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(opened in 1858), a normal department (1858), a school of

church. He proclaimed and promised rather than effected a

of an important ancient capital. The later Assyro-Babylonian

of the immaculate Conception. An account of Maria de Agreda

publicans for watering beer are not infrequent. Formerly

surrounding fluid as it passes. The motion of the well-known

Aetolia (Oxford, 1897); M. Dubois, Les Lieues acheenne et

is called pyrolusite), and also artificially regenerated from

Tosks, and some 400,000 are Orthodox Slavs, Greeks and

with impunity in the streets by the civil population to the

Ill., for aesthetic illusion.

All the produce of the monks' labour was committed to him, and

abounds with satirical remarks and complaints concerning the

the eastern Tien-shan mountains. The tov'n, which is supposed

special licence from the sovereign, conferred a benefice by

the Atlantic Ocean on the equator. It is generally accepted

of the elder branch of the Wahd-sidi-Sheikh, made his submission,

and A. Hess, who showed that acetone will absorb twenty-five

and the system is said to be in ``stable achromatism.''

ring, see PURIN. \\N - C//

into the ``greater'' Ajax, while among the Locrians he remained

ADAM, the conventional name of the first created man according to the Bible.

The court of appeal is formed by the council of the admiralty

1832); Various History-for the most part preserved only in

holdings owned and tenanted, it will be seen that between

informally each week at the house of Valentin Courart, the

of vapour in the molten mass, and since filled, wholly or

90 deg. . The common pyramid {111} (fig. 1) of anatase,1 parallel

Maize, stalks, &c. 2,208 1877 99 15 .. 29.8

from the Guildhall through the great street of Cheepe in the

style of Amir ul Omara, "lord of lords." The title Amir ul

To the eye, however, members of this group present a greater

and Persia which broke out in 1821, but cholera attacked his

Egypt. Eight others were founded in his lifetime, numbering 3000

at the universities of Zurich, Heidelberg and Munich; and

that were once entertained in the United Kingdom concerning

of normal salts, partial with the formation of acid salts,

coast-land south of the Kalamas, are subdivisions of the Tosk

misrule. It was obvious that Egypt would sooner or later

into the body cavity through the second and dorsal opening.

of Hermann III., count of Orlamunde, after the death of

palladium, alloys are produced. The methods of manufacture

Africa, especially Cape Colony, and in the mountains of tropical

I. (Sargani-Sarali), whose date is given by Nabonidus,

objects. The work of Fechner in this direction (Vorschule

igneous hornblende-schists; yet they rarely fail to reveal signs

At the first synod of Sirmium he won a dialectic victory over

Leopold was warned on several occasions that Great Britain

into these regions probably by trade routes, came originally

prose, and in the Lives of the Saints (ed. W. W. Skeat,

towards which Cassandra fled from Ajax. The second class of

of particular cases, very few general rules being obtained.

Passo della Lobbia Alta (Lobbia Glacier to the Mandron

and the river, with a skeleton painted red, stone implements

obstructed, it is believed that it could easily be made

was taken prisoner along with that monarch at the battle of

removing anything; a term used technically in geology of the wearing

so far as is known, no such power, and are therefore more

five cups in its upper surface. Another from the same place

agriculture:---Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, (industry, agriculture

tampering with the letter of the traditional documents of the

the freighter, by which the shipowner agrees to carry goods

prisoners. When a man is convicted of murder, he is handed

subsequent occasion, his modesty led him to decline it.

of the image of any object for any system (see LENS). The

conversation, to which he occasionally added remarks of his

no biography of Robert Adam has ever been published. John

with hard labour. After this he moved to the United States,

Adam, was born at Kirkcaldy in 1728. For few famous men

incurring the cardinal's displeasure wrung from Corneille

reduced, except the King Alfred, and he with a little band

horsemen. For five months in the year when the floods were

XVII. e XVIII. (Rome. 1903), a valuable guide to the period

that the real author was Herennius Philo of Byblus, who was born

limited. Such attempts as have been made to design air-engines

agents, having antiseptic properties, are taking the place

a great concourse from all the Greek world. It is certain

Attica, at Dimini near Volo in Thessaly, at Kampos on the

be plainly stated upon the bottle, box or other container

1894 475,440 484,597 8

privileges. By this time, too, the Church had been organized,

to the neighbourhood of Meran, where it bends round to the

rare, even if it has not already become extinct in the Alps;

earthenware and cutlery. Brandy distilleries are numerous, and

reaches the age of thirteen, but the justices may in the

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