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Sequence for MRP Report

The final report is comprised of the following sequence:

 Cover Page
 Declaration
 Acknowledgement
 Index page (it will be presented in a table showing page number starts from page number
1 and so on)
 Body of report starting from Chapter 1 to Chapter 5
 Reference/ Bibliography
 Appendices

Guidelines for writing MRP Report

a. Page Size: Good Quality White A4 size paper should be used for typing and duplication.

b. Chapter/Para Numbering: The chapters are to be numbered as Chapter-1, Chapter-2 etc. The
heading/title of the chapter is to appear below the chapter number in uppercase. Paragraphs are to be
numbered as 1,2,3 etc. in every chapter separately. Sub-paras are to be numbered as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3----,
2.1, 2.2, 2.3-----etc. Sub-sub paras are to be numbered as 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13 etc.

c. Page Specifications

Left Margin 1.25 inch
Right Margin 1.25 inch
Top Margin 1 inch
Bottom Margin 1 inch

d. Page Numbers:

i. All the initial pages excluding the title page but including declaration, acknowledgements, index
page should be numbered using roman numbers.
ii. All text pages starting from Body of the Project Report (Chapter 1) should be numbered at the
bottom center of the pages using English numbers.
e. Normal Body Text

i. Font Size: 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 Spacing, Single Side Writing.
ii. Paragraphs Heading Font Size: 12, Times New Roman, Bold
iii. Page/Title Font Size: 14

f. Table and Figure Number: Table and figure numbers are to be written at the bottom of
the table/ figure.

g. Binding & Color Code of the Report

i. Hard Bound Report

ii. Background of the cover page - Black
iii. Color of Letters: Golden
iv. Border Color: Golden

Guidelines for writing MRP Chapters

The Guidelines for carrying out the report is given in the following paragraphs. Each student is to
compile his/her study as per following chapters as detailed below:

Chapter-I: Introduction

1.1 Introduction:

It should include
a. Meaning of the concept
b. Rationale for choosing the topic/problem under study
c. Implementation strategy of concept in your present study.

1.2 Objectives of Study: It should be pragmatic and consistent with the title of the study and
achievable during the course of study within the prescribed schedule. Students are advised to develop
the objectives in consultation with their respective mentors. The objectives must start with action
oriented verbs. A sample of objectives is given below as example:
a. To study the job satisfaction of employees working in a bank
b. To study the factors affecting the purchase decision of customers for a product.

1.3 Scope of Study: The scope of the study refers to the parameters in which the study will be
operating in. This also reminds a researcher that his method of investigation should be centered
around trying to solve the problem within the provided scope. The scope of study should clearly
mention the activities that are actually performed in the study. It should include the period of study,
the functional area (HR, Finance and Marketing) and volume of work carried out in the study.

1.4 Company Profile: if the research is done on any company or organization. In this section,
students are expected to explain the nature of the organization and its business
(service/production/trading etc), i.e., type of industry & business in which the company is operating.
Mention specific functional area, if any, such as marketing, finance, HR, logistics etc, in which the
company is operating.
Mention Company’s vision & mission. Mention Product range of the company. Mention size (in
terms of manpower & turnover) of organization.

1.5 Industry Profile: If the research topic requires

Chapter-II: Review of Literature

A literature review is a summary of research that has been published about a particular subject. It
provides the reader with an idea about the current situation in terms of what has been done, and what
we know. Sometimes it includes suggestions about what needs to be done to increase the knowledge
and understanding of a particular problem.
Students have to carry out a methodical examination of available study material (books, journals,
periodicals, official gazettes, etc) on the topic of your study. Provide the existing information on the
research work already done by way of fundamental nature of the study and the writer’s name and
references of publications.

Chapter-III: Research Methodology

It must specify the Universe, Research design, Sampling type, Sample size type of data, Data
collection methods, tools used for data analysis, types of questionnaire, Hypothesis, independent
and dependent variables for the research and other aspects required by the researcher while doing

Chapter-IV: Data Presentation, Analysis & Data Interpretation

Raw data (primary or secondary) collected must be transformed to standard formats such as tables,
charts, graphs, diagrams etc and is to be presented in this chapter. This chapter will include
classification of data, tabulation of the data, Application of analytical tools, Use of graphs, depiction
of bar diagrams, histogram and its observation and inferences drawn.

Students are required to apply established theoretical concepts/tools/techniques to the data presented
in Chapter-III and draw inferences. Students are required to discuss rational and logic for drawing
inferences. For each inference, proper linkages are to be established either with the data analyzed in
Chapter-III or with the calculations to be included in this Chapter. Wherever, calculations are to be
carried out, it must be provided before drawing any inference. The inferences are to be presented in
narrative form from each data set along with limitations due to data insufficiency, if any.

Chapter-V: Summary & Conclusions

This Chapter should comprise the following:

5.1 Results of the Study: These are to be presented and supported by facts & figures in narrative
form derived from previous chapter. The sequence of the results must be consistent with the
objectives of the study mentioned in Chapter-I. Also, mention the achievement of objectives or

5.2 Limitations: The limitations could be mentioned in terms of data insufficiency, time & expertise
constraints etc.

5.3 Suggestions, Scope for further Study & Conclusion: Suggestions based on results of the study
are to be provided. Any scope for extension of the study to new geographical areas, segments, time
with larger data, is to be mentioned under this heading. Finally, Conclusion should cover findings of
the work, whether the stated objectives of the work is achieved with full justification,
recommendations, limitations, directions for future development.

Format of cover page , Declaration, Acknowledgement

(refer following pages)

Shri Vaishnav Institute of Management, Indore



“A study of ……………………………………………………………………….


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of



BATCH 2021-23


Name of faculty Name of student
Designation MBA (MM/FT/FA)
Semester –III/IV
Enrollment number

I, ………………….....Enrollment Number. ….............from MBA (FT/FA/MM) –

III/IV Semester of Shri Vaishnav Institute of Management, Indore hereby declare
that the MRP entitled “………………............................................................” is an
original work and the same has not been submitted to any other institute for the
award of any other degree.

Date: Signature of student

Name of student

I would like to express my sincere thanks to my guide Mr. /Ms/ Dr. Name of
guide for his/ her continuous efforts during my research project. I have no words to
express my gratitude for all the suggestions and guidance which I received from
my guide without which it could not have been possible to complete this research
I also thank Dr. Sandeep Malu (Program Coordinator MBA FT)/ Dr.
Dhanashree Nagar (Program Coordinator MBA MM) / Dr. Uttam Rao Jagtap
(Program Coordinator MBA FA) and Dr. Abhijeet Chatterjee (Head,
Department of Management) for their guidance, motivation and support. Last but
not the least, I thank all the respected faculties of department of management who
helped me directly or indirectly to complete my research project on time.

Name of student
Enrollment Number

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