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Gundeep Kour

Rural Banking and Microfinance Assignment 

Rural Banking & Microfinance 

Indicators Selected: 
1. Number of credit unions and credit cooperatives 
2. Branches of commercial banks 
3. Outstanding loans from commercial banks 
4. Outstanding loans from credit unions and credit cooperatives 
5. Number of commercial bank branches per 1,000 km2 
6. Number of credit union and credit cooperative branches per 1,000 km

Countries Selected- BRICS and G7

The five developing economies of the globe are collectively known as BRICS. South Africa, Brazil, Russia,
India, and China. Jim O'Neill, who was the CEO of Goldman Sachs at the time, first used the phrase BRIC in
2001. The inaugural BRIC Summit took place in Yekaterinburg, Russia, in 2009. South Africa officially
became a member of the group and the BRICS in 2010. BRICS was not a formal international organization
when it was first recognized, but rather a way to showcase investment potential. National governments have
steadily merged into more logical geopolitical blocs since 2009, convening at official summits every year to
coordinate international strategies. On July 24, 2022, China will host the fourteenth and last BRICS Summit.
Non-interference, equality, and mutual gain are the main tenets of bilateral ties between the BRICS countries..


Number of commercial 17.13  -  14.58  8.87  7.97

bank  branches per
100,000 adults
Has access to the internet (% 78.3  92.76  27.58  82.96  64.23
age  15+)

Outstanding loans from   41.82  -  46.85  -  53.07

commercial banks (% of GDP)
Owns a debit or credit 70.49  64.88  28.84  77.57  64.71
Number of ATMs per 94.47  -  21.44  81.44  43.55
100,000  adults


The Group of Seven Nations (G7) is an international political organization that brings together the
governments of the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom. The
European Union (EU) also qualifies as a "non-listed member state." Its members collectively comprise the
most developed IMF economy and liberal democracy in the world, and they are formally structured around
the ideas of pluralism and democratic governance. By 2020, G7 nations will control over 50% of the global
economy (over $200 trillion), 32-46% of the global GDP, and 10% of the global population (770 million


Number of commercial 20.69  33.27  -  34.47  33.89  - 
bank  branches per
100,000 adults
Has access to the internet 94.41  88.94  88.77  90.87  80.39  92.16 
(% age  15+)

Outstanding loans from   126.28  46.65  23.84  57.87  111.23  127.36 

commercial banks (% of
Owns a debit or credit 97.92  90.51  97.20  89.02  90.20  96.68 
Number of ATMs per 212.44  -  -  88.47  116.94  96.28 
100,000  adults

 Account (Male & Female) - 

This indicator describes the number of accounts created and how many of them are active and inactive.

 Number of ATMs – 

This indicator lets us know how many ATMs are present in a specific nation. It specifies the
locations where each person may use the ATMs, which are one of a bank's fundamental

The greater than in BRICS nations and G7 nations. Germany is the G7 country with the
greatest percentage of accounts utilized (99.98%), while the United States has the lowest
percentage (94.58%), which is significantly better than the lowest percentage for the BRICS
countries (India has just 77.53% access to the accounts).

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