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Time- 1 hrs 30 mins (Maths & Science| VIII) Tot.

Marks- 60

Q1. Ankit planned an activity to observe an object A through pipes as shown in the given
figure, so that he could see objects which he could not directly see.

(a) How many mirrors should he use to see the object?

(b) Indicate the positions of the mirrors in the figure.
(c) What must be the angle with respect to the incident light at which he should place the
(d) Indicate the direction of rays in the figure.
(e) If any of the mirrors is removed, will he be able to see the object?

Q2. (i) Write a note on ‘The Human Eye’.

(ii) Explain some common eye defects in human.
(iii) Write the ways to protect your eyes.

Q3. Define The Followings Terms :-

(i) Lateral inversion
(ii) Aqueous humour
(iii) Yellow spot
(iv) Hypermetropia

Q4. Explain the term reproductive health. What should we do to maintain reproductive

Q5. Explain the reproductive phase of life in humans.

Q6. Fill In the Blanks:-

1. ___________ means to grow into maturity.

2. Children gain height during ___________.
3. The boys and girls passing through the adolescence period are called ___________ or
4. During puberty, a change in voice takes place due to the increase in the size of ___________
or ___________.
5. The stage when the menstrual cycle stops is called ___________.
6. The ___________ gland helps in controlling the production of both testosterone and
estrogen hormones.
7. Diabetes is caused due to the deficiency of ___________ in the body.
8. ___________ is caused due to deficiency of thyroxine hormone.
9. Endocrine glands are also called ___________ glands.
10. ___________ secrets male sex hormones.
11. ___________ secrets female sex hormones.
12. Sex of the unborn child depends on whether the ___________ has ___________ or
___________ chromosomes.
13. Metamorphosis in insects is controlled by ___________ hormone.
14. Metamorphosis in frog is controlled by ___________ hormone.
15. If the water in which tadpoles are growing does not contain sufficient ___________, the
tadpoles cannot become adults.
16. In females, the uterine wall thickens to receive the ___________.
17. Endocrine glands release hormones directly into the ___________ for transportation to the
18. ___________ helps the body to adjust and fight the stress.
19. The development of a caterpillar to an adult butterfly is termed as ___________.
20. The first menstrual flow begins at ___________ and is termed as ___________.
Q7. A cistern has two inlets A and B which can fill it in 12 hours and 15 hours respectively. An
outlet can empty the full cistern in 10 hours. If all the three pipes are opened together in the
empty cistern, how much time will they take to fill the cistern completely?

Q8. A cistern can be filled by a tap in 4 hours and emptied by an outlet pipe in 6 hours. How long
will it take to fill the cistern if both the tap and the pipe are opened together?

Q9. A , B and C separately can do a work in 10, 15 & 30 day respectively. Together they can do
the same work in how many days?

Q10. Efficiency of A is 60 % more than B only A can finish the work in 80 days, the B can finish
the same work in How many days?

Q11. A certain amounts of Money at compound interest grows to 66550 in 3 years and 73205 in
4 years. The Rate percent Per Annum is?

Q12. The Compound Interest On Rs 4000 after 3 years is Rs 630.65. Then the Rate of Interest
Compounded Yearly is?

Q13. There is a continuous growth in population of a village at the rate of 5% per annum. If its
present population is 9261, what it was 3 years ago?

Q14. Ashish started the business with an initial investment of Rs. 500000. In the first year he
incurred a loss of 4%. However during the second year he earned a profit of 5% which in third
year rose to 10%. Calculate the net profit for the entire period of 3 years.

Q15. The population of a city increases each year by 4% of what it had been at the beginning of
each year. If the population in 1999 had been 6760000, find the population of the city in (1) 2001
(ii) 1997.


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