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spirit axe

gain by using axe on standless

axe spawnrate 1sec 1/190,000 fire sound when spawn

stats : sss

passive A: all attacks do burn damage( low damage 10-15 per sec on berserker mode
15-20) last for 5 seconds
passive B: all the attacks you take burn the enemy (low damage 10-15 per sec on
berserker mode 15-20) last for 2 seconds
passive C: when berserker mode you gain more power when you have less health | more
than %70 = .75
than %45 = 1.5
than %45 = 2
passive D: you can collect soulshards by hitting people every soul heals you 30
Health: 750 the souls number appear somewhere in the screen
passive E: if you die while using T move you enter to berserkermode burning your
stand until it turn into powder
giving you all his power to the axe you hold in your hand nad moving
faster since you not have a stand
LMB: 40 damage you get 1 soul
E: you slash your oponent gaining 3 souls (80 damage cooldown 3 seconds)
R: you absorbs the souls you have collected doing passive D (5 sec cooldown)
T: you burn yourself for 10 seconds making you faster and doing true damage but
losing life (10 sec cooldown)
F: your stand attack the enemy at the enemy and gaining 7 souls (75 damage cooldown
7 sec)
C: you create a fire wall if somebody touch it they get stunned and start to burn
and it can block all type of damage (1 sec stun cooldown 6 sec)
Z: you become a flame moving super fast but cant attack (4 seconds cooldown)
LMB: 50 damage
E: you start spinning in circles fast holding your axe in your hands and it last
3 seconds and you get a super armor ( 10 damage per hit and it hits 3 times in a
sec and getting 1 soul per hit cooldown 4 seconds)
R: you absorbs the souls you have collected doing passive D (5 sec cooldown)
T: you throw your axe if it lands it lands you tp in the back of the enemy and stun
him 2 souls gain ( 60 damage and 1 sec stun cooldown 6 sec)
F: you jump and then you land where your cursor was dealing 150 damage and gainning
4 souls (15 sec cooldown)
H: you slash the floor creating a zone of fire and all the people that step inside
is stunnes and start to burn you gain 1 soul per hit(burn 20 per hit every second
it hit 2 times and stunned for 2 sec) it last for 3 seconds
C: you block using your axe
V: you use 15 souls to burn yourself making you 2x faster permanently until you die
(only one use per life so 80 sec cooldown)
Z: you thow your axe and tp to his position ( 3 sec cooldown)

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