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FULL REPORT EXPERIMENT PHYSICS Name: MUHAMAD SHAH RIDZUAN BIN SHAFERY No Matrix:AA111212 No IC:930928085517 Code Courses:DAS 14103 Experiment Title:E24 PROJECTILE MOTION 1 Date: 14/08/2011 Instructor: PN. AMIRA SARYATI BT AMERUDDIN

REPORT CONTENT BIL. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. CONTENT Experiment Title Theory Part A Apparatus Procedure Data Sheet Discussion & Conclusion Theory Part B Apparatus Procedure Data Sheet Analysis & Answer Discussion & Conclusion Theory Part C Apparatus Procedure Data Sheet Analysis & Answer Discussion & Conclusion Refference PAGE 0 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8-9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16


TEORY To predict where a ball will land on the the floor when it is shot off a table at an angle, it is necessary to first to first determine the initial speed (muzzle velocity) of the ball. This can be determined by launching the ball horizontally off the table and measuring the vertical and horizontal distances through which the ball travels. Then the initial velocity can be used to calculated where the ball is shot at an angle. INITIAL HORIZONTAL VELOCITY: For a ball launched horizontally off a table with an initial speed, travelled by the is given by assumed to be negligible. The vertical distance the ball drop in time is given by The initial velocity of the ball can be determined by measuring the ball can be found using: and . The time of flight of , the horizontal distance

, where is the time ball is in the air. Air friction is

and then the initial velocity can be found using

INITIAL VELOCITY AT THE ANANGLE: To predict the range, , of a ball launched with an initial velocity at an angle, , above the horizontal, first predict the time of flight using the equation for the vertical motion:

where Then use

is the initial height of the ball and

is the position of the ball when it hits the floor.

to find the range. If the ball is shot at an angle below the is negative.

horizontal, then

APPARATUS Mini Launcher and steel ball, Plumb bob, Meter stick, Carbon paper, White paper. PROCEDURE PART A : Determine the initial Velocity of the Ball 1. Put the ball into the Mini Launcher and cock it to the long range position. Fire one shot to locate where the ball hits the floor. At this position, tape a piece of white paper to the floor. Place a piece of carbon paper (carbon-side down) on top of this paper and tape it down. When the ball hits the floor, it will leave a mark on the white paper. 2.

Fire about ten shots. Measure the vertical distance from the bottom of the ball as it leaves the barrel (this position is marked on the side of the barrel) to the floor. Record this distance in Table 1.1 .


Use a plumb bob to find the point on the floor that is directly beneath the release point on the barrel. Measure the horinzontal distance along the floor from the release point to the leading edge of the paper. Record in Table 1.1 .


Measure from the leading edge of the paper to each of the ten dots and record these distances in Table 1.1 .

6. 7.

Find the average of the ten distance and record the value in Table 1.1 . Using the vertical distance and the average horizontal distance, calculate the time of flight and the initial velocity of the ball. Record in Table 1.1


Calculate the total Average Distance. Record in Table 1.1 .

DATA SHEET PART A : Determine the initial Velocity of the Ball Table 1.1 Determine the initial Velocity Vertical distance = 130.0 cm Calculate time of flight = 0.514 Horizontal distance to paper edge = 288.0 cm Initial velocity = 4.623

TRIAL NUMBER DISTANCE (cm) 1 16.5 2 16.1 3 15.0 4 15.0 5 14.7 6 15.4 7 14.5 8 15.4 9 16.5 10 16.6 Average Distance 15.58 Total Average Distance 253.58 (Total Average Distance = Distance to paper edge + Average Distance)


Based on the experiment, i agree to the result because the value experiment is near with value teory. Errors And Way To Overcome
1. The reading of the angle of degree on the mini luncher is not accurate. To avoid this

problem we must see the angle of degree carefully and parallel with the reading. 2. The reading between horizontal distance to paper edge not accurate. To solve this problem we must measure to avoid the error. 3. The mini launcher move to the left and right when we shoot andd make the reading of the distance not accurate. To solve this problem, we must set the mini launcher straight to the paper before we shoot the ball to make a reading of distance accurate. CONCLUSION Based on the experiment conducted, the value experiment for part A is 253.58cm.


TEORY To predict where a ball will land on the the floor when it is shot off a table at an angle, it is necessary to first to first determine the initial speed (muzzle velocity) of the ball. This can be determined by launching the ball horizontally off the table and measuring the vertical and horizontal distances through which the ball travels. Then the initial velocity can be used to calculated where the ball is shot at an angle. INITIAL HORIZONTAL VELOCITY: For a ball launched horizontally off a table with an initial speed, travelled by the is given by assumed to be negligible. The vertical distance the ball drop in time is given by The initial velocity of the ball can be determined by measuring the ball can be found using: and . The time of flight of , the horizontal distance

, where is the time ball is in the air. Air friction is

and then the initial velocity can be found using

INITIAL VELOCITY AT THE ANANGLE: To predict the range, , of a ball launched with an initial velocity at an angle, , above the horizontal, first predict the time of flight using the equation for the vertical motion:

where Then use

is the initial height of the ball and

is the position of the ball when it hits the floor.

to find the range. If the ball is shot at an angle below the is negative.

horizontal, then

APPARATUS Mini Launcher and steel ball, Plumb bob, Meter stick, Carbon paper, White paper

PROCEDURE PART B : Predicting the range of the ball shot at an angle 1. Adjust the Mini Launcher to launch at an angle between 20 and 60 above the horizontal. Record this angle in Table 1.2.

Using the initial velocity and vertical distance found in the first part of this experiment, calculate the new of flight and the new horizontal range for a projectile launched at the new angle. Record in Table 1.2.


Draw a line across the middle of a white piece of paper and tape the paper on the floor so line is at the predicted horizontal distance from the Mini Launcher. Cover the paper with carbon paper.

4. 5.

Shoot the ball ten times. Measure the ten distances and take the average. Record in Table 1.2.

DATA SHEET PART B : Predicting the range of the ball shot at an angle Table 1.2 Confirming the predicted Range Angle above horizontal = 20 Calculate time of flight = 0.91 Trial Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Average Distance Total Average Distance Horizontal distance to paper edge = 394.7cm Predicted range = 3.95 Distance from Edge of Paper(cm) 4.3 4.0 4.1 3.3 5.7 3.8 6.1 4.2 6.0 3.9 4.54 399.24

ANALYSIS Part B : Predicting the range of the ball shot at an angle


Calculate the Total Average Distance. Record in Table 1.2. (Total Average Distance = Distance From Edge of Paper + Horizontal Distance to Paper Edge)


Calculate and record the percentage difference between the predicted value and the resulting average distance when shot at an angle.


Estimate the precision of the predicted range. How many of the final 10 shots landed within this range?

ANALYSIS ANSWER Part B : Predicted the range of the ball shot at an angle 1. Total Average Distance record in the table 1.2.

= 4.54cm =4.54cm + 394.7cm =399.24cm


Calculate and record the percentage different between the predicted value and the resulting average distance when shot at an angle. = = = 19.5%


Estimate the precision of the predicted range. How many of the final 10 shots landed within this range.

0 = 110 + (839.7 = 110 + 286 = 4.9 4.9


+ 286 +110

= 0.0170

= (4.623 = 0.074 Predicted Range is 0.074


DISCUSSION Based on the experiment , i agree to the result because the percentage error is near to the collision theory value. Errors And Way To Overcome 4. The reading of the angle of degree on the mini luncher is not accurate. To avoid this problem we must see the angle of degree carefully and parallel with the reading. 5. The reading between horizontal distance to paper edge not accurate. To solve this problem we must measure to avoid the error. 6. The mini launcher move to the left and right when we shoot andd make the reading of the distance not accurate. To solve this problem, we must set the mini launcher straight to the paper before we shoot the ball to make a reading of distance accurate.

1. Based on the experiment conducted, the value experiment for part B is 4.77cm


Percentage different in the magnitude of the magnitude of the obtained relative standart value for part B is 19.5%.



TEORY To predict where a ball will land on the the floor when it is shot off a table at an angle, it is necessary to first to first determine the initial speed (muzzle velocity) of the ball. This can be determined by launching the ball horizontally off the table and measuring the vertical and horizontal distances through which the ball travels. Then the initial velocity can be used to calculated where the ball is shot at an angle. INITIAL HORIZONTAL VELOCITY: For a ball launched horizontally off a table with an initial speed, travelled by the is given by assumed to be negligible. The vertical distance the ball drop in time is given by The initial velocity of the ball can be determined by measuring the ball can be found using: and . The time of flight of , the horizontal distance

, where is the time ball is in the air. Air friction is

and then the initial velocity can be found using

INITIAL VELOCITY AT THE ANANGLE: To predict the range, , of a ball launched with an initial velocity at an angle, , above the horizontal, first predict the time of flight using the equation for the vertical motion:

where Then use

is the initial height of the ball and

is the position of the ball when it hits the floor.

to find the range. If the ball is shot at an angle below the is negative.

horizontal, then


APPARATUS Mini Launcher and steel ball, Plumb bob, Meter stick, Carbon paper, White paper.

PROCEDURE PART C : Predicting the range of the ball shot at an Negative Angle 6. Adjust the Mini Launcher to launch at an angle between 10 and 40 above the horizontal. Record this angle in Table 1.3.

Using the initial velocity and vertical distance found in the first part of this experiment, calculate the new of flight and the new horizontal range for a projectile launched at the new angle. Record in Table 1.3.


Draw a line across the middle of a white piece of paper and tape the paper on the floor so line is at the predicted horizontal distance from the Mini Launcher. Cover the paper with carbon paper.


Shoot the ball ten times.

10. Measure the ten distances and take the average. Record in Table 1.3.

ANALYSIS PART C : Predicting the range of the ball shot at an Negative Angle


Calculate the Total Average Distance. Record in Table 1.3. (Total Average Distance = Distance From Edge of Paper + Horizontal Distance to Paper Edge)


Calculate and record the percentage difference between the predicted value and the resulting average distance when shot at an angle.


Estimate the precision of the predicted range. How many of the final 10 shots landed within this range?


DATA SHEET PART C : Predicting the range of the ball shot at an Negative Angle TABLE 1.3 Confirming the Predicted Range Angle above horizontal = Calculate time of flight = 0.029 Trial Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Average Distance Total Average Distance Horizontal distance to paper edge = 125.5cm Predicted range = 0.125 Distance from Edge of Paper(cm) 21.9 21.6 18.1 22.7 23.4 21.1 21.5 22.9 23.8 18.6 21.6 147.1


ANALYSIS ANSWER PART C : Predicting the range of the ball shot at an Negative Angle
1. Total Average Distance record in the table 1.3.

= = 21.6cm = 21.6 + 125.5 = 147.1cm


Calculate and record the percentage different between the predicted value and the resulting average distance when shot at an angle. = = = 7.7%


Estimate the precision of the predicted range. How many of the final 10 shots landed within this range.

0 = 69 + (339.2 = 56.5 + 116 = 0.5 4.9


= 339.2


Predicted Range is 159.4 14

DISCUSSION Based on the experiment , i agree to the result because the percentage error is near to the collision theory value. Errors And Way To Overcome
7. The reading of the angle of degree on the mini luncher is not accurate. To avoid this

problem we must see the angle of degree carefully and parallel with the reading. 8. The reading between horizontal distance to paper edge not accurate. To solve this problem we must measure to avoid the error. 9. The mini launcher move to the left and right when we shoot andd make the reading of the distance not accurate. To solve this problem, we must set the mini launcher straight to the paper before we shoot the ball to make a reading of distance accurate. CONCLUSION
3. Based on the experiment conducted, the value experiment for part C is 147.1cm


Percentage different in the magnitude of the magnitude of the obtained relative standart value for part C is 7.7%.


REFERENCE 1. Physic laboratory experiment book, Department of Science & Mathematic, Faculty of Science & Cultural UTHM.



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