Soul Analysis

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Research in Mathematical Theology( Independent Research 4 Articles )

Article · August 2021

DOI: 10.14445/22315373/IJMTT-V67I8P508


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Nishad T M
Rajah Serfoji Govt College, Thanjavur


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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 11, November-2016 185
ISSN 2229-5518

An introduction to Soul Sets

Nishad T M
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
MES College of Engineering and Technology
Ernakulam, Kerala, India

Abstract— In this paper human quality is considered as a Soul object and the set of Soul objects as a Soul set. The operations
on the Soul set and the properties of Soul sets are introduced. It is proved that Soul set satisfies De Morgan’s laws. Some appli-
cations of Soul set are also introduced with examples.

Key words— Soul object, Soul set, Judgment of Soul object, Soul of Universe, Equation of judgment
——————————  ——————————

In this paper human quality is considered as a Soul object
Human quality of a person can be judged by other human
wk i ij

beings.So the set of Soul objects having varying judgment JH (x j )  i 1

, where wi and kij are
is considered as a Soul set.The operations on the Soul set,
the properties of Soul sets and some applications of Soul non  ve integers such that
set are introduced with examples.


w  sNi , 0  w1  w2  w3  ...  wn  s,
2.1 Set
A set is a well-defined collection of objects. w  max( wi ), k
i 1
ij  l ,x j  H , i  1, 2,3,..n,
2.2 Soul Object j  1, 2,..m.
It is an abstract noun, verb, statement or sentence which
represents human quality. Examples: Mercy, Ability to ex-
press ideas clearly. 2.7 Soul Set Operations

2.3 Soul Set Let A , B be two Soul subsets of Origin O, then the algebraic
A Soul set is a set containing Soul objects that have varying operations are defined as follows.
judgment. It is denoted as H = { x1/JH(x1), x2/JH(x2),…,
xm/JH(xm)}, where xi’ s are Soul objects and JH(xi),the judg- Union: A∪B= {x/ JA∪B (x) =Max (JA(x),JB(x))}
ment of xi. The tabular form of Soul set is called Soul Status.
Intersection: A∩B= {x/ JA∩B (x) =Min (JA(x),JB(x))}
2.4 Judgment of Soul Object
It is a function which assigns to each Soul object x in Soul Complement: AC = { x/ JAC(x) = 1 –JA(x) }
set H, a unique real number JH(x) in [0, 1]. The real numbers
0 and 1 stand for no judgment and full judgment respec- Subset relation: A C B iff JA(x) ≤ JB(x)
Excluded middle axiom: A∪Ac ≠ O , A∩Ac ≠ { }
2.5 Soul of Universe
It is the set of all Soul objects having full judgment.It is also De Morgan’s Laws
called Origin and denoted by O.
2.6 Equation of judgment (AUB)c = Ac ∩ Bc
Let the cardinality of H be m,for a sample size l number of
(A∩ B)c = Ac U Bc
humanbeings , number of measure levels n, weights pre-
serving measure order wi, the equation of judgment is de-
(Ac)c = A
fined as
Nishad T M is currently working as Assistant Professor of Math- 2.8 Properties of Soul Sets
ematics at MES College of Engineering and Technology, Ernaku-
lam,Kerala, India. He is an independent researcher and author of Let A , B, C be three Soul subsets of Origin O, then the fol-
several international journals.
E-mail: , lowing properties hold.
IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 7, Issue 11, November-2016
ISSN 2229-5518

Commutativity belongs to that place who are expected to get service from
him.For example let he wants to know the status of 10 Soul
AUB = BUA objects Knowledge, Patience, Amicability, Success, Creativi-
ty, Mercy, Tolerance, Sincerity, Communication and Chari-
A∩ B= B∩A ty.Assign 5 measure levels (say) excellent, very good, good ,
average and poor to the list of 10 Soul objetcs.Assign the
Associativity weights w1 = 0, w2 = 1, w3 = 2, w4 = 3 and w5 = 4, to meas-
ure levels poor, average, good,very good and excellent re-
(AUB) U C = AU (B U C ) spectively. Take a sample of l humanbeings. Through ques-
tionnaires take the feedback as just a “ √ “ mark at the in-
(A ∩ B ) ∩ C = A ∩ ( B ∩ C ) tersection of the row and column corresponding to the
soul object and measure level respectively. Denote the
Distributivity number of “ √ “ marks in the intersection of jth soul object
and ith measure level as kij .Using equation of judgment if
AU (B ∩ C ) = (AUB) ∩ (AUC) Fr.Paul gets the following Soul set.
P = { x1/0.20, x2/0.66, x3/0.66, x4/0.59, x5/0.57, x6/0.86, x7/0.89,
A ∩ (B U C) = (A ∩ B) U (A ∩ C) x8/0.95, x9/0.80, x10/0.66}
Then the Soul Status of Fr. Paul is
Sl No. Soul object xj Judgment
AUA =A, A ∩ A =A 1 Knowledge 0.82
2 Patience 0.66
Identity 3 Amicability 0.66

4 Success 0.59
AU { } =A, 5 Creativity 0.57
6 Mercy 0.86
A ∩ O =A 7 Tolerance 0.89
8 Charity 0.95
9 Sincerity 0.80
10 Communication 0.66
If A C B and B C C then A C C
4.2 Example 2
A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University Kerala de-
cided to measure and upgrade the performance of faculty
(Ac)c = A
members in engineering colleges through consolidated feed
back three times in a semester.Using Soul sets how can
3 ERROR IN JUDGMENT prepare the consolidated feed back ?
If the sample size is very small comparing with the popula-
Method: Prepare a list of m expected soul objects fom a
tion size or if the measure order is not preserved, then error faculty member. Assign measure levels (say)-Out standing,
will occur in judgment. The error in judgment can be re- excellent, very good, good, average, poor, very poor to the
duced by increasing the size of sample and fixing proper list of m soul objects.Assign weights as it preserves meas-
ure order.Take a sample of l students from a class where
measure order-(i.e, the weights assigned should follow the the faculty member is teaching.Through questionnaires
order such that the higher measure level in view of objec- take the feedback as in example 1 from students.Use equa-
tive of the user should get higher weight). tion of judgment.Then a Soul set will be obtained.The Soul
Status gives the consolidated feed back.
In an arts and science college every academic year the
4.1 Example 1 management declares Best Teacher award to one faculty
The priest Fr.Paul has desire to know the status of his soul from every department.The award is based on pass percen-
after 10 years of his service as a priest in several tage of students and general behaviour. If two faculty
churches.How can it be done using Soul set approach? members Mr. Edwin Tomson and Mr. Sourier Sebastian
Method: Father Paul has to list a set of soul objects that he teaching in MSc Mathematics classes scored pass percen-
wants to know.He has to inform the management of his tage 100, how is it possible to select most eligible one for
current working place to take the feed back from the people the award?
IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 7, Issue 11, November-2016
ISSN 2229-5518

Method: Assign the weights to measure levels (say) 10 to 5 Soul Sets Satisfy De Morgan’s Laws
outstanding , 8 to excellent ,6 to very good, 4 to good, 2 to Proof. Let x €(AUB)c
average, 1 to poor and 0 to very poor.Prepare a list of quali- Since J(AUB)c (x) = 1- J AUB (x)
ties which are expected from a faculty member. Take feed = 1 – Max (J A (x), J B (x))
back from l=30 (say) students of the two faculty members = Min (1 – J A (x) ,1- J B (x) )
Mr. Edwin Tomson and Mr. Sourier Sebastian as in exam- = Min ( J Ac (x) , J Bc (x) )
ple 1.Use equation of judgment. = JAc∩Bc (x)
Let the obtained Soul sets are So, x €Ac ∩ Bc
E = { x1/0.80, x2/0.67, x3/0.71, x4/0.69, x5/0.65, x6/0.75, x7/0.91, There fore (AUB)c C Ac ∩ Bc
x8/0.55, x9/0.70, x10/0.66} Similarly using reverse arguments we shall prove
S = { x1/0.85, x2/0.68, x3/0.65, x4/0.58, x5/0.70, x6/0.70, x7/0.85, Ac ∩ Bc C (AUB)c
x8/0.90, x9/0.80, x10/0.66} Thus (AUB)c = Ac ∩ Bc
The following table gives the Soul Status
Let x €(A∩B)c
Sl.No. The Soul object xj Judgment on Judgment on Since J(A∩B)c (x) = 1- J A∩B (x)
Mr.Edwin T Mr.S.Sebastian = 1 – Min (J A (x), J B (x))
1 Knowledge in the 0.80 0.85 = Max (1 – J A (x) ,1- J B (x) )
subject = Max ( J Ac (x) , J Bc (x) )
2 Ability to express 0.67 0.68 = JAcUBc (x)
ideas clearly So, x €Ac U Bc
3 Ability to give ex- 0.71 0.65 There fore (A∩B)c C Ac U Bc
amples and analo- Similarly using reverse arguments we shall prove
Ac U Bc C(A∩B)c

4 Ability to arouse 0.69 0.58 Thus we get (A∩B)c = Ac U Bc
interest in the sub-
ject Let x €(Ac)c
5 Ability to attract the 0.65 0.70 Since J(Ac)c (x) = 1- J(Ac) (x)
attention of students = 1 – ( 1- J A (x))
6 General behaviour 0.75 0.70 = J A (x)
with students So , x €A
7 Willingness to help 0.91 0.85 There fore (Ac)c C A
and inspire students Similarly using reverse arguments we shall prove
8 Punctuality in com- 0.55 0.90 A C(Ac)c
ing to the class, Thus we get (Ac)c =A
returning valued
answer papers, as- 6 CONCLUSION
signments, etc.
In this paper human quality is considered as a Soul object
9 Preparation for the 0.70 0.80
class and sincerity
and the set of Soul objects as a Soul set. The operations on
in taking class –
the Soul set are introduced. It is proved that the Soul set
satisfies De Morgan’s laws. Some applications of Soul set
professional ethics
are also introduced with examples. Soul relations and
10 Command of Eng- 0.66 0.66
more applications of Soul sets are under investigation.
lish language
Average Soul Status 0.709 0.737
Since average Soul status is higher to Mr. Sourier Sebastian, I wish to thank IJSER USA for the financial assistance to
He can be awarded Best Teacher for the academic year. publish this journal. I wish to thank Professor N S Neela-
kantan, the HOD of Department of Science and Humani-
4.4 Example 4 ties, MES College of Engineering and Technology for re-
Let E = { x1/0.80, x2/0.67, x3/0.71, x4/0.69, x5/0.65, x6/0.75, viewing this paper.
x7/0.91, x8/0.55, x9/0.70, x10/0.66} and
S = { x1/0.85, x2/0.68, x3/0.65, x4/0.58, x5/0.70, x6/0.70, x7/0.85, REFERENCE
x8/0.90, x9/0.80, x10/0.66} . Find EUS and E ∩ S .
Answer: [1] An introduction to abstract algebra. Author: C K Taylor.
EUS = { x1/0.85, x2/0.68, x3/0.71, x4/0.69, x5/0.70, x6/0.75,
x7/0.91, x8/0.90, x9/0.80, x10/0.66}
E ∩ S = { x1/0.80, x2/0.67, x3/0.65, x4/0.58, x5/0.65, x6/0.70,
x7/0.85, x8/0.55, x9/0.70, x10/0.66}
IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 6, June-2017 1093
ISSN 2229-5518

Soul Process
Nishad T M
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
MES College of Engineering & Technology
Ernakulam, Kerala, India

Abstract—In this paper the concept Soul Process, Real Part of Heaven, Real Part of Hell are introduced with some examples. Algorithm to
nourish soul and application areas of Soul Process are also introduced.

Index Terms— Soul Space, Soul Process, Positive Soul object, Negative soul object, Virtue Space, Vice Space, Virtue Process, Vice Process,
Real Part of Heaven ,Real part of Hell, Blessed , Cursed, Algorithm to Noursih Soul.

——————————  ——————————


F Rom the behavior of a humanbeing at various

time, the soul objects can be identified by a
judgment set of other humanbeings. In this
R(β –Hell) : In a vice process, if the average of
each soul object at various times is greater than
or equal to the real number β in [0, 1] ,under
paper the list of all soul objects under considera- standard measure levels , then the Soul status of
tion by a finite judgment set is named as Soul the humanbeing shows that he belongs to R(β–
space X. A Soul space consists of only soul ob- Hell),otherwise he does not belong to R(β –Hell).

jects[1]. The Soul status[1] of a soul space at vari-
ous time under any judgment set is known as R(Heaven) :A humanbeing belongs to R(Heaven)
Soul process. It is denoted by X(t) and is defined if he belongs to R(α –Heaven) and does not be-
as X(t) = { X(t1), X(t2),….., X(tn)}. long to R(β –Hell) for α →1 and β →0.
Unless or otherwise specified, α=0.6 and β = 0.1
Positive Soul Object: It is an abstract noun, verb, is considered as the boundary to get membership
statement or sentence which represents a human in R(Heaven).
quality that is considered as a virtue by the
judgment set of humanbeings. R(Hell) :A humanbeing belongs to R(Hell) if he
belongs to R(β –Hell) for β →1 based on some
Negative Soul Object: It is an abstract noun, judgment set.
verb, statement or sentence which represents a Unless or otherwise specified,β=0.6 is considered
human quality that is considered as a vice by the as the boundary to get membership in R(Hell).
judgment set of humanbeings.
Criminal: A member of R(β –Hell) for β >0.6 is
Virtue Space: If a soul space consists of only pos- known as a Criminal
itive soul objects, then that space is known as a
virtue space. It is denoted by X+ Blessed: A humanbeing is called blessed if he
always belongs to R(Heaven) with respect to any
Vice Space: If a soul space consists of only nega- judgment.
tive soul objects, then that space is known as a
vice space. It is denoted by X- Cursed: A humanbeing is called cursed if he
always belongs to R(Hell) with respect to any
Virtue Process: A soul process based on a virtue judgment.
space is known as virtue process.
Example 1: In the example 3 of [1], Mr. Sourier
Vice Process: A soul process based on a vice Sebastian and Mr. Edwin Tomson were consi-
space is known as vice process. dered in the awarding procedure of Best Teacher.
But some judgment set had following opinions
R(α –Heaven) : In a virtue process, if the average (i)Producing 100% result among Post Graduate
of each soul object at various times is greater than students is very easy task.
or equal to the real number α in [0, 1] , under (ii)They are teaching only pure theory and never
standard measure levels , then the Soul status of inform its practical usage and so students fed up
the humanbeing shows that he belongs to real with the subject.
part of α –Heaven, denoted by R(α –Heaven) (ii)If any student asks practical usage of theories,
otherwise he does not belong to R(α –Heaven). they will attribute madness on the student and
IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 6, June-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

will use their own doctor to pove it.Using nega- At time T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 Fr. Paul took the
tive mental strokes they provoke the student,etc. soul status from the people of the diocese. The
Based on all opinions, the elements in vice space collected data gives the following Vice and virtue
of Mr.Sourier Sebastian and Mr.Edwin Tomson Processes
were listed by various judgment sets. Check Vice Process of Fr. Paul
whether they are in R(Heaven) or R(Hell).
The Vice space according to judgment set is X- T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
X - = { Offering false promise and negative mental
strokes, Provoking student by using bad words, x 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0
Attributing madness on the student and using y 0.1 0.1 0 0 0
unqualified doctor to treat the student } ={ x, y, z} z 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0
During the month April, May, June, July and
August of the year 2005,a student visited them on Let X+ = {u, v, w}
and off to experience the soul objects and other
judgment set members measured the average Virtue Process of Fr. Paul
soul status of vice space of both for 5 months (21
weeks) using equation of judgment[1]. Let the col-
lected data gives the following Vice Processes. X+ T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
u 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Vice Process of Mr. Sourier Sebastian v 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
X- April May June July August w 0.4 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.9
x 0.2 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.9 From the above table it is clear that the average

y 0.1 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.9 of each negative soul object at various times is
z 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.9 less than 0.1, and that of positive soul objects is
greater than 0.6. So it can be concluded that the
Vice Process of Mr. Edwin Tomson soul status of Fr.Paul shows that he is in
X- April May June July August Example 3: A virtue process of a business man
x 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Mr.George is given in the following table. Check
y 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 whether he is in R(Hell) or R(Heaven)
z 0.4 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.9 X+ Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4
From the above table it is clear that the average x 0.2 0.5 0.7 0.6
of each negative soul object at various times is
greater than 0.6. Hence based on 5 months data- y 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.9
both the Faculty members Mr. Sourier Sebastian z 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9
and Mr. Edwin Tomson are in R(Hell).
The average of soul object x =0 .5
Example 2: In the example 1 of [1], Fr. Paul knew The average of soul object y =0 .75
his soul status. Then he realized that he has to The average of soul object z =0 .70
improve his status and tried to generate better Here the average of soul object x is below 0.6.
status by engaging in many activities helpful for So he is not in R(Heaven).
the society. Then the people of that diocese were From the given data, we cannot predict whether
of different opinions Mr.George belongs to R(Hell).
(i) His activities are very beneficial to the society.
(ii)He is friendlier with ladies which is not good. Algorithm to Nourish Soul
(ii)He shows partiality to rich and poor people. Step 1: Prepare a list of soul objects of you. Select
(iii) He accuses the people in the diocese.
Based on above arguments the vice space and a sample of your neighborhood of relations as
virtue space of Fr. Paul were listed by some judgment set.
judgment set. Check whether Fr.Paul is in
R(Heaven) or R (Hell). Step 2: Classify the list in step 1 in to two spaces
The Vice space according to judgment set is Virtue Space and Vice Space
X- = {Partiality to rich and poor, Showing frien-
dlier with ladies, Accusing the people in the dio- Step 3: Select the proper measure order to get
cese} = {x, y, z} meaningful result and α = 0.6, β=0.1
IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 6, June-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

Step 4: Use email/whatsapp/letter/etc commu- Soul status on Soul Status on

nication to collect feedback and use the equation First week Second week
of judgment [1] to find the Soul status of Virtue Sincere 0.87 0.90
Space and Vice Space at time T. Patience 0.80 0.87
Helping 0.77 0.87
Step 5: Check whether the soul process shows Cruel 0.53 0.56
that you are in (i) R(β–Hell),(ii)not in R(β –Hell) , Cheat 0.56 0.53
(iii)R(α –Heaven) or (iv) not in R(α –Heaven). Hating 0.47 0.60
Virtue Process of Mr. Alexander
Step 6: If you are in R(α –Heaven) and not in
R(β –Hell) , α = α + 0.1, β= β - 0.01 X+ Week 1 Week 2 Average
Sincere 0.87 0.90 0.89
Step 7: Improve your positive soul objects, con- Patience 0.80 0.87 0.84
trol and reduce your negative soul objects. Helping 0.77 0.87 0.82
Step 8: If α > 1 and β < 0 go to step 10. Vice Process of Mr. Alexander
Step 9: T= T+ (n days), n €N. Allow change in X- Week 1 Week 2 Average
sample of neighborhood of relations.Go to step 4. Cruel 0.034 0 0.017
Cheat 0.067 0.034 0.05
Step 10: Stop Hating 0.067 0.034 0.05
Some Properties of Algorithm to Nourish Soul From the virtue process and vice process, it is

obvious that Mr. Alexander is in R(Heaven). To
1. It helps a person to know his soul status. check whether the Soul of Mr.Alexander is nou-
rished or not, we need atleast 21 continuous
2. Usual practice of this algorithm moulds weeks’ data and minimum 16 positive and nega-
the character and behavior of a person. tive soul objects in X. The given data is not suffi-
cient to predict whether the Soul of Mr. Alexan-
3. The sample of neighborhood of relations der is nourished or not.
must contain representatives in every type
of relations to get more accurate judgment. AREAS OF APPLICATION
4. Minimum 16 positive and 16 negative soul  The Soul process has appliction in selec-
objects and 21 continuous weeks are ex- tion procedure of personal staff for VIPs,
pected to get more accurate prediction. Selection procedure of Life partner,
Friends; etc.
Example 4: Mr.Alexander took the feed back on  Soul process has wide application in Law,
some of his soul objects at two continuous weeks Criminology, Psychology and Theology.
from a group of 10 humanbeings of his neigh-
bourhood which is given in the following table.
(i) Does he belong to real part of heaven? CONCLUSION
(ii) Check whether the Soul of Mr.Alexander is In this paper Soul process,R(Heaven),R(Hell) and
nourished or not? Algorithm to nourish soul are introduced with
In the table, H indicates High level, M-Medium some examples.The Theological aspects Imagi-
level,L- Low level and NM-No Mention. nary part of Heaven denoted by Im(Heaven), Im-
First week Second week aginary part of Hell denoted by Im(Hell) and its
relation with R(Heaven) and R(Hell) are not dis-
X H M L NM H M L NM cussed in this paper.
Sincere 7 2 1 0 8 1 1 0
Patience 6 2 2 0 7 2 1 0 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Helping 5 3 2 0 6 4 0 0
Cruel 0 0 1 9 0 0 0 10 I wish to thank IJSER for the financial assistance
Cheat 0 0 2 8 0 0 1 9 to publish this paper.
Hating 0 0 2 8 0 0 1 9
Assigning weights 3, 2, 1 and 0 respectively to H, REFERENCE
M, L and NM levels, and classifying virtue space [1] An Introduction to Soul Sets, Vol 7, Issue 11,
and vice space, we get the following soul status. Nov 2016, IJSER, ISSN 2229-5518.
IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 7, July-2017 1163
ISSN 2229-5518

Nishad T M
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
MES College of Engineering & Technology
Ernakulam, Kerala, India

Abstract—In this paper the application of Soul Sets in Theology is introduced. Based on reference of various Holy Scriptures, a link among
some religions is derived.Using that relation, the generalized concept of God is discovered.

Index Terms— Positive Soul object, Negative Soul Object,Neutral Soul Object, Virtue Space, Vice Space, Neutral Space,Origin.

——————————  ——————————

In this paper the application of Soul Sets in Through the above link, a researcher is directed
Theology is introduced. Based on reference of to the Holy Scripture related with Prophet
various Holy Scriptures, a link among some reli- Muhammed /Kalki/Maitreya/ Prophet Similar
gions is derived. Using that relation, the genera- to Mosus/Parakletos to get an ultimate version of
lized concept of God is discovered. the concept “God”. In Qur’an, there are 100
names used as names of concept “God”. The
Positive Soul Object: It is an abstract noun, verb, stem of meaning of those names is soul object

statement or sentence which represents a human having full judgment. If the set of all those soul
quality that is considered as a virtue by the objects having full judgment is denoted by Soul
judgment set of humanbeings[1]. Set A then A is the generalized concept of God.
Negative Soul Object: It is an abstract noun, Theorem 1: Origin O intersects with A.
verb, statement or sentence which represents a Proof: To prove that Origin intersects with A, It is
human quality that is considered as a vice by the enough to show that there exist a soul object
judgment set of humanbeings[1]. x € O ∩ A.Consider a name of God “wadud”, The
Neutral Soul Object: It is an abstract noun, verb, stem of meaning of which is Love (say x) having
statement or sentence which represents a human full judgment. Then x € A.It is obvious that Love
quality that is considered as neither a virtue nor a is a soul object. Since it has full judgment,
vice by the judgment set of humanbeings. x € O.Hence x € O∩A .
Virtue Space: If a soul space consists of only pos-
itive soul objects, then that space is known as a APPLICATION IN THEOLOGY
virtue space. It is denoted by X+ • Theorem 1 helps a Devotee to identify the soul
Vice Space: If a soul space consists of only nega- objects in A and try to implement in life.
tive soul objects, then that space is known as a • Theorem 1 helps an Atheist to search the soul
vice space. It is denoted by X- objects in him which intersect with A and try to
Neutral Space: If a soul space consists of only avoid those in life to continue as an Atheist.
neutral soul objects, then that space is known as a • A Blessed[1] can be considered as one who im-
neutral space. It is denoted by X0 plements some positive soul objects in A to full
Origin: Origin or Soul of Universe is the set of all judgment.
soul objects having full judgment[2].
GENERALIZED CONCEPT OF GOD In this paper the application of Soul Sets in
If the concept “God” is unique then the beliefs of Theology is introduced by proving Origin inter-
religions and the ultimate version of concept sects with the generalized concept of God. Study
“God” are to be considered to generalize it.From on Judgment Set, Soul Relation, Soul Logic and
the reference of experts in this area[3], it shows Soul Network are open to the researchers.
that Last incarnation Kalki (Reference: Bhagava-
tham, Bhavishyath Puranam, Kundapasooktham REFERENCE
in Adharvavedam), next Budha Maitreya (Refer- [1] Nishad T M, Soul Process, Vol 8, Issue 6, June
ence: Gospel of Budha),Prophet Similar to Mosus 2017, IJSER, ISSN 2229-5518.
(Reference: Torah), Parakletos after Jesus Christ [2] Nishad T M, An Introduction to Soul Sets, Vol
(Reference: Bible) are all same and that is Last 7, Issue 11, Nov 2016, IJSER, ISSN 2229-5518.
Prophet Muhammed (Reference : Qur’an) [3]. [3] MM Akber, Niche of Truth.
IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology Volume 67 Issue 8, 68-70, August, 2021
ISSN: 2231 – 5373 /doi:10.14445/22315373/IJMTT-V67I8P508 © 2021 Seventh Sense Research Group®

Mathematical Theology-A New Approach

Nishad T M, MSc, MPhil, (PhD)
Faculty Member (Part Time), T.I.M.E Pvt Ltd Cochin.
Abstract - In this article the proof of the important conjecture in mathematical theology is proved by introducing the
application of Zorn’s Lemma in the partially ordered set of souls of human beings. Philosophy on zero is discussed as a part
of it. The mathematical abstract of real part of God is modeled. Since the modeling brings new insight in existing beliefs ,
some insight on errors in mathematics reference books is showed and suggested the modifications. The easy method to
become Mahatma or Blessed human being is also suggested.
AMS Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 16B70, 00A05, 00A06, 00A17, 00A71, 91C05,91D10,94D05,97E30
Keywords - Mathematical Theology, Abstract of God, Zorns Lemma, Maximal element, Real Analysis, NCERT.

Rev. Dr. Augustine O Konnully [13] served St. Alberts College as a Mathematics Professor during the period 1949-1983
and as Principal during 1973-78. He was a great mathematician and philosopher acclaimed national and internationally. He
published his research papers in international journals like American Mathematical Monthly, Journal of London
Mathematical Society, Academia Nazionie Dei Lincei(Italy), BeitraZur Algebra and Geometrie (Germany), The Journal of
the Australian Mathematical Society etc. His works include “Perspective Simplexes and Tucker Quadrics”,
“IsogonalConjugates in En”, “Pivot Theorems in n-Space”, An Incidence Relationship of Hypersphere in En”, and so on. He
introduced a new concept in mathematics which holds the name “Vector Multipliers”. He was the first person to acquire Ph.D
in Mathematics from the University of Kerala at the time when this was the only University in Kerala. Fr. Dr. Augustin O
Konnulli tried to develop “Mathematical Theology” but his works were not available. Nishad T M (author) was a Post
Graduate student in the Fr.Augustine Konnulli memorial Research Department of Mathematics ,St Alberts College
Ernakulam, Kerala. Nishad T M informed the possibility of the research in Mathematical Theology using fuzzy mathematics
and measure theory to Prof. Dr. Sourier Sebastian and Prof Edwin Tomson, Research Department of Mathematics, St Alberts
College Ernakulam in 2005. They did not encourage research in this area since the acceptance of “Mathematical Theology”
among academicians and mathematicians was not sure. In independent research, Nishad T M developed Soul set in 2016[4]
and described Soul process in 2017[9].In this article the proof of the important conjecture in mathematical theology is proved
by introducing the application of Zorn’s Lemma in the partially ordered set of souls of human beings. Philosophy on zero is
discussed as a part of it. The mathematical abstract of real part of God is modeled. Since the modeling brings new insight in
existing beliefs, some insight on errors in mathematics reference books is opened and suggested the modifications. The easy
method to become Mahatma or Blessed human being is also suggested.
Human Quality: A human quality is defined as something a person has that makes that person human by a set of judgment of
other human beings under consideration.
Soul Object: It is an abstract noun, verb, statement or sentence which represents human quality.
Soul Object of a Product: It is an abstract noun, verb, statement or sentence which represents the quality of the Product.
Soul Set: It is a fuzzy set that consists soul objects as elements and equation of judgment or fuzzified measure preserving
standard measure order as membership function.
Soul Process: It is the Soul Status of Soul Space under various time with respect to any judgment.
Bounded Soul: The finite soul process S on a finite soul space of a person is known as bounded soul of that person.
Bounded Soul of a Product: The finite soul process S on a finite soul space of a product is known as bounded soul of that
Soul Space G: It is the set of all distinct soul objects derived from stem of meanings of names used to replace the names of
origin of all virtues and vices (as per beliefs by the followers of last prophet and 6 th pillar of beliefs in metaphysical aspects)
described in the holy scripture from last prophet. The selection of set G is based on reference [5,6,7,8].
Zorn's Lemma : In a partially ordered set, if every chain has an upper bound, then there exists at least one maximal element If
the set is totally ordered then that maximal element is unique.
Maximal Element : An element which is not related to any other elements in the set under consideration.
Comparable Elements: Two elements a,b in a partially ordered set are said to be comparable if either a related to b or b
related to a.
Chain: A chain in a partially ordered set P is a subset C ⊆ P such that any two elements in C are comparable.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Nishad T M / IJMTT, 67(8), 68-70, 2021


Statement 2.5: God Exists.
Proof: Define the Relation R in the set H of all soul set of all human beings who are alive in earth at a time t such that aRb if a
⊆ b , where a and b are soul sets of the persons A and B having all soul objects from G. Clearly R is reflexive ,anti symmetric
and transitive. Two persons can have equal soul sets at time t. In H every pair of elements need not be comparable and so H is
not a totally ordered set. Let Si, i=1,2,3.. be subsets of H which consists only comparable or singleton subsets of H. Consider
the soul sets Ui, i=1,2,3.. with membership value of soul objects is equal to the maximum of corresponding membership value
of all soul sets in a subset Si of H. Then Ui is an upper bound for soul sets Si. Applying Zorns Lemma, the partially ordered set
H has at least one maximal element. This existence of at least one maximal element shows atleast one element (say God) which
is not related to any other element exists. A super set of all the possible maximal elements is a unique maximal element that
can act as actual God.

Mathematical Abstract of Real Part of God, Re(G): Zero ,the origin vector needs in Real Number system. Though it is an
infinitesimal number, it is given some exemptions in obeying all Archimedean properties for real numbers. Mathematicians
consider Zero as the only real and infinitesimal number. Zero is considered as the origin of all positive and all negative real
numbers. It is neither positive nor negative. Though its value is considered as nothing, without that concept science cant be
expressed or exist. So its importance is infinite. (The definition of value of variable thing “x” at time t is interpreted as a
measure on importance that is given to “x” at that time t. So the value of the element 0 , the origin vector is actually the value
of the concepts developed by fixing origin vector by academicians). Mind of a person is the set of all thoughts of that person
where a thought is considered as an output of reasoning’s from existing knowledge with new knowledge of that person.
Generally positive thought and negative thought creates virtue and vice. Taking the projection of the concepts positive,
negative and zero in real number system to the set mind, there exists the origin of positive and negative thoughts ( say input
for G ) similar to zero in real number system. Considering zero as a complex number, it has clearly a real part and Imaginary
part. So the concept G is assumed as having Real and Imaginary parts. The complex numbers have applications in
mathematics. The real and imaginary part of G also have wide application in real life. The real part of G can be modeled as a
soul set Re(G) ={(x, 1)/ x is a soul object in set G and 1 represents 100% membership as per fuzzified measure equation of
judgment [4] at every time}.In the reference it is noticed that last incarnation Kalki (a per Hinduism), next Buddha Mythreyya
( as per Buddhism) , Paraclete after Jesus ( as per Christianity) and the Prophet similar to Mosus that mentioned in Torah ( as
per Judism) are same person Last Prophet Mohammed (as per Quran).The stems of meanings of important names of God in
Quran are all soul objects and only through human beings most of those can be realized. For example if a person possess love
,knowledge, success, patience, etc in life that shows he implements soul objects wadud , aleem, fathaah, saboor,etc (stem of
meanings of some names of God in Quran ) and has a soul subset of Re(G).The Imaginary part of God , Im(G) cannot be
modeled since the imaginary part varies according to the domain of knowledge of each person. It can be implemented virtually
through metaverse technology . Im(G) has wide application in real life and the imaginary life in hereafter since the projection
of the ideas real and imaginary part of numbers and functions are used in mathematics to simulate and solve problems.Re(G) is
the abstract of a unique maximal element since other possible maximal elements are subsets of Re(G).

Survey Result: Using a set of questionnaires a survey is conducted among 100 academicians. 25 from Islam religion, 25 from
Hindu religion ,25 from Christian religion and 25 from non religious ,atheist category. The survey result showed that 75%
hesitate to accept God Allah but 98% are accepting implementation of Soul objects in Soul Space G in daily life.
In general, more than 75% are un aware on the fact that Soul Space G describes meanings of names of God Allah. To continue
as non religious /neutral religious /atheist ( or not belonging to realistic view of Islam ) a person must identify all the possible
soul objects in Soul Space G and he must avoid implementation of all those soul objects from his daily life. But it is
impossible to human beings. Therefore by the application of method of contradiction in beliefs, the educated thinking people
cannot reject Re(G) in life.


A. Logical Error in Real Analysis
In the reference book Introduction to Real Analysis [10] ,it consists the proof for the statement Smallest Positive Real
Number doesn't exist.The book is used in India, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Srilanka and
Vietnam.This proof has been following for centuries.

Existing Proof: ( As in Mathematics reference text books prescribed by Universities )Assume that the smallest positive real
number exists and let it be “a” . Now “a/2” is smaller than “a” contradicting the assumption that “a” is the smallest positive
realnumber. So assumption is wrong. By method of contradiction, the smallest positive real number does not exist.
Cause of error : The numbers very close to 0 are considered as infinitesimal number. 0 is the considered as only real and

Nishad T M / IJMTT, 67(8), 68-70, 2021

infinitesimal number.
If “a” is assumed as the smallest positive real number.
1. Then the nature of “a/2” is in a doubt ?
2. Smallest means there is no other one in same category smaller than the smallest. Example if a pen is smallest among
available pens, then showing a pencil which is smaller than the smallest pen we can't say there exists a pen smaller than
smallest pen.
3. Is a/2 an infinitesimal number other than 0 ?
4. If so how can we say it is a real number
5. The above proof is not acceptable till we show that the number smaller than the smallest positive real number is not an
infinitesimal number. This is not possible as per definition of infinitesimal numbers.
Suggesting modified Proof: Assume that the smallest positive real number exists and let it be “a” . Now a must obey all
Archimedean properties for real numbers. For any natural number n, the reciprocal 1/n is a real number. Since “a” is the
smallest positive real number, “a” is always less than any other positive real number. So we shall write a < (1/n) for every
natural number n. This implies that (1/a) > n for every natural number n. Now the reciprocal of “a” is not bounded above. By
Archimedean property of real numbers, the reciprocal of a real number except 0 must be bounded above. The assumed “a”
now fails to keep Archimedean property for real numbers. Therefore as per Archimedean property for real numbers, the
smallest positive real number cannot exist.
B. Definition of natural numbers [11,12]
In the NCERT text book in Mathematics for 11th grade in India, the definition of Set of Natural Numbers show
that N= {1,2,3,4,…}. But in the reference book Discrete Mathematical Structures in many Indian universities, the authors
consider set of natural numbers include 0 and proving that that set is a monoid with respect to the operation addition. To the
students in India having NCERT background, N is not a monoid with respect to addition.
Suggestion: Strictly follow the same definition in university and school level text books.
log x and ln x [12]
In NCERT text book for plus two students in India , natural logarithm of x is represented as log x. In the scientific
calculators, ln x is used to represent natural logarithm of x. Its derivativewith respect to x is 1/x. But Indian students are taught
log x as natural logarithm and its derivative with respect to x as 1/x. This is not a standard form of representation. log x is
considered as logarithm to the base 10 in scientific calculators and to mitigate this ambiguity, the ISO 80000 specification
recommends the universities. Currently in examinations students have to agree with log 100 = 2 and derivative of (log x) x is 1/x. That means 10 = e = 2.718281… is true according to the universities and Indian educational boards. That’s
obviously wrong.
Suggestion: The notation must be changed in NCERT text book .

In this article Mathematical theology is developed in new approach. As a part of it philosophy on zero is described.The
logical errors in NCERT and university level mathematics reference books is showed and suggested the required
modifications. The abstract of real part of God shows its negligible portion exists in human beings and the soul objects
representing God is not visible or measured from appearance of a person but through fuzzified measure equation of judgment,
it can be approximated. The numbers very close to zero are infinitesimal numbers. The human beings very close to real part
of God can be viewed as Blessed or Mahatma. The easy method to become blessed or mahatma is the implementation of
some positive soul objects (according to general judgment set) in O up to full judgment [4,9].

[1] Fuzzy Sets Information and Control- Lofit A Zadeh
[2] Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications– Erwin O Kreyszig.
[3] Discrete Mathematics and its Applications- Kenneth H Rosen
[4] An introduction to Soul Sets, Nishad T M ,IJSER
[5] The Hindu Philosophy of Kalki Avatara from Islamic View on Nubuwwah, Muhamed Mihlar Abdul Muthaliff, IJARBSS, ISSN 2222-6990, 7(2017).
[9] Nishad T M, Soul Process,8(6) (2017) IJSER, ISSN 2229-5518.
[10] Introduction to Real Analysis, Authors: Robert G Bartle,Donald R Sherbert
[11] Discrete Mathematical Structures, Authors: J P Tremblay, R Manohar.
[12] NCERT Text Books for Mathematics 10th,11th and 12th Grade.


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