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Andrew Pena

EAP 1640C

Professor Gina Dalle Mole

Narrative essay #2

12 March 2023

Brand New Car for a College Student

Deciding between financing a new car or purchasing an older one in cash, was a problem

I had when I had to choose. This was a life lesson I will never forget and applies to many other

things in life as well. I decided to purchase an older car with some miles on it with cash in hand

with the money that I had been saving for a while, instead of getting into debt by financing a

brand-new car, which taught me a life lesson about financial responsibility and how important is

to think wisely and to gather all the information needed before making such a big decision.

The first lesson I learned was the importance of budgeting. When I wanted to get my first

car, all I was thinking was to go to the nearest dealership and get a brand-new one. But

something inside of me was telling me that it was not the smartest decision, since I am a student

and I have other bills to pay, so I question myself "Do I really need a brand-new car when an

older one can do the same?". I realize that it was not worth it to get in debt for such a long time

when I had some money in my savings and could get an older car which probably required some

maintenance done to it, but I believed I could find a good deal.

The second lesson I learned was the importance of being patient to make the right choice,

When I was considering getting a brand-new car, I was desperate, simply because, I was starting
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in college, I needed to move, and I did not want to spend money on uber or other transportation

of that kind. However, when I purchased an older car, in cash, with no debt, I had to take my

time and do some research so I could find the best deal for me, some car reliable, good on gas,

and cheap to maintain. This experience taught me that good things come for those who wait, and

that rushing things never brings anything good which can often lead to regret.

In conclusion, my choice to get an older car instead of financing a brand-new one taught

me very important lessons about financial responsibility and patience when it comes to decision-

making. It also taught me the importance of budgeting and doing research before doing

something that could make me regret it later in the future. This has helped me to be more

financially responsible in my life and to be patient. A bit of advice I could give to others is that

anyone that is facing a similar situation to mine should carefully think about all the options and

choose wisely and always think about the future.

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