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PAKISTAN P| OR’ (Combination of Both Subjective and Objective) TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 NOTE: (i) Attempt in English or Urdu. Ql Q2 iy gwib (iv) (vy) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) Oy (ii) Attempt FIVE questions. Question No.8 is compulsory. State the reasons Sir Syed advanced to the Indian Muslims to eschew politics. To what extent he was successful? (15+5) Highlight the main features of the Cabinet Mission Plan. Could Pakistan emerge a more viable and strong state under this scheme? Discuss its pros and cons. (104545) "The Ulemas of Nadwah attempted to make a synthesis of Modernism of Aligarh and Conservation of Deoband in their syllabus”. Examine. (20) The Quaid-i-Azam was against the performance of “a surgical Operation” on the provinces because such a step would be a dangerous proposition and would “let loose terrible forces". In the light of the statement, discuss the division of the Punjab and Bengal. (20) Simla Deputation was "not a command performance”. Do you agree? Discuss. (15+5) The Lahore Resolution enabled the All India Muslim League to embark upon an effective programme which culminated in the establishment of Pakistan". Discuss. (20) The Indian Government is “upholding one theory regarding junagadh with one part of the library and the opposite theory of Kashmir with the other part of the library". Explain the paradoxical stand of India on Kashmir on the one hand and junagadh, Manavadhar, Mangrol etc. on the other. (20) Fill in the blank: (10x2) = 20 @ The Memorandum of Simla deputation wasydrafted by ‘and the deputation met the Viceroy on Ist October, 1906 at Simlay The first regular Session of All India Mustim League was held at _ss-sunder the Presidentship of The credit for bringing about a rapprochement between the Muslim League and Congress (Lucknow Pact) gocs to while amongst the Hindus, the name of can be mentioned. Khilafat Movement in India received a set back when suddenly decided to scrap the plan after the disturbances at ‘ The Indian Muslims were forced to organize counter Movements of —. Ss amd in response to the aggressive Hindu Movements of Shuddi and Sangathan. ‘Of the two Muslim members of the Congress Committee which prepared Nehru Report, could not attend due to his illness while did not endorse the views of the Committee. During the Hindi - Urdu controversy, Lt. Governor of Bengal & Bihar and Lt. Governor of U.P., supported Hindi against Urdu language. laid the foundation of British Indian Association in The Congress Ministries resigned in and on the appeal of the Quaid-i-Azam, the Day of Deliverance was observed on The Muslim members of the Punjab Boundary Commission were: (a) (b)

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