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Sahraoui Zoghlami Secondary School

Level: 1st year L Time: 02 hours



Read the text carefully to do the following activities.
Once upon a time in Pride Land lived a lion called Mufasa. Mufasa was a big
broad lion. He had a brother called Scar. Scar was a bad brother and was jealous
of his brother Mufasa. Mufasa had a wife called Sarabi which he loved too
much. They had a precious cub and they named him Simba. They hoped Simba
to be the bravest and the strongest lion ever. They also protected him from his
uncle Scar.

It was a nice beautiful day when Simba was walking by himself down the
valley. Suddenly, his father saw a herd of animal running toward him. Mufasa
ran to save Simba but unfortunately Mufasa died. For a week, Simba was sad
and did not want to talk.

Over the time, Simba grew up and met a lioness called Nala. He had a kid
called Kiara. Kiara was a lioness and she grew up with her family and her
friends. The family had a lot of friends ...

A. Comprehension: (07pts.)

1. Choose the best answers which complete the following sentences.

a. The text is ... a- a story b- a letter c- an article
b. Pride Land is ... a- an animal b- a place c- a person

2. Say whether the following statements are true or false.

a. Mufasa and Scar were friends.
b. Sarabi was the sister of Mufasa.
c. A herd of animals killed Mufasa.
d. Nala is Simba's wife.

3. In which paragraph it is mentioned that Simba is the cause of his

father's death?

4. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a. When and where did the story happen?
b. Why was Simba sad for a week?
5. Find what or who the underlined words in the text refer to.
which (§1) himself (§2)

B. Text Exploration: (8pts.)

1. Match the following words with the corresponding definitions.

Word Definition
Herd Most courageous
Cub A young carnivorous animal
Bravest Large group of animals 

2. Divide the following words into roots and affixes.

named - unhappily - lioness

Prefix Root Suffix

3. Join each pair of sentences using one of the following words. Make
the necessary changes.
whom - which - who - while - to - with
a. Simba was walking alone. His father harried to save him
b. Simba had a daughter. He loved her so much.
c. Nala was a beautiful lioness. It had round brown eyes.

4. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of

their final "ed"
called - walked - started - lived

/t/ /d/ /Id/


Write the beginning of a famous story you know. Use the following plan.
- Describe the setting (time, place, weather ...)
- Describe the hero (age, height, build, face, eyes, hair, clothes ...)
- Write what the hero was doing.
- White what was happening around him.
- Write what happened suddenly.

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