Solid State: Multiple Choice Questions (1 Mark)

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Solid State

r '
Note: The O marked questions are the part of reduced/non-evaluative
portion for academic year 2020-21 only.

Multiple Choice Questions (1 Mark)

1. The fol1owing types of solids contain molecules as constituent particles?

(A) molecular solids (B) ionic solids
(C) 1netallic solids (D) covalent network solids

2. The following crystal systems contain 4 Bravais lattices?

(A) cubic (B) tetragonal
(C) orthorhombic (D) monoclinic

3. An octahedral void is surrounded by ___

(A) 4 spheres (B) 3 spheres
(C) 8 spheres (D) 6 spheres

04. Which of the following is an amorphous solid?

(A) Copper sulphate (B) Magnesium
(C) Tar (C) Diamond

5. A paired cation-anion vacancy is called ___

(A) Schottky defect (B) Frenkel defect
(C) iinpurity defect (D) vacancy defect

6. The unit cell of a si1nple cubic system has atoms at the eight corners.
Hence, number of atoms in an unit cell is ---
(A) 8 (B) 3
(C) 1 (D) 2

7. In crystal lattice formed by priinitive cubic unit cell, the space occupied
by particles is ___
(A) 47.6% (B) 52.4%
(C) 32% (C) 68%
[Note: The question statement is modified by including the term 'cubic'.}

Std. XII Set: Chemistry

Chapter 01: Solid State Target Publications Pvt. ltd.

8. The coordination nu1nber of spheres in hep lattice in three din1ension is

(A) 2 (B) 6
(C) 4 (D) 12

9. A compound is 1nade up of two elements X and Y and crystallizes in

bee structure. Atoms of X are present at the corners of the cube. Aton1s
of Y are present at the centre of the cube. The fonnula of the co1npound
IS ---
(B) XY
(D) X2Y3

10. Sodium crystallizes in bee structure. If the edge length of unit cell is
4.3 x 10-8 cm, the radius of Na ato1n is ___.
(A) 1.86 x 10-8 cm (B) 1.52 x 1 o-8 en,
(C) 2.15 X 10-8 cn1 (D) 4.3 X 1 o-s cm

.Jj a
H.1nt: For bcc unit· ce 11, r = --
= l.86 X l o-S Cill

Very Short Answer Questions (1 Mark) I

1. Write the effect on density of a substance in the Frenkel defect?

Ans: In the Frenkel defect, the density of the substance ren1ains unchanged
As no ions are nussing from the crystal lattice as a whole.

2. Name the bravais latti.ce in the triclinic system.

Ans: The Bravais lattice in the triclinic system is sitnple or primitive unit cell

3. What are diamagnetic substances?

Ans: The substances with all electrons paired, are weakly repelled by
magnetic fields. Such substances are called as dianu,gnetic substances.

4. Give one property common to both hep and ccp crystal lattices.
Ans: One property conm1on to both hep and ccp lattice is sa1ne coordination
nu1nber of the particles (i.e., 12).

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Chapter 01: Solid State Target Publications• Pvt. Ltd.
G 5. Write the relationship between radius of atom and edge length of
fcc unit cell.
. . . (r) = Edge lenrrth (a)
Ans: For fee umt cell, rad1us of atom
2 2

6. Draw diagram of bee unit ceU.

Ans: bee unit cell:

________ __.

7. The number of tetrahedral voids are formed if the number of atoms

in a crystal is N/2.
Ans: If the number of atoms in a crystal is N/2, the number of tetrahedral
voids is N.

8. Give the percentage of empty space in bee lattice.

Ans: The percentage of empty space in bee lattice is 32%.

9. If the total volume of a simple cubic unit ceU is 6.817 x 10-23 cm3 ,
what is the volume occupied by particles in unit cell?
Ans: Volume occupied by particles in simple cubic unit cell
= 3.57 x}0-23 cm3
=3.14x6.8J7xl0- cm 3

l 0. The number of octahedral voids formed in 0.5 mol of a compound

forming hep structure?
Ans: Number of particles in 0.5 rnol = 0.5 x NA
= 0.5 X 6.022 X 1023
= 3.011 X }0

Nmnber of octahedral voids = Number of pa1ticles

= 3.0}1 X 1023

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Chapter 01: Solid State Target Publications Pvt. Ltd.

Short Answer Questions (Type-I) (2 Marks)

O 1. Distinguish between crystalline solids and amorphous solids.


Crystalline solids Amorphous solids

1. The constituent particles are The constituent particles are arranged
arranged in a regular and randomly.
periodic manner.
11. They have sharp and They do not have sharp melting point.
characteristic melting point.
They gradually soften over a range of
111. They are anisotropic, i.e., They are isotropic, i.e., have same
have different physical physical properties in all directions.
properties Ill different
IV. They have long range order. They have only short range order.
e.g. Ice, NaCl Glass, rubber, plastics, etc.

2. Classify the following solids as molecular, ionic, covalent and

metallic solids.
Pb, MgF2, S0 2 and quartz
1. Pb - Metallic solid 11. MgF2 - Ionic solid
111. SO2 - Molecular solid 1v. Quartz - Covalent solid

3. Find the number of atoms in the fee unit cell.

1. A face-centred cubic (fee) unit cell has particles at the eight corners plus
particles at the centre of its six faces.
11.. Each particle present at the corner of a given unit cell is shared with
seven other neighbouring unit cells. As a result, its contribution to the

given unit cell is only

Thus, the number of particles present at com.ers per unit cell
= 8 comer atmns x atom per unit cell = I
Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry
Chapter 01: Solid State Target Publications" Pvt. Ltd.
111. Each partic]e at the centre of the s1x faces 1s shared with one
neighbouring cube. Thus, 1 /2 of each face particle belongs to the given
unit cell.
Thus, the number of present at faces per unit cell
= 6 ato1ns at the faces x - ato1n per
. unit cell = 3
Therefore, fee unit cell has one corner particle plus 3 face particles,
making total of 4 particles per unit cell.

4. Explain with diagram, the vacancy defect.

Ans: Vacancy defect:
1. During crystallization of a solid, a particle is missing from its regular
site in the crystal lattice.
I J. The 1nissing particle creates a vacancy in the lattice structure. Thus,
so1ne of the lattice sites are vacant because of missing particles as
shown in the figure. Such a crystal is said to have a vacancy defect.
lll. The vacancy defect can also be developed when the substance is heated.
lV. Due to the absence of particles, the 1nass of the substance decreases.
However, the voluine remains unchanged. As a result, the density of
the substance decreases.


• •••

� -

I -vacancy

I Vacancy defect

5. Calculate the number of unit cells in 0.3 g of a species having

density of 8.5 g/cm3 and unit ceJJ edge length 3.25 x 10-s cm.
Given: Density (p)= 8.5 g/c1n3, Edge length (a)= 3.25 x 10-8 cm,
Mass of the species (x) = 0.3 g
To find: Number of unit cells in 0.3 g of niobium

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Chapter 01: Solid State Target Publications Pvt. Ltd.

1.11. The spheres of the second layer are placed in the depressions of the first
layer. If the first layer is labelled as 'A' layer, the second layer is
labelled as 'B' layer because the two layers are aligned differently.
lV. The spheres of the third layer are aligned with the spheres of the first
layer. The resulting pattern of the layers will be 'ABAB.... '. This
arrangement results in hexagonal close packed (hep) structure.

3. A substance crystallizes in fee structure. The unit ceU edge length is

367.8 pm. Calculate the molar mass of the substance if its density
: is
21.5 g/cm .
Given: Edge length (a) = 367.8 pm = 3.678 x 10-s c1n,
Density = 21.5 g/cn13
To find: Molar mass (M)
Formula: Density (p) =
a3 N A
Calculation: For an fee lattice, number of atoms per unit cell is 4.
Fro1n formula,
a3 N A p
Molar mass M =
M= (3.678 x 10-8 ) cm3 x 6.022 x 1023 atom mor 1 x2l.5 g cm-3
4 a.tom
= 161.1 g mor' (Using log tables)

Calculati.oo using log table:

(3.678 X l.o-sy X 6.022 X 102) X 21.5
= (3.678) 6.022

2.15 X

= Antilog 10 (3 xlog1 0 3.678 + log10 6.022 + log 10 2.15 - log1 0 4]

= Anti log 10 (3 x 0.5657 + 0.7797 + 0.3324 - 0.602 I]
== Antilog10 [1.6971 + 0.5100)
= Antilog10 (2.2071]

Ans: Molar mass of the substance is 161.1 g mor'.

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry
Chapter 01: Solid State Target Publications• Pvt. Ltd.
4. The unit cell of Na is bee and its density is 0.97 g/cm3 . What is the
radius of a sodium atom if the molar mass of Na is 23 g/mol?
Given: Density = 0.97 glcm3 , Molar mass (M) = 23 g/mol
To find: Radius of sodium atom (r)
Formula: 1. Density (p) =
a3 NA

ll. For bee unit cell, r = fj a

Calculation: For a bee lattice, number of atoms per unit cell is 2.
.. n= 2
From formula (i),
a3 =
pN A
23 g filOl-l X 2 atom
a3 = = 7_875 X l o-23 CID3
0.97 g cm-3 x 6.0 2 2 x 10 23 atom mo1- 1
a =
17 .875 X J o-ZJ Cm
= 4.286 X l o-S Cll1
From formula (ii),

.jj a =
.J3 X 4.286 X} o-S
= ).86 X J0-8 CID
4 4
Ans: Radius of sodium atom is 1.86 x 10-s cm.

5. How are nonstoic.hiometric point defects classified? Explain with

diagram the metal deficiency defect.
1. Nonstoichiometric point defects are classified into following two types:
a. Metal deficiency defect
b. Metal excess defect
ii. Metal deficiency defect:
a. This defect is possible only in compounds of metals that show variable
oxidation states.
b. In some crystals, positive metal ions are missing from their original
lattice sites. The extra negative charge is balanced by the presence of
cation of the sa1ne metal with higher oxidation state than that of missing

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry 9

Chapter 01: Solid State Target Publications•Pvt. Ltd.
e.g.: In the compound NiO, one Nii.. ion is missing creating a vacancy at its
lattice site.
The deficiency of two positive charges is made up by the presence of
two NiJ+ ions at the other lattice sites of Ni2+ ions. The composition of
NiO then becomes Nio.9701.0-


Nonstoichiometric Ni 0.9101.o :
L _______________________ J

06. Explain with one example each, the diamagnetic, paramagnetic and
ferromagnetic substances.
1. The substances with all electrons paired, are weakly repelled by
magnetic.fields. Such substances are called as dia111agnetic substances.
In these substances, pairing of electrons balances the spins and hence,
cancels their magnetic moments.
e.g. N2
11. The substances with unpaired electrons are weakly attracted by
magneticfield. Such substances are called as paramagnetic substances.
In these substances, the spinning of unpaired electron gives rise to a
magnetic moment due to which it is attracted by magnetic field. These
substances exhibit magnetism in presence of external magnetic field
only. They lose magnetism when the external magnetic field is removed.
e.g. Oxygen
111. The substances containing large number of unpaired electrons are
attracted strongly by magnetic .field. Such substances are called as
ferromagnetic substances.
These substances can be pe1manently magnetised. They retain
magnetism even after the removal of exte1nal magnetic field.
e.g. Fe

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry 10

Chapter 01: Solid State Target Publications• Pvt. Ltd.
Long Answer Questions (4 Marks)

1. What are nonstoichiometric point defects'? Explain with a diagram

the formation of F-centers.
i. Nonstoichiometric point defect:
a. Nonstoichiometric point defect arises when the ratio of number of atoms
of one kind to that of other kind or the ratio of number of cations to
anions becomes different from that indicated by its chemical formula.
b. In this defect, stoichiometry of the compound is changed. However, the
change in stoichiometry does not cause any change in the crystal structure.
ii. Metal excess defect by anion vacancies (Colour or F-centres):
This type of defect imparts colour to the colourless crystal.
e.g.: When NaCl crystal is heated in the r---------------1
atmosphere of sodium vapour, sodium : - ±; - + - - :
atoms are deposited on the crystal I 1
surface. --
: :
er ions diffuse to the crystal surface II 1
creating vacancies at their regular I
1 1
sites. I 1

These er ions combine with Na : :

at01ns on the surface to fonn NaCl, by I
I _ + - I
releasing electron from sodium atom. I 1
Na+ er� NaCl+ e- L An F-centre in a crystal J
The electrons released diffuse into the crystal and occupy vacant sites of
anions. The anion vacant sites occupied by electrons are F-centres or
colour centres. NaCl shows yellow colour due to the formation of
F-centre. The crystal of NaCl has excess Na. The nonstoichiometric
formula of NaCl is the Na 1+xCI 1.o-

2. Give the classification of stoichiometric point defects. Wbat is a

substitutional impurity defect? Explain solid solutions of metals and
vacancy through aliovalent cations.
i. There are four types of stoichiometric point defects: vacancy defect, self
interstitial defect, Schottky defect and Frenkel defect.
ii. Substitutional impurity defect:
In this defect, the foreign atoms are found at the lattice sites in place of
host atoms. The regular atoms are displaced from their lattice sites by
impurity atoms.

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Chapter 01: Solid State Target Publications Pvt. Ltd.

iii. a. Solid solutions of metals (alloys):

------------- ----,
Brass is an alloy of Cu and , C ,
I opper
Zn. In brass, host Cu aton1s I I
are replaced by impurity of I
Zn atoms. The Zn ato1ns : I
occupy regular sites of Cu I
atoms as shown in the :
figute. 1 Brass I
b. Formation of vacancy through aliovalent impurity:
Vacancies are created by the addition of impurities of aliovalent
ions (that is, ions with oxidation state different from that of host
ions) to an ionic solid.
e.g. Consider a sn1all a111ount of SrCh impurity added to NaCl during
its crystallization. The added Sr2+ ions (O.S.= ...,...2) occupy s01ne of
the regular sites of Na host ions (O.S. = +l ). In order to maintain
+ +
electrical neutrality, every Sr2 ion re1noves two Na ions. One of
the vacant lattice sites created by rem.oval of two Na+ ions is
occupied by one Sr2+ ion. The other site of Na ion remains vacant
as shown in the figure.

@0 © Vacancy of
0 @0@ +
Na ion

Vacancy through aliovalent ion

L _______________________

3. Derive the relationship between density of substance, its molar mass

and the unit cell edge length. Explain how you will calculate the
number of particles, and number of unit cells in x g of metal.
i. ·Relationship between density of a substance, its molar mass and the
unit cell edge length:
a. If edge length of cubic unit cell is 'a', then the volume of unit cell is a3 .
b. Suppose that mass of one particle is 'm' and that there are 'n' particles
per unit cell.
Mass of unit cell= m x n ... (1)

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Chapter 01: Solid State Target Publications• Pvt. ltd.
C. The density of unit cell (p), which is same as density of the substance is
given by:
Mass of unit cell
Volume of unit cell
- = Density of substance ...(2)
d. Molar mass (M) of the substance is given by:
M= mass of one paiticle xnumber of particles per mole
= m xNA (NA is Avogadro number)

Therefore, m = - ...(3)
e. Combining equations ( l ) and (3), gives
p= 3 ...(4)
a NA
11. Density (p) and molar 1nass (M) of a metal are related to each other
through unit cell parameters as given below:
n M
p = -3 x-
a NA
a 3 NA
M = p
where, 'n' is the number of particles in unit cell and 'a 3 ' is the volume
of unit cell.
a. Number of particles in x g of metallic crystal:
Molar mass, M, contains NA particles.
. x .
NA'-'- pait1c Ies.
x g of meta l contarns -
Substitution of M in the above equation gives
xN A xn
Number of pa1ticles in 'x' g=
pa 3 N A / n - p a3
b. Number of unit cells in x g of metallic crystal:
'n' particles correspond to 1 unit cell.
xn xn 1
� particles correspond to - 3 x - unit cells.
pa pa n
Number of unit cells in 'x' g metal= -3

Multiple Choice Questions (1 Mark)

Sugar dissolves in water because___

(A) sugar is nonpolar

(B) water is polar

(D) sugar and water are both polar

(C) it forms hydrogen bonding with water

2. The solubility of a gas in water___

(B) increases with increase in temperature

(A) decreases with increase in temperature

(C) decreases with decrease in temperature

(D) is not affected by temperature

3. The units of Henry's law constant are

(A) bar dm mor
(C) L mor bar-' (D) bar L- mor
1 1
(B) mol L- bar-
3 1
1 1 1

4. The colligative properties of solutions ___

(A) depend on nature of solute particles
(B ) do not depend on number of solute particles
(C) do not depend on dissociation of solute in solvent
(D) depend on number of solute particles

5. The following solution/solvent has maximum vapour pressure ___

(A) 1 M copper sulphate solution

(C) 0.5 M copper sulphate solution

(B) pure solvent water

(D) 2 M copper sulphate solution

6. According to Raoult's law, relative lowering of vapour pressure of

solution containing dissolved nonvolatile solute ___
(A) is equal to mole fraction of solvent

(C) does not depend on n1ole fraction of solute

(B) is equal to mole fraction of solute

(D) is equal to molality of solution

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Chapter 02: Solutions Target PublicationtPvt. Ltd.
vi. Reason for lowering of freezing of solvent:
At the freezing point of a pure liquid, the attractive forces among
molecules are large enough to cause the change of phase fron1 liquid to
solid. In a solution, the solvent 111olecules are separated from each other
because of solute molecules. Thus, the separation of solvent molecules
in solution is more than that in pure solvent. This results in decreasing
the attractive forces between solvent molecules. Consequently, the
temperature of the solution is lowered below the freezing point of
solvent to cause the phase change.
Hence, freezing point of solvent is lowered by dissolving a nonvolatile
solute into it.

3. Explain the terms semipermeable membrane, osmosis and osmotic

pressure. What are isotonic solutions? Explain with one example.
i. Semipermeable membrane:
Se111ipermeable membrane is a film such as cellophane which has pores
large enough to allow the solvent molecules to pass through them.
ii. Osmosis:
The net spontaneous flow of solvent molecules into the solution or from
more dilute solution. to more concentrated solution through a
semipermeable membrane is called osmosis.
iii. Osmotic pressure:
The hydrostatic pressure (on the side o solution) that stops osmosis is
called an os11iotic pressure of the solution.
The e.xcess of pressure on the side of the solution that stops the net.flow
of solvent into the solution through a semipermeable membrane is
called osniotic pressure.
iv. Isotonic solutions:
Two or more solutions having the same osmotic pressure are said to be
isotonic solutions.
e.g. 0.1 M urea solution and 0.1 M sucrose solution are isotonic because
their osmotic pressures are equal. Such solutions have the same molar
concentrations but different concentrations in g/L. If these solutions are
separated by a semipermeable membrane, there is no flow of solvent in
either direction.

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry
Ionic Equilibria

Multiple Choice Questions (1 Mark)

l. What is the percentage dissociation of 0.1 M solution of acetic acid?

[Ka(CH3 COOH) = 1o-5]
(A) 0.01% (8) 1%
(C) 10% (D) 100%
Hint: Ka = a. c

- [K, - )10-' =-Jto -4 = w-'

a-�� - 0.1
Percent dissociation = a x 100 = 10 2 x 100 = J %

2. For a reaction HCtcaq)+ H2O(I) ;::=:=::= H3 O;uq > + Clcaq >

Which of the following is a conjugate acid-base pair?
(A) HCI and H 2 0 (B) H 3 0
+ +
(C) H 3 0 and H 2 0 (D) HCl and H3 0

3. In biochemical system, pH of blood in our body is maintained due to

following buffer:
(A) NH4OH + NHiCl
(8) Hco; + H 2C03
(D) citric acid + Mg(OH)2

4. If 'IP' is the ionic product and 'Ksp ' is the solubility product,
precipitation of the compound will occur under the condition when:
(A) IP= Ksp (B) JP> Ksp
(C) IP < Ksp (D) IP < < K P
[Note: Option D is modified.}

5. Na iF is a salt of weak acid HF (Ka= 7.2 x 10-4 ) and weak base NH4OH
(Kb= 1.8 x 10-5), the solution ofNH4 F will be ___
(A) slightly acidic (B) slightly basic
(C) strongly basic (D) neutral

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Chapter 03: Ionic Equilibria Target Publications Pvt. Ltd.

3. i. Explain the amphoteric nature of water.

ii. Define:
a. Solubility product b. Hydrolysis of salt
i. Amphoteric nature of water:
Water has the ability to act as an acid as well as a base. Such behaviour
is known as amphoteric nature of water.
a. H2O(/) + NH3(aq) ;:.=== 0Hzaq) + *¼aq)

b. H2O(/) + HC� aq) ..--- H 307aq) + Cl(aq)
H2O acts as an acid towards NH3 and as a base towards HCl.
Therefore, H2 O is atnphoteric.
ii. a. Solubility product:
In the saturated solution of sparingly soluble salt, the product of
equilibrium concentrations of the constituent ions raised to the
power equal to their respective coefficients in the balanced
equilibrium expression. at a given temperature is called solubility
b. Hydrolysis of salt:
Hydrolysis of salt is defined as the reaction in which cations or
anions or both ions o a salt react with ions of water to produce
acidity or alkalinity (or sometimes even neutrality).


Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Chemical Thermodynamics

Multiple Choice Questions (1 Mark)

1. An intensive property atnongst the following is ___
(A) mass (B) volume
(C) number of moles (D) temperature

2. The value of 1 dm3 bar is --- J

(A) 101 (B) 102
(C) 1031 (D) 10-21
Hint: 1 dm3 bar= 1 dm.3 x 105 kg m- 1 s-2
= 1 ni3 x 10-3 x 105 kg m- 1 s-2
= 100 kg m2 s-2 = 1001

3. The work done in the drn3 bar when 200 rnL of ethylene gas and
150 mL of HCl gas were allowed to react at 1 bar pressure is ___
(A) 0.10 (B) 0.15
(C) 0.20 (D) 0.2
Hint: According to the equation of reaction, 1 1nole of C2 � reacts with
1 mole of HCI to produce I mole of C2 H5Cl.
Hence, 150 mL of HCI would react with only 150 1nL of C2 Rt to
produce 150 mL of C2 H 5Cl.
V 1 = 150 u1L + 150 mL = 300 mL = 0.3 d1n3
Y2 = 150 mL = 0.15 dm3
Now, from formula,
W = - Pext LiV = - Pext (V2 - VI)
W = -1 bar (0.15 dm3 - 0.3 dm3 ) = 0.15 dm3 bar

4. The work done in vacuum when 300 mmole of an ideal gas expands
until its volume is increased by 2.3 dm3 at 1 bar pressure is ___
(A) zero (B) one
(C) two (D) three

5. For an isothermal process, ___

(A) W=-Q (B) LiU=W
(C) LiU=Q+W (D) �U=Q

6. For an isochoric process, ___

(A) LiU = 0 (B) AV= 0
(C) LiP = 0 (D) Q = 0

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Chapter 04: Chemical Thermodynamics Target Publications Pvt. ltd.

ii. Application of Hess's law: The Hess's law has been useful to calculate
the enthalpy changes for the reactions with their enthalpies being not
known experimentally.
lll. No, the given reaction does not represents a thermochemical equation.
The given standard enthalpy of reaction (.1rH 0) indicates the enthalpy
change accompanying the reaction when the reactants and products
involved are in their standard states. The standard state of water is H 2O(1)
and not H20(g)·

4. i. Oassify the following into intensive and extensive properties.

Pressure, volume, mass, temperature.
ii. Define state function and write two examples of it.
1. a. Pressure: Intensive property
b. Volume: Extensive property
c. Mass: Extensive property
d. Temperature: Intensive property
ii. State function:
The property which depends on the state of a system and independent of
a path followed to attain it, is called a state function.
e.g. Pressure and temperature are state functions.

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry
Elements of Groups 16, 17 and 18

I Multiple Choice Questions (1 Mark)

1. In chlorous acid, oxidation state of chlorine is

(A) +2
(B) +4
(C) +3 (D) +7
[Note: Option C is modified by replacing '+ 5 ' with '+3 '.}

2. Acidic strength of halogen acids increases in the order of ___

(A) HF> HCI > HBr > HI (B) HCI >HF> HBr > HI
(C) HBr >HCl >HF>HI (D) HI> HBr > HCI > HF

3. Sulfur dioxide reacts with sodium hydroxide solution to fonn ___

(A) sodium sulfite (B) sodium sulfate
(C) sodium hydrogen sulfite (D) sodium hydrogen sulfate

4. The gas evolved when sulfuric acid reacts with copper 1netal ___
(A) sulfur dioxide (B) sulfur trioxide
(C) nitrogen dioxide (D) nitrogen trioxide

5. Hot and concentrated alkali NaOH reacts with chlorine to form

(A) only chlorate (B) only hypochlorite

(C) chloride and chlorate (D) chloride and hypochlorite

6. When S02 is passed through an aqueous solution of 12 , the solution

becomes ---
(A) ruby red (B) colourless
(C) violet (D) yellowish green

7. 02 molecule is ---
(A) fe1Tomagnetic (B) diatnagnetic
(C) paramagnetic (D) feITimagnetic

8. The number of covalent bonds present in sulfuric acid:

(A) 4 (B) 6
(C) 8 (D) 2

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Chapter 07: Elements of Groups 16, 17 and 18 Target Publications•Pvt. Ltd.
IJJ. Chlorine reacts with sulfur to form sulfur monochloride.
Ss + 4Ch � 4S2Cl2
Sulfur Chlorine Sulfur

1v. Chlmine reacts with phosphorus to form phosphorus trichloride.

P4 + 6Cli > 4PCh
Phosphorus Chlorine Phosphorus

3. Draw structure of chloric acid and chlorous acid. Discuss four

points of anomalous behavior of fluorine.
i. Chloric acid, HCI03:

o� �
H Cl
ii. Chlorous acid, HOCIO or HCI02:

o� �o
H Cl

iii. Anomalous behavior of fluorine:

Due to small atomic size, high electronegativity and the absence of inner
d-orbitals, fluorine shows anomalous behaviour. Some of the properties
in which fluorine differs from rest of group 17 elements are listed
a. Ionisation enthalpy, electronegativity, electTode potential all are higher
for fluorine than expected trends shown by other halogens.
b. Ionic radii, covalent radii, and negative electron gain enthalpy are quite
lower than expected.
c. Most of the reactions of fluorine are exothermic due to the short and
strong bond formed by it with other elements.
d. It fonns only one oxoacid (HOF) while other halogens form a number of
e. Hydrogen fluoride is a liquid (1b.p. 293 K) due to strong hydrogen
bonding while other hydrogen halides are gases.
f. Fluorine exhibits -1 oxidation state only. However, Cl, Br and I exhibit
+I, +3, +5 and +7 oxidation states as well.
[Any four points]

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Transition and Inner Transition Elements

Multiple Choice Questions (1 Mark)

1. The following ion has the 1naxi1nu1n number of unpaired electrons.

+ +
(A) Sc 3 (B) Ti 3
+ +
(C) Fe3 (D) Co2
Hint: Fe3 : [Ar] 3d5 has five unpaired electrons.

2. In 3d series, if nuclear charge increases, the shielding effects will

(A) increase
(B) decrease
(C) first increase then decrease
(D) first decrease then increase
[Note: As per textual concept, in 3d series, i nuclear charge increases, the
shielding �fleets should decrease.]

3. Transition ele1nents have more tendency to fotm. interstitial compounds

because ---
(A) of defect in their crystal lattice
(B) they have reducing property
(C) they have low ionization enthalpy
(D) they have same atomic size

4. The following electronic confi guration of elements shows highest

oxidation state
(A) 3d 54s 2 (B) 3d54s 1
10 2
(C) 3d 4s (D) 3d 104s 1

5. Zinc does NOT show variable valency because of---

(A) complete 4s subshell (B) complete d subshell
(C) inc01nplete d subshell (D) incomplete S subshell

6. The catalyst used for decomposition ofKCl0 3 is ___

(A) ZnO (B) Mn0 2
(C) CuO (D) K20
Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry
Chap ter 08: Transition and Inner Transition Elements Target Publicatlons Pvt. Ltd.

2. The Optoelectronics applications use lanthanoid ions as active ions

in lu1ninescent materials. The most notable application is the
Nd:YAG laser (Nd:YAG = neodymium doped yttrium alun1inium
3. Erbiun1-doped fibre amplifiers are s.ignificant devices in the
optical fibre cmnmunication syste1ns.
4. Lanthanoids are used in hybrid cars, superconductors and
perman.ent magnets. (Atty two)
b. Applications of actinoids:
1. The half-lives of natural thorium and uranium isotopes are so long
that we get very negligible radiation from these elements. So, we
find them in eve1yday use.
2. Th(IV) oxide, ThO2 with 1% CeO2 was used as a major source of
indoor lighting before incandescent lamps came into existence
only because these oxides convert heat energy from burning
natural gas to an intense light. Even today, there is a great den1and
for these lights for outdoor ca1nping.

Std. XII Sci.: Chemis try

Chapter 09: Coordination Compounds Target Publications• Pvt. Ltd.
3. Answer the following with respect to [ CoF6 ) 3- ion:
i. Type of hybridization
ii. Number of unpaired electrons
iii. Geometry of complex ion
iv. Magnetic property
Ans: [CoF6 ] 3 :

I HI t I t I t I t I [±!] _I_HI HI t t I - _I-1,

4p 4d

3d 4s


i. Type of hybridization: sp3d2

ii. Number of unpaired electrons: 4
iil. Geometry of complex ion: Octahedral
iv. Magnetic property: Paramagnetic

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Chapter 10: Halogen Derivatives Target Publications• Pvt. Ltd.
1. I : Haloarene/Aryl halide ; II: Haloalkane/Alkyl halide
11. a. ln compound (I), the halogen atom (-Br) is directly bonded to the
sp2 hybridized carbon atom of aromatic ring. One of the lone pairs
of electrons on Br atom is in conjugation with n:-electrons of the
Due to resonance, the C-Br bond acquires partial double bond
character. As a result, the C-Br bond in compound (I) is stronger
and shorter than compound (II).
b. ln compound (ff), the halogen atom (-Br) is bonded to sp3
hybridized carbon which is a part of saturated carbon skeleton.
The C - Br bond in compound (I) is a polar covalent bond as -Br
is n1ore electronegative than carbon.
111. Compound (II) will undergo aqueous alkaline hydrolysis readily.
Aqueous alkaline hydrolysis of ethyl brotnide can be given as,
CH3 CH2 - Br + OH- --� CH3CH2 - OH + Br-
Ethyl bromide Nucleophile Ethanol Bromide ion

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

Multiple Choice Questions (1 Mark)

1. In a carbinol system of nomenclature tert.butyl alcohol is na1ned as

(A) trimethyl carbinol (B) dimethyl ethyl carbinol

(C) tnethyl carbinol (D) ethyl carbinol

2. Which of the following pair of reagent is used for conversion of

carboxylic acid to alcohol?
(A) LiAIHiH30+ (B) HiNi - heat
(C) B2H6/H202, Oi (D) Hi/Pd

3. Reaction between Grignard reagent and aldehyde other than

fonnaldehyde leads to formation of ___
(A) pri1nary alcohol (B) secondary alcohol
(C) tertiary alcohol (D) optically active alcohol

4. Oxidation of ethyl alcohol using K 2Cr 20idil H2 S04 leads to fonnation

of ---
(A) acetaldehyde (B) acetic acid
(C) ethane (D) acetone

5. When vapours of tert.butyl alcohol are passed over hot copper, it gives

(A) butanal (B) butanoic acid

(C) butanone (D) isobutyJene

6. Reaction between hot cone. HI and anisole gives ---

(A) phenol and methyl iodide
(B) iodobenzene and methyl alcohol
(C) iodobenzene and methyl iodide
(D) phenol and methyl alcohol

7. The reagents used to convert phenol to 2,4,6-tribrom.ophenol ts

(A) Br2/CS2 (B) Bri/CCl4

(C) Bri/H20 (D) KBr aq.

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Chapter 11: Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers Target Publications9 Pvt. Ltd.

> C2Hs-0-C2Hs
Diethyl ether
11. Limitations:
a. When alcohol is heated with dehydrating agent like concentrated H2 SO4
or H3 PO4 two products, either an ether or an alkene, can form depending
upon the ten1perature.
b. Use of higher temperature or 2°/3 ° alcohols gives alkene as the major
111. a. Diethyl ether when heated with dilute sulfmic acid undergo
hydrolysis to give ethanol.
C2Hs-O-C2 Hs + H-O-H 3
H� 2 C2Hs-OH
Diethyl ether Ethanol
b. Diethyl ether will react with PC1 5 to give ethyl chloride.
C2Hs-0-C2Hs + PCls 2C2 Hs - Cl + POCh
Diethyl ether Ethyl chloride

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids

Multiple Choice Questions (1 Mark)

I. Which of the following is the product of reaction of ethane nitrite with

Grignard reagent followed by acid hydrolysis?
(A) A ketone (B) An aldehyde
(C) An acid (D) An acid chloride
Hint: For example,
dry ether

Ethanenitrile Acetone

2. reaction 1s used to synthesize straight alkyl substituted

(A) Etard (B) Rosenmund reduction
(C) Stephen reaction (D) Wolf Kishner reduction

3. Ketones CANNOT be converted into carboxylic acid using ___

(A) Alkaline KMn04 (B) Cr03
(C) dil. HN03 (D) hot and cone. HN03

4. CORRECT order of acid strength for

1. acetic acid
11. fluoroacetic acid
111. 4-nitrobenzoic acid
lV. 4-metbyl benzoic aci.d is ___
(A) i> ii> iii > iv (8) ii > iii > iv > i
(C) iii > iv > i > ii (D) iv > i > ii > iii

5. Addition of sodium bisulphite to ethanal is ___ type of reaction.

(A) electrophilic addition (B) electrophilic substitution
(C) nucleophilic addition (D) nucleophilic substitution

6. The following reactants CANNOT be converted into carboxylic acid.

(A) Dry ice (B) Cyclohexane
(C) Toluene (D) Cyclohexene

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Chapter 12: Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids Target Publications· Pvt. Ltd.
b. Tollens' reagent:
Cl ---@-cHO + 2[ Ag(NH,)2]' + 30f �
p-Cblorobenzaldehyde Tollens' reagent

Cl -@-coo-+ 2Ag -J, + 4NH, + 2H,O

p-Chlorobenzoate ion Silver
c. Phenyl hydrazine:
c1---@-6 = 0 + H,N - NH - c.H,-­

p-Chlorobenzaldehyde Phenyl hydrazine

c1---@-b = N -NH-c.H, + H,O

Hydrazone derivative

ii. Alkyl nitriles on reduction with stannous chloride in presence of HCl

followed by acid hydrolysis give corresponding aldehydes.

3. i. What are aliphatic aldehydes?

ii. Complete the following sequence of reactions and write
structures for A, B, C.
H2(gas) )
Dry ice ii.i. Hydrolysis
Dry ether )
A PCl5 ) B Pd-BaS04 C
i. Aliphatic aldehydes: The compounds in which the -CHO group
(formyl group) is attached directly to sp3 hybridized carbon atom, that
is, saturated carbon atom are called aliphatic aldehydes.

R-Mg-X + O= C= 0 R - COOMgX R - COOH + Mg(X)OH

dry elher ) HOH
dil.HCI )
Alkyl dry ice complex Carboxylic acid
magnesium (A)
R-COOR+ PC15 > R-COCl + POCb + HCl
halide 6.

Carboxylic acid Acyl chloride

O O||
R-C- Cl R-C-H + HCI
H7(gas) )
Acyl chloride Aldehyde

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Chapter 13: Amines Target Publications"Pvt. Ltd.
e.g. Preparation of cyanobenzene from benzene diazonium chloride.
N + c1- CN
� CuCN/KCN )

Benzenediazonium Cyanobenzene

iii. Hofmann elimiination reaction:

a. When tetraalkylammonium halide is heated with moist silver oxide, it
gives quate1nary ammonium hydroxide.
b. Quaternary anunonium hydroxides on strong heating undergo
�-elimination to give an alkene. This reaction is called Hofmann
c. The least substituted alkene is obtained as major product (in contrast to
Saytzeff elimination).
e.g. Hofinann elimination reaction of N,N,N-Triethylpropyla1nmonium
a j3
w a' +I -
mois1 AfqO )
CH2 -CH3
N ,N ,N-Triethylpropylammonium iodide N,N,N-Tricthylpropanamrnonium hydroxide

CH2 = CH2 + CH3CH2CH2
CH 2-CH3

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Multiple Choice Questions (1 Mark)

1. Glucose on oxidation with dilute nitric acid gives ---

(A) saccharic acid (B) oxalic acid
(C) gluconic acid (D) malonic acid

2. The glycosidic linkage in maltose is formed between ___

(A) C-1 of a-D glucose and C-2 of a-D glucose
(B) C-1 of o.-D glucose and C-4 of o.-D glucose
(C) C-1 of a-D glucose and C-2 of a-D fructose
(D) C-1 of a-D glucose and C-4 of a-D fructose

3. The optically inactive a- amino acid among the following is ___

(A) alanine (B) insulin
(C) leucine (0) glycine

4. The sugar component of nucleotide unit in RNA is ___

(A) a- deoxy-D-ribose (B) O-ribose
(C) L-ribose (D) 2-deoxy-L-ribose

5. The chemical nature of peptide bond in proteins is ___

(A) piimary amide (B) secondary amide
(C) tertiary amide (D) an ionic bond

6. Which of the following structure of DNA. canies genetic information of

the organism?
(A) the primary structure of DNA
(B) the double helix structure of DNA
(C) complementary base pairing
(D) sugar-phosphate backbone

7. In the process of denaturation, there is NO change in the structure

folJowing protein.
(A) primary (B) secondary
(C) tertiary (D) quaternary

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Chapter 14: Biomolecules Target Publications• Pvt. Ltd.
ii. Preparation of glucose from starch: Com1nercially glucose is obtained
by hydrolysis of starch by boiling it with dilute sulphuric acid at 393K
under 2 to 3 atm pressure.
(C6 H 100s)n + n H20 393K, 2-3a1m > nC6H 1206
Starch Glucose
iii. Structure of pyran:


Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry

Chapter 16: Green Chemistry and Nanochemistry Target Publications• Pvt. Ltd.
d. Use of toxic solvent affects millions of workers every year and has
implications for consun1ers and the environment as well. Many solvents
are used in high volumes and many are volatile organic compounds.
Their use creates large amounts of waste, air pollution and other health
e. Finding safer, more efficient alternatives or removing solvents
altogether is one of the best ways to improve a process or product.
11. a. Nanomaterial:
The 11.ano111aterial is a material having structural components with
at least one dimension in the nanometer scale, that is, 1-100 nm.
b. Nanotechnology:
Na11.otechnology is the design, characterization, production and
application of structures, devices and systems by controlling
shape and size at nanometer scale.

Std. XII Sci.: Chemistry 8

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