INGLES - 7 - MODULO - 2 Imp

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English Will buses ever take us to the

Pedagogical Module 2 moon?

Curriculum Block: Communication and Cultural Awareness,
Language Through Arts, Reading, Writing, Oral Communication

Seventh Grade EGB

Priority vehicles, trucks,

Transportation and
4 5

and the Orient Express story


Transportation in Rural
and Urban Areas 3 6 Experiment: What

makes things float?


Phrasal verbs; future



A simple survey

tense with “will”


Means of Leonardo DaVinci’s
transportation 1 8 transportation



Civility, respect for

11 laws and respect for 10 Road safety education 9 Environment care
the environment

In this module you are going to learn about
transportation. You will learn how each
transport has particular characteristics and
functions. You will also learn how to do
a survey and find out how other students
come to school. This module also presents an
overview of the history of transport and the
importance it has for filmmakers and authors.

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Do people use a different way of transport in rural and urban zones? How do
you do a survey? What impact does transportation have for the environment?
Is transportation efficient in my city? What will be the future of transportation?

Lesson A

Communication and Cultural Awareness

What transportation do people use in rural and in urban areas?

Transportation in Rural and Urban Areas

In urban areas, there is a lot of noise and pollution. Traffic

and parking are difficult. In the cities, we can find public
transportation such as the metro, the bus, the trolley, taxis, or
cabs. In some cities, people also use their bikes to go to work or
In rural areas, there is little noise, and the air is cleaner. Public
transport is rare, but the most common is the bus. People walk
more; they also ride their horses, or use their motorbikes.

In the Amazon Region, people use canoes or boats.

1. These are some of the public transport vocabulary words you

need to look at and practice. Match the words in the box to each
picture. Write the corresponding vocabulary word on the line
below each picture.

taxi trolley metro canoe motorbike bus

Freepik bike boat


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2.Work in pairs. Take turns to answer these questions.

• What kind of transportation is common in the area where you live?

• How is transportation different between the city and the countryside?
• Why is transportation different in the Amazon Region?
• What’s one thing you could do to improve transportation the area

where you live?

Oral communication

How do you travel to school?

1. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

Warm-up questions
• What do you think this image represents?.
• What do you think are the questions on these papers are?

2. Listen to your teacher giving instructions. On each wall

around the class, your teacher has put a sheet of paper
with a different type of transportation. Go around the
class looking for the one you use and stand by the wall

which has your answer to the question: How do you
travel to school? If you don’t find your type of transport,
go to the middle of the class. Take notes on what you
see. For example:
a. 4 students in my class come by bike.
Getting Around
b. 8 students in my class walk to school.
c. 10 students in my class come by bus.
I came by car, helicopter.
d. 12 students in my class come by car.
I came on foot. (Or you can say:
3. Discuss in small groups how you could represent your “I walked”)
results to show them to the rest of the class. Decide one
way to represent them, and share with the class. I rode a horse, a bike. (When you
ride something, you are on top of
Discussion Questions it)

I took a taxi, a cab, a train, a bus, a

If you wanted to have an idea of how most of the plane
student in your school get to school, how many students
I drove a car, a taxi. (Or you can
do you think you would need to ask: How do you travel say, “I drove”)
to school? If you wanted to know about the students in
your town or city, how many would you need to ask?
Adapted from:
4. Look at these verbs
and the transportation
Tip methods. Some of them are
collocations. A collocation is
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Look at the word collocation: co-means together and

a group of two or more words
location-means place.
that go together.
Look at these phrasal verbs.
You get on/off of something that is big and public like a
plane, a train or a bus. 5. Take turns asking each other
the question, ‘How did you
You get in/out something that is small and private like a get here today?’ Make sure
taxi, cab or a car. you vary the answers.


What is a priority vehicle?

Before Reading
1. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.
• Why do priority vehicles drive so fast?
• Do priority vehicles have to respect the
traffic rules all time?
• Why do priority vehicles use sirens?

While reading After reading

2. Take turns reading this text aloud. Student 1:
Make your voice show that the text is
interesting. Check your predictions from You are a journalist, and you are
the Before Reading as you read. going to interview the mayor in
your city to know about priority
Priority vehicles vehicles. Ask questions about the
types of priority vehicles, their
Police motorcycles
functions, and what people have
Transit police use motorcycles to get to do when they see a priority
somewhere fast. That way they can catch the vehicle.
driver who broke a law.
Student 2:
These vehicles transport sick or injured people You are the mayor of your city.
who need medical attention. The ambulance takes You answer all the question the
people to hospitals or clinics. journalist asks. Try to give all lots of
Fire trucks
Fire trucks don’t have to respect red lights. They
can also ride in the opposite direction of traffic.
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Their siren tells other vehicles that they need to

pass so that firefighters can arrive very quickly to
So, what do you do when you hear a siren? Vocabulary

If you are walking or driving, you have to stop injured. physically hurt
until the vehicle passes.
siren. equipment that makes a loud sound as a


How can you present a survey?

A survey is a way to collect information by to the people you want to know the
asking a question or many questions. There information.
are some steps you need to follow.
There are four steps to conduct a survey:
1. Create the question. What question do
you want people to answer?
2. Ask the question. Ask the question to
the people you want to interview.

3. Calculate the results. Count the results
4. Present your results. Show the results

1. Ask and answer these questions: 2. Finally, present your results

using a different way
Work in pairs. Take turns to tell the other student your answer
to these questions.
• What other ways can you present the results of your survey?
• What other topics can you do a survey about?

One way you can count is using tally marks. A tally mark is a line
you use to count like in the example below.

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calculate. add the numbers

result. the information you



survey. collect information by

asking questions
You can present your results about the forms of transport your Adapted from:
classmates use to get to school in this tally form.
Language through the arts

What do you think these pictures represent?

Leonardo Da Vinci Leonardo wanted to organize and publish his

ideas, but he died before he could do it.
Leonardo Da Vinci was a great Italian artist,
inventor and scientist. He loved nature.
He used to observe nature and get inspired

Wikimedia Commons / Leonardo

by it to develop his inventions. During that
period, people thought his inventions were
impossible to make.
From the time Leonardo was a little boy,

da Vinci
he loved to observe and write about how
machines worked. He could understand their
design and structure. He was fascinated with

Wikimedia Commons
the idea of new transportation means. He did
sketches of cars, helicopters, parachutes, and
submarines. Even now, we can use his drawings
to create models that really work.

A New Kind of Transport

Think of a new kind of transport that will be a solution to the
traffic problem in cities. Work in groups of 4.
Step 1: Discuss these questions with your group before you
start drawing. On a piece of paper, answer these
• What materials will you use?
Freepik /Memoangeles

• What will be the size of this new vehicle?

• Will it be a private or public transportation?
• Will it be friendly for the planet?
• How is your new vehicle solution to the problem of
Vocabulary . traffic?

invention. something that has Step 2: Draw your new vehicle.

been created for the first time

parachute. a thin piece of

Step 3: Decide who is going to present this invention to the
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cloth that helps a person or

thing fall slowly class. Help him practice what he is going to say in
your small group first.
scientist. someone who works
with science
Step 4: Each group takes turns to present their inventions.
sketch. a drawing that doesn’t
have many details
Step 5: Each student in the class will vote for the most
submarine. a machine that
travels under water
interesting invention

Oral communication

What do you know about trucks and buses?


Step 1: Listen to a person talking about trucks. Take notes

while you listen about these questions.
• Which truck do you think is more dangerous?
• What do you think was the solution to the
problem of the engine?
• If you had to find a solution to the problem of
the engine, what could you do?

Freepik/ Kontur-Vid
Step 2: After listening again to the audio, work in groups
of four. Think of three possible solutions for the
problem, and write your solutions in a class chart to
show to the rest of the class. Compare your solutions
with the other groups. How are they the same? How
are they different.
Class chart
Solution Read all instructions
1. and questions carefully.
Remember instructions
2. are important; they tell
you what to do.

Step 3: Compare your group’s solutions with the other

groups. How are they the same? How are they
Step 4: Discuss your answers with the other groups.

Step 5: Decide which group gave the best solutions. close. near to something
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driver. the person who drives

far. something at a distance

Read all instructions flat. with a straight surface

and questions carefully. let. to permit something to
Remember instructions

are important; they tell
you what to do. position. the location of

Lesson B

Communication and Cultural Awareness

What is the fastest means of transportation?

Land and Water Transportation
What is the fastest means of transportation? 1. Work in groups of 3. Interview two
To travel from one place to another, people around classmates and ask them these questions.
the world use different means of transportation. Write your classmates’ answers in your
Some people walk; others take planes to travel notebook.
long distances. In this section, we will compare the • What means of transportation would
different means of transportation in the world and you choose to travel to another
discover which is the fastest. When you go on foot, country?
you travel at 5km/hour. When you use your bicycle
you travel at 16km/h. Buses in general go at 90km/h. • Do you like speed? Why?/ Why not?

In the world, two trains travel very fast. One is the • Would you like to travel on a boat?
TGV, a French train. The other is the Shinkansen, Why? / Why not?
which is a Japanese train. The TGV travels at 280km/
• Would you like to travel on a plane?
h and the Shinkansen at 210km /h.
Why?/ Why not?
A ship travels at 53km/h. The fastest plane can travel
up to 900km/h.
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plane. a transport that flies; it has wings

ship. a large boat that carries people or things by

Freepik/ Dualororua


train. a long vehicle that travels along metal


Oral communication

What do you know about trains?


Freepik/ Artitwpd
Step 1: Listen to a person making a list of facts about trains.
Step 2: Listen again and write down each sentence. cargo. the products that the
train carries
a. carry. move one person or
thing from one place to
b. another
c. century.100 years

d. gravity. a force that attracts

one object to another
join. connect
f. levitation. floating without
g. support

magnetic. that works with

h. magnets
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i. railway. the road were the

train runs
reach. arrive at a place or time
Step 3: Compare your sentences with the list of train facts
that your teacher will show you. (See Train Facts in source. the place where
something comes from
the Teacher’s Guide)
steam. vapor that comes from
Step 4: Correct your own sentences. boiling water

Language Through the Arts


The Orient Express

Luxury trains are trains that offer a lot of comfort. The Orient

Wikimedia Commons / Murdockcrc

express was a modern train where the passengers had several
restaurants, areas to relax, and very comfortable rooms to
sleep. The most frequent route of the Orient Express was
from Paris to Constantinople. These trains inspired novelists
and filmmakers to write interesting stories. A famous British
writer called Agatha Christie wrote a book called Murder on
the Orient Express.
In her book, Hercules Poirot, a famous French detective, was
travelling on the Orient Express. He was returning to London
from Istanbul. While the passengers of the train slept, Poirot
listened to noises on the train and discovered that one of the

Flickr / Simon Pielow

passengers, Edward Ratchette, was killed. His mission was
to find who the murderer was. However, it was not easy to
find out who the murderer was because everyone on the train
could have been guilty.

1. Work individually. Answer these questions in your notebook.

a. Who was Agatha Christie?

b. What was the Orient Express?
c. What was the most common route?
d. Who was Hercule Poirot?
e. Would you like to read this novel? Why? Why not?


guilty. feeling bad because you have 2. Work in pairs. Take turns to role play this situation.
done something wrong
Student A: You are an Orient Express’ passenger.
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filmmaker. someone who makes You know that a famous detective is on the train and
you want to know about him. Ask him questions about
murder. the crime of killing someone his nationality, his hobbies, his free time activities, his
favorite food, and
murderer. a someone who kills
another person with intention his family.

novelist. a person who writes novels Student B: You are the famous detective Hercule
Poirot, and you are traveling on the Orient express.
passenger. someone who is travelling
in a car, plane, etc.
A curious passenger comes to talk to you and asks you
many questions. Answer his/her questions.
Oral Communication

What makes ships float?

Interesting Facts

Ships are made to keep

balance. The ship’s hull has
a special shape so it can’t
turn over. A cargo ship
keeps floating as long the
ship’s water line is above
the surface.

Experiment: Sink or Float
Step 1: Work in small groups of 4.
Step 2: Fill a container with water. Collect four different
objects (a pencil, scissors, etc.) that you are going to
put in the water. Decide in your group which objects
you think will float before you put them in the water
Step 3: Write down your predictions for each object.
Step 4: Do the experiment and write down your
observations on a chart like this one.
Sink or Float?

What do you think What actually

Object will happen? happened?
Sink Float Sink Float

Step 5: In your small groups, answer these questions.
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• What does it mean that something floats? hull. the outer shell of a ship

waterline. the line that ships

• What does it mean that something sinks?
use to show they can still float
• What do you think makes a ship float? weigh. to measure how heavy
an object is
It’s the force of the water that pushes the ship up. As long as this weight. the amount that an
force is greater than the ship’s weight, it floats. But if the ship is object weighs
too heavy, it sinks.

Why do big trucks have so many tires?

Before reading
1. Work in pairs. Make a list of ideas about
the reasons some trucks have so many
tires. Compare your list with your partner.

2. Work individually. Read the text below.

Freepik/ Tigatelu
100-tire Trucks
Trucks need to have many tires to support
their weight. The more weight they carry,
the more tires they need. It’s like when you After reading
carry something very heavy; if you carry it
between two people or more, the weight is 4. In groups of 4, you are going to prepare a
easier to carry. 5-minute presentation for the TV show:
“Trucks around the World”.
A 500-ton semi-trailer truck has 184 tires.
This giant truck cannot back up, and it Step 1: You are going to think of a giant
needs 4 drivers to drive it: two drivers to truck and answer the following
drive to the front and two for the back. questions: How big is it?
This vehicle can transport up to 2700 tons How many tires does it have?
and has 814 tires. How much weight can it carry?
What characteristics make this
Tires are really important in trucks. truck different? Can it travel
Trucks need to have excellent tires. Thanks on ice?
to the tires, the truck can travel hundreds
of kilometers, taking products from one Step 2: Make a poster of the truck, and
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place to another, and especially keeping paste it on the wall of your class.
everyone safe. That’s why truck drivers Step 3: Now we have several posters
need to choose good tires. on the wall. Observe your
classmates’ posters. Listen to their
presentations. One group will
While reading
present at a time, while the others
3. Check your answers to the question: in the class listen. Then, another
Why do big trucks have so many tires? group will present.


Where do you want to go by train?

Train Accommodation Form

Imagine you are traveling by train to another city or country. Complete the form with
your personal information.
Train N# and Name: Journey Date of travel:
Class: Seat Number: 1
From: To:
One way Round trip
Departure time between: Arrival Time between:

Sex Choice
S. Number Name Age
M/F if any
1 Veg/Non veg/

Adapted from:

Continue planning your trip. Complete these sentences with your 4. Complete these short
own ideas. Share them with a partner. conversations or sentences
with will or won’t.
“After the verb “will”, you must always write a simple verb.
• Student A. Sorry, I don’t
like for people to smoke
Example: You will go to your friend’s house after you finish around me.
homework. • Student B. That’s all right,
You can contract will to’ll for all pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, I’ll
we, they), but not with names.
• She likes meeting lots of
I’ll eat it. We’ll be happy. today. They’ll jump higher this people from other
time. Negative sentences use will + not = won’t. Example: countries, so she will…
She won’t be late for school

• They want to get exercise

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Vocabulary during the trip, so they

applicant. a person who is waiting for something

requisition. a formal format to ask for something

• Student.A I like to sleep
veg = vegetarian. a person who eats fruits, vegetables, grains and alone.
nuts, but doesn’t eat meat or fish
Person B. OK. I won’t
non veg= non vegetarian. a person who eats meat, chicken, fish, and



1. Listen to the report and do

the activities below. Means of transportation CO2 emission/km.
2. Match each example with
one of the rules in Trolley
the listening



3. Work individually. Answer these questions. 2. Complete this short

conversation to make
a. How is life in the cities? a decision about the
future at the same time
as you speak.
b. Which means of transportation pollutes the most?
a. Sorry, we don’t have
any tea.
c. How can we reduce the levels of pollution in a city? That’s all right, I’ll...

3. Write a short paragraph

Writing about the topic:
Public transportation
in my city. Use these
1. Complete these short conversations or sentences with will. questions to guide your
Put a star next to the ones that offer something. writing.

a. Sorry, I don’t like to have the TV on when I’m working • Where do you live?
That’s all right, I’ll... • Which public
transportation does
your city have?
b. He loves traveling, so he will...
• What is positive and
negative about the
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c. We want to look outside the window, so we will... public transport in your

• How can public
d. I’m not happy with sharing a room
transport improve?
OK, then I’ll…

Will buses ever take us to
the moon?

GROUP C: How do
This is a jigsaw activity that helps students put a text together ships turn?
and then answer comprehension questions in a faster and
easier way.
Student instructions

Step 1: All students with the same question sit together
Step 2: In these groups, students check what they understood
with the other group members.
The captain of the ship stays
at the bridge. From this place,
he maneuvers the rudder .
GROUP A: How do ships GROUP B: Some ships with The rudder is what determines
move forward? an engine don’t have a
the ships position.

GROUP D: Things are

different for big ships.
Freepik / Pereslavtseva.


Ships have an engine that A hovercraft is propelled by a
makes a propeller turn. This fan that pushes the air to the
propeller pushes the water back moves the hovercraft.
to the back which makes the Big ships need plenty of room
ship move. to turn. At the harbors the
tugboats help them in the
right direction. Big ships
Vocabulary sometimes have special
propellers that help them
bridge. the part of the ship where the captain controls everything
change direction.
harbor. an area that is protected where you can keep a ship

maneuver. move something in a careful way

propeller. the thing that makes a ship move

rudder. the thing that makes a ship change direction

tugboat. a boat used to pull large ships

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I’m completing this self-evaluation based on what I learned in the module

Self-evaluation I check the box that most applies to me

I do it I can’t do
I do it very
Topics somewhat I can improve it without
well help
I can use vocabulary related to transport
I can use ‘will’ for future, sometimes for promises or offers.

Project 1


How to organize an oral

presentation in groups:
• In your group, discuss
the topic you are going to

Freepik/ Welcomia
• Divide the presentation
into parts so that
everyone in the group can
How good is public transportation in your city ?
• Prepare a 2-4-minute talk. In this mini project, you and your group will present a poster
• Make a poster. You can with solutions to the problems of public transport that your
include some pictures to city has.
create interest. Step 1: Work in groups of 4. Answer these questions
• Write just cue words in • Is public transportation organized?
your poster. They will help
• Is public transportation safe?
you to remember your
ideas. • Is public transportation fast?
• Is public transportation a good alternative for the
• When you present, check planet?
the cue words. Speak
naturally, and smile! Step 2: Discuss the possible solutions to the problems and
write them on a piece of paper.
Step 3: Write the solutions on a chart.
Step 4: Present your solutions to the rest of the class. (See
Vocabulary below tips on how to organize an oral presentation
cue. a sign for people that
in groups).
tells them they have to do Step 5: Look at the class chart.
something Step 6: Participate in class giving your opinion about the
solutions given by other groups.
Class chart

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Question Solution Solution Solution Solution



1. Look at the words and the images. Match the words with
the images.

a. Car d. Helicopter


b. Taxi e. Truck


c. Bike f. Submarine

1. Circle the letter that best completes these sentences or short


a. She the taxi and a. got on b. got in c. got off d. got out
a. How did you get here today? a. came by b. rode the c. drove d. came on
b. I __________ bus.
a. How did you get here today? a. rode b. took c. got d. drove
a. He the cab and a. got in b. got off c. got out of d. got on
went in a store.

2. Change these sentences so that you show a future intention

(offer, promise or decision). Make any necessary changes to the
sentences so that they make sense.

a. (help you with those bags)

b. (see you tomorrow)
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c. (send you an email)

d. (send you an email)

e. (send you an email)
Communication and Cultural Awareness

What are the means of maritime transport?

There is land, air and maritime transport.

In this lesson, we will discover how submarines
work and how they submerge in water. The first
submarines were created during the First World
War. Today, submarines have different uses. For
example, people use submarines to study maritime
life, for wars, and even for tourism.
In general, submarines have three sections.
The first is a section for the commandant.
In this section the commandant controls the
submarine and remains in contact with the
supervisors on the ground. In the second part,
is a kind of dining room for the members of the
crew and in the third section the crew members
can sleep and relax.
To submerge, submarines have a large
container of water. When the container is full, it
is heavy and the Remo: the officer who gives orders

1. Pair work. Take turns to ask and answer answer
these questions. Write the answers in complete
sentences in your notebooks.

a. When did the first submarines appear?

b. What uses do submarines have today?

c. How do submarines submerge?

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d. Would you like to travel in a submarine? Why? crew. a group of people who
work together

land. a a surface of ground

e. Have you ever travelled in a submarine? maritime. human activity at


submerge. go under the


Oral Communication
Pedagogical module

How do planes fly?

1. Look at the picture and

discuss the question with
a partner. Then, share your
ideas with the rest of the
• What do you think makes
an airplane fly?


2. Listen to a person talking

about what makes an

airplane fly.

3. Draw six images to

represent how an airplane
flies. Include the vocabulary
words from the vocabulary
section in your drawing and
two more words that you
think are important.




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4. Homework: Find out five facts about
planes share with other students in runway. a long piece of ground where an airplane can
the next oral communication lesson.
Write them down. Also note down speed. how quickly something moves
three or four useful words or phrases
take off. to leave the ground
about planes you could teach your
partners. upward. moving up


Would you like to live in a submarine?

Before reading
1. The teacher will ask students
these questions.
• Have you heard about the British
group The Beatles?
• Do you think it is possible to live
in a submarine?

While Reading

Flickr / Anathea Utley.

2. Read and listen to the lyrics
of this song.

After Reading
• How is life in the yellow
Yellow Submarine – The Yellow submarine, yellow submarine?
Beatles submarine
• Who lives in the yellow
In the town where I was And our friends are all submarine?
born aboard
• Would you like to live alone in a
Lived a man who sailed to Many more of them live yellow submarine? Why?
sea next door
• Would you like to live with your
And he told us of his life And the band begins to friends in this yellow
play submarine? Why?
In the land of submarines
We all live in a yellow
So we sailed up to the sun submarine Final activity
‘Til we found a sea of green Yellow submarine, yellow 3. Read the lyrics and sing along
And we lived beneath the submarine with your classmates.
waves We all live in a yellow
In our yellow submarine submarine
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We all live in a yellow Yellow submarine, yellow

submarine submarine aboard. on a train, plane or ship

Yellow submarine, yellow beneath. under something

submarine land. the earth’s surface

We all live in a yellow Sail. travel by ship or boat


waves. higher water that moves
across the surface of the sea


How can you participate in an online vocabulary forum?

1. Using the words or phrases you learned in the previous 2. In the forum, share one
Oral Communication Section and the words you listed for word or phrase about planes
homework, get ready to participate in an online vocabulary that you’d like to teach your
forum. But first, read the tips below. classmates.
Let other students ask you
questions about it. Be ready
Example of students participating to reply.
in a forum: All students have to
participate. Make sure you
Katie20 also participate. Take notes
Can you believe it? Someone in another group asked of the words and phrases
me to write some pages of their website in English and that are new to you.
French. But they can't pay because they said: “We’re
starting this business with no money.”He said he's a
professional photographer and he can do some photos
for me instead. Am I wrong to be angry?

Nope! I’d be angry too! • You need to think of the

way you want to chan-
ge your name for the
I can't pay my rent with photographs, sorry! forum.
Katie20 • You need to write as if
you were speaking.

• You don’t need to finish

your sentences with
True, but professional photos cost a lot of money, periods.
especially if you're getting married. Sorry, I don't speak
• You use ^^^ to show
French, or I would do it
that you are speaking
Katie20 about the previous post.
Here's a link to his photography if anyone wants the • You use @ and the name
job As you can see the of the person to reply to
website needs some work … someone.
Carla62 • You are free to use emo-
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@Mylo45 Maybe, but people always ask writers to work
for free #PayMe • Be polite and keep calm.
Remember some people
can get upset in this
Yep, if I need photos, OK, but I prefer to get paid with kind of Discussions.
money Adapted from:
Retrieved from:

Language Through the Arts

Do you collect anything?

Leonardo Da Vinci liked the idea that men

could fly. He spent a lot of time observing birds
to understand how they flew. His first flying
machines were called ornithopters. There were
different models: one-floor, two-floors, for one
or two passengers, the pilots could travel
standing or lying down. There were large and
small models. The engine of the ornithopters
was the pilot who had to move his arms with
force, like the birds to be able to make the
machine fly. Of course, it did not work and
Leonardo understood that men were different

Revista de Historia
from birds, and they could not fly.
Then Leonardo created something similar to a
helicopter. That machine could fly and was an
inspiration to make more flying machines later.
Leonardo had a scientific mind.

1. Write True (T) and False (F) next to these statements. Vocabulary
Correct the false statements
engine. the part of the
a. Ornitopters were a complete success. vehicle that makes it move
b. There was just a model of ornitopters. helicopter. similar to a little
plane that flies; it has long
c. Leonardo understood that men and birds were different. thin parts on the top that
rotate very quickly
d. Leonardo loved observing birds.
mind. it is in our brains and
e. Leonardo could predict difficult or dangerous situations helps us to think and feel
Wikimedia Commons/Leo-
nardo da Vinci

2. Would you like to make an ornitopter? With

these simple materials you can make it!!.
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Get together in groups of 3 or 4. Find the

materials you see on the picture on your left
Wikimedia Commons/Ahunt

and with them build an ornithopter similar

to the picture on your right.

Oral Communication

What else do you know about planes?


This lesson is based Co

on homework sent iki

in the previous Oral W

Communication lesson.
Students start the class
sharing their lists of five
facts about planes.

1. Get in small groups of three of four and share

your lists of facts about planes you had to do
for homework.
On a big piece of paper your teacher will give
you, write a summary of the plane facts from
your group.

Fact 1 Fact 2 Fact 3 Fact 4 Fact 5

You and your group

Other groups

2. Discussion questions.
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Compare your plane facts to other groups’ facts. What do you see?
What did you learn? Write down your conclusions.

Communication and Cultural Awareness
What is a cargo plane?

Cargo planes are also called the super

transporters. They do not have seats because
they don’t carry passengers. Cargo planes
transport merchandise or military objects.
They are larger than passenger planes. They have
big doors to allow the entry of merchandise.
They can transport aircraft wings, special
machines, industrial machines, cars and even
helicopters. One of the biggest cargo planes is
the Airbus A300-600ST or Beluga. This craft can

carry up to 56 tons.

1. Answer the following questions.

a. What are the differences between cargo and passenger

b. What do cargo planes carry?

cargo:. things that are carried

in a vehicle or ship

c. What is the name of one of the biggest cargo planes? merchandise. goods that are
bought and sold

passenger. someone who is

travelling in a car, plane, etc
2. Look at the picture and compare the passenger plane and the
tons. a unit used to measure
cargo plane. For example, the cargo plane doesn’t have windows. weight

Cargo Plane Passenger Plane

Freepik /Macrovector.

Oral Communication

How does a space shuttle travel to space?

1. Look at the picture. Write down your ideas. Then, share them
with a partner.
• How does a space shuttle travel to space?


Hermandesign2015 /Freepik.
2. Listen to a person talking about how space shuttles travel to
space. Look at the text below. This text will help you understand
the listening. Get with a partner and complete the text with
six vocabulary words from the listening. Some words are
collocations: they go together. Also, remember some words
could be plural.
auxiliary. something or
r _ _ _ _s,
s also called a_
a _ _ _ _ _ _y y somebody that gives help
At the beginning, the r_
engine. a machine that uses
p _ _ _ _ _ _ss , help the _s _ _ee
p_ _s _ _ _ e move away from energy to move
the sun. Immediately after, the e _e_ _ _ _ss start working. On fuel. something that burns to
be used as energy
earth, the f s that provide energy to the engines burn
when propeller. an object that
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makes the space shift move

they are in contact with the air’s oxygen. As there’s no oxygen in
rocket. a flying object used to
space, the space shuttle has to carry an oxygen y . travel in space

space shuttle. a flying

3. Discussion question object that takes people or
equipment to space
• Why can’t airplanes go to space?
supply. something that
someone needs


When we will be able to travel to space?

After Reading
Get together in groups of 3.
Student A and B:
You are friends. You have
decided to buy some land in
space. You think it is a good
idea to live in space.
A journalist is curious

about your decision and
he/she is going to interview
you. Answer his/her
questions. Before the
Before reading interview starts help
Student C prepare the
In pairs answer the following questions. questions
a. Would you like to travel to space?
b. What activities, do you think are possible to do in space? Student C:
You are a journalist. You
c. What activities, do you think are impossible to do
are going to interview two
in space?
friends who have decided
to live in space. Ask them
While Reading questions about the living
Which of the sentences (a, b, or c) best summarizes this conditions, the price of the
reading? trip, the possible problems,
a. Living in space is just a dream. It won’t be possible.
b. Living in space is a possibility, but there isn’t still a real
c. Living in space is a real project. It is very probable that it
will happen in the future.
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Traveling to space is the dream of many, and it will be Vocabulary

possible in the future. Scientists and designers have
proposed the construction of a giant spacecraft. The project craft. a boat or ship
includes 4 crafts. Up to 5000 people can live in each craft. reserve. an amount of
That is, a total of 20,000 people could live in space. Men something that you keep until
can live in similar conditions to those of the planet Earth. it is needed
There are extensive agricultural land and water reserves. spacecraft. a vehicle that can
So there’s enough food. In addition, there is a spaceship leave Earth and travel into
that is in constant communication with the planet Earth. space


How can you write an email to ask for more information and show interest?

1. Read the text about the mission to Mars 2020.

Mars 2020

Intergalactic Robot / NASA

The mission to Mars 2020 is really
happening. NASA said that the spacecraft is
finished and they are testing it. NASA is now
receiving names of ‘travelers’ who are ready
to go.

2. Match the phrases or sentences in a - f, to email phrases in 1-6.

a. I’m looking forward to
1. Subject of the hearing from you Read and study
email the tips to write
b. Could you please tell an email to
2. Greeting me…? ask for more
information and
3. Reason to write c. Mission to Mars show interest.
4. Questions 1. When you don’t know
d. Regards
the name of the person
5. Closing and you need to write
e. I’m writing to show my
a formal email, start it
interest in
6. Ending with Dear Sir: or Dear
f. Dear Madam/Sir
2. This kind of email has
3. Look at the words in the box below. Write the word(s) missing to
3 short paragraphs:
complete the email.
• Your interests
show madam forward would could name
• The reasons you are
Dear Sir/(1) • Your Questions
I’m writing to (2) interest in the mission to Mars. I am 3. Close your email using
planning on including my (3) as one of the ‘travelers’ I ‘I look forward to
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(4) like to ‘travel’ to Mars. hearing from you’ if

(5) you please send me more information? I’m looking you want an answer.
Denamorado/ Freepik.

(6) to hearing from you.

4. If you want to end your
Best regards, email in a semi-formal
Adapted from: or formal way you can
say ‘Regards’. It’s a way
Discussion question. to show respect.

Would you like to be part of a mission to Mars? Why? /Why not?

Language through the arts
The Titanic

Wikimedia Commons / Reclams Universum

The film “Titanic” is very famous in the whole world. It is a
true story of a large, modern ship that came from Europe
and wanted to arrive to the United States. The ship had
three social classes. Rich people traveled in the first class.
In this section, they had many facilities, for example, they
had swimming pools, libraries, gyms, and international
restaurants. People of a middle economic class went to the
second class. In the third class, poor people traveled. The
majority were poor people who wanted to go to the United
States to look for a better life.

Wikimedia Commons / Willy Stöwer

The captain of the Titanic never thought that the ship could
sink. The Titanic did not have enough lifeboats. One night,
an accident happened. The ship crashed with an iceberg,
and less than half of the people survived. Writer and film
makers have told the tragic Titanic story many times

1. All the following sentences contain mistakes about the

Titanic. Correct the mistakes.

a. The Titanic was a small ship

Freepik / Wavebreakmedia
b. Only rich people traveled on the Titanic.

c. There were enough lifeboats

d. The story is unknown. 3. Work with another partner

and read each other’s facts.
Highlight the two most
e. The majority of people survived. interesting facts and present
them to the class.
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2. Ask your parents or a relative what they know about the

Titanic. Write three interesting facts on the lines below.
How does a space shuttle travel to space? crashed. an accident in which a
vehicle hits another or something

facility. buildings

sink. go down under the surface of


Oral Communication

Can a vehicle transport another vehicle?

Get with a partner and make a list of vehicles that can

carry other vehicles.

1. Listen to a short presentation about how a

vehicle can transport another vehicle. Answer the
questions below about the presentation.
a. What can vehicles normally carry?

b. What can some vehicles carry?.

c. What does the air jet craft carry on its back?

d. What happens to air jet craft when it arrives to


2 Get in small groups of three or four students.

Whanwhanai / Freepik.
Look at the images below and do some research
about the images. Write down your ideas. Share
your research to the rest of the class. Why is
it important that a vehicle can carry another
Unitonevector / Freepik.

Vectorpouch / Freepik.
Thexfile /Freepik.
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launch. when a vehicle leaves



Do you know which is the biggest plane in the world is?


1. Listen to the audio and answer the questions

below. Answer these questions.

a. What is the biggest plane in the world?

b. How many passengers can an Airbus

Apiipol / Freepik

c. How many kilometers can this plane

travel without stop?

d. Is this plane ecological?

Tratong / Freepik
e. Where is this plane manufactured?.


2 Pair work. Ask and answer these questions.

a.Which means of transportation is there in
your city?
b. Which means of transportation do you
usually use?
c. Which means of transportation doesn’t
exist in our country?
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d. Which means of transportation would

you like to travel in?
e. Would you like to travel to space?

f. Will transport change in the future?

g. How good is public transport in your city?

Will buses ever take us to
Oral Communication the moon?


1. Read the paragraph about your name to

travel to Mars and then do the exercise
You can send your name to Mars-NASA
invites you

NASA is giving people the opportunity to

‘go’ to Mars. Well, not humans, but their
names. The spacecraft launch is in July 2020.
It is expected to land in February 2021.
People can send their names until September

30 2019. This trip is represents the first step
for humanity to influence another planet.

Grammar Writing

2. Do you want to go to Mars? Write 3. Write four questions about the trip to
sentences with offers or promises, so Mars. Ask questions showing your interest
NASA will choose your name. on the trip.
a. • What are you curious about?
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I’m completing this self-evaluation based on what I learned in the module

Self-evaluation I check the box that most applies to me

I do it I can’t do it
Reflections I do it very well I can improve
somewhat well without help
I can use “will” for future.

I can understand and participate in simple

conversations about transportation.

Project 2

Fondo para solicitud de ilustración


Creating a poster is a
great way to organize the
lesson content. When

you do your poster
presentation, write key
words on a card. This
will help you remember What are the advantages and disadvantages
the main ideas of your of the means of transport?
Present a poster board about transportation.
In this module we have studied different means of transportation.
Now, you are going to create a presentation. It can be a paper
presentation or a power point presentation.
For this presentation, you are going to work in groups of 3 or 4
You will need 3 cardboards in A2 format.

Cardboard 1:
Divide this cardboard in three sections. In the first section,
present 4 means of land transport (write down the main
characteristics of each one). In the second section, present 4
means of sea transport (write down the main characteristics
of each). And in the third section, present 4 means of air
transport (write down the main characteristics of each).
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Cardboard 2:
Divide this cardboard in two sections. Choose two transports
from the previous cardboards. In the first section, write
the positive aspects of the first transport and in the second
Brgfx /Freepik

section write the positive aspects of the second transport you



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