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NAME………………………………………………ADM NO……CLASS……….



Answer all questions,


1a) With reference to St. Luke Gospel, how did Jesus fulfill the Old Testament prophecies about the
Messiah. (7 mks)
b) Outline the activities that took place during the presentation of Jesus in the Temple. (7mks)
c) Give six ways in which Christians show respect to places of worship in Kenya today. (6mks)

2a) Describe the incidence in which Jesus forgave the sinful woman in (Luke 7:36-50). (8mks)
b) Give six reasons why Jesus faced opposition from the Pharisees in Galilee. (Luke 5:12-6:11).
c) State six ways in which church leaders can respond to those who oppose them in their work.
3a) Outline Jesus' teaching on watchfulness and readiness (Luke 12:35-48) (7mks)
b) Narrate the parable of the widow and unjust judge. (Luke 18:1-8) (7mks)
c) Give six reasons why Christians should have faith. (6mks)

4a) Outline the events that took place on Mt Olives before the arrest of Jesus. (Lk 22:39-63)(7mks
b) Give seven reasons why Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus (7mks)
c) State six ways in which Christians are persecuted today. (6mks)

5 a) Give five reasons why Jesus used bread and wine during the last supper(5mks)
b) State eight signs of the end times as taught by Jesus according to (Luke 21:5-38) (8mks)
c) Give ways in which Christians can assist victims of disasters (7mks)

1a. With reference to St. Luke Gospel, how did Jesus fulfill the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah.(7 mks).
● Jesus' foster father Joseph was a descendant of King David to fulfill Nathan's prophecy.
● Jesus established an everlasting kingdom as Angel Gabriel had told Mary to fulfill Nathan's prophecy.
● Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary according to Isaiah's prophecy.
● Jesus was born in Bethlehem, David's home town, to fulfill Micah's prophecy.
● Simeon testified that the boy Jesus would bring salvation to the entire world according to Isaiah's prophecy.
● Jesus was betrayed by a close associate to fulfill psalmist prophecy
● The passion and death of Jesus fulfills the prophecy of the suffering servant of Yahweh by Isaiah..
● Jesus rode on a colt into Jerusalem to show that he was a humble Messiah.
● Jesus ascension to heaven exalted him as the lord and the judge to fulfill suffering servant of Yahweh.
(7x1=7 marks)

b. Outline the activities that took place during the presentation of Jesus in the Temple.(7 mks)
● Jesus' parents offered a sacrifice
● Simeon was led by the Holy Spirit into the temple
● Simeon took the child into his arms
● Simeon praised and thanked God for seeing the Messiah
● Simeon prophecies about Jesus mission
● The parents of Jesus marveled at Simeon's prophecy
● Prophetess Anna thanked God
● She prophecies that Jesus was the redeemer of Jerusalem
● Simeon blessed Jesus' parents.
(7x1=7 marks)

c. Give six ways in which Christians show respect to places of worship in Kenya today.(6 mks)
● Christians maintain cleanliness in places of worship.
● They observe silence in places of worship
● They treat places of worship in reverence e.g. shoes are removed in some cases
● They dress decently as they go to places of worship
● They maintain order in places of worship as only authorized People are allowed to talk or make announcements
● They construct special places for worshipping God.
● They dedicate worship places and items there in.
● They do not allow other non-religious n functions to be performed in places of worship
● They do not allow equipment/items to be removed from the places of worship

2 a. Describe the incidence in which Jesus forgave the sinful woman in Luke 7:36-50.(8mks)
● Jesus was invited in the home of Simon the Pharisee
● He sat down at the table
● A sinful woman came with expensive oil
● She stood behind the feet of Jesus
● She wet the feet of Jesus with her tears and wiped them with her hair
● Simon was not happy with Jesus
● Jesus knew his mind and told him the parable of debtors
● Jesus then forgave the woman
● People in the home were surprised
● Jesus told the woman her faith and healed her

b. Give six reasons why Jesus faced opposition from the Pharisees in Galilee.(Luke 5:12-6:11 (6mks)
● Jesus attitude towards the Sabbath -He healed people on the Sabbath which was wrong according to them.
● Jesus claimed to have to forgive sins which was blasphemy according to the Jews as they believed only God had
power the power to forgive sins
● Jesus and his disciples failed to observe the law on fasting
● Jesus' association with tax collectors and sinners-He befriended tax collectors and even accepted invitations to
their houses.
● He touched a man with leprosy which was against Jewish law
● He made it clear that He had not come to call the righteous but the sinners
● He challenged them to move from old traditional to the new one that He brought
● The popularity of Jesus especially because of the miracles He performed.

c. State six ways in which church leaders can respond to those who oppose them in their work.(6mks)
● They should find out why they are opposed
● They should pray for those who oppose them
● They should continue to preach the gospel
● They should forgive those who oppose them
● They should seek reconciliation through the third party
● They should not fight Bach against their enemies
● They should make rules that promote development and growth of the church
● They should call upon those who oppose the gospel to repent and seek forgiveness from God.

3a.Outline Jesus' teaching on watchfulness and readiness (Lk 12:35-48) (7mks)

● Believers should be dressed for His coming
● They should keep their lamps burning
● They should be awake/alert
● They should be prepared at all times since they do not know the time Christ is coming
● Believers should continue working until Christ comes back
● The servants/believers who are drunkards/mistreat fellow workers will be punished
● Those who know what is required of them/ their master will, and fail to do it will receive a severe beating
● Believers are expected to respond to God according to how much they have received from him
● Those who do wrong out of ignorance will receive a lesser beating/punishment
(7x1=7 marks)

b. Narrate the parable of the widow and unjust judge.(Lk 18:1-8) (7mks)
● There was a judge who neither feared God nor regarded man.
● There was a widow who kept coming to the judge to settle a case between her and her adversaries
● The judge at first refused to grant the request of the widow
● The widow did not give up/persisted on her request
● The judge was afraid of getting worn out by the widow's persistence
● The judge finally accepted to grant the widow her request
● Jesus said that God would vindicate/grant the request of those who pray to Him persistently
● He said that God responds to those who pray to Him in faith
(7x1=7 marks)
C. Give six reasons why Christians should have faith.(6mks)
● Faith is a requirement for all Christians
● Those who pray in faith receive their request
● Christians are dependent to God for all things
● Faith is a sign of commitment to God
● It is through faith in God that Christians can perform miracles/do great things
● Faith in God help Christians to overcome temptations
● Christians who have faith in God can be saved/healed
● God fulfils the promises he makes to human beings


4a.Outline the events that took place on Mt. Olives before the arrest of Jesus.(Luke 22:39-63).(7 mks)
● Jesus went to Mt. Olives with disciples and told them to pray
● He moved a distance away from the disciples, knelt down and prayed
● An Angel from Heaven strengthened him.
● The disciples fell asleep and Jesus awoke them
● There came a crowd led by Judas ,one of his twelve disciples
● Judas gave Jesus a kiss of betrayal
● One of the disciples struck off a slave's ear
● Jesus asked the religious leaders why they had come to arrest him as if he was a criminal.
● Jesus was seized and taken to the high priest
(7x1=7 marks)

b. Give seven reasons why Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus (7mks)

● He was greedy for money
● He was an informer of the Jewish authorities
● He was overcome by the power of evil one
● He lacked the moral courage to stand by Jesus during His moment of tribulation
● He was disappointed by Jesus stress on a spiritual kingdom rather than a political one
● It was God's will for the fulfillment of the scriptures
● He was looking for fame and recognition
● He was in unhappy with Jesus activities
(7x1=7 marks)
c. State six ways in which Christians are persecuted today.(6mks)
● Christians have at times been locked up in custody
● Christians have been silenced through threats from powerful people
● They have been denied public audience
● Christians are scorned upon by non believers
● Their message is rejected as untrue
● Christians are challenged by marvels of science
● Christians are harassed by political systems
● Christians are beaten up by rivals
● They face opposition from other religions
5a Give five reasons why Jesus used bread and wine during the last supper(5mks)
 Jesus used bread because it was a common meal for the jews.
 He used bread because unleavened bread was used during the jewish celebration of Passover.
 He used wine because it was a common drink for the jews.
 Jesus explain that,the bread represented his body which would be broken for forgiveness of sin..
 He used wine to represent his blood that was to be shed for the sealing of the new covenant.
 He used the bread to demonstrate that he is the bread of life.
 Jesus shared bread and wine as a sign of fellowship/unity/preparation for messianic banquet.
 Jesus used bread and wine to institutionalize/demonstrate how the disciples would practice their ritual
in future.

5bState five signs of the end times as taught by Jesus according to (Luke 21:5-38)(8mks)
 Strange things will happen to celestial bodies/sun/moon/stars.
 People will come claming to be the messiah.
 There will be wars between the nations.
 Natural calamities like earthquakes/roaring of the seas will occur.
 The followers of Christ will he hated/persecuted.
 There will be famine/pestilences.

5c) Give ways in which Christians can assist victims of disasters (7mks)
 By donating food and clothing for them.
 By providing shelter for them.
 By resettling them in safe areas.
 Offering guidance and counseling.
 Through healthcare.
 By re-uniting them with their families.
 By providing financial assistance.
 Through visiting them.
 Praying for/with them
 Preaching to them.

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