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Egnellach Island

By Matthew Bond
A s I stretch out of my ocean
bed suddenly remember that
day it is, it’s the fourth day
of March, which means it’s the
Egnellach Games which is only held
every ten centuries. I swim to the
surface in about ten strokes and look
at the island. There it is, the place
where I’m going to compete again. I
say “happy days, happy days.” I pull
through the water, it’s warm and
relaxing. I can see Zeus the Greek
god of the sky floating down from
above and I can see Snoozy the king
of koalas slowly drifting over. I can
already smell the sweet fairy floss
that they’re selling and then I think
about how much excitement there’s
going to be.
Time has passed since I have got out of bed and now I
begin the journey to the top of Egnellach. I climb up the
rocks, they’re slippery and wet. Hang on a second, it
never rains on Egnellach! I must inform Zeus! A few
minutes later I get to the top of the rocks and now it’s
snowing! This is absolutely unbelievable,” I shout,
“why is the weather going wrong today? It’s always
cloudy but never anything else!”
An hour of searching passed and still Zeus was nowhere
to be seen. He wasn’t near the stadiums, the food stores
or the play areas. I knew I saw Zeus when I was
swimming so why would he disappear when the
weather was like this? I could tell that something wasn’t
right. “Attention, attention everyone, Zeus can’t be
found so I’m going to make a search party. I need
people that can fly” I shouted. “I can, I can” the crowd
called. “SHUSH, I’m choosing Robo-Guy since he’s
helpful and Hydra because he’s a very dangerous seven
headed reptilian. So Robo guy get the hydra into the
clouds and put a camera on hydra’s seven necks” I
A minute or two later Robo guy lifted the hydra into the
clouds. ‘Everyone peer at the screens’ I shouted. ‘There
he is’ I announced, as I saw what was on the screens
“what, he’s in chains! Ares free him now.” I saw Ares
the god of war sprint up into the clouds. ‘Be safe Zeus’
I whisper.
About an hour later everyone was saying ‘Welcome
back Zeus.” Now everyone is now shaking his hand and
asking why he disappeared but he couldn’t answer.
“Attention, attention everyone” everyone hushed in
await “as god of the sky and the leader of Egnellach I
officially declare the Egnellach games open’ Zeus
announced. Everyone went crazy and you have to
remember each of our heads are about hundred
thousand kilometres from the ground and weigh about
one million kilograms! Now that’s big. I saw the
Evissma aquatic centre, the Rief arena and the Lyreb
Tennis Centre. The cold freezing breeze shocked me as
I stampeded through the gates with the non-stopping
sprinters. There, I’ve finally got there.
A day of wandering past and it is now nine pm so I
walk about a kilometre or two to the shed. ‘Now where
is my elevator?’ I question myself ‘oh, there it is.’ As I
got into the elevator a computerised voice boomed
‘hello Posiedon god of the sea and my master, would
you like to go to your apartment’ , ‘Please Siri don’t
shock me ever again, but yes I would love to go to my
apartment’, ‘ Yes master’ the voice finished.
A few minutes later I reached the front of my
apartment, number two million, three hundred and
forty-eight thousand, five hundred and one, next to my
brothers Hades’ and Zeus’s homes because my home is
the ocean. I stepped inside and instantly I made the
shower turn on and jumped into it. ‘Cold, getting
warmer, even warmer, warm, o this is soooooo boiling
and relaxing, ahhhhh.’ I spring out, get some new
clothes on and get ready to go to the opening night of
the games.
A few minutes later I arrive at the games square and I
spot Zeus making his way through the crowd to the
front of the parade. I peer up towards the massive
billboard it read “tomorrow we have athletics and
surfing, to enter please inform your elevator, ENTRIES
STILL OPEN.” “Great I have to talk to Siri” I
mumbled. “Excuse me superhuman, tomorrow we will
have the surfing and athletics first and second rounds, to
enter please ask your elevator controller and that’s all I
have to say so please all have a nice sleep” Zeus
finished. I could hear everyone saying their goodbyes
and farewells as I strolled back to my elevator.
It striked eleven when I finally got to my elevator. I
sprang into it, “I’m ready for you to speak Siri” I
sighed. “ Thank you Posiedon, my master, now what
was I going to say umm oh yeah would you like to
compete in surfing again, or would you like to give the
athletics a go.” “Are you serious you have been asking
this question for about three thousand years?” “Ok I’ll
sign you up for surfing but next time I really think that
you should give athletics a try. Processing, processing
all done. You’ve successfully been accepted and the
draw is coming out tonight.” “Thanks for that” I
A countless amount of minutes passed and finally I
reached my apartment. As I entered the front room I ran
to the TV remote on the couch and I pressed the on
button, it came up with Athletics and Surfing so I
pressed Surfing then I saw the draw. I was versing
Hercules, I knew that this will be a very close battle, but
I think I’ll get through this first round.
Days passed and today was my day where I would play
Hercules in the first round. But that wasn’t all, also
today I would find who the second round opponent for
either of us would be. I waited in my apartment for
today’s schedule to come out. It took until nine am for
me to find the schedule and find what time I’m playing.
“Ok” I told myself “it’s in an hour.” I rang the manager
to say that I would be there in half an hour’s time. That
half an hour passed as I reached the manager’s desk and
took my surf board. Which means I’ll have to reach the
Mediterranean in half an hour.
“And Ice Kings the winner” the administrator boomed
as the crowd cheered. “But wait now we have the
defending champion and the god of the sea as we all
know it, please welcome Posiedon.” The crowd was
louder than ever as I stepped onto the shore. “And his
opponent today is a demigod that has achieved so much
also welcome Heracles” hardly anyone cheered as he
joined me.
A few minutes later we were ready to go “On your
marks, GO” and I sprinted for the water and straight
away I cast a massive wave which washed out Heracles.
“What a wave made by Posiedon” he said as the crowd
started to cheer formidably loudly. I was out deep
enough for a small wave so I decided to keep going
further and further and finally I got an enormous wave.
As I got ready I could see Heracles struggling to keep
up. I absolutely shot towards the beach “this is a rocket”
I shouted “Yee-ha.” “And the winner is Posiedon” the
administrator was saying “he performed an excellent
amount of skill.”
That afternoon as I arrived back at my hotel, I was so
proud of myself for doing so well in my first round I
nearly forgot to look up at who I was up against in the
second round. So I turned on the television and a few
seconds later I realised that I would be up against Ice
Three days of fun had passed and today I knew it
wouldn’t be as good as yesterday. I felt sick and at
eleven am I would take on the Ice King who smashed
his first round. I just knew that after today if I didn’t
come out on top I would be living under the ocean
again all alone and sick until next year’s games. I just
couldn’t lose!
It was now eleven and I am still sick and tired as for a
second time I heard the crowd booming and the
administrator announcing. I snatched my surfboard off a
volunteer and got ready to jump into the water. ”On
your marks, GO!” the administrator screamed.” Ice
King leaped and iced all of what was in front of me.
“And Ice King is off to a rock ‘in start” the
administrator booms. I make a huge wave that turns the
ice to shards, but he’s getting in front of me. OMG I
should have thought of this earlier! I disappeared under
the water’s surface. “Where has Posiedon gone?” the
administrator exclaimed. “There are Ice King’s feet” I
said. “No! He’s catching a wave,” I say underwater. So
I swam up and caught up to him “This is a critical
moment” I said to myself, “But I’m nearly there.”
Suddenly Ice King threw an ice ball straight at me and I
knew that I was done for. “I can’t believe this, this is
unbelievable, Ice King Wins!” the administrator
announces and the crowd roars wild as I get the
hopeless feeling come over me.
It’s Sunday and supposedly now we could sign up for
either cross country or 1v1 water polo. So this afternoon
I find myself back at my elevator and Siri booms out
again for about the twenty first time. “Master, would
you like to do water polo or cross country?” “OMG,
Siri this is the twenty-first billion time water polo, I
want to defeat everyone again.”
The deadline for the two sports was yesterday so I
looked at the draw and of cause I’m against one of
those tiny fairies Harry Potter. I’ve never seen him
since he is so small and is the size of an ylf which is a
little buzzy thing that is mostly around stinky stuff.
Suddenly a mind-boggling thought comes into my head
and it’s that I have my check-up tomorrow. I have a
check-up after every two sports that I do, last games
they made the rule that it’s compulsory to do it.

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