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DAV Centenary Public School

Paschim Enclave, Delhi

Class XI- Psychology

Chapter 4- The Human Development

1. Define genotype and phenotype.

2. What are the factors that affect our development?
3. How does prenatal development get affected?
4. The newborn is not as helpless as you think. Discuss.
5. What is object permanence?
6. What is Piaget’s hypothetical deductive reasoning?
7. Define the term Identity.
8. What is Identity confusion?
9. Name the factors responsible for the formation of identity during
10. How substance abuse affects our development?
11. Write in detail about the ecological model for the development of children.

12. Differentiate between development and growth.

13. Explain any 5 assumptions that are followed according to the life span
14. “Development is commonly described in terms of periods of stages.”
Mention all the stages that an individual goes through.
15. What are the cognitive developments that an infant goes through when
he/she is of 3 months old? Explain with examples.
16. When does the child start developing bonding with the parent? Explain
17. “The Child’s growth slows down during early childhood”. What are the
physical changes that take place during this period?
18. “During early years of childhood, some important developments in the
self-take place” What are those developments? Explain them in detail
with the help of examples.
19. “Adolescence is a period of making choices, pressure, building of self and
uncertainties”. Describe the psychological changes and the problems that
an adolescent may go through during this period of life.
20. “Old age is a fearful stage for the people entering unto it”. What are the
problems people in the old age suffer?

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