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VF) Vector Spaces- Let VY and ff be non- em ce. Then Vi Called a Vedtor- Space oven Ff the Followi axioms hold for alt uv and wo in Vo and fer all C, Ain FF. WW u¢v EV —> closure under add” Qi) utvs ¥tu —> Comrmutafivi Wi) (U4) 4e0 = ut (ted) > Assoclattvity Qo there exist -ztho veebr (Co) in V gueh that oto=fu. } WW) fer each ou in V, thee tan element --— =W_inV such that 4 ut(Cu)=0, | Qi) cue V —> closure undler multiplication (vii) eCut ¥)= cat cv (itl) (etd) uz cutdu Cn c(du)= _(Ced)u («) do ost ¢ 1¢F) The elements \ ove called) vechys, and elements +t owe called Scalas. Y The seal numbers is a vector spare aver tea) numbers. RR), @) The IR? (plane) yy olso gg ~—vechy space over Seal numbena ROR). @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ® The Rr" ( Euclidean Space) iS also a veck+ Space Over seal nurbess Re) 4) The Aet of Sreal numbers te rot @ Vechyspace Over complex numbers, (5) The tek oof eal numbeu ua veer Space coves datonal — numberu R@) 9) The cet of all mxn matiee (having. ene seal no. or complex 0. ) forms a Vechr Spee with th usual operation of matnx addition ard Scalar rou (h plicotion oves — breal. oY complex — numbers, ® Let PL, dente the set of all of clegvee 2 or — les with Define addition and Scalar as Fo ous.’ 4H bol= act yx + ax? L ogtx)= bot bixt bax fool nomials Srea| coe} a multi blicahon rl are. ‘nl P ony pod + qf) = (Qetbs) + Carter )xt Cart br) x2 . has oleg ree at most 2 ome os 4f oe a ealar , then ive C PO)= cart Cart carx® 2, ales ary in PB. The Set Pr Halo a Vector Space : OVEN teal numbers, @ scanned with OKEN Scanner dn gereral : for og "t fixed neo , the sek Pr of all palynorn’ als of degree (ey Han or equal “Yo ng verter Spore. (@ “The set ZB of Frtequu wk dhe ysuel Oberochons is not a ~ vector pace over R. (s 4 @)= 4 ¢€ al. (0 The set of Complex numbery with their usual operations forms a vector Space oves heal numbers and over complex numbers | beth. ECR), £4). dy. Th bp prime, the set Zp over Fp Ysa vector Space for all n®I. — 4peqo02, - -- py a@,b = ath, if atb

bp. Ca =) Ga if, cacp = p- nce if cap. ee Subset Woof 7 vector Space NA) Subspae : called a. Subspare + Vif bast rtaelf a —_wector_ Space voith oa addition 4- Scalar mult plication a sh not a vectr space ove the fied R with Srespecf to Hy , operation of vector — addition = @ib) + Card) = Catcibid) ard Scalay > multplicahon k (aib) = Cha,b), Closure undeh Adletiblon, Commutadvity , Assoc,'a- stiri » _ additve Tdentity ard additive Prvene, a Same as dhe previow Quaton. [ Since qe operation i Same J. eee _Wi) Let he Ro 2 Casb) © JR2 = then 4 Ia (ab) = (hab) 2s closure arden Scolar haul plication held. “a... - 3 Mu) Let ee R, (ath), Cord) © IR* then a R{caib)+ Crd) 1 = Rate, btaJ a = [Rlt), bid) = [leat he , btd} a _ _= (ray) + Che, A) a = R(aby+ kad . u uM ) RGD Lek (a), 2) ER Pu = ay) ] = (G+d)L, 1) ) Biphae @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner = (40 +@) = (e4d 2) & Re Hence dishibutive propedy failed. The giver proklesn? dot a Vector Space Exarrfle ¢ Sulospacu Qu Sh We b be) wm i. Cr; Kfar 79) (ab EIR] A gubspace | / ! a] Given ar We {(aibo) [abe my ' Te Shows that Wo us a Subspang Va R3CIR). { Ler uve Wat US Corby) 1 V= Ceidyo) ath ade gp ) wae have “ipeR | Wut Bes X(aib,0) + [cid,0) = Rarabo)+ Cpe, Bdyo) = (wat pe, xbtpd jo) Cw = yutpy Cw Heme Wooo spe wo verter Spas tM, oreo 1b, CG; + Sdatpe cp, wb pden @ scanned with OKEN Scanner QA Show bab won of. 4u0 Stubs pare i Vectorepace need not be tapi yf seer eee waton 00 Subs p nt 2 vcr) not e. Subspaer gp vWF), if RR be a field 44 Seal Numbeu . then — Wie d(or. 2)! ZERI — Were 4 (or yee JER glows) Ant seo Subspacer of RICK) we howe _ C0,0,3) © Wy and (01 5,0) € We ~ Buk (0101 3) + Cor 5,0) = (01513) € Wee, Sol sO ey OL." Since nether (0) 5,3) EW, nor (018, 3) EW2. hw WVU We vw not closed Under veatoy —addlékt on, : Hexre W UW, vy rot ae urbs pace of Vg CIR) = RS CR), Quy, _ Discuss _ohether or wot IR? ye Subspace af IR? t Aol! Since RY not a Bubsed R3 we Tt will not be 8 gus pare sack SPS IA @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner Guy let C be te ari ‘te all Conbnuowd Seah valued = Panctons and let D be she Set a oeechetle veol- valued funchions agin on IR, 4 Shows that ard Dare Scbspeeny aos veetor space 4 all real ~ Valued -Punchor Ah ofc on R wl C= set 4} al} cfs Seal valued frs om RK, Foo, gex) €C = tex) and ge) are cominuovu function om R. We" Rnowo that, Sum “ fe00 Cant ord” vale wa tondvuow. hts) 4 feo) a eC. To we mulhpl an Constant. (c ER), ton 4 conbnuous fein teak ca SHIA Confinous, efx) 6 Coo Js pede 2s 4 Subspace of Ea @) Dm set gf an atthe. real valued Ft mR fo, 90) 2D. 2 fot) and 7a as dM thle Peanction mR. ed pe nous hab, Sure 4 two aifftble _ Ferchion uh PP Be Po fod t god ey @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Sincilar| if ceR Tether c foo & ), Hecee. DB uw oa Subs p ace of e. Gy Ts Wea Subspace of A? — where W tr set of all yratatces of form [a at] 1 and ° b ‘ol Roo dh ge “ manic es of orden 2% 2, W= . c h i[s atl. a, be ny ULL Si Subset 34 A. Nous, =f al, ve Ww __Ie. us fas aH] ys fo. at) Loo by ° boa uivs far ely +f a2 atl ° by ° br = fades Geren] loa 9 bi tba oe ee EE BU a a Biel lath = nei a Sobipace of A. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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