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Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute

Author(s): V. N. Jha
Review by: V. N. Jha
Source: Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Vol. 71, No. 1/4 (1990), p. 359
Published by: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
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Accessed: 30-12-2015 14:32 UTC

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Reviews 359


Srinivasa Chari ; Motilal Banarsidass, First Edition 1987. Pp.
xix + 423. Price: Rs. 200/-.
The book under review is a thoroughintroductionto VisiçtSdvaita
Philosophypropoundedby R9mSnujScSrya. It is a studybased on Tattvà~
mukta-kalãpaof Vedãnta Dešika. The studyis presentedin 12 chaptersand
it covers almost every aspect of the VisUtãdvaita Philosophy. Chapter1
discussesfundamental metaphysicalcategories. Chapter2 thepromanasacce-
pted in the systemand their validity. Chapter3 presentslogical importof
wordsand sentences. Chapter4 deals withthetheoryof knowledge. Chap-
ter 5 givesan account of knowledgeand the externalworld. Chapter6 deals
withthenatureof Jíva. Chapter7 presentsthenature of Jívara. Chapter
8 givesaccountof the Brahman and the universe. Chapter9 presentsthe
ways and means of obtainingsalvation. Chapter 10 describesprakrti and its
evolution. Chapter11 describesfundamentalattributesof the Visi§tSdvaita
Philosophyand Chapter 12 draws some conclusions. This is followedby a
glossary,bibliographyand index.
The presentworkreflects maturity of thewriterDr. SrinivasaChari. He
has struggledhard to acquire exact knowledgeof theVišistSdvaitaPhilosophy
by readingthe basic textsof thesystemundereruditetraditionalscholars. It
is because of thisfaithful
attemptof Dr. Chari thatthe presentworkhas come
out as an authenticintroductory source book of the Philosophyof RSmSnujS-
cSrya. This work,though primarilybased on the Tattva-muktã-kalãpaof
VedSntaDešika, has also drawnfreelyfrom Satadüsanf, Nyãyasiddhãfyana,
Nyayaparišuddhi and Šribhasya alongwithŠrutaprakBšika. This has added
greaterauthenticityto this work. Dr. Srinivasa Chari has presentedthis
workin quite readable language. Thereis clarityin his thoughtand expre-
ssion. This workcan be treatedas a good contribution to thestudyof Indian
Philosophy general and of VišistSdvaitaPhilosophy particular.The author
has tried his best to bring to light the fundamentalsof the VišistSdvaita
Philosophyand has compared them with those of Advaita Philosophyof
I am confidentthatthe scholarsin the field will appreciatethis work
of Dr. Chari.

V. N. Jha

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