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limited, but definite.

It is of undoubted value as a local

the Central Criminal Court Act 1834, Offences at Sea Act

N.W. and S.E. from 6 deg. N. to 3 deg. N. It overlooks the depression

BIBLIOGRPHY.--Arts. ``Amphitheatrum'' in Smith's Dictionary

a rich lady of Toulouse. In 1694 the Academie des Jeux

AMOS, SHELDON (1835-1886), English jurist, was educated

president. It is a military district, a customs district (since

is locally known as Arbenia; the Tosk form Arberia strictly

hands earlier than 1614, stretched from the crest of that

the nations of western Europe, through the medium of Latin

in this mountain region, until it reaches Kafiristan. From

uses of his genius; but many of the details are pleasing;

It has been a disputed question whether the prize jurisdiction

farmers' meetings by itinerant instructors. The Department

novocaine, cocaine, eucaine and alypin. All of these have

inhabitants or their land than to obtain at the easiest rate

except before r, as in hare (Sweet, op. cit. sec. 783).

or Circassian race. The total number of Abkhasians in the

the lessened cultivation of the cereal crops associated with

The distinguishing feature of the period 1870-1880 was

Returning to Boston, he devoted ten years to business and

which is already known.'' In Norman law an ``ampliation'' was a

Snell, Writing Master and Accountant in Foster Lane, London.

Manaos, is the only city and port of general commercial

eastern portion of central Albania belongs to the vilayet of

union, divide the cloaca into a ventral and a dorsal part,

Grodenerjoch (Groden Glen to Colfuschg), bridle path . . . . . . . .7,011

both of the German East African Company, to which Peters's

were applied to a variety of substances in common, and as

1866. The great meteor shower of 1866 turned his attention

these principles in Norfolk made it, according to Arthur Young

a life of his father, which is interesting from the account

of Herodotus and the Ahasuerus of Esther; (3) that certain

academy of the fine arts in Mantua, and another at Venice.

institutions'' would, they thought, ``fully answer all the

FIG. 7.--Revolving Black-ash Furnace. (Elevation.) Scale

successively translated to the sees of Worcester (1476) and Ely

character and conduct, southern manners towards both men

The illiterate brigand, whose boyish ambition had not

Burgess on "Ceremonies" tell us that even kinship could

this cause, but conjunctions like the Gr. te (``and''),

years, sometimes acting as the chief justice. He attended by

By its terms the Pargiots were to receive an asylum in the

From these plants active principles termed aloins are

publication of a Cohortatio ad Concordiam Pietatis, missa in

much better nor worse than that of his contemporaries.

entrance, an image of the Buddha usually stands in a niche.

opposite extreme (or even, as we have seen, to the climate

and the diocese was divided into two parts. Sherborne was

fourth son of AEthelwulf of Wessex, and should, by his father's

Piedmont, and marched on the 8th of June towards Lynchburg.

next five years the Danes were occupied in other parts of

judge advocate appointed ad hoc by the admiralty, the

resist and check the revival of the Jewish power under Judas

contain two or more times as much nitrogen as either of the

many other bodies, by selective reflexion and fluorescence.

time shut up in his palace. He undid, as far as lay in his

amphitheatre itself, and was separated from the spectators

the following, the quantities stated being those for 1905:--Beef,

his exhaustive examination of the sources, his energetic

and that the so-called criteria of one place or period are

and cut, and each player receives two more cards, one at a

are such that its outllow is intermittent. Besides the East

of the contending factions in 1810. Having once obtained a

in 1872, it was not filled up. There was also a second law

many of their contemporaries and successors, were put upon the

to certain herbs, and has been retained in modern botany

musical rhythm by exercising members of the tribe in concerted

stabit et Roma; quando cadet Coliseus, cadet et Roma. A

of a paralytic seizure. Having been cured of this, as she

annual rainfall of about 390 in. as compared with a mean of

neither are these affinities close enough to be of any practical

be consulted. The Geologischer Fuhrer durch die Alpen,

ACHILL (``Eagle''), the largest island off Ireland, separated

ages, legendary tales of mythical lands lying in the western

salts with acids; now, however, it is usual to restrict

ABANDONMENT OF AN ACTION is the discontinuance of proceedings

AUTHORITIES. ---MacGregor, Gazetteer or Afghanistan

of trade and finance. It assumes the possession of a wide

law places no restriction on bargaining between the censor and

of the rise of tragedy (Poet. iv. 13), names no one before

succession at Rothamsted upon oats, and gave results which were

the Kalmuck. They are Sunnite Mahommedans in distinction

classes of implements, and an enumeration of these will

of which more than 35% was adulterated. Compounds were made

suggested their connexion with the worship of a moon-

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