Shri Ramswaroop Memorial

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Institute of Legal Studies, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, is pleased

to announce its 1st Virtual Shri Ramswaroop Memorial National Moot Court
Competition that is scheduled to be held (Virtual Mode) from 24th April -
26th April, 2023. The competition is being organized for the purpose of
acquiring domain knowledge and developing professional skills. The
competition strives to give a platform to the budding lawyers of our country
to imbibe the analytical skills in the real time situations. The ultimate aim is
to engage with students and allow them to have the first-hand experience
of the complexities of law.

With immense pleasure, we take this opportunity to invite your esteemed

University/ Institute for active participation in the Virtual Moot Court
Competition. We would be delighted to have your competitive presence at
our event. A copy of the detailed rules and regulations is attached herewith
for your kind reference.

We are looking forward for your participation in the event.

Thanking you,

Warm Regards,

Dr. Devendra
Faculty Convener
Moot Court Committee
Institute of Legal Studies, SRMU


Moot court competitions are an essential part of law

schools owing to its capacity to stimulate real court

With this in mind Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University,

Uttar Pradesh has committed itself towards providing
a congenial environment for the better growth and
development of students. Not only the university
encourages its students to put their minds to test, it
fosters to create a similar environment for students
across the country.

I have full faith, that the organizing team will leave no

stone unturned to make this 1st Virtual National Moot
Er. Pankaj Agarwal

Court, a thrilling and unforgettable learning

Chancellor experience for you. I convey my best wishes to all the

It gives me immense pleasure that the Institute of

Legal Studies, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial
University is organizing 1st Virtual National Moot
Court Competition. A moot court provides an
opportunity to the students in enhancing legal
knowledge, and skills of drafting, communication,
presentation, and legal research.

I commend the efforts of the organizing

Er. Pooja Agarwal committee and convey my best wishes for the
Pro Chancellor successful conduction of the events.




It is my pleasure to connect faculty, staff and students

through this communication wherein all you can discover
multiple avenues of value based academic programs
offered at SRMU Campus, imparting quality education in
multidisciplinary domains to choose from. Rightfully, one
major interest of the students and parents while enrolling
in to any educational program is to explore the prospects
for the bright professional careers which shape their

I am happy to note that the Institute of Legal Studies,

SRMU is going to organize a Moot Court (e-moot Court). In
fact these activities provide the best platform for
knowledge sharing & capability enhancement. Hope this
Prof. (Dr.) D.K. Sharma
event will be beneficial for the Faculty, Students &
Vice Chancellor Practitioners.

With all the best wishes for a grand success.

The process of becoming learned advocate is a career-

long journey that begins in Law College. To provide
student-advocates better opportunities to advance their
careers which teaches advocacy skills to solve legal
problems. To enhance the students’ soft skills such as
communication, fluency in language, presentation,
organizing skill, leadership skill so as to prepare them for
the profession, Moot Court plays an important role.

It also teaches students professionalism and ethics, to

apply law to fact, to structure and rank a legal argument
by strength, and not to assert losing propositions. It
provides opportunities to improve their legal writing, legal
research, and oral advocacy in a competitive
environment that prepares students for a competitive
Prof. (Dr.) Rohit P Shabran world. Every student competitor “will be a better lawyer,
Director, ILS and a better person, because of the moot court

I take this opportunity to congratulate and compliment

notable efforts of the entire team of SRMU, and convey my
best wishes for the grand success of the event.



1. The Republic of Stan, is a developing nation which lies in the southern region of Asia.
The country has a rich history and has seen a huge upsurge in the area of information
technology in recent years. The Stanian Space Research Organisation (SSRO) is the
space agency of the Government of The Republic of Stan headquartered in Periyana, a
state in the southern part of the country, with a vision to "harness space technology for
national development", while pursuing space science research and planetary

2. In March 2021, the SSRO, in the wake of the recent events of cyber attacks on multiple
websites of national importance, had decided to take extensive measures to secure its
own cyber systems. Thus, after a substantial upgrade of its existing cyber security, it
released a public notification announcing a reward of 1,00,000 in its national currency to
anybody who could find vulnerabilities in their security mechanism. Those interested
were required to fill an online form hosted on a third party website and subsequently pay
an online fee of 500 in the national currency after which they were to be allotted a
Unique Participant Code (UPC) by way of which they would be identified and be able to
claim the prize, as the case may be. Thousands of people reportedly applied for the
competition but were unable to circumvent the Organisation’s security measures put
into place. The contest was subsequently announced closed on August 31st, 2021.

3. Among other participants, Tanvir Ahmad and Ramendra Singhal, first year students
at Stanian Institute of Cyber Security, had also applied for the competition in the month
of June, 2021 to try and find a loophole in SSRO’s security. Although the upgraded system
proved to be too foolproof for them and they could not succeed in their attempt.
However, they had continued to modify their method of attacks and were expectant of a
positive result on their end. On the second Sunday of October 2021, the duo decided to
give their old endeavour another shot and tried a multi-vector attack on the servers of
SSRO. One of their multiple modus operandi in this attack was to introduce a self-
programmed virus through an e-mail which, when accessed, was programmed to make
its way into the servers of SSRO and facilitate the success of the multi-vector attack,
launched from the outside by the two.

4. This method of attack became successful and the duo gained access to SSRO’s
servers on the said date. However, once the breach was successful, the virus began to
behave in a manner not foreseen by the perpetrators of the attack. It affected multiple
websites hosted by the SSRO and began to make innumerable copies of the extremely
confidential data that had been housed inside the servers. Tanvir Ahmad and Ramendra
Singhal, monitoring this breach from their end, noticed this unprecedented behavior of
the virus and were alarmed. Their test runs with the virus had only showed them that the
virus was capable of facilitating multi-vector attacks and taking down the websites hosted
on the infected server.


5. Faced with an unforeseen behavior of their program which they now knew would land
them in the midst of extremely dire circumstances, they sent out an anonymous mail,
addressed to the SSRO, containing the coding of the virus and every other detail they
thought would be helpful in terminating the attack. However, because the servers at SSRO
had been clogged, this message did not get through until it was too late. Multiple websites
hosted on the servers had stopped showing up and the SSRO servers had become
jammed. Following this, an emergency response to the attack was triggered and the
servers at SSRO shut down to prevent further damage.

6. Following the reboot of the servers and the restoration of order, the mail which had
been sent anonymously by the two was received and tracked by way of the IP address,
which directed the Authorities to Tanvir Ahmad and Ramendra Singhal, both of whom were
subsequently arrested and charged under Sections 66, 66F of the Information Technology
Act, 2000 and Section 441 of the Stanian Penal Code. The Ld. Sessions Court, upon perusing
the facts and the evidence on record, concluded that there was a clear lack of intention
on the part of the Accused and thus, they were acquitted under all of the charges labeled
against them.

7. The State filed an appeal against the Ld. Sessions Court’s verdict in the High Court of
Periyana. The High Court, in its judgement stated that the mere access by the two of them
was access without authorization and that the breach of confidentiality of the files was
deemed sufficient to find the two guilty under the charged sections. The judgement of the
Sessions Court was thus reversed and Tanvir Ahmad and Ramendra Singhal were found
guilty under Sections 66, 66F of the Information Technology Act, 2000, and Section 441 of
the Stanian Penal Code. They have now filed an appeal before the Supreme Court of The
Republic of Stan.

8. All the relevant laws of The Republic of Stan are pari materia to those of India.


1. General Rules:
“Organizers” means the Moot Court Committee, Institute of Legal Studies, Shri Ramswaroop
Memorial University
“Competition” means the 1st Virtual Shri Ramswaroop Memorial National Moot Court
Competition, 2023
“Participating Team” means the team which has registered itself for the competition as
per the rules given below.
“Participating College/Institution/University” shall be presumed to be the parent institution of
the participating team.
“Participants” means the speakers and the researcher of the Participating Team.
The rules of the Moot Court shall be strictly adhered to. Any deviation there from them
would attract disqualification or other penalties as decided by the Organizers.
Decision taken by the Organizers in case of any doubt, dispute, disqualification, etc
shall be final.
2. Date and Venue of the Competition:
The Virtual Shri Ramswaroop Memorial National Moot Court Competition shall be held from
24 to 26 April, 2023.
Venue: Zoom URL shall be shared with the participants at the appropriate.time.

3. Eligibility:
Students pursuing Three (3) Year or Five (5) Year integrated Courses of LL.B. Degree in the
Academic Year 2022-2023 from any recognized Law School/College/University in India are
eligible to participate.
Team members must be bonafide students of the University they are representing. Once
registered (after Final Registrations), a Team will not be permitted to vary their composition
in any manner.

4. Team Composition:

The participating team shall comprise of three (3) members.

In a team of three (3) members, two members shall be designated as ‘Speakers’ and the
third member of the team shall be designated as a ‘Researcher’.
The Organizing Committee reserves the Right to bar any team from participating in the


5. Registration:
Teams are required to complete their Registration by 09 April, 2023 by 23:59 IST.
The Registration Fee is INR 2000 which shall be payable through Online Transition Mode
and shall be made in favor of the Institute of Legal Studies, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial
Payment Details:

The Registration shall be done by filling up the Application Form available on Google Form:
After registering on the Google Form, the teams are required to send one Email Approval
through their Moot Court Faculty Coordinator/Dean/Principle with the details of the
participating team.
Once the Registration form is filled, Email Approval from the Faculty Coordinator is received
and the Fee is paid, the teams shall receive the confirmation of their provisional
Registration from the Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Moot Court Committee.
The Registration shall be deemed complete only when the Registration form is duly filled,
Email Approval is received and the Registration fee is paid. The teams must send the
Screenshot of their Online Transaction Fee through email to
Once the final registration is done Teams will get the confirmation email along with their
respective Team Codes.

6. Rules Regarding Moot Memorial:

a) Submission Guidelines:
Teams are required to submit a memorial from each side i.e. from the side of
Petitioner/Appellant and from the side of Defendant/Respondent.
Teams are required to send the memorial via email to Shri Ramswaroop Moot Court
Committee (SRMCC) at latest by 16 April, 2023 by 23:59 PM. Only soft
copy needs to be submitted.
Late submission penalty will be there in case of late submission of memorial.

b) Format of Memorial:
Each memorial shall have the following details;
i. Cover Page
ii. Table of Contents
iii. List of Abbreviations
iv. Index of Authorities
v. Statement of Jurisdiction
vi. Statement of Facts
vii. Issues Raised
viii. Summary of Arguments
ix. Written Submissions
x. Prayer


c) Cover Page:
The following details should be there on the cover page and nothing else:
i. Team code on the top right hand corner of the cover page
ii. Name and place of the forum
iii. Name of the parties and their status
iv. Memorial submitted to …
v. Memorial filed and appearing on behalf of …

d) Content Specification:
The following content specification must be adhered to:
Language - English
Font and Size (Body) - Times New Roman, 12 pts
Line Spacing (Body) - 1.5 lines
Font and Size (Footnotes) - Times New Roman, 10 pts
Line Spacing (Footnotes) - Single line
Page Margins - 1 inch on all sides
Page Limit
(i) Entire Memorial - 30 pages maximum
(ii) Body of Arguments - 10 pages maximum
Paper Specification - White A4 Sized Paper
Body of the Memorial - Justified

e) Evaluation of Memorials:
Memorials will be judged by a special panel of judges on the basis of the following criteria:

f) Deduction of marks for late submission of Soft copy of the Memorial:

Late submission, if any, of soft copy of the memorials may be permitted by the Organizing
Committee in exceptional circumstances on case to case basis upon prior request of the
participants subject to deduction of 2 marks per day for late submission of the soft copies
and subject to a maximum limit of 2 days after which it won't be accepted.
Note: - Participants are requested to strictly adhere to the rules concerning time limit for
submission of the memorials.

g) Exchange of Memorials:
Exchange of the memorial will be done according to the team codes allocated by the Moot
Court Committee.

7. Language:
The official working language of the 1st Virtual Shri Ramswaroop Memorial National Moot
Court Competition, 2023 shall be English.


8. Dress Code:
Inside the Virtual Court Room, participants shall be in formal wear only. However robes or
collar bands are not allowed.
Female participants are required to wear either a full suit comprising of a black formal
blazer and trousers, full sleeved white shirts or white kurta, black bottom wear, black
blazer/over coat with formal foot wear.
Male participants are required to wear a full suit comprising of a black formal lazer and
trousers, full sleeved white shirts, black tie and formal foot wear.

9. Identification of Participating Team

Each team will have a team code and each participant shall be given an individual code.
Disclosure of identity of the parent college/institution/university shall be made only in the
registration form. Disclosure at any other point of time during the competition shall be
liable for penalty which includes disqualification.

10. Anonymity
Participants shall not disclose their names and the identity of their respective
college/institution/organization at any time before the award of the ceremony. The
individual code and the team code shall be the sole source of identity of the respective
teams throughout the competition. Any disclosure against this rule shall invite penalty
including disqualification.

11. Structure Of The Competition

Researcher's Test
Preliminary Round
Semi-Finals Round

Researcher's Test:
The Researcher's Test shall be conducted on 20 April 2023.
Every Team member designated as Researcher has to be present at the time of the
Researcher’s Test.
The test shall contain questions related to the Moot Proposition and the relevant laws

Preliminary Round:
In the Preliminary Round, the teams shall be given the opportunity to argue from both
the sides. In this round the teams shall be chosen on the basis of their score. Each team
shall be given only 20 minutes to present their case. On the basis of score, four teams
shall be selected for Semi Finals Round.
Semi Finals:
In the Semis the decision shall be on the basis on 'knockout'. Accordingly, two teams
shall reach to the Final. Each team shall be given 30 minutes to argue their part including
Each team shall be allotted 30 minutes to present their case including the rebuttals.


Important Note:
• All three stages of the competition shall be held via Video-conferencing on Zoom (URL
shall be shared at the appropriate time).
• The division of time is left to the discretion of the team members subject to the maximum of
12 minutes for one speaker in the Preliminary round, 18 minutes in Semi-Finals and 20
Minutes in the Final.
• In case any speaker continues to speak after the allotted maximum time, the
additional time that has been used will be deducted . from the time allotted to the other
speaker and there will be some penalty marks also as per the discretion of the Judges.

12. Evaluation of the Oral Presentation:

Evaluation of oral Round shall be adjudged on the following criteria;


The 1st Virtual Shri Ramswaroop Memorial National Moot Court Competition shall be held from

24th to 26th April, 2023.

14. Contact Information:

All communication will take place through Email



Chief Patron Chief Patron

Hon'ble Er. Pankaj Agarwal Hon'ble Er. Pooja Agarwal
Chancellor, SRMU . Pro Chancellor, SRMU

Prof. (Dr.) D.K. Sharma
Vice Chancellor, SRMU
Moot Court Competition Patron
Prof. (Dr.) Rohit P Shabran
Director, ILS
Advisory Committee
Dr. P.C. Mishra
Dr. Shashank Shekhar
Dr. U.N. Tiwari
Dr. Mahendra Kumar

Faculty Convener
Dr. Devendra
Faculty Co-Convener
Dr. Kaushlendra Singh

Faculty Coordinators Faculty Moot Court Members

Dr. Shruti Sharma Dr. Prashant Varun
Dr. Prashant Srivastava Mr. Manish Pratap Singh
Mr. Ambuj Mishra Ms. Jaya Sachan
Mr. Abhinav Mishra
Mr. Ajay Pratap Singh
Financial Committee
Ms. Annapurna Trivedi Technical Committee
Ms. Akansha Tiwari
Mr. Kaushlendra Mr. Dravyesh Narayan Pathak
Mr. Rajat Saxena
Registration Committee Media Committee
Dr. Shalini Dwivedi Dr. Prashant Srivastava
Ms. Astha Mishra Ms. Samiksha Pandey



Mr. S A Rishikesh
+91 9140530206
Mr. Lakshman Singh
+91 8317021704

Ms. Neetigya Krishna
Mr. Abhishek Kumar Singh

Moot Court Committee Members

Ms. Archita Srivastava
Mr. Aditya Singh
Mr. Sahitya Shukla
Ms. Aditi Vaish
Ms. Kashish Gupta
Ms. Anvita Sharma
Mr. Ramendra
Mr. Aadarsh Mishra
Ms. Pragati Soni

For Queries

Registration Form


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