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Divine Pet

Hi, welcome to Divine Pet, one of the three bonus you’re receiving for joining the
Anointed Hemp family.

And while the other two books can work miracles for your own health, this book
is all about how to restore health to your pet so they can live a happy
and painless life.

This is a topic that’s very near and dear to my heart.

When I was a young boy, our family had a golden retriever, Rusty. He was my
best friend for much of my life and we did everything together.

But when Rusty got to around 12 or 13 years old, the effects of old age started to
take hold. (I was only about 8 or 9 at the time myself.)

At first, it was his hearing. I remember sometimes calling his name and he
wouldn’t come running like usual. At the time, I didn’t know why. But my mom
explained to me at some point that he was going deaf, “just like your grandpa”.

However, it got worse. Soon his sight started to go, and he would bump into
things around the house. I felt bad for Rusty, and wished I could do something to

But I’ll never forget the night that everything changed. We let Rusty out to do his
business before bed, and he didn’t come back in. Twenty minutes later we
found him splashing about in our swimming pool.

Divine Pet

He’d obviously fallen in, and because he couldn’t see the step, couldn’t figure
out how to get out. We dried him off and did our best to comfort him, as he was
a little rattled. We went back inside to put the towel in the laundry basket,
and heard a splash. Rusty had fallen in again.

Less than 2 weeks later, Rusty was put down. My mom took him to the vet and
he told her that his quality of life would be so poor, and he could be seriously
hurt, that it wasn’t a good idea to keep him alive.

It broke my heart. And since then I’ve always had animals in my life in one
way or another.

They truly are a blessing from God and can bring so much richness and joy to
our lives. And I believe it’s our responsibility to look after them in any
way we can.

If you have a pet, I’m sure you’d agree with me that they’re like a member of
the family. And if any other family member was in ill health, you’d want to
help heal them if you could. So why shouldn’t our pets get the
same respect and treatment?

Fortunately, the information in this book has the power to make a huge
difference to the health and wellbeing of your pet.

When you use your Anointed Hemp the right way, it can make a remarkable
difference in your pet’s life. Improved health, lesser pain and anxiety, as well as
an extension in how long they live are all possible.

So let’s dive in and work together to improve the health of your pet.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Andrew

Divine Pet

How Anointed Hemp

Can Help Your Pet

As more and more studies come out showing the multitude of ways
Cannabidiol can improve our health, people have started to realize the same
could be true for animals.

And so far the research shows that our pets can get the same incredible
benefits from this miracle oil that we can. Here are some of the things it’s
been shown to do:
Relieve pain
Reduce anxiety
Attack tumors and cancer cells
Help with seizures and epilepsy
Lower inflammation
Help with bowel diseases
Protect the heart
Increase appetite
Relieve nausea
Help with neurodegenerative diseases

Most importantly, this oil has been shown to be safe for animals. [1]
As a result, it’s legal in every state of the country for both human and
animal use. So there’s no reason to be concerned about whether or not this
is safe to use for your pet.

Divine Pet

Even veterinarians are becoming aware of the healing power of God’s divine
oil. Edward Bassingthwaighte, a vet from Australia, stated that it cured a
couple of dogs in his care.

One was a Staffordshire Terrier who had a 6cm mammary tumor and
metastasis. It disappeared in 3 months and didn’t come back.

The other was a Jack Russell Terrier who had a severe heart murmur and
painful arthritis. But after only after a month of treatment with the oil, he
wanted to go for long walks and his murmur was better.

Bassingthwaighte had never seen anything like it. “I simply can’t explain the
improved heart murmur” he said. “They normally don’t get better.”

So it’s clear that not only can your Anointed Hemp help increase the quality
of your pet’s life, but potentially also the quantity. Because if it helps kill
tumors or prevent heart problems — which are big killers in animals,
just like humans — then they can live much longer lives.

Divine Pet

How to give your

pet Anointed Hemp

While it’s clear that Anointed Hemp can deliver huge benefits to your pet,
you’ll want to make sure you administer it to them correctly.

Now, the good news is that it’s very unlikely anything bad will happen if
you give them too much of it. That’s because the oil is a natural product and
non-toxic. In very rare cases your pet might get a mild case of diarrhea if
you give them too much. However even if this occurs, it will only be

The best thing to do is start your pet off with a smaller dosage of oil and
gradually increase it over the course of a few weeks. This way their system
gets used to it and you can make sure they’re not experiencing any ill

It’s possible to administer the oil to your pet by placing it directly under
their tongue. This method works for some, however in other cases the owner
finds that it can get messy. This method will lead to the quickest
absorption of the oil, though.

Another method that works in all cases is to add Anointed Hemp

to your pet’s treat or food. It will be properly absorbed this way, however
it’ll take around 30 minutes or so to take effect, as the food has to pass
through their digestive tract.

For best results, you can give your pet one dosage in the morning and then
another at night.
Divine Pet

And you’ll want to take into consideration the size and weight of your pet to
make sure you give them an appropriate amount.

Below is an outline of 3 different dosage strengths (low, medium, and high)

you can use as a solid guideline when giving Anointed Hemp to your pet.

0.05mg oil x 0.5kg of body weight (low)

0.125mg oil x 0.5kg of body weight (mid)
0.25mg oil x 0.5kg of body weight (high)

So I would recommend starting off with a low dosage, and you can build up to
a higher amount as they get used to it.

Now, the key to experiencing great results is to use it regularly.

If you give your pet some Anointed Hemp and expect them to be cured in a
week, it’s highly unlikely. They will experience some benefits and relief from
symptoms usually right away, but to actually heal them typically requires
longer term use.

Although in the grand scheme of things, and compared to more traditional

treatment, the results are rapid. As we saw from that earlier example, it only
took 3 months of use for an entire tumor to be killed off.

However, every animal and illness is different. So unfortunately I can’t give

you an exact timeframe as to when your pet will be healed, but just know that
each day you’re using Anointed Hemp and praying for them is bringing
them closer to optimal health.

Now, if your pet is quite old and approaching the end of their life, it can be a
traumatic experience. I remember going through that with my first dog,
Rusty, and other pets I’ve owned since then.

Divine Pet

It’s also a troubling time for your pet, as they realize what is happening.
They can experience depression and anxiety at the prospect of death and
leaving behind their owner or family.

The good news is that using Anointed Hemp can help in this difficult time.
Research shows that cannabidiol helps animals deal with the depression and
anxiety, so they’ll be more at peace with what’s happening to them.[2]

Divine Pet

Other tips to help

your pet live longer
and happier
Depending on the type of pet you own, there’s usually a certain lifespan
you can expect them to live.

For example, dogs might live on average from 10 to 15 years.

But that doesn’t have to always be the case. I remember reading about a
dachshund a few years back that lived to be 29 years old! (Where the
average lifespan is 12-13 years old.)

And while it’s not typical that your pet might more than double the life
expectancy of its species, there are certain things you can do to help them
live longer.

Besides giving them a daily dose of Anointed Hemp, which we’ve already
covered, let’s take a look at some practical tips you can start
using today.

Divine Pet

Don’t overfeed
your pet
We all love our pets, that much is clear. And when we see the joy they get
from food and special treats, it can be tempting to give them more
than they need.

But a study published in 2007 showed that dogs who ate fewer calories
(25% less than the control group) lived longer than those who at a normal
amount. [3]

This isn’t entirely surprising, since the same principle is true of humans as
well. In your other bonus book, The Lazarus Effect, it explains how
Intermittent Fasting and fewer calories can lead to improve health and
longer lifespan.

Obviously you don’t want to be starving your pet. But vets say that a
healthy weight for a dog is if you can feel their ribs but not visibly see
them. Of course you can also have a vet weight your pet and tell you if
they are at a healthy weight for their breed and species.

So while it might make us happy to give them delicious treats and a bit
extra food, it could also cost them a couple of years of their life.

Divine Pet

Brush your
pet’s teeth
Perhaps you know that poor oral hygiene is linked to a whole range of
problems in humans, such as inflammation and heart disease. But did you
know the same is true of our pets?

But this can be avoided by regularly brushing their teeth, along with chew
toys and having your vet check their oral hygiene a couple of
times a year.

Even if your pet is much smaller, you still need to be conscious of this.

My niece was having problems with her hamster, which was losing weight
and being picky with what he ate. She thought it may have been a tumor,
but it turned out his teeth were growing too long and in a
strange direction.

Once the vet identified the problem and cut them down, the hamster
started eating normally again and his health and weight returned
to normal.

Divine Pet

Give them
plenty of exercise
Animals need to exercise, both for the physical and mental health.
Many will actually get depressed if they’re not able to run around like God

So if you have a dog, take it for a walk at least once a day.

(Bonus: the walk is also great exercise for you!) If you don’t have a big
yard, take them to the park regularly where they can play.

For cats, you can get them running around by having something to chase
e.g. string, light from laser pointer etc. There are also different cat exercise
equipments and tools you can buy to encourage them to be active.

For smaller pets, like hamsters, it’s crucial you have a hamster wheel for
them so they can run as much as they like. Neglecting this will likely
shorten their life span and lead to other problems.

Divine Pet

their mind
For optimal health and happiness, you want to stimulate your pet’s brain
as well as their body.

This could mean providing them with new toys, having them socialise with
other animals, doing different games together like hide and seek, teaching
them new tricks, or anything else that requires them to think and try
something new.

Depending on what kind of pet you have, you may need to search online to
find the best ways to keep them mentally stimulated. You could also
ask your vet for advice on the topic.

Divine Pet

Pay attention to any
changes in your pet
Medical treatment has come a long way for pets. And if you can detect a
serious issue early enough, there’s a good chance it can be treated before it
kills your pet.

Carrie Hume, a veterinarian specializing in oncology at WestVet in Garden

City, Idaho, said that cat owners should always stay observant.

“Monitor for weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, changes in thirst and

urination,” she said. “Pay attention to any lumps and bumps they develop,
and have them evaluated by their primary veterinarian.”

It’s also important to pay attention to their mood and demeanor. If you
notice any changes in their behavior, it could be a sign that
something is bothering them.

Sometimes symptoms that we might attribute to aging are actually caused

by something else. So by staying vigilant in monitoring them,
you can have them checked by your vet when you notice anything

Divine Pet

Dogs and cats are actually at risk of sunburn and cancer, which can
potentially kill them

That means using some vet-approved sunscreen is a great idea for when
they’re out in the sun.

Now, depending on your breed and what kind of coat they have, the risks
could be higher or lower. So this is a topic that is definitely worth
consulting with your vet about, as it could save your pet
from an early death.

Divine Pet

Be wary of letting
your pet outdoors
Most animals love to go outside and explore. However, there are certain
risks that come with this that you’ll need to be wary of.

For cats, there is the danger of getting into fights with other cats and
larger animals. They can also pick up diseases from other animals they
come into contact with. It’s been suggested that outdoor cats only live on
average for half as long as indoor cats.

So you may want to look for ways to restrict where your cat can roam.
Or at the very least, monitor how much time they spend outside

With dogs, there is always the risk of getting hit by a car. Depending on
where you live and how accessible roads are, you’ll need to be
conscious of leaving your dog outside.

This isn’t to say that your pet can never be outdoors. Rather that you
want to examine all the possible risks and do your best to eliminate them
as much as possible.

Even if it seems like a lot of work at the time, your pet’s safety and
happiness will be just reward.

Divine Pet

That brings us to the end of Divine Pet.

If you’ve read this far, it clearly means you love your pet and wish to do
whatever you can for their health and happiness.

This is what God intended when he gave us dominion over the animals, and
I’m sure He will reward your kindness.

Now, when you follow the information and tips as presented in this book,
it’ll go a long way towards healing your pet or preventing illness.

Keep praying everyday and giving your pet their dosage of Anointed
Hemp and miraculous events can happen.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Andrew

Divine Pet




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