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Each group has its own structure which emerges from social interactions, social statuses and
social roles within a group.
Among members of each social group social interactions are formed.
The closest, most intimate, face-to-face interactions are formed within the smallest
possible social group called a dyad.
Dyad- is a group of two members, is the smallest possible social group, two people can
form an intimacy not found in larger groups, but it also involves other basic elements of
social exchange, such as rivalry, and power.
Social interactions in dyads can be:
1 symmetrical (equal)- members have the same status (husband and wife)
2 asymmetrical (complementary)- one member is dominant and other is subordinate
(parent-child, teacher-pupil, coach- sportsperson).
Triad is a three person group. A triad is often the least stable of small groups, as there is
a tendency for triads to divide into a dyad and isolate. Two weaker members may form
a coalition against the stronger third, or the weakest member may gain power by dividing
the other two.
Within larger groups hierarchy is formed: each member occupies a certain role.
An activity of a group is strongly influenced by its leader.
We distinguish two types of leaders:
1 authoritative leader- he decides directly, without preceding discussions with other
members who respect him and carry out his decisions
2 democratic leader- he tried to cooperate with others, takes into consideration needs of
members of his group who participate on decision making.


Mutual interactions in social groups take place through social communication.
Social communication is a process of giving, receiving and exchanging of information among
people. Social communication has its own structure:
1. A communicator- a preson who sends a message or information
2. Communiqué- content of a message or information
3. A communicant- a person who receives a message or information
4. A channel of communication- a way of transmitting a message or information
(verbally, or written communication)

The scheme depicting the process of communication

A communicator---------------Communiqué----------------A communicant
Based on a way of communicationwe distinguish:
a)verbal communication- communication based on spoken or written words such as
a speech, a written form or media of communication (Internet, texting...)
b)non-verbal communication- facial expressions, gestures, posture, touch, ....
Communication is no always effective. Words and non-verbal manifestations can be
misunderstood, understood differetly, and various meanings can be given to them. This is
the way how usually misunderstanding is created. Because of this, learning to communicate
is also a part of socialization.
Disruption in communication can be caused by some attitudes of people who
communicate- we call them prejudices.
It is a negative attitude which is strongly influenced by emotions which prevent an
individual to see (or react to) a situation in a proper (right) way.
It can be also characterized by stereotyped beliefs, or a faulty and inflexible generalization
that are not tested against reality, but rather have to do with a person´s own feelings and
Prejudice violates (narúša) some social norms such rationality, justice or tolerance. It
involves intolerance and event the violation of human dignity.
-over-generalization, prejudgments, the refusal to take account of individual differences, and
thinking in stereotypes all violate rational thoughts

- authoritarian personality types are more likely to hold the sort of inflexible attitudes
associated with prejudice
- it may be directed toward a group as a whole, or toward an individual member of that
group- racial, national and religious prejudices

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