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Electrónica II

Homework 2

Do the following exercises from the attached file:

Capítulo 13 (página 716 en adelante):

• Exercise 9.29
• Exercise 9.31
• Exercise 9.33
• Exercise 9.39
634 Microelectronic Circuits: Analysis and Design

9.21 A depletion MOS amplifier is shown in Fig. P9.21. The MOS parameters are Vp  4 V, IDSS  400 A,
VM  40 V, IQ  200 A, and VDD  VSS  15 V.
a. Calculate the DC drain currents through the MOSFETs if vid  10 mV.
b. Assuming ID1  ID2, calculate Ad, Ac, and CMRR; Rid and Ric; and the small-signal output voltage if
vg1  20 mV and vg2  10 mV.


M1 M2

+ + +
vS1 vo vS2
− − −
M3 M4


9.6 BJT Current Sources

9.22 The parameters of the basic current source in Fig. 9.25(a) are ␤F  150, R1  20 k, VCC  15 V, VBE1 
VBE2  0.7 V, and VA  100 V. Calculate (a) the output current IO  IC2, (b) the output resistance Ro,
(c) Thevenin’s equivalent voltage VTh, and (d) the collector current ratio IC2 ⁄ IC1 if VCE2  30 V.

9.23 a. Design the basic current source in Fig. 9.25(a) to give an output current of IO  200 A. The transistor
D parameters are ␤F  100, VCC  30 V, VBE1  VBE2  VCE1  0.7 V, and VA  150 V.
P b. Calculate the output resistance Ro, Thevenin’s equivalent voltage VTh, and the collector current ratio if
VCE2  30 V.

9.24 The parameters of the modified current source in Fig. 9.27(a) are ␤F  150, R1  10 k, VCC  15 V,
VBE1  VBE2  VBE3  0.7 V, and VA  100 V. Calculate (a) the output current IO  IC2, (b) the output
resistance Ro, (c) Thevenin’s equivalent voltage VTh, and (d) the collector current ratio IC2 ⁄ IC1 if
VCE2  30 V.

9.25 a. Design the modified basic current source in Fig. 9.27(a) to give an output current of IO  50 A. The
D transistor parameters are ␤F  150, VCC  30 V, VBE1  VBE2  VBE3  0.7 V, and VA  100 V.
b. Calculate the output resistance Ro, Thevenin’s equivalent voltage VTh, and the collector current ratio if
VCE2  20 V.

9.26 The multiple transistors of the current source in Fig. P9.26 have ␤F  150, R1  10 k, VCC  15 V,
and VA  100 V. The B-E voltages are equal, VBE  0.7 V. Calculate (a) the output current IO, (b) the
output resistance Ro, (c) Thevenin’s equivalent voltage VTh, and (d) the collector current ratio if
VCE2  15 V.

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Differential Amplifiers 635



Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

9.27 a. Design the Widlar current source in Fig. 9.28(a) to give IO  10 A and IR  2 mA. The parameters are
D VCC  30 V, VBE1  0.7 V, VT  26 mV, VA  150 V, and ␤F  100.
P b. Calculate the output resistance Ro and Thevenin’s equivalent voltage VTh.
9.28 Design a Widlar current source as shown in Fig. 9.28(a) to produce a 10-A output current. Assume
D ␤F  100, VCC  30 V, and R1  30 k. Calculate the output resistance Ro.

9.29 Determine the output current IO and the output resistance Ro of the current source circuit in Fig. P9.29.
Assume VCC  30 V, R1  20 k, R2  10 k, VBE  0.7 V, VA  150 V, and ␤F  100.


Q1 Q2


9.30 a. Design the Wilson current source in Fig. 9.30(a) to give IO  10 A. The parameters are VCC  30 V,
D VBE  0.7 V, VT  26 mV, VA  100 V, and ␤F  150.
P b. Calculate the output resistance Ro and Thevenin’s equivalent voltage VTh.
9.31 For the Wilson current source in Fig. P9.31, determine the output current IO and the output resistance Ro.
Assume VCC  20 V, VBE  0.7 V, VT  26 mV, VA  150 V, and ␤F  150.

15 kΩ

Q1 Q3

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636 Microelectronic Circuits: Analysis and Design

9.32 Repeat Prob. 9.31 for VCC  30 V.

9.33 For the current source in Fig. P9.33, determine the output resistance Ro and Thevenin’s equivalent voltage
VTh. Assume VCC  30 V, VBE  0.7 V, VT  26 mV, VA  150 V, and ␤F  150.

+VCC = 15 V
15 kΩ

Q1 Q3

Q2 500 Ω

9.34 Determine the sensitivity S of output current IO to supply voltage VCC for the circuit in Fig. P9.34. S is
defined as
S =

+VCC = 15 V
10 kΩ



1.5 kΩ

9.35 Design a BJT current source so that Ro  50 k at an output current of IO  1 mA.


9.36 Design a BJT current source so that Ro  500 k at an output current of IO  1 mA.
9.7 BJT Differential Amplifiers

9.37 The parameters of the emitter-coupled pair in Fig. 9.33 are ␤F  150, REE  20 k, IQ  0.25 mA, VCC 
P 12 V, and RC  10 k.
a. Calculate the DC collector currents through the transistors if vid  10 mV.
b. Assuming IC1  IC2, calculate Ad, Ac, and CMRR; Rid and Ric; and the small-signal output voltage if
vB1  30 mV and vB2  20 mV. Assume VT  26 mV.
9.38 a. Design an emitter-coupled pair as shown in Fig. 9.41, in which one input terminal is grounded. The out-
D put is taken from the collector of transistor Q2. The biasing current is IQ  IEE  10 mA, and VCC 
VEE  12 V. The transistors are identical. Assume VBE  0.7 V, VT  26 mV, ␤F  100, and VA  40 V.
A small-signal voltage gain of A1  150 V⁄ V is required.
b. Calculate the design values of Ad, Ac, and CMRR.

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Differential Amplifiers 637

9.39 A differential amplifier is shown in Fig. P9.39. The transistors are identical. Assume VBE  0.7 V, VT  26 mV,
P ␤F  50, and VA  40 V. Calculate the values of Ad, Rid, Ac, Ric, and CMRR.


10 kΩ 10 kΩ
3 5 +
RS1 vO
− + V
1 1.5 kΩ 2 6 CC
Q1 Emitter-coupled Q2 − 12 V
+ 4 7 RS2 R1
vS 5.72 MΩ
1.5 kΩ
− RE1 RE2
150 Ω 150 Ω
0 12 0

Q3 8 + V
9 − 12 V

Q4 Q5

Current source

9.40 The parameters of the differential amplifier in Fig. 9.44 are ␤F(npn)  100, ␤F(pnp)  50, VA  40 V,
IQ  10 A, and VCC  10 V. Calculate Ad, Rid, Ro, and the overall voltage gain with load Ad(load). Assume
VT  26 mV.
9.41 The parameters of the differential amplifier in Fig. 9.45 are ␤F(npn)  100, ␤F(pnp)  50, VA  40 V,
IQ  5 A, and VCC  10 V. Calculate Ad, Rid, Ro, and the overall voltage gain with load Ad(load). Assume
VT  26 mV.
9.42 A differential amplifier is shown in Fig. P9.42. The transistors are identical. Assume VBE  0.7 V,
P VT  26 mV, ␤F(npn)  100, ␤F(pnp)  50, VA  40 V, and VCC  10 V. Calculate the values of R1, R2, Ad,
Rid, Ac, Ric, and CMRR.

+VCC = 10 V

Q8 Q7


500 μA 5 μA

Q3 Q4

Q1 Q2
+ +
vB1 + vB2
− Q5 Q6 vO −

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