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A. Determining Explicit and Implicit Information in a Text.

1. E
2. E
3. I
4. E
5. I

B. Inferring from the Text

- The inference in Tiongson’s article is that financial literacy is important for
individuals to make informed financial decisions: People who are financially literate
have a better understanding of financial concepts such as budgeting, investing, and
debt management. This knowledge enables them to make informed decisions about
their finances and achieve their financial goals. Studies have shown that financial
literacy is low in many populations, including young adults, women, and those with
low incomes. This lack of financial literacy can lead to poor financial decisions and
negative outcomes such as debt and financial stress.
C. Identifying Claims

Claim Type of Claim Evidence Provided

Be disciplined in spending, Fact Because if we spend our money

reduce unnecessary expenses, on necessary things it will wear
avoid too many “wants” and out quickly and in the end, we
will regret buying that thing too.
evade buying too much

Having a budget and sticking Fact I agree with this because your
to it is your best strategy for budget will be better for the
better handling your things or foods that need to be
bought and the money you will
use will be correct because they
are already listed or budgeted

Reduce or eliminate debt. Value Yes, we need to do this because

it will add more to your expected
expenses so you better not owe
D. Evaluating Claims

/ 1. Teachers face numerous problems today.

- Teachers need to be adaptable and able to adjust their teaching strategies based
on the needs of individual students or classes. They should also be willing to
embrace new technologies and approaches to teaching.
/ 2. Educating the youth on responsible parenthood is the best way to prepare them for having
families in the future since this effort involves the school, the home, and the church.
- Schools, homes, and churches can also offer parenting classes and workshops
that teach skills such as positive discipline, child development, and effective
communication with children. This can help prepare young people for the
challenges and responsibilities of raising children.
/ 3. We must persevere with every ounce of our national vigor to eradicate poverty, ensuring
that the Philippines will have a bright tomorrow, and that truth and justice will reign.
- It would be helpful to identify specific actions or strategies that will be employed
to eradicate poverty and ensure truth and justice. For example, mentioning
investments in education, job creation, or social welfare programs could add
specificity to the message.
/ 4. Pilosopo Tasyo is my favorite character in Noli Me Tangere because he is the most
- agree
/ 5. Though they seem to foster connections, social networking websites like Facebook
actually discourage meaningful communication because they make us focus on superficial
- Facebook could create features that encourage users to have more in-depth
conversations with each other, such as discussion forums or chat rooms that
focus on specific topics. This could allow users to connect with others who share
their interests and have more meaningful conversations.

Good claim: A comprehensive financial plan should include a diversified investment

portfolio to minimize risk and maximize returns.
Reason: This claim is a good one because it highlights an important aspect of financial
planning, which is the need for diversification in investment portfolios. By spreading
investments across different asset classes and industries, investors can reduce the impact of
any single investment performing poorly, thereby minimizing risk. At the same time, by
carefully selecting investments, investors can maximize returns over the long term. This
claim is supported by research and is widely accepted among financial planners and
investment experts.
Claim that needs improvement: While diversification can help to reduce risk, it does not
guarantee maximum returns. In fact, diversification may even lead to lower returns in some
Reason: Investing in a variety of asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and
commodities, can spread out the risk of investing in a single asset class. Diversification can help
reduce the impact of market volatility on a portfolio, as different asset classes may perform
differently in different market conditions. For example, during an economic downturn, stocks
may decline, but bonds may increase in value. A diversified portfolio can help offset the losses in
one asset class with gains in another.
My revision of the claim: This is generally considered a sound recommendation in the field of
finance. However, it's important to note that there are various factors that can influence the
effectiveness of this strategy, including individual risk tolerance, investment goals, and market
conditions. Therefore, it's always advisable to consult with a financial advisor who can help
tailor a diversified investment strategy to your specific needs and circumstances. Additionally,
regular monitoring and rebalancing of the portfolio may be necessary to ensure that it continues
to align with your goals and risk tolerance.

E. Identifying Assertions
1. Fact
2. Opinion
3. Statement convention
4. Opinion
5. Fact
6. Fact
7. Fact
8. Preference
9. Statement Convention
10. Fact
F. Evaluating Assertions from the text
Statement of fact: "The national language is Tagalog and shall be the basis of the
development and enrichment of Filipino as the national language of the Philippines."

- This statement acknowledges the fact that Tagalog was already widely spoken and
understood by many Filipinos at the time and thus serves as the foundation for the
national language of the Philippines.

Statement of Convention: This is the use of Tagalog, or the national language, as the basis for
the development of a standardized Filipino language.
- In his policies, Quezon emphasized the importance of promoting and preserving the
Filipino language as a means of uniting the diverse peoples of the Philippines and
creating a sense of national identity.
Statement of Opinion:
- The statement of opinion in his speech is that the other peoples of the world are
straining themselves to attain higher levels of progress and national security.
Statement of preference:
- The statement of this is about Manuel L. Quezon's speech.

G. Formulating Counterclaims

The claim in the text: The claim was that the Filipino language needed to be regenerated and
developed as a national language. Quezon argued that the Filipino language had been
suppressed and neglected during the Spanish colonial period and needed to be revived to foster
a sense of national identity and unity among Filipinos.
Reason: The reason for this claim was to promote national unity and strengthen the country's
sense of identity. Quezon believed that a common language would help bridge the gap between
different regions and ethnic groups in the Philippines and foster a sense of pride and unity
among Filipinos. He also saw the development of a national language as a way to assert the
country's independence from colonial powers and establish its own cultural identity.
My counterclaim: My counterclaim to this policy might be that it could be seen as favoring one
language over others and could potentially create divisions among different linguistic groups in
the country. Additionally, some people might argue that the promotion of Tagalog as a national
language could lead to the neglect or marginalization of other languages and dialects spoken in
the Philippines.

Reason: However, proponents of the policy argue that promoting a common language can help
bridge cultural and linguistic divides and foster a sense of national unity. They also argue that
Tagalog is already widely spoken and understood in many parts of the country and therefore
makes sense as a choice for a national language. Ultimately, the debate around language policy
in the Philippines is complex and multifaceted, with many different perspectives and

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