(X) Captioned Television As Comprehensible Input. Effects of Incidental Word Learning From Context For Language Minority Students

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Captioned Television as Comprehensible Input: Effects of Incidental Word Learning from

Context for Language Minority Students

Author(s): Susan B. Neuman and Patricia Koskinen
Source: Reading Research Quarterly, Vol. 27, No. 1 (Winter, 1992), pp. 94-106
Published by: Wiley on behalf of the International Reading Association
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/747835 .
Accessed: 21/06/2014 21:22

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Susan B. Neuman
Temple University, Philadelphia

Patricia Koskinen
University of Maryland, College Park

Captioned television as comprehen

input: Effects of incidental word
learning from context
for language minority students

anguageacquisitionhas been describedas a sub- and may have little insight into the fact that print is
conscious process, taking place informally in the meaningful and that written language is different from
context of functional language use (Chomsky, 1975; speech. Thus, many of these children may be "con-
Halliday, 1975). Hence, language acquirers are not usu- fronted by nonsense" (Smith, 1977) in the task of read-
ally aware of the fact that they are learning language. ing in a second language (L2), since there is no way for
It has been argued that a similar subconscious proc- them to relate the printed symbols to a known phenom-
ess occurs when a person is acquiring competence in a enon. This suggests that there is an interaction between
second language (Krashen, 1982; 1985). Children de- children's conceptual-linguistic knowledge and what
velop in a second language by focusing on the meaning, may be defined as comprehensible input.
not on the form or grammar,of the message. Thus, In addition to these cognitive influences, the moti-
according to one theory, they acquire the second lan- vation to learn and to identify with members of the L2
guage by understanding messages or by receiving "com- group appears to be an important determinant in suc-
prehensible input" (Krashen, 1985). Stimulated just by cessful second language acquisition (Cummins, 1986;
exposure to oral and written language in and out of Trueba, 1987, 1989). Fearing failure, some children may
school, children are thought to acquire language and construct an "affective filter,"or defense system, which
literacy incidentally without formal instruction, using prevents them from utilizing the input they might re-
the language they already know and cues from their ceive for language acquisition (Krashen, 1985). In order
environment (Elley & Mangubhai, 1983; Krashen, to lower the filter, Krashen suggests that language pro-
1989). grams must be highly motivating, nonevaluative, and
Whether or not the amount of input strongly influ- designed to involve children in ways that cause them
ences the acquisition of reading skills, however, is parti- temporarily to "forget" that they are hearing or reading
ally a function of the type of competence children bring another language.
to their second language. For example, Cummins (1979) Considering the range of children's conceptual-
argues that if children's vocabulary-concept knowledge linguistic knowledge, differences in motivation to
in their first language (L1) is limited, they may have learn, and the influence of such differences on acquisi-
great difficulty assimilating decontextualized language tion of input (Cummins, 1979), we proposed in this


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Captionedtelevisionas "comprebensible
input":Effectsof incidentalwordlearningfrom context
A WELL knowntheoryarguesthatcompetencein a secondlanguage(L2)is a functionof the amountof "comprehensible
input"received,withoutformalinstructionin readingor grammar. Thisstudyanalyzeswhethercomprehensible inputvia
of sciencevocabularyandconcepts.The129 bilingualseventhandeighthgraders
wereassignedto fourgroups:(a) captionedTV,(b) TV,(c) readingalongandlisteningto text,or (d) textbookonly(control).
Treatment groupseitherviewedor readthreeunitsof sciencesegmentsfromthe3-2-1Contactscienceseriestwicea weekfor
12 weeks.Pretestsevaluated andpriorknowledge;
vocabulary posttestsanalyzedknowledgeof 90 targetwordsanda written
in the closed-captioning
retelling.Subjects groupoutscoredothersin wordknowledgeandrecallof information. An analysis
of factorssuggestedthatcontextsprovidingexplicitinformationyieldedhighervocabularygains.Subjectsmoreproficientin
Englishlearnedmorewordsfromcontextthanothers.Theseresultssuggestthatcomprehensible inputmaybe a keyingredi-
ent in languageacquisitionandreadingdevelopment.

Lessous-titresa la tldvision en tant que "inputcomprbensible": les effetsd'un apprentissage

verterincidenten contexte
UNETHEORIE bienconnuesoutientquela competence en languedeux(L2)est fonctiondumontantd' "inputcomprehensible,"
sansenseignement formalen lectureou en grammaire. Cetterechercheexaminesi l'inputcomprehensible, sousformede sous-
titresa la tll'vision,peutavoirun effetsurl'acquisition et la connaissance
du vocabulaire des conceptsscientifiques. Les129
elevesbilingues de septiemeet huitibme annie ont ete dans
repartis quatregroupes:(a)tllevision avec sous-titres,(b)tllevision,
(c) lecturecontinueet &coute du texte,(d)manueluniquemente contrble).Les lelvesdesgroupesa-contvu ou ont lu
troisunitesdes programmes de la seriescientifique3-2-1 Contact,deuxfois parsemainependant12 semaines.Avantchaque
uniteon a administre destestsde vocabulaireet de connaissances Apresle traitement
anterieures. on a administre desmesuresde
connaissance de 90 mots-cibles,ainsiqueun rapport&crit.Lessujetsdu groupeavecsous-titres depassent autrespourla
connaissance desmotset pourl'information Lescontextesquiprocurent
scientifique. uneinformation expliciteontproduisedes
gainssuperieurs Ceuxquisontle pluscompotents
de vocabulaire. en anglaisapprennentplusde motsitpartirdu contexte.Un
inputcomprehensible, peutetreun 6lment centraldansl'acquisition dulangageet le dbveloppement de la lecture.

La televisibnsubtituladacomo "inputcomprensible":Losefectosde aprendizajeincidentaldel

UNATEORIA muyconocidasostienequela competencia en unasegundalengua(L2)es una funci6nde la cantidadde "input
comprehensible," sininstrucci6n formalen lecturao gram~itica.
Esteestudioanalizala influenciade uninputcomprehensible en
formade televisi6n sobrela adquisici6n
subtitulada, de vocabularioy conocimiento conceptual sobreciencia.Los129estudiantes
bilingiiesde s eptimoy octavogradofueronasignados a quatrogrupos:(a)televisi6nsubtitulada,(b)televisi6n,(c) leermientras
se escuchael textoo (d) librode textofinicamente (grupocontrol).Losestudiantes de los gruposa-c mirarono leyerontres
unidadesde fragmentos de las seriesde ciencia3-2-1 Contact,dos vecespor semanadurante12 semanas.Se administraron
pretestsde vocabulario y de conocimientos previos.A continuaci6nse administraronmedidasde vocabulario (90 palabras)y un
relatoescrito.Lossujetosdelgrupode televisi6n subtituladasuperaron,tantoen conocimiento de palabras comoen la recupera-
ci6nde informaci6n sobreciencia.Unanilisissugiri6quelos contextosqueproveeninformaci6n explicitapermitenmayores
logrosen vocabulario. Losestudiantes maiscompetentes en ingls aprendieron maispalabrasa partirdel contexto.El input
comprehensible puedeconstituir un ingredienteclaveen la adquisici6n
dellenguajey el desarrollode la lectura.

Fernsebenmit Untertitelnals "verstindlicherInput":Effektevon kontextvermitteltem

beilzufigen Wortlernen
EINEBEKANNTE Theoriebesagt,daigdieBeherrschung derZweitsprache eineFunktion derMenge"verstiindlichenInputs"ist,
derohneformalenLese-oderGrammatikunterricht aufgenommen wird.Dievorliegende ob
Inputin Formvon Filmmit Untertiteln den Erwerbvon naturwissenschaftlichem Vokabular und konzeptuellem Wissen
Siebt-undAchtkliissler mit:(a)FilmmitUntertiteln,
arbeiteten (b)FilmohneUntertitel,
(c)HOren und
vonTextenoder(d)nurLesebuch Versuchsgruppen
(Kontrollbedingung). (a-c)sahenoderlasenzweimalwichentlich12
Wochen langdreiEinheiten Ausschnitte
naturwissenschaftlicher derSerie3-2-1Contact.VorjederEinheitwurdeneinVokabeltest
und ein Vorwissen-Test nachherwurdenVokabelteste
durchgefiihrt; sowieeine schriftliche
(90 Zielwi6rter), Nacherzihlung
durchgefiihrt. in der Untertitel-Gruppe die anderenin Wortwissen
iibertrafen sowieder Erinnerungna-
turwissenschaftlicher Kontexte,die expliziteInformationen lieferten,fiihrtenzu besseremVokabelerwerb.
Weiterhin SchillermehrWortervomjeweiligen
lerntendiejenigen Kontext,dieiiberbessereEnglischkenntnisse Die
Befundelegennahe,daI derverstlindliche im Spracherwerb
InputeineSchliisselfunktion undderLeseentwicklunghat.


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study that captioned television, as a multisensory, television might affect bilingual students' acquisition of
largely entertaining medium, might be an important vocabulary and conceptual knowledge. The purpose of
instructional resource in learning vocabulary and con- this study was threefold. The first purpose was to inves-
cepts. Captions are subtitles that can be seen only on tigate the incidental acquisition of word meanings in
television sets equipped with a special electronic tele- context for bilingual students who exhibited a range of
caption decoder. Although telecaption decoders were conceptual-linguistic knowledge. Given the combina-
originally developed for the hearing impaired, market- tion of visual (pictures and words) and auditory (speech
ing studies suggest that over half of the decoders are and sound effects) stimuli, we predicted that students of
sold to the hearing population and that many pur- varying levels of English proficiency would learn the
chasers are immigrant families (National Captioning meanings of many new words as they watched (and
Institute, 1989). read) programs without any formal vocabulary instruc-
There are several reasons to believe that captioned tion. Our first analysis was designed to examine
television might especially benefit bilingual students. whether captioned television might provide compre-
First, television's combination of pictures and sounds hensible input in comparison with other media. To
might help children establish relationships between assess this possibility, we investigated differences
words and meanings. Blosser (1988), for example, re- among four conditions: (a) captioned television, (b)
ported a positive relationship between television view- traditional television viewing without captions, (c) read-
ing and reading comprehension scores for Hispanic ing along and listening to text, and (d) textbook only. A
students, albeit for those children with some English second purpose of the study was to identify the combi-
proficiency. nation of word-related and video-related variables that
Second, the entertaining qualities of television contributed to any vocabulary gains found among the
make it a somewhat easier medium to access than text; captioning group. Finally, a third purpose of the study
L children generally perceive themselves to be highly was to examine the relationship between students' lin-
successful in processing its messages (Salomon, 1984). guistic proficiency in English and their learning of vo-
Anecdotal evidence (Larsen-Freeman, 1983) suggests cabulary through comprehensible input.
that L2 students hold similar beliefs about television,
which might help in minimizing fear of failure in learn-
ing. A third reason to expect benefits from captioned Method
TV is that when appropriate content is used, viewing
can be a cognitively active experience (Anderson & Subjects
Collins, 1988; Neuman, 1989, 1990, 1991), engaging One hundred and twenty-nine bilingual seventh
children in making meaningful predictions of new vo- and eighth graders from 17 classrooms in a middle
cabulary and content as they watch for entertainment. school participated in the study. The sample, represent-
Rice and Woodsmall (1988), for example, using two 6- ing the largest concentration of Southeast Asians on the
minute animated shows, found that preschoolers East Coast of the U.S., consisted of 72% Cambodian,
tended to engage in rapid on-line processing of new 10% Laotian, 2% Vietnamese, and 16% Hispanic stu-
words with instantaneous attribution of meaning. dents. Identified by a community needs assessment as
Finally, preliminary evidence on the impact of an "at risk" target population, the children were at least
captioning indicates that the technology may be partic- 2 to 3 years below grade level as measured by grade
ularly effective for special populations of hearing audi- performance (no formal reading assessments were ad-
ences. Koskinen, Wilson, Gambrell, andJensema (1987) ministered by the school district), 79% were on free or
reported significant differences in word recognition and reduced lunch status, indicating family financial need,
oral reading skills between learning disabled students and 69% were refugees (39% arriving in the first wave
who viewed TV with captions and those who read the in the early 1980s; 61% since 1985). Some of these
print text of captions without TV. In initial studies with students had received sporadic education in refugee
ESLadult students, Price (1984) reported that captions camps, according to family accounts; a small number
improved vocabulary and comprehension. Markham were reported to be entirely new to any formal educa-
(1989) also found improvement in listening comprehen- tional system.
sion. The multisensory characteristics of captioned Upon entrance in the school system, each student
television seemed to allow bilingual students to view was given the IDEA Oral English Proficiency Test (IPT,
words in meaningful and stimulating contexts. 1982). A criterion-referenced test, the IPT assesses four
To explore this issue in greater depth, we examined areas of English proficiency: vocabulary, comprehen-
whether comprehensible input in the form of captioned sion, syntax, and verbal expression. An analysis of con-

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Captioned television 97

tent validity by the IPT authors indicated that the test the sake of comprehensibility, presenting first the de-
covered a representative sample of language items. Us- scription of the concept and then a specific example
ing test-retest procedures, the IPT authors found that (see Appendix for sample text). None of the texts in-
reliability ranged from .86 to .96. Scores from this test cluded any pictorial information.
indicated that 77 students in our sample were at the The most difficult words from each segment were
mastery level (MEP),23 were fluent (FEP), 26 were lim- selected independently by five judges. Words for which
ited (LEP),and 3 were nonEnglish speakers (NEP). four out of the five judges agreed became target words.
All students were enrolled in various configura- These words were then pilot-tested for visual word
tions (depending on their subject needs) of a transi- familiarity on a bilingual sample of 30 Southeast Asian
tional bilingual program. In this type of program L1 is seventh and eighth graders in a different school. Using a
used as an instructional medium when needed in cer- modification of Johnson and Pearson's listen and locate
tain subjects; students are mainstreamed to L2 as soon task (1984), the teacher read a word and students iden-
as sufficient skills allow them to follow instruction in tified the target word among four other distractors. Out
the language. Students in the sample all attended bilin- of a total of 120 words, 90 target words were selected,
gual classes in their L1 in science. These classes were 10 for each segment. These words included 54 nouns,
heterogeneously grouped, containing children of vary- 23 verbs, 12 adjectives, and 1 adverb. The target words
ing ability levels. The number of subjects in each class- and a description of the segments are shown in Table 1.
room varied from a high of 22 to a low of 6. Five
teachers participated in the study. Measures
Pretests. For each unit of instruction, two pretests
were developed. Using guidelines suggested by
To explore the effects of learning words in context, Anderson and Freebody (1983) and Nagy, Herman, and
we selected television segments from 3-2-1 Contact, a Anderson (1985), we measured vocabulary knowledge
Children's Television Workshop science production with a checklist vocabulary test prior to each science
designed for a target audience of 8 to 12-year-olds. This unit. Students were to indicate after reading each word
series was selected for its motivational presentation of
silently whether they knew the meaning of the word by
scientific concepts, its special appeal to girls and minor-
circling yes or no. Nonwords were used to adjust for
ities, and its magazine format, which offered flexibility guessing. The checklist tests used in this study con-
in selecting scientific content most appropriate to the tained 120 items in the following categories: (a) 30 gen-
seventh and eighth grade curricula. eral vocabulary words representing a range of words
We screened 40 segments of 5-8 minutes, then gave chosen from Dupuy's (1974) list of 123 general vocabu-
them to a panel of three subject-area specialists to re-
lary words, (b) 15 decoding distractors (e.g., giraves,
view on the basis of three criteria: relevance of science
tomato), (c) 15 pseudoderivatives (e.g., defeatous,
concept to curriculum, comprehensibility, and interest. aunthood), (d) 15 nonwords (e.g. behart, yaldo), and
Nine segments were selected by consensus. These were
(e) 30 target words. Three checklist tests were devel-
clustered into three separate 3-week science units on
oped, one for each science unit.
survival, protection, and breathing. A prior knowledge test was constructed to assess
Three formats for each segment were created. In students' conceptual knowledge of the science material
one format, segments were captioned. Subtitles, with about to be presented in each unit. This test contained
minimally edited language, appeared on the bottom line nine multiple-choice questions with four options. Di-
of the screen at a speed of 120 words per minute. In the rections were to circle all correct options, with more
second format, the segments were seen without cap- than one answer possible for each item. Students could
tions. In the third format, texts were written on the score a total of 15 on the test.
basis of the captioned scripts. These texts provided
equivalent conceptual information with the same vo- Posttests. Based on Nagy, Anderson, and Herman's
cabulary occurring at the same frequency as in the cap- (1987) theory of the incremental nature of learning
tioned materials. Due to differences in media, it was words in context, tests were designed to measure a
sometimes necessary to sequence the written materials range of word knowledge.
differently than the captioned segments. For example, Two measures were administered at the end of each
in a video segment an example of a concept might be of the 9 weeks to analyze word recognition and recall
conveyed first visually, and the concept described in of information. The first was a weekly 10-item word
detail verbally seconds later. When constructing the recognition test designed to measure students' ability to
text, at times it was necessary to reverse this order for distinguish target words from nonword distractors. The

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Table 1 Summary of unit lessons and target words

Unit Targetwords

Unit 1: Survival
Keeping warm in winter survive, energy, conserve, shelter, extremities, torso, organs,
produce, conditions, blood vessels
Conserving energy calories, carbohydrates, digestion, evaporate, fracture, insulate,
perspiring, breathe, welding, chink
Generating heat visual, vicinity, photographed, muscles, excess, scarf comfortable,
friction, generated, thermography
Unit 2 Protection
Instinctual behavior guarding, behave, threatening, predator, instinct, novel stimulus,
social synchrony, flock, protection, passive
Protecting others through team work trauma, respiration, pulse, fluid, victim, peripheral, dispatcher
rescue squad, tragedy
Fire fighting encounter, fuel, shields, extinguisher smother burned, oxygen,
atmospheric, pressure, suffocate
Unit 3: Breathing
Breathing underwater snorkeling, carbon dioxide, scuba, apparatus, compressor,
underwater, mouthpiece, weight, sensation, marine
Running a marathon (Part 1) marathon, automatically, exhaust, passages, microscopic, alveoli,
combustion, exhale, thermostat, joints
Running a marathon (Part 2) torture, stockpile, kilometers, emergency, experience, partner,
relationship, physical, competitors, spectators

test required students to circle a word they knew in rect, and the other half incorrect, as in the following
each line. Each line contained three distractors, all re- example.
sembling the target word, as in the following examples:
1. atparphic atmosteric atherostic atmospheric
2. suffocate stamurate 1. True False It is a natural instinct for animals
sappulate stimigrate
to search for food.
The second weekly measure was a concept ques- 5. True False The instinct has been in the house
tion developed to elicit written retellings of the week's for a week.
lesson. These questions were designed to measure the 8. True False A dog's instinct is to chase and
frequency of target words in students' writing, as well bite.
as to assess students' ability to recall information. For
example, the concept question in Lesson 1 was "Ex-
plain what you learned about keeping your body warm Sentences with the same target word were randomly
when it is very cold." The question was followed by 10 interspersed among the total number of items. Students
blank lines. were told to read each sentence and indicate which of
At the end of each 3-week unit, a sentence anomaly the sentences could be true or false. There were 27
test was administered to assess students' ability to un- items on the test for each unit. Cronbach's alpha, mea-
derstand the target words in context. Three target suring internal consistency, was adequate for each unit
words considered most central to the science concept test measure (.74, .78, .80, respectively).
in each segment were selected through discussion by Finally, at the end of the study, we constructed a
three judges. In this manner, nine words were selected 90-item multiple choice test to measure knowledge of
for each unit. Using a format developed by Stahl and all target word meanings. Each of the target words was
Clark (1987), we wrote three sentences for each word. presented in isolation, with the correct response and
One sentence used the word in context correctly, one three distractors. All options were designed to be rela-
used it incorrectly, and a third was randomly chosen to tively easy to read; distractors were the same parts of
be either correct or anomalous, so that half were cor- speech as the target word, but semantically quite differ-

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Captioned television 99

ent, as in the following example: tions, students in the reading-along-and-listening-to-text

condition (Group 3) were encouraged to read the sto-
thermographymeans: ries first silently. Then, with the help of the teacher, a
a. a place where plays or movies are shown. volunteer read the stories aloud; others listened and
b. a photographicrecordof heat.
followed along. This condition was designed to mea-
c. the shape of a land mass.
d. a long hairy spider. sure the effects of learning words from context without
the video stimulus. As with the other groups, no in-
Cronbach's alpha was .91. To reduce student fatigue,
struction on target words or general discussion oc-
this test was divided into two parts and given on 2 sepa-
curred. Questions were answered as briefly as possible.
rate days.
Lessons took approximately 20 minutes.
In summary, these posttest measures analyzed a The textbook-only condition (Group 4) acted as a
continuum of vocabulary knowledge. At the lowest
control group. Science instruction in these bilingual
level, questions could be answered on the basis of word classes was given in L1 followed by reading and exer-
recognition alone, without any knowledge of a word's cises from textbooks in L2. Lessons in the textbook and
meaning. At a slightly higher level of difficulty, some
target words were different from those in the experi-
understanding of the meaning of a word was required mental conditions. Although students would eventually
to determine if it made sense in a familiar context. At a
be introduced to many of these target words in their
more difficult level, greater knowledge of the definition
textbooks, the relevant units were introduced in the
of words was needed to determine their meaning in
second semester of the school year after the study had
isolation. The first level of word knowledge was as-
been completed.
sessed by weekly posttests, and the second level at the
At the end of each week, following the second
end of each unit; a final posttest was given to measure
lesson, students in the first three conditions were given
the highest level of word knowledge. Three written
a word recognition test and a concept question for writ-
retelling questions for each unit assessed the frequency, ten retelling. These measures assessed immediate recog-
of target words in writing and the ability to freely recall
nition of vocabulary and recall of concepts. The control
science content.
group received only the pretests, the sentence anomaly
Procedures unit tests, and the total word meaning posttest.
Intact classes were randomly placed in one of four Two research assistants monitored the instructional
conditions by informally visiting different classrooms
groups: (a) captioned TV (n = 32), (b) traditional TV
without captions (n = 37), (c) reading along and listen- and meeting with teachers on a weekly basis. The study
was conducted over a 12-week period.
ing to text (n = 32), and (d) textbook only (n = 28). An
analysis of variance indicated no significant differences
between groups for IPT scores, F(3, 125) = 1.05, ns. Data analysis
Three of the teachers taught in all four conditions; two Data were analyzed in three steps. In the first set of
teachers, in two of the conditions. analyses, we examined differences among groups in
Each science unit was taught over a 3-week period. recognizing and understanding words in context across
Prior to instruction, students in all four conditions were three different science units. Scores from the three
administered the vocabulary and prior knowledge pre- weekly word recognition tests in each unit were com-
test measures. One science lesson was then given to bined. Written retellings were analyzed by counting the
each class at the beginning of the week. This same total number of idea units in each recall protocol. Nine
lesson was repeated toward the end of the week, as templates were developed for each concept question;
reinforcement. these were used to quantify the idea units in each pro-
Students in the captioned TV- (Group 1) and tradi- tocol. Inter-raterreliability, determined by two judges
tional TV-viewing (Group 2) conditions were given a rating a sample of 20 protocols per question, ranged
one-sentence general introduction to the video, such as from .90 to .98. Each student's idea units (not counting
"watch to find out how animals survive in the winter." repetitions), along with the target words used in weekly
The television segment was then viewed without inter- retellings, were totaled for each unit.
ruption. A brief summary statement followed the les- Analyses of covariance were performed separately
son. No definitions or explanations of target words for each unit with three comparison conditions (cap-
were given. Total lesson time was approximately 15 tioned TV, traditional TV, and reading text), using the
minutes. word recognition and retelling scores, along with the
After the same introduction as in the video condi- target words used in these retellings, as dependent vari-

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Table 2 Means and standard deviations for word recognition test

Group Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3


Captioned TV 22.15 (4.35) 21.23 (4.51) 22.46 (4.61)

Traditional TV 20.17 (7.41) 17.97 (7.58) 20.17 (7.01)
Reading along and listening to text 18.89 (6.88) 17.42 (7.09) 17.32 (6.90)
Note. Means are adjusted for pretest vocabulary score and prior knowledge. A total score of 30 was possible.

Table 3 Means and standard deviations for the sentence anomaly test
Group Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Captioned TV 20.85 (2.45) 19.24 (3.43) 21.23 (2.58)

Traditional TV 20.28 (4.10) 17.50 (4.89) 20.38 (3.38)
Reading along and listening to text 18.00 (3.96) 15.91 (3.60) 18.84 (3.10)
Textbook only 17.34 (3.12) 15.03 (2.86) 17.94 (2.45)

Note. Means are adjusted for pretest vocabulary score and prior knowledge. A total score of 27 was possible for each test.

ables. The checklist vocabulary test and the prior from their study, we estimated this variable by having
knowledge test, specific to the unit of instruction, were three ESLspecialists rate each of the target words on a
used as covariates. Because the textbook control group 4-point scale, ranging from "concept known and easily
did not receive weekly tests, we conducted analyses for describable" to "concept not known and requires the
all four conditions for only the sentence anomaly unit learning of new information." Third, we analyzed the
tests and the total word meaning posttest. Planned com- importance of the word to the development of the sci-
parison contrasts (Keppel, 1982) were conducted to test ence concept by having teachers rate each word on a 4-
whether the captioned TV group differed significantly point scale ranging from "not important" to "very
from other comparison conditions. important." Fourth, we analyzed the strength of the
A second set of analyses from the captioned TV contextual support for each word. Visual support was
group was performed to determine if certain word- analyzed using a 4-point scale: (a) word actually repre-
related and video-related factors reported to be
associated with learning words in context (Carnine,
Kameenui, & Coyle, 1984; Elley, 1989; Jenkins, Stein,
& Wysocki, 1984; Nagy, Anderson, & Herman, 1987;
Shefelbine, 1990) were also predictive of incidental Table 4 Means and standard deviations for word
word learning from captioning.
meaning posttest
To conduct this set of analyses, we examined four
variables for each of the 90 target words. First, on the M SD
basis of research by Jenkins et al. (1984) and Elley
(1989), we predicted that exposure to words would be Captioned TV 56.56 (11.68)
strongly related to vocabulary gains. This variable was Traditional TV 52.34 (15.31)
measured by the number of times the target word was
Reading along and listening to text 40.59 (14.27)
captioned. Second, we examined the conceptual diffi-
culty of the word because this has been reported by Textbook only 40.51 (9.31)
Nagy et al. (1987) to be an important indicator of inci- Note. Means are adjusted for total pretest vocabulary score and total prior
dental word learning. Using a modified coding strategy knowledge scores. A total score of 90 was possible.

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Captioned television 101

Table 5 Means and standard deviations for number of idea units in written retellings

Group Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3


Captioned TV 10.92 (2.34) 7.19 (2.46) 6.80 (3.19)

Traditional TV 9.00 (3.78) 7.62 (2.83) 6.37 (2.50)
Reading along and listening to text 6.46 (3.69) 4.82 (2.28) 4.15 (1.96)
Note. Means are adjusted for prior knowledge scores.

Table 6 Means and standard deviations for number of target words in written retellings

Group Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3


Captioned TV 6.16 (4.56) 4.34 (2.76) 2.75 (2.42)

Traditional TV 5.19 (3.76) 2.78 (3.15) 1.70 (1.94)
Reading along and listening to text 3.34 (2.93) 1.88 (1.90) 2.00 (2.23)
Note. Means adjusted for pretest vocabulary scores.

sented in video form, (b) word described in video form, to learning words from context.
(c) word mentioned but not shown, (d) word men- Finally, a third analysis was designed to measure
tioned with contrasting video. Contextual ratings for whether vocabulary gains were influenced by students'
words were measured using Beck, McKeown, and existing language competence in L2. Combining all
McCaslin's (1983) 4-point rating scale: (a) directive: conditions, we used analyses of covariance, with pre-
word meaning explicitly stated in captioned text, (b) test scores as covariates, to examine the sentence anom-
general: context provided some information about aly unit tests and the overall word meaning posttest by
word meaning, (c) nondirective: context provided no levels of language proficiency as measured by the IPT
assistance, and (d) misdirective: context seemed to lead scores.
to incorrect word meaning. These two scales were com-
bined to form a contextual support measure, analyzing
the degree to which visual and verbal contexts facili- Results
tated incidental word learning.
Three raters were trained in coding procedures. Learning words in context
Following discussion of categories, each rater indepen- Our first analysis was designed to measure differ-
dently coded all words. The mean rating for each word ences between groups in degrees of word learning.
was calculated among the three coders, and these Tables 2, 3, and 4 give the adjusted means and standard
means were used in the analyses. deviations for the word recognition, sentence anomaly,
The four variables were entered into a hierarchial and word meaning posttests.
multiple regression analysis, using the proportion of Planned comparisons indicated that the captioned
students in the captioned television group correctly TV group scored significantly higher than the reading
identifying the target word meaning on the posttest as text group for all three units on word recognition, F(2,
the dependent variable. Knowledge of the target word 96) = 6.06, p <.05; 8.04, p <.01; 13.20, p <001.
(as measured by the checklist vocabulary tests) was Differences favoring those watching captioned TV over
entered first in the equation to remove variance based the traditional TV group were significant for Unit 2,
on students' prior knowledge of words. Next, we en- F(2, 96) = 7.33, p <.01, but not for Units 1 or 3.
tered word properties (number of ocurrences, difficulty, Results analyzing differences among all four groups
importance, and context) to determine the extent to from the sentence anomaly unit tests, requiring knowl-
which each of these properties was likely to contribute edge of words in context, indicated a similar trend in

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Table 7 Factors related to learning words from Table 8 Relationship of learning to level of contextual
context support

Regression Percentage of
Variable coefficient F p students answering
Level of contextual No. of words correctly on
Previous word knowledge .67 7.47 .001 support at this level word meaning test

Number of occurrences .12 1.32 ns

"Highlysupportive 16 66%
I)ifficulty of concept .01 .14 ns context

Importance of word to concept .10 1.10 ns Supportive context 24 64%

Context .21 2.52 .01 Nondirective context 46 63%

Misdirective context 4 57%

favor of captioning. Use of target words was closely associated with the
Significant differences were recorded for three unit number of idea units. The captioned TV group used
tests between the captioned TV group and the reading target words more frequently in their writing than
text group, F(3, 123) = 11.81, p <.001; 13.41, p those in the reading text group for Units 1 and 2, F(2,
<.001; 10.65, P <.001, and the control group, F(3, 98 = 8.75, P <.01; 13.59, P <.001, and differed sig-
123) = 8.56, p <.01; 17.39,p <.001; 16.49,p <.001. nificantly with the traditional TV viewing group in
Again, differences were significant between captioned Units 2 and 3, F(2,98) = 5.82,p <.018; 3.91,p <.05.
and traditional TV viewing groups for Unit 2 only, F(3, Thus, the results favoring captioning reflected not
123) = 4.65, p <.05). only different degrees of word knowledge, but qualita-
Scores on the word meaning posttest, which tested tively different kinds of word knowledge. Taken to-
students' knowledge of all target words, showed that gether, these data offer support for the incidental
the captioned TV group differed significantly from the acquisition of word knowledge and conceptual science
three other groups, i.e., those viewing traditional TV information through closed-captioning for bilingual
F(3, 123) = 3.85,p <.05; those reading text, (F(3, 123) students.
= 23.26, p <.001, and the control group, F(3, 123) =
17.38, p <.001. Through captioned television, bilin- Word-and picture-related factors
gual students appeared to make significant gains in vo- In the second analysis, we used data from the cap-
cabulary knowledge without any formal instruction. tioned TV group to further examine factors that might
In sum, subjects in the captioned TV group consist- account for the overall vocabulary gains. A multiple
ently achieved higher mean scores than any comparison regression analysis was designed to measure whether
group on all word knowledge tests. These differences, word-related factors shown to be important in previous
however, were not always statistically significant from research (Elley, 1989; Nagy et al., 1987), as well as the
the other television viewing group. These results sug- contextual support provided by pictures, might account
gest that the visual representation of words in video for any of the vocabulary gains reported on the word
form is an important contributor to students' increased meaning posttest. Table 7 reports the results of the four
word knowledge. hypothesized factors, in the order in which they were
Analysis of students' weekly recall of science con- entered, on the criterion variable-proportion of stu-
cepts among the three comparison groups receiving dents correctly identifying each target word.
equivalent information revealed a similar trend as The multiple correlation was .67, accounting for
shown in Table 5. 45 % of the variance. This analysis indicated that the
Subjects in the captioned TV group scored signifi- checklist tests were highly predictive of word knowl-
cantly higher on the number of idea units recalled from edge. Once the variance accounted for by students'
the science selection than those in the reading text prior knowledge of target words was removed, only
group, F(2, 97) = 21.02,p <.001; 13.81,p <.001; context remained a significant factor. Apparently, the
18.18 p <.001, respectively. Table 6 indicates that sig- words that were most readily learned in these cap-
nificant differences between the two video conditions tioned segments were those for which both the word-
were found only for Unit 1, F(2,97) = 4.46, p <.037. and the video-context were strongly supportive. Table8

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Captioned television 103

Table 9 Means and standard deviations for sentence anomaly and word meaning posttest by levels of linguistic

Sentence anomaly posttest Word meaning posttest

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Limited English 16.51 (3.06) 14.69 (2.95) 18.28 (2.38) 37.85 (12.64)
Fluent English 18.76 (2.98) 14.85 (2.94) 18.93 (2.21) 41.83 (12.39)
Mastery English 19.54 (3.33) 17.21 (4.10) 19.03 (3.77) 46.69 (16.25)

Note. Meansadjustedfor pretestvocabularyscoresand priorknowledge.

shows this relationship, indicating that as the level of Though word learning occurred at all levels, these data
contextual support decreases, so does the percentage of suggest that, without increasing competence in English,
subjects answering correctly on the word meaning word knowledge through incidental learning tends to
posttest. follow the "rich get richer" maxim of the "Matthew
Effect" (Shefelbine, 1990; Stanovich, 1986; Walberg &
Linguistic competence and learning words Tsai, 1983). Students who were most proficient in En-
in context glish at the outset of the study made more gains than
Finally, in the third analysis we examined whether others from the same experience.
the acquisition of word knowledge through compre-
hensible input was influenced by students' linguistic
competence. Oral English proficiency scores were used Discussion
to define language competence; posttest scores on the
three sentence anomaly tests and the word meaning Centrahto Krashen's theory of second language
posttest were used as dependent measures of vocabu- acquisition is the idea that basic competence in L2 is a
lary learning. Table 9 displays means and standard devi- function of the amount of "comprehensible input"
ations for those students defined as having limited, acquirers receive and understand, as well as the degree
fluent, or mastery-level skills in oral English. Three to which they are provided with the motivation to
students, defined as nonEnglish speakers, were not learn. Children are thought to acquire language and
included in this analysis. literacy by reading structures that are "a little beyond"
Results indicated that, after adjustments for prior where they currently are. Thus, according to Krashen
vocabulary knowledge had been made, students at the (1989), the acquisition process in language and reading
mastery level of linguistic competence scored consist- is identical to what has been termed "incidental
ently higher than those who were of limited English learning."
proficiency. With the exception of Unit 3, the signifi- It follows, then, that reading materials with in-
cant differences were found primarily between those formative contextual supports will most likely lead
who were of limited and mastery proficiency levels, to greater incidental learning of word knowledge.
F(2, 121) = 33.14,p <.001; 16.36,p <.001, respec- Herman, Anderson, Pearson, and Nagy (1987), for ex-
tively, for the sentence anomaly test, and the word ample, found that when the context was elaborated to
meaning posttest, F(2, 121) = 9.81, p <.01. For stu- provide more thorough descriptions of concepts,
dents relatively fluent in English, however, scores did eighth-grade students gained more word knowledge
not significantly differ from those at the mastery level. than when the original texts were used. Elley (1989), as
The exception was Unit 2, where significant difference, well, reported that the helpfulness of the context was
between fluent and mastery levels were recorded, F(2, positively correlated with the incidental learning of
121) = 16.44,p <.001. words.
Higher levels of English proficiency, therefore, In this study, we examined how comprehensible
were associated with more learning of vocabulary input in the form of captioned television might influ-

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ence the incidental learning of words for bilingual stu- plex verbal word play, however, is an important area for
dents. As a medium for incidental learning, it provided further research. Generalizations regarding the benefits
several clear advantages. There were two contextual of captioned television, therefore, must be limited to
support systems: video portrayal and the printed word. take into account the relationship between the particu-
In addition, captioned television had the advantages of lar content and incidental learning.
being rather easy to access and of providing a shared The results of this study have important implica-
learning environment that encouraged student tions for a theory of word learning through context.
participation. Nagy et al.(1985) have argued that regular,wide reading
But there were also a number of potential disad- must be regarded as the major avenue of large-scale
vantages. First, the medium presents its content at an vocabulary growth. Certainly, television as a mass me-
invariant pace; there were no opportunities within a dium, with its vocabulary gauged at about fourth-grade
session to review or reread. Second, captions are shown level (Comstock, 1978), cannot compete with the intel-
at a rate of approximately 120 words per minute, pro- lectual range of print materials. But it is probably a seri-
viding a challenge to even the most accomplished de- ous oversight to discount television as a medium for
veloping readers (Spache, 1981). Third, some have word learning. In this study, for example, subjects who
suggested that the "crowdedness" of television, requir- viewed science segments appeared to gain a great deal
ing readers to process simultaneously through multiple of vocabulary knowledge, even without the accompa-
modalities, might be difficult due to hypothesized limits nying captioned words. A content analysis by Rice
of human attention (LaBerge & Samuels, 1974; Singer & (1984) suggests that at least some of the dialogue pre-
Singer, 1983). With the decoding task so difficult for sented in children's television is well suited to their
bilingual students, some question whether they have linguistic competencies. L1 children seem to absorb
the attentional capacity to read, view, and listen at the quick partial meanings of words, referred to as "fast
same time (Williams & Snipper, 1990). mapping" (Dickinson, 1984) as they view television
Contrary to these concerns, our results clearly without intensive conversational interactions. Krashen
indicated that students incidentally learned more words (1982) argues that a similar mechanism occurs with L2
from captioned television than in either of the two students. Hence, vocabulary growth occurs through
other treatment conditions or in the control group. On many different learning contexts in addition to book
all measures of word knowledge, students who viewed reading.
captioned television consistently outscored those who The results of this study indicated that students'
did not. Similarly, students in the captioning group ability to acquire vocabulary through context is influ-
appeared to remember more science information than enced by their level of linguistic competence. Those
others. Thus, providing different kinds of information who were more fluent in L2 learned more vocabulary
through different modalities appeared to enhance inci- than those who were of limited English proficiency. In
dental learning from context rather than overwhelming concurrence with Cummins (1979), this analysis sug-
students' attentional capacity. These findings may ex- gests that the level of competence or threshold that
tend the results reported in McMahon's (1983) "reading bilingual children achieve in L2 acts as an intervening
while listening" study with developmental readers. variable in mediating the effects of learning through
McMahon reported that the skill of combining modali- comprehensible input. This finding has important im-
ties occurs early on and that flexibility in applying the plications, for it suggests that, without direct teacher
skill increases through the grades. intervention, input alone is not sufficient for those who
In this study, visual and printed contexts that pro- are below a threshold of linguistic competence in their
vided explicit, and thus redundant, information sup- new language. Thus, specific instructional strategies
ported incidental word learning. With such a carefully sensitive to differing levels and types of bilingualism
designed program 3-2-1as Contact (CTW), it was not must be developed.
surprising that over 43% of the target words selected In conclusion, the results of this study substantiate
were viewed and read in supportive contexts. Using previous research (Elley & Mangubhai, 1983) indicating
clips from ABC Afterschool Specials, another carefully that bilingual students develop word meanings and
developed series, Flagg, Carrozza, and Jenkins (1980) language through comprehensible input. Captioned
found similar results in their pilot study of captioning television appeared to provide a particularly rich lan-
with partially deaf students, reporting that eye fixations guage environment which enabled students to learn
with complementary contexts were not reduced, while words incidentally through context as they developed
comprehension was increased. Whether these findings concepts in science. These results suggest that, along
might also extend to typical television fare with its cornm- with the development of instructional strategies, com-

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Captioned television 105

Principles and practice in second language

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(1983). Matthew effects in education. Ameri-

F.J., & TSAI, S.
\XAIHIERG;, reported.
can Educational Research Journal, 20, 359-373. 3. Box's M statistic revealed that Group 3 (Mastery Level) had the
WIIILIAMS, (;.C.(1990). Literacy and bilingualism. New greatest covariation while Group 2 (Fluent Level) had the least. The
York: Longman. effect of a significant difference in homogeneity of variance is felt
most strongly when the group with the smallest n is the one with
the greatest covariation, resulting in an inflated Type 1 error rate. In
the present case, Group 3 had the largest n while Group 2 had the
smallest n. This results in a Type 1 error rate that is actually less than
FOOTNOTES our original specified alpha (Glass & Hopkins, 1970). As a
We sincerely appreciate the efforts of the teachers and the consequence, the analyses become conservative to the extent that
administrators in Lowell, Massachusetts, who participated in the the null hypothesis is rejected fewer times than would be expected.
study, as well as the help of research assistants Carol Evans and Given this situation, no transformations upon the data were
Denise Marchionda. We also wish to thank William Nagy and Larry performed.
Ludlow for their thoughtful comments.
1. Captions were produced by the National Captioning Institute. Received July 9, 1990
2. Tests of homogeneity of the variance-covariance matrices were Revision received January 31, 1991
conducted using Box's M statistic. No significant differences were Accepted March 5, 1991


Captioned script: Fire fighting (283 words; target Chief: You're containing it. You're holding the fuel
words in italic): there while you smother the oxygen from it. You cut
off the oxygen and suffocated it.
Narrator:Take the match and light the candle.
Chief Eastsideshowed me how a fire needs air.This is
Written story: Fighting fires (304 words; target words in
basicallywhat you have when there'sa fire inside a
house. italic)
Chief: I'll put the glass over here, and watch what hap- A fire needs air in order to burn. Place a candle and
pens. The fire went out. The fire burned up the oxy- a candle holder in a dish of water. Takea match and
gen inside that glass. Look what else is happening. light the candle. Then, if you cover the candle with a
Kathy: The water came up! Why? glass, the candle will go out. This is because the candle
Chief: When the oxygen was used up, it created a space. burned up all the oxygen. Keep watching and you will
Atmospheric pressure outside the glass pushes water also see the water from the dish begin to rise up inside
up inside there. It also left gases inside. We encoun- the glass. This is because when the oxygen was used up,
ter that when we go into a fire. So we enter a room it created a space. Atmrosphericpressure outside the
low. Any oxygen left will be down low. glass pushes water up inside the glass.
Narrator:Ingelwood TrainingAcademy, California. Me. The fire also left gases inside the glass. Fire fighters
Fire fighter for a day. encounter this when they go into a burning building, so
Chief: Here we gotfuel. We've got heat, what else do they enter a room low. Any oxygen left will be down
we need? low by the floor.
Kathy: Oxygen. Fuel and oxygen are both necessary for a fire to
Chief: And do we have oxygen? burn. There is plenty of oxygen in the air. If a pool of
Kathy: There's a whole yardful of it. oil catches fire, it produces a lot of heat. The fire
Chief: When I light this, you'll get some heat, so step fighters need face shields to get close to the fire. If they
back, put your face shields down. Kathy, take that try to put it out using an extinguisher they discover it
extinguisher and see if you can put it out. All right, doesn't work on oil. This is because oil is lighter than
hit it one more time. You notice what's happening? the water and it floats to the top. This is just like what
It's like a grease fire at home. The fuel is lighter than happens in a grease fire in a house. The fire fighter
the water, it floats to the top. Waterwon't put it out. needs to figure out what to use to keep oxygen from
How else can we get oxygen from the fire? Smother the fire to smother it. To smother a grease fire in a
it. At home, how would you smother it? With baking kitchen, you could use baking soda. Outside, they can
soda. Here, we'll try dirt. Get those shovels and use dirt to smother and cut off the oxygen and suffo-
smother the fire. We've got to cut off the oxygen. It'll cate the fire. The dirt also holds the fuel, containing it
take quite a bit. and stopping it from moving while the dirt is cutting off
Kathy: How does it work? Why doesn't the fire move oxygen to smother the fuel. These are some of the ways
elsewhere? to protect yourself when there is a fire.

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