April-May Newsletter

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However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, If only I may finish the race and complete the task

the Lord Jesus has given me- the task of testifying to the gospel of God s grace Acts 20:24

Anele Hlongwane - Campus Crusade for Christ - CRU@UKZN APRIL/MAY 2011

I m very happy to be writingthis letter to update you on How God is using us to share the Good News with university students- the future leaders- about His only begotten Son who died in our place so that we may have life I hope it finds you well. . The Lord has been good to our ministry as we saw some fruits these last tw months. o Our weekly worship meetings were disturbed by strikes and we ended up left with only 4 weeks but with the wisdom from God my Team asked me Mdu and Alyssa to , cast our vision on our Friday meetings at Howard Edgewood and Westville campuses , respectively. Our Vision is to see Students encountering, experiencing and expressingthe compelling love of Christ to every student in every place at UKZN for thepurpose of reaching the world. It s a WIN-BUILD-SEND model of Campus Crusade. I thought I was preaching/teaching students on th three subjects but ended up learning a lot ese myself as I searched scriptures, got used to public speaking, received feedback on how the Spirit revealed it to them, etc. At times I feel very honoured to know God isable to use even a sinner like me for Hi own Glory. We keep praying thatmany many varsity s students will really Encounter, Experience andExpress this Love of our Lord and Savior.

Friday weekly meeting

Initiative Evangelism

One-on One discipleship

My main task ( job description ) this year has been to disciple our male student leaders on the movement at Westville and Howard college campusescharging them to disciple others students There are 3 guys in leadership at Howard and . 4 at Westville. One at Howard is leading man s bible study called authentic manhood 2 at Westville have their own . bible studies they are leading. All these guys are growing a lot spiritually. Do pray for me to find balance in discipling these guys and winning others students souls to Christ. I ve been reminded a lot lately on the importance of sharing myfaith (evangelism) and how the devil has been giving me excu for not ses sharing as much as I would love to. SUMMER PROJECT A team of 18 students and 5 Campus Crusade staff from the US arrived midmay (19th) as a mission team to help our ministry here in Durban. For these 2 last weeks of May (since exams resume the last week of May)we were on campus, so we divided them among the 3 nearest campuses (Westville, Howard and Edgewood). The first day they were on campus, Thursday of our authentic manhood at Howard Itook the guys who came to meet the guys involved then we paired up and went fishing for men. 2 guysI talked to accepted Christ and S yabonga (one of them)was very excited about it, he came to our Friday social, and wants to be part of CRU. I m hoping to meet up more with Him when we come back for 2nd semester. In June, We ll be working in the townships with theseAmericans as our students are writing exams. We ll be helping at Ukukhanya Lifecare centre and in a Vulnerable children s Isaiah house Emolweni township. We ll keep you updated on what God is up to through and with us.

Anele Hlongwane Campus Crusade for Christ CRU@UKZN - +27 76 999 1746

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