Page 59 Ex 14

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Page 59 ex 14

1. “That meal would have satisfied a king!” he exclaimed.

“That meal was fit for a king!” he exclaimed.
2. No matter what he does, people don’t seem eager to work on the project.
He doesn’t seem able to generate enthusiasm for the project.
3. There are hardly any people in the centre of the city in August.
The centre of the city is virtually empty in August
4. The war has caused emigration to increase.
The war has resulted in an increase in emigration.
5. The board had a secret meeting in order to discuss changes in company policy.
The board met behind closed doors to discuss changes in company policy.
6. She will probably come before the end of May.
In all likelihood, she will come before the end of May.
7. Young children ask a lot of questions.
Young children are apt to ask a lot of questions.
8. I won’t stay overnight; I’d rather not put you to any trouble.
I won’t stay overnight; I don’t want to impose on you.
9. The manager is investigating your complaint.
Your complaint is being looked into by the manager.
10. She often exaggerates how much she earns.
She has a tendency to exaggerate how much she earns.
11. Anne has decided to buy fewer clothes from now on.
Anne has decided to cut down on buying from now on.
12. Mary always ignores her parents' advice.
Mary never takes any notice of her parents’ advice.
13. I was just about to ring him when he called.
I was on the point of ringing him when he called.
14. Her mother smiled with delight when Sarah gave her the flowers.
Sarah’s mother’s face lit up when she gave her the flowers.
15. His sudden outburst was not consistent with his character.
His sudden outburst was out of/not in keeping with his character.
16. Nothing could induce him to leave the house without locking the door.
Under no circumstances would he leave the house without locking the door.
17. Since he retired, his main pastime has been gardening.
Since he retired,he has spent most of his time gardening.
18. Marie has the annoying habit of losing her keys.
Marie is forever losing her keys.
19. The board of directors will not meet again until the end of the year.
A meeting of the board of directors will not be held again until the end of the
20. A new arrangement over working conditions has been made between the
management and the union.
The management has struck a deal with the union over working conditions.
{Fixed phrases 1}

Be/ have at one's fingertips Be/have easily available/have free access to

Blow a fuse Become very angry/lose one’s temper

Come to the fore Become important or popular

Put on a brave face/ put Try to hide one’s disappointment

a brave face on a situation

Without fail (do something) no matter what

Few and far between Scarce/ rare

In the flesh In person

In full flow (talking) at length

Bear fruit Be successful

On the face of it Judging by how sth appears

Point the finger of suspicion Blame sb for sth

See fit Think suitable or right

Flat broke Penniless

Not have the foggiest idea Not know sth at all

Get cold feet Be nervous or frightened because sth might fail

By/ from force of habit Used to doing sth without thinking

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