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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 3, March-2019

ISSN 2229-5518

Experimental investigation on cement with

waste glass powder in pervious concrete
Anjana Pradeep, Anirudh A, Muhammad Sahil PC, Vivek PV, Dr.A. Thirumurgan M.E., Ph.D, MISTE.,MIE, FIV.

Abstract— Pervious concrete (no fine concrete) is a concrete containing little or no fine aggregate, it consists of course aggregate and ce-
ment paste. It seems pervious concrete would be a natural choice for use in structural appilications in this age of ‘green buliding’. It consumes less raw
material than the normal concrete (no sand), it provides superior insulation values when used in walls, and through the direct drainage of rainwater, it
helps recharge groundwater in pavement appilcations.
This project discuss about the pervious concrete in which the cement is partially replaced by the waste glass powder. Glass powder is one of
the most active research areas that encompass a number of disciplines including civil engineering and construction materials. Waste glass locally avail-
able and it has been collected and made into glass powder. The materials and possible mix proportions, properties such as compressive strength, flex-
ural strength, shrinkage, and permeability with initial tests are done.

Index Terms— Compressive strength, Flexural strength, Glass powder, low cost, opc cement, Pervious concrete, water cement ratio.

——————————  ——————————

Perviou s concrete is a u niqu e and effective solu - w as carried ou t for 7, 14 and 28 d ays to m easu re
tion to red u ce the ru noff from paved areas and the com pressive strength and flexu ral strength of
recharging the grou nd w ater. Perviou s concrete concrete. So the aim of the investigation is to
can u proot storm w ater m ore rapid ly than con- stu d y the behavior of perviou s concrete w hile
ventional concrete. It is d irectly recharging the replacing the w aste glass p ow d er w ith d ifferent
grou nd w ater so it elim inates the need of reten- proportions in concrete. Test resu lts have reflect-
tion pond , sw ales and storm w ater m anagem ent ed , the com pressive strength and flexu ral
d evices. It is also elim inate costly storm w ater strength achieved u p to 20% replacem ent of ce-
d etention vau lts and pip ing system s. Thu s red u ce m ent w ith w aste glass p ow d er w ill be optim u m
constru ction expenses, safety issu es and m ainte- w ithou t effecting properties of fresh and hard -
nance cost. The w aste m anagem ent problem has ened concrete.
alread y becom e severe in the w orld . The problem
is com pou nd ed by the rapid ly increasing
am ou nts of ind u strial w astes of a com plex natu re
and com position. In the context of low availabil-
ity of non-renew able energy resou rces cou pled The m ain objective of this investigation is to d e-
w ith the requ irem ents of large qu antities of ener- velop a strong and d u rable p erviou s cem ent con-
gy for bu ild ing m aterials like cem ent, the im - crete (PCC) m ix u sing d ifferent types of fine ag-
portance of u sing ind u strial w aste cannot be u n- gregates w ith varying the qu antity of fine aggre-
d erestim ated . Many research organizations are gates. In ad d ition, it is also aim ed to com pare the
d oing extensive w ork on w aste m aterials con- properties of these PCC m ixes. In the present in-
cerning the viability and environm ental su itabil- vestigation, tw o types of fine aggregates are u sed
ity. Therefore, the m ain objective of this stu d y is viz., Cru shed Stone (CS) and River Sand (RS) are
to u se w aste glass p ow d er m aterials to d evelop a u sed . The percentage of fine aggregates u sed in
perviou s concrete m ixtu re proportion and to im - PCC m ix is 15 per cent. The properties of PCC
prove the com pressive strength and flexu ral m ixes investigated are com pressive strength,
strength of perviou s concrete. Before ad d ing glass flexu ral strength, abrasion resistance, perm eabil-
pow d er in the concrete it has to be pow d ered to ity, and clogging p otential. The objectives of the
requ ired size. w ork w ou ld be:
In this research stu d y the (OPC) cem ent (i) To d eterm ine the d u rability, properties of per-
has been replaced by glass w aste pow d er accord - m eable concrete.
ingly in the range of 10% and 20% by w eight of (ii) To d eterm ine the im p act resistant of perm ea-
cem ent for 0.35 w ater/ cem ent ratio. The com - ble concrete pavem ent.
pressive strength test and flexu ral strength test (iii) To com pare the properties of perm eable con-
IJSER © 2019
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 3, March-2019
ISSN 2229-5518

crete w ith the existing concrete pavem ent. Cement

The Ord inary Portland Cem ent of 53 grad e
3 ADVANTAGES OF PERVIOUS particu lar properties
CONCRETE 1 Colou r White
1. Water bu d get retention and pollu tion 2 Specific 90 m icrons
rem oval gravity
2. Less need for storm sew er 3 Partical size 2.5
3. Green bu ild ing alternative su itable for H athi Cem ent conform ing to IS: 12269 - 1987 is
m any application been u sed . Physical p roperty and chem ical com -
4. N atu ral ru n-off allow s rainw ater to position of cem ent is as per Table 3 and Table 4.
d rain d irectly to su b-base
5. Red u ced constru ction requ irem ents for
d rainage stru ctu res Table 3:
6. Red u ced pollu tion prevents environ-
m ental d am age Physical Properties of Ordinary Portland
7. Protects stream s and lakes and allow s Cement
local vegetation to thrive properties Valu e of IS CODE :
cem ent 12269 - 1987
Specific 3.15 3.10-3.15
Waste Glass Powder Gravity

Waste Glass Pow d er is prod u ced from locally
available glass ind u stry. Before ad d ing glass Consistency 28% 30-35(%)
pow d er in the concrete it has to be pow d ered to
d esired size. Chem ical prop erties of Waste Glass Initial setting 35 m in 30 m inim u m
tim e m inu tes
Pow d er is given in Table 1 and p hysical proper-
ties of glass pow d er is given in Table 2.
Final setting 178 m in 600 m axim u m
tim e m inu tes
Table 1:
Chemical Properties of Waste Glass Pow der
Sl N o. Particulars Proportion
1. Silicon Diox- 66.56 % Table 4:
id e (SiO2) Chemical Compositions of Ordinary Portland
Cement 53 Grade (OPC)
2. Alu m inu m 01.02 % Sl .N o. Particulars Proportion
oxid e (Al2O3)
3. Potassiu m 01.06% 1. Silicon Dioxid e (SiO2) 21.77 %
Oxid e (K2O)
4. Calciu m Ox- 11.50 % 2. Alu m inu m oxid e (Al2O3) 2.59 %
id e (CaO)
5. Magnesiu m 03.02 % 3. Su lphu r Trioxid e (SO3) 02.41%
Oxid e (MgO)
6. Sod iu m Oxid e 12.32 % 4. Calciu m Oxid e (CaO) 57.02 %
(N a2O)
5. Magnesiu m Oxid e (MgO) 02.71 %
7. Boron Triox- 02.45 %
id e (B2O3)
6. Ferric Oxid e (Fe2O3) 0.65 %

Table 2: Physical Property of Waste

Glass Pow der

IJSER © 2019
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 3, March-2019
ISSN 2229-5518

Aggregate w ere cast on the m ou ld of size 150*150*150 m m

Aggregate occu pies m ost of the volu m e of the for each concrete m ix w ith p artial replacem ent of
concrete show they are the im portant constitu ents cem ent w ith a w / c ratio of 0.35. Three beam
of concrete. They give bod y to the concrete, re- sam ples w ere cast on the m ou ld of size
d u ce shrinkage and effect econom y. 100*100*500 m m for each concrete m ix w ith par-
tial replacem ent of cem ent w ith a w / c ratio of
Water 0.35. After abou t 24 hr the specim ens w ere d e-
Water is an im portant ingred ient of concrete as m ou ld ed and w ater cu ring w as continu ed till the
it actu ally p articip ates in the chem ical reaction respective specim ens w ere tested after 7, 14 and
w ith cem ent. Since it helps to from the strength 28 d ays for com pressive strength test and flexu ral
giving cem ent gel, the qu antity and qu ality of strength test.
w ater are requ ired to be looked into very
carefu lly. Compressive Strength (IS: 516 – 1959):
Com pressive strength tests w ere perform ed
on com pression testing m achine u sing cu be sam -
3 MIX DESIGN ples. Three sam ples per batch w ere tested w ith
The m ix proportion by u sing glass w aste the average strength valu es reported in this p a-
pow d er. For the d esign m ix aggregate content is per. The com parative stu d ies w ere m ad e on each
1500 kg/ m 3 and Cem ent: Aggregate ratio 1:4 is concrete m ix for 0.35. W/ C ratio of partial re-
kept constant. placem ent of cem ent w ith glass w aste as 10% and
Table 6:

Mix proportion of concrete using glass pow der
Flexural Strength (IS: 516 – 1959):
for 1m Flexu ral strength tests w ere perform ed on flexu r-
al testing m achine u sing beam sam ples. Three
mix Aggre- Ce- W/C Ce- sam ples per batch w ere tested w ith the average
gate ment ratio mentious strength valu es reported in this p aper. The flex-
content con- material u ral stu d ies w ere m ad e on each concrete m ix for
tent 0.35. W/ C ratio of partial rep lacem ent of cem ent
M0.35 1500 375 0.35 0% w ith glass w aste as 10% and 20%.
Mix-1 337.5 10% Table 8:
Mix-2 300 20% Comperssive Strength of Cube (150×150×150) at
7, 14, 28 days.
Table 7: Con- W/ % of Average compres-
D esign Mix using glass pow der cret C Replace- sive strength
Concrete D esign Mix Proportions (kg/m3) mix ra- place- 7 14 28
Mix W/C Quantity required tio ment days days day
ratio Ce- Ag- Glass w ater Of ce- s
ment gre- pow - ment
gate der M 0.35 0.35 0% 07.1 08.30 9.42
M0.3 0.35 375 1500 0 131.5 3
5 Mix-1 10% 09.2 10.40 11.6
Mix- 337.5 37.5 1 8
1 Mix-2 20% 10.2 11.51 12.7
Mix- 300 75 1 3

The evalu ation of glass w aste for u se as a re-
placem ent of cem ent m aterial begins w ith the
concrete testing. Perviou s concrete contains ce-
m ent, w ater, coarse aggregate and glass w aste. In
perviou s concrete 10% and 20% of the cem ent is
replaced w ith glass w aste. Three cu be sam ples

IJSER © 2019
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 3, March-2019
ISSN 2229-5518

u ral strength of concrete, the follow ing ob-

servations are m ad e:
[1] W/ C ratio is increase respectively com -
pressive strength and flexu ral strength of
perviou s concrete is increase.

[2] The Com pressive Strength of Perviou s

Concrete is increases w hen the replacem ent
of Cem ent w ith Glass Pow d er u p to 20% re-
places by w eight of Cem ent.

[3] The Flexu ral Strength of Perviou s Con-

crete is increases w hen the replacem ent of
Cem ent w ith Glass Pow d er u p to 20% re-
places by w eight of Cem ent.
Table 9:

Flexural Strength of Beams (100x100x500)

at 7, 14 and 28 D ays
We can u se 25 m m aggregate size for fu tu re
Con W/C % of stu d y or analysis. Perviou s concrete is a sp e-
cret ratio Replace- Average flexural cial type of concrete w ith a high porosity
mix place- strength u sed for concrete p avem ent ap plications that

ment allow s w ater from precipitation and other
Of ce- 7 14 28 sou rces to pass d irectly throu gh it, thereby
ment day day day red u cing the ru noff from a site and allow ing
grou nd w ater recharge
M 0.35 0.35 0% 1.40 1.65 1.85


M-1 10% 2.05 2.30 2.59 We express ou r heartfelt thanks to Mr.A.KUMAR

M.E, (Ph.D.). H ead of the d epartm ent, JCT Col-
lege of engineering and technology, for his en-
cou ragem ent and su p port in carrying ou t ou r
M-2 20% 2.65 3.10 3.47
project w ork.We w ou ld like to extend thanks to
ou r gu id e Dr. A.TH RUMURGAN Ph.D., prof.
d epartm ent of civil engineering, JCT College of
engineering and technology, for his encou rag e-
m ent and valu able gu id ance in carrying ou t ou r
project w ork.We also express ou r thanks to ou r
parents, friend s, and w ell-w isher for their en-
cou ragem ent and best w ishes in su ccessfu l com -
pletion of this project.

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ISSN 2229-5518

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