Section A Questions 1 To 5: Pilih Jawapan Yang Terbaik Untuk Melengkapkan Ayat Berikut

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[ 20 marks ]
Questions 1 to 5
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1. ______________you like to come with us to the library, Yazid ?

A. Will
B. Could
C. Would
D. Should

2. I think a smart phone is ____________ than a computer.

A. useful
B. as useful
C. most useful
D. more useful

3. He _______________ knows how to write _____________ read.

A. either……… or
B. either………nor
C. neither…… or
D. neither ……..nor

4. Your father is a pilot, _______________ he ?

A. is
B. isn’t
C. was
D. wasn’t

5. My grandfather took a long time to climb up the _______________ of stairs .

A. set
B. class
C. flight
D. stacks

Choose the most suitable proverb.

Pilih peribahasa yang paling sesuai.
6. You should ________________________ . If you cannot afford the expensive
watch, you
should not buy it.
A. think outside the box
B. learn to walk before you run
C. make hay while the sun shines
D. cut your coat according to your cloth

Questions 7 to 9
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisi pada tempat kosong dalam teks yang berikut.

Malaysia is a beautiful country. It is also a multiracial country. You can


Malays, Chinese, Indians, Sikhs, Kadazans and many other races living in Malaysia.

___8________ live together in harmony. The friendly people, the rich diverse culture
and the variety of food make this country a perfect destination _____9_______
tourists .

7. A find
B finds
C found
D finding

8. A We
B He
C You
D They

9. A of
B on
C at
D for

Question 10
Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.
Pilih perkataan yang sama maksud dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

10. Th soldiers fought courageously in the war .

A kindly
B bravely
C angrily
D heartedly

Question 11
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
Pilih a yat ya ng me mp unyai tanda ba ca yan g bet ul.

11 A Who has taken my dictionary? Asked Nurin.

B Who has taken my dictionary? asked Nurin.
C “Who has taken my dictionary?” asked Nurin.
D “Who has taken my Dictionary?” asked Nurin.

Questions 12 to 15

Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage.
Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisi pada tempat-tempat
Kosong dalam teks yang berikutnya.
Aidil was in the garden. He was learning to __12_______ a bicycle. Suddenly,

he lost his balance and ___13_____ off his bicycle. His parents ran towards him.

His mother carried him __ 14______ his father helped to pick up the bicycle. Aidil’s

knees were bruised and they were bleeding. He cried because it was __15 _____



12 A sit
B ride
C push
D speed

13 A fall
B fell
C falls
D falling

14 A if
B but
C while
D so

15 A -
B a
C an
D the

Question 16 to 18
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca cerita di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

It was a sunny day. Faiz and Hariz were cycling home after a football practice. They
were sweating profusely. Faiz was feeling thirsty. Their houses were just around the
corner. Suddenly, Hariz pressed on his bicycle brake.
“What’s wrong? Do you have a puncture?”asked Faiz as he slowed down his
“Someone is trying to break into Uncle Siva’s house,”said Hariz.
Faiz looked at where Hariz was pointing. At that moment, the thief had managed to
open the door of Uncle Siva’s house.
“Let’s call the police,”Faiz suggested. Hariz quickly dailled 999 on his mobile
phone. After giving the necessary details, the boys waited outside the house. There was
a motorcycle parked at the gate. It must have belonged to the thief. Faiz punctured the
back tyre.
Soon, the thief came out of the house with a backpack. The boys quickly hid behind
the bushes nearby. The thief rushed to his motorcycle but he panicked when he saw the
punctured tyre. At the same time, the police siren was heard. The thief tripped when he
was trying to run away. He was caught and taken to the nearest police station.

16. Whose house was being robbed?

A Faiz’s house.
B Hariz’s house.
C A neighbour’s house.
D A police officer’s house.
17. Hariz felt thirsty bacause .

A he had just have a race with Faiz

B one of the tyres of his bicycle was punctured
C he had cycled a long distance from the school
D the sun was shining brightly and he was sweating

18. Why was the thief not able to run away?

A He did not know where to go.

B His motorcycle had a puncture.
C The police had surrounded the house.
D The boys waited for him outside the house.

Questions 19 and 20
Read the pamphlet below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca risalah di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.


By Smart Bookstore
1 December -- 30 December
Persoda World Trade Centre
·School textbooks (Primary and secondary) --15%
·Reference books and workbooks --20%
·Children’s storybooks --30%
·Stationery --10%
·Non-fiction books -- 25%
·Register as a member of Smart Bookstore to enjoy additional discounts!
·Spend RM50 or above in a single receipt and you will get a voucher worth RM5 ( to be
used at the book fair only ).
19. The book fair is held .

A during the school holidays

B at Smart Bookstore
C to promote Smart Bookstore
D for Smart Bookstore members only

20. To get more discounts, you must .

A buy books during the book fair only

B present the RM5 voucher before paying
C have a membership card of the bookstore
D spend RM50 or above in a single receipt

[30 marks]
Question 21
Based on the given picture, give the correct answer in full sentence.
Write your answer in the space provided.
Berdasarkan gambar, berikan jawapan dalam ayat yang penuh.
Tulis jawapan anda di ruang yang disediakan.

[2 marks]


[2 marks]

[2 marks]

Question 22
Read the dialogue below carefully and answer the questions.
Baca dialog di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut.

Dr. Mat : What is wrong with you?

Arif : I’ve a bad headache and I’m also ill.

Dr. .Mat : For how long have you been ill?

Arif : Since two days ago after I got wet in the rain.

Dr. Mat : Did you take any medicine at home?

Arif : Yes, I took two panadols yesterday and this morning.

Dr. Mat : Let me check your fever.

Arif : Alright, doctor.

Dr. Mat : Your fever is not that bad but you need some medicine.

Arif : I’m also feeling very tired.

Dr. Mat : You will have to rest for a few days. Take the medicine and

drink a lot of water.

Arif : Alrigh, doctor. Thank you.

Dr. Mat : You’re welcome. Make sure you take your medicine.

Arif : Yes, doctor and thank you again.

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.
Tanda ( / ) pada jawapan yang betul.
(a) Based on the dialogue above, where do you think Dr Mat and Arif are ?

[ 1 mark ]


You will have to rest for a few days.

Based on the statement above, Arif might be going ___________________ after

seeing Dr. Mat.
to school
to the playground
[ 1 mark ]

Write your answer the apace provided.

Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan.
( c) List two advises given by Dr. Mat to Arif.

(i) ________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) ________________________________________________ [1 mark]

( d) Do you think Arif is seriously ill?

Which sentence in the dialogue tells you this?

Answer : ____________________________________________[1 mark]

Sentence : ____________________________________________

____________________________________________ [1 mark]

( e) Why do you think Arif should follow Dr Mat’s advice?



[2 mark]

Question 23
Read the information in the notice and answer the questions that follow.
Baca informasi di notice dan jawab soalan yang berikut.


1. Wallet -- found at the canteen

2. Watch -- found at the girls’ washroom
3. Mobile phone -- found at the school hall
4. Glasses -- found at the library counter
5. A pair of track bottoms and sports shoes --found on a bench at the field
6. Pencil case -- found on a shelf outside the library contains pens,
pencils, a ruler, an eraser, and a sharpener.

 If you are the owner of any of the above items, please see
Pn Siti Binti Jaafar at the staff room.
 Items that are not claimed within a month will be donated to an

Write True or False in the space provided.

(a) The pair of glasses was found at the school
(b)The watch most probably belongs to a girl.

(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B.

List B
List A
of track bottoms at the field.
There is a set
of the items, it will be donated.
A pupil left a pair
you should see Pn Siti Binti Jaafar.
If you lost an item
of stationery found in the pencil case.
If no one claims any
[2 marks]
Write your answer in the space provided.
Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan.

(d) Name an item that pupils should not bring to school. Why?
(i) Item : [1 mark]
(ii) Reason: ____________________________

(e) Items that are not claimed within a month will be donated to an orphanage.
Do you agree? Give your reason.


[2 marks]

Questions 24 and 25
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.
Long long ago in the animal kingdom, there lived a very beautiful tigress. Her
husband, the king of the jungle, was a very humble and gentle king. Unlike him, she
was proud of her identity and looks. She refused to talk to the other animals in the
jungle. There were always friendly rabbits who often tried to greet her. But she never
greeted them. The rabbits were very upset with her behaviour.

One day after a nap, the tigress realized her children were missing. It was getting
dark and she panicked. She rushed towards the rabbits and asked them. The rabbits
replied,“What? Are you talking to us?” Hearing this, few other animals gathered
around. The tigress asked the horse if he could help her. The horse replied, “Me? No
queen, I am such a worthless animal”.She went to ask the deer for help and the deer
replied,“Did you not tell your children to stay away from an ugly animal like me?” She
started to cry aloud as no one wanted to help her.

Finally, all the animals took pity of her. The tigress cried and said“I am sorry
everyone. It’s all my fault. I should have never been so proud. I regret my actions.”

Question 24
Tick (√) the correct answer.
Tanda (√) pada jawapan yang betul.

(a) The story is about .

animals in the jungle

a tigress who lost her cubs
lost and found animals
[1 mark]
(b)“She was proud of her identity and looks”.
The phrase her identity in the passage best refers to .

the most beautiful animal in the jungle

mother to her cubs
the king’s wife
[1 mark]

Question 25
Write your answer in the space provided.
Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan.

(a) Give two words to describe the tigress.

(i) [1 mark]

(ii) [1 mark]

(b)In your opinion, do you think the animals in the jungle behaved fairly to the tigress?
Explain your answer.



marks ]

(c) It is important to be humble.

Do you agree? Why?


[2 marks]


answer for Section B

21 a - Yes, I would love to. / Yes, I agree.
- I’m sorry. I can’t join you.
( Accept any suitable answer)
b. - Try to work harder next time./
( Accept any suitable answer)
c. Father, may I go out to play ?
( Accept any suitable answer)

21. a) clinic
b) home

c) - rest for a few days

- take the medicine
- drink a lot of water
d) No, I think Arif is not seriously ill.
Your fever is not that bad but you need some medicine.
e) He should follow Dr. Mat’s advice, so that he will/would recover fast.

23 a) False
b) True

(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B.

List B
List A
of track bottoms at the field.
There is a set
of the items, it will be donated.
A pupil left a pair
you should see Pn Siti Binti Jaafar.
If you lost an item
of stationery found in the pencil case.
If no one claims any

23 d) Mobile phone / knife / ( Accept any suitable answer)

e) ( Accept any suitable answer)

24. a) a tigress who lost her cubs.

b) the king’s wife

25 a i. Proud
ii. Rude
( Accept any suitable answer)
b) ( Accept any suitable answer)
c) ( Accept any suitable answer)
Answer for Section A

No. Answer
1 C
2 D
3 D
4 B
5 C
6 D
7 A
8 D
9 D
10 B
11 C
12 B
13 B
14 C
15 B
16 C
17 D
18 B
19 A
20 C

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