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Role of Music in
A. Create a matrix on music and children at
all ages with their engagement in music
and in movements

Cradle song

·Infants can detect a song's melody long before they can comprehend its lyrics. Infants may find
comfort in soft background music, especially when they are sleeping. Sing short, easy songs to
Consider making up a song for them to listen to while you take a shower, get dressed, or



Toddlers love to dance and move to music. The key to toddler music is repetition, which encourages
language and memorization. Silly songs make toddlers laugh. Try singing a familiar song and inserting
a silly word in place of the correct word, like “Mary had a little spider” instead of lamb. Let children
reproduce rhythms by clapping or tapping objects.


Nursery Songs

They are able to sing along to the tunes they hear. They also acquire the urge to move while
singing from that song. Also, children in kindergarten dance and listen to music as they develop
their gross motor skills.


Classical music

During this period, the child is developing his or her social and emotional skills and communicating
them to their classmates through music. For example, utilizing music to show one's identity or describe
one's characteristics. Through music, they create actions based on how the music feels.
B. What are the benefits of music
to children?

1. Improve fine and large motor skills. Children of all ages can benefit from
music to develop their fine and gross motor skills. Children can't help but
dance and sing along when they hear music. These seemingly easy
serve as a kind of building block for developing mobility abilities like bending
and jumping. Dancing to the rhythm also helps increase children’s muscle

2. Encourage teamwork. Music inspires youngsters to cooperate and

communicate with one another. Children automatically start cooperating with
one another to accomplish a common goal when they sing or dance together.
Activities that encourage teamwork, such as groups of friends playing
instruments in small ensembles and taking turns practicing rounds and
singing lines are usually fantastic.

3. Build self-confidence and self-esteem. Furthermore, music naturally raises

one's self-esteem. Young children learn to utilize their own voices and occupy
lot of physical space by participating in musical activities such as singing,
dancing, clapping, and drumming.

4. Build close relationships. Every great romance comedy has a concert or

music scene for a reason music brings kids together. Rhyming, dancing, and
singing are enjoyable, simple activities that enhance responsiveness and

5. Improve the management of emotions. We are all aware of the

emotional impact that music can have the sad songs that make us cry,
the uplifting
tunes that make us jump for joy. Many parents use music to soothe their young
children before bedtime, but it can and ought to be used in the other way—as
a mood-lifter.

6. Develop language skills. Language is at the heart of song lyrics,

frequently lovely and interesting language at that. Children can better
learn rhyme
schemes, memorize phrases, and understand context by listening to rhythms
and melodies. Children can learn through music about people, relationships,
events, and even animals and plants.
C. Explain the
effects of music
to child

Children who are

Early exposure to exposed to music
music helps young can learn to talk
children learn the more quickly and
sounds and understand
meanings of difficult language
words. ideas more quickly.

7. 8.

Children can be
exposed to
difficulties and
experiences through
music that improve
learning and
promote cognitive


State the relationship between music and movements

in 3 sentences.
The rhythm of life is reflected through
music and dance, which evokes strong
feelings in people in all social groups. As
they move up and down to musical
rhythms, newborns show evidence of the
connection between music and movement.
Movement and music can be thought of as
two sides of the same emotional coin.


What are the roles of parents in musical education?

By actively participating in ensuring that high-quality

practice occurs on a regular basis, parents can have a
significant impact. This entails paying close attention to
what is happening at the piano or other instrument, as well
as positively encouraging, reassuring, and assisting a child to
stay on track. Without the parent’s involvement, an ensemble
would not be able to live to the full potential that it can. The
parents are also what helps the students become greater
musicians with their help and motivation.

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