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COVID-19 self-
assessment result
April 20th, 2021 at 7:22 a.m.

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Based on your answers, you

do not seem to have
symptoms or be part of an
at‑risk group.

To protect your community

and the health care system,
you must stay home except
for essential reasons, wear a
face covering or mask when
required, keep a physical
distance from others, and
wash your hands as much as

Get the latest restriction and

closure information.

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On this page:

1. Your health and testing

2. Your community and activities

Download the
mobile app
Protect yourself and your
community. Get a phone
alert if you have been
exposed to COVID-19 and
let others know if you test
positive, without sharing
any personal information.

Learn how it works

1. Your health and testing

Pay attention to your health and note if

anything changes. This is called self-

Physical distancing and hand


keep a distance of at least 2 metres

from people you do not live with

wash or sanitize your hands often

learn how to reduce your exposure

to the virus

Face coverings and masks

wear one in public indoor spaces,

like stores and transit vehicles

wear one outdoors when you

cannot keep a distance of at least 2
metres from people you do not live

cover your mouth, nose, and chin

do not touch it without washing or

sanitizing your hands !rst

learn how to wear and use face

coverings and masks

Getting tested

There are certain situations for when you

should get a COVID-19 test.

Find out about testing

2. Your community and


Shops and stores

use curbside pickup or get items

delivered as much as you can

if you must go in person, go once a

week or less and at o"-peak times

wear a face covering or mask and

keep a distance of at least 2 metres
from people you do not live with

Work and workspaces

work from home (if possible)

if you cannot work from home,

make sure you and your company
are taking the right safety
precautions to avoid the spread of
the virus

discuss with your manager and

occupational health and safety

Walks, exercise, parks, and


you can go on short walks, runs,

and bike rides around your area

you can take the dog out

keep a distance of at least 2 metres

from people you do not live with

Roommates and family you

live with

they should pay attention to their

health and note if anything

young children might have less

speci!c symptoms like
sluggishness or lack of appetite

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Give us feedback on your experience
doing the self-assessment today.

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