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Murder Mystery Flexi-Party Printing Guide

Congratulations on purchasing a Murder Mystery Flexi-Party – to get started you'll

need to print the game components and once you've finished that you can read the
host guide.

To avoid unnecessary printing it's best to decide which players you'd ideally like at
your party, and then you can print just enough for those. If you know which characters
you'd like at this stage too that's great!

Printing the game components:

1. Print out as many invitations as you need (invite.pdf)

You can send these straight away if you like before printing anything else.

2. Print out the characters you're inviting (e.g. goader.pdf)

Each of these files contains 2 sheets, the character sheet (which you hand to your
guest when they arrive) and the character evidence sheet (group these altogether for
later). Fold the evidence sheets in half so you can't see the contents (you can fold the
character sheets in half too if you'd like).

3. Print out the starting evidence (starting_evidence.pdf)

This page is required at the beginning of the party so keep it separate from the
character evidence sheets (above).

4. Print out the whodunit cards (whodunit.pdf)

These need to be cut into card shapes that can be handed out randomly at the party.

5. Print out the question menus (question_menu_A.pdf + question_menu_B.pdf)

Each guest should have their own question menu. Print out as many sheet B's as you
have guests coming to the party. Optionally, the menu is designed to be printed on
both sides (duplex) so sheet A has been included if you want to attempt this!

6. Print out the host guide (host_guide_A.pdf + host_guide_B.pdf)

The host guide contains your instructions for running the party. Print out both sheets
and fold them together or, if you'd prefer, print one sheet on both sides (duplex).

You're done!

Read the host guide to continue...

Need to know something that isn’t covered here? Email us

Murder Mystery Flexi-Party content, characters and format are copyright D’Avekki
Studios Ltd 2012.

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