaining 25% are students from different universities, colleges in Can
Tho City
5.2. The scale
The study uses a 5-point Likert scale from (1) Totally disagree to (5) Totally agree.
A total of 5 factors need to be measured with 12 observed variables

VI. Research results

Table 0. Survey of students who have used with Hao Hao sour-hot
shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish
Criteria N ( unit : students ) Ratio ( %)
Yes 60 100%
No 0 0%
Total 60 100%

Sources : Analysis of students' satisfaction with Hao Hao sour-hot

shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish in Can Tho

[G5_BA1703_MKT201] 6
Through data from students who have taken the survey, the number of people who
have used Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish reached 100% of
the total survey from 60 people.

Table 1. Describe the components of the survey sample

Criteria N (unit : students) Ratio ( %)
Sex Male 23 38.3%
Female 37 61.7%
Total 60 100%
Income Less than 2M 17 28.3%
2M – 5M 32 53.3%
5M – 10M 9 15%
Over 10M 2 3.3%
Total 60 100%
School FPT University 31 51.7%
Can Tho University 9 15%
Tay Do University 1 1.7%
Nam Can Tho University 2 3.3%
Can Tho University of 2 3.3%
Medicine and Pharmacy
Greenwich University 15 25%
Total 60 100%

Sources : Analysis of students' satisfaction with Hao Hao sour-hot

shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish in Can Tho
After cleaning and filtering the data, the results show that 60 people have used Hao
Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish. In which, female accounts for
61.7% or 37 students and male accounts for 38.3% or 23 students. Students'
income is mainly subsidized by their families and part-time jobs. In which the
income from 2 million to 5 million is at the highest level, the rate is 51.7%,
equivalent to 32 students, followed by the group of students with income below 2

[G5_BA1703_MKT201] 7
million, accounting for 28.3%, accounting for 17 people, there are 9 students
earning import at 5 million - 10 million rate is 15%. The lowest in the criterion of
income is over 10 million, with 2 students, reaching the rate of 3.3%. The results
of this survey mainly came from the group of students from FPT University with
the rate of 51.7%, equivalent to 31 people, followed by students from the
Universities of Greenwich, Can Tho university and Can Tho University of
Medicine and Pharmacy , and finally the Tay Do University turns with
percentages of 25%, 15%, 3.3% and 1.7%

Table 2. Feel about Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant Noodle
Criteria N (unit : students) Mean
Q2.1 Cam nhan 60 4.27
Q2.2 Cam nhan 60 4.23
Q2.3 Cam nhan 60 3.85
Total 60

Sources : Analysis of students' satisfaction with Hao Hao sour-hot

shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish in Can Tho
In the group of perceived criteria about with Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour
instant Noodle Dish, in which the two highest rated criteria are "the leading instant
noodle brand in Vietnam" and "the product is very diverse in terms of flavor and
texture." taste” achieved an average value of 4.27 and 4.23, indicating that
consumers strongly agree with these two criteria. The remaining criterion is " Hao
Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish - favorite flavor" which has a
lower average value of 3.85 compared to the two criteria in the same table, but still
within the high level of receiving the consent of the people. consumers for this

Table 3. The quality of Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant

Noodle Dish
Criteria N (unit : students) Mean
Q3.1 Chat luong 60 4.27
Q3.2 Chat luong 60 3.15

[G5_BA1703_MKT201] 8
Q3.3 Chat luong 60 3.48
Total 60

Sources : Analysis of students' satisfaction with Hao Hao sour-hot

shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish in Can Tho
In the groups of criteria to evaluate the quality of Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour
instant Noodle Dish. The criterion "Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant
Noodle Dish has a very rich flavor" has a value of 4.27, the above index shows that
consumers strongly agree and this criterion is in the highest position in the table.
“Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish bring nutritional value” has
an average value of 3.15, consumers have no opinion on this statement. Finally,
"No adverse health effects after using Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant
Noodle Dish" reached 3.48, consumers agreed and had no further comments. In
general, the criterion of quality is objectively perceived by consumers

Table 4. The price of Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant Noodle
Criteria N (unit : students) Mean
Q4.1 Gia ca 60 4.23
Q4.2 Gia ca 60 4.10
Q4.3 Gia ca 60 4.02
Total 60

Sources : Analysis of students' satisfaction with Hao Hao sour-hot

shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish in Can Tho
In the price criteria groups of with Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant
Noodle Dish. All 3 criteria are above 4. The highest is 4.23, with this data, users
strongly agree with the criterion of "Hao Hao noodles are reasonably priced and
affordable". The remaining two criteria are “price stable over time” and
“competitive” ranges from 3.41 to 4.20, with which consumers agree with the
criteria and have no further comments.

[G5_BA1703_MKT201] 9
Table 5. The supply chain of Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant
Noodle Dish
Criteria N (unit: students ) Mean
Q5.1 Chuoi cung ung 60 4.52
Q5.2 Chuoi cung ung 60 3.58
Q5.3 Chuoi cung ung 60 4.10
Total 60

Sources : Analysis of students' satisfaction with Hao Hao sour-hot

shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish in Can Tho
In the group of supply chain criteria of Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant
Noodle Dish, “Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish are easy to
find in supermarkets, grocery stores…in Vietnam” reaching 4.52, consumers
strongly agree with the above criteria. The remaining two criteria are "easy to find
and buy in foreign supermarkets" and "have a variety of flavors of Hao Hao
noodles" respectively 3.58 and 4.10 are within the range of receiving consent from
consumers, which can be found that the distribution of noodles and flavors were
available almost everywhere, making it easy to find and buy.

Table 6. Satisfaction with products Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour

instant Noodle Dish
Criteria N (unit : students) Mean
Q6.1 Su hai long 60 4.22
Q6.2 Su hai long 60 4.13
Q6.3 Su hai long 60 4.10
Total 60

Sources : Analysis of students' satisfaction with Hao Hao sour-hot

shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish in Can Tho
In the group of satisfaction criteria for Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant
Noodle Dish. All three criteria are above level 4. In which the highest and strongly
agree has the value 4.22 with the criterion "continue to buy products in the future"
and the other two criteria have the value of 4.13 and 4.13 respectively. 4.10,
consumers agree with the statement, will recommend to everyone and give good
reviews about Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish

[G5_BA1703_MKT201] 10
VII. Conclude
The survey shows that students' satisfaction with with Hao Hao sour-hot shrimp
flavour instant Noodle Dish. In the given criteria, the criteria of price and product
satisfaction have good results, both have average values above 4.0. The income
group from less than 2 million and the level of 2 million - 5 million cares a lot
about product prices, so products aimed at this audience must have reasonable
competitive prices. Besides, Product satisfaction is also highly appreciated because
through the data, it can be seen that students all agree and strongly agree with the
criteria set forth for the satisfaction question. Finally, the criteria of quality, supply
chain, product perception also have positive results for this fast-moving food item.
In summary, it can be seen that students will tend to say well about using this
noodle product, recommend it to friends and give good reviews about the product.
In the future, this can become a loyal and potential customer group of Hao Hao
noodles. In addition, for this product, there are always a lot of trial and alternative
options from similar products of other brands, to avoid this problem, brands should
focus on promoting image and reputation. of the product. The results of this survey
show that there have been some contributions to the perception of certain
satisfaction about the product, adding little information to the Hao Hao noodle

VIII. Solution
In addition to the contributions that the results have shown, the research shows that
the product has certain limitations. The first is that the criterion "Hao Hao sour-hot
shrimp flavour instant Noodle Dish - the most favorite flavor" has a lower average
value than the two criteria in the same table. Therefore, Hao Hao needs to pay
attention to improve the taste of the product. Strengthening quality control of input
materials to ensure that raw materials meet food safety and hygiene standards. In
addition, the company needs to improve product packaging to provide clearer
product instructions to ensure that the product meets the needs and desires of
customers in terms of taste and packaging.
Second, Hao Hao should pay more attention to supply chain factors. Because the
criterion "easy to find and buy abroad" has the lowest votes in the question group.
Hao Hao needs to strengthen its product offerings, respond quickly to customer
requests and feedback, and create satisfaction and trust between consumers and the

[G5_BA1703_MKT201] 11
brand. Increase the popularity of its products in other regions outside of Vietnam,
so that products can be easily reached to consumers far away.
Third, the criterion of "price stability over time" is not highly appreciated by
consumers. Because the majority of students receive family subsidies, according to
research, price is very important. The company needs to review the price to make
sure the product is reasonably priced and competitive in the market from time to
time, limiting the sudden and excessive price increase at the same time. At the
same time, implementing discount promotions to make customers more accessible
to the company's products.

IX. References
1. Media.Neliti.Com, 2023
customers-attitude-and-f64d051d.pdf. Accessed 18 Mar 2023.
2. Effects of Supply Chain Design and Collaboration on Customers’
Satisfaction of Instant Noodles in Ekiti State, Nigeria. (2023). Retrieved 18
March 2023, from
3. Www.Ijirmf.Com,2023,
Accessed 18 Mar 2023.
4. Iaeme.Com, 2023,
E_11/IJM_11_11_274.pdf. Accessed 18 Mar 2023
5. Redirecting. (2023). Retrieved 18 March 2023, from

[G5_BA1703_MKT201] 12
Freque Percen Valid Cumulativ
ncy t Percent e Percent
1 60 100.0 100.0 100.0

Freque Percen Valid Cumulativ
ncy t Percent e Percent
0 23 38.3 38.3 38.3
Vali 1 37 61.7 61.7 100.0
d Tota
60 100.0 100.0


Freque Percen Valid Cumulativ
ncy t Percent e Percent
0 17 28.3 28.3 28.3
1 32 53.3 53.3 81.7
Vali 2 9 15.0 15.0 96.7
d 3 2 3.3 3.3 100.0
60 100.0 100.0


Freque Percen Valid Cumulativ
ncy t Percent e Percent
Vali 0 31 51.7 51.7 51.7
d 1 9 15.0 15.0 66.7
2 1 1.7 1.7 68.3
3 2 3.3 3.3 71.7
4 2 3.3 3.3 75.0
6 15 25.0 25.0 100.0

[G5_BA1703_MKT201] 13
60 100.0 100.0

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimu Maxim Mean Std.
m um Deviation
Q2.1 Cam
60 1 5 4.27 .861
Q2.2 Cam
60 2 5 4.13 .791
Q2.3 Cam
60 1 5 3.85 1.071
Valid N

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimu Maxim Mean Std.
m um Deviation
Q3.1 Chat
60 2 5 4.27 .710
Q3.2 Chat
60 1 5 3.15 1.087
Q3.3 Chat
60 1 5 3.48 .948
Valid N

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimu Maxim Mean Std.
m um Deviation
Q4.1 Gia ca 60 1 5 4.23 .909

[G5_BA1703_MKT201] 14
Q4.2 Gia ca 60 1 5 4.10 .933
Q4.3 Gia ca 60 1 5 4.02 .873
Valid N

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimu Maxim Mean Std.
m um Deviation
Q5.1 Chuoi
60 1 5 4.52 .748
cung ung
Q5.2 Chuoi
60 1 5 3.58 .944
cung ung
Q5.3 Chuoi
60 1 5 4.10 .915
cung ung
Valid N

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimu Maxim Mean Std.
m um Deviation
Q6.1 Su hai
60 1 5 4.22 .783
Q6.2 Su hai
60 1 5 4.13 .853
Q6.3 Su hai
60 1 5 4.10 1.003
Valid N

[G5_BA1703_MKT201] 15

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