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Adverse Effects of Immunosuppressant Drugs upon Airway Epithelial Cell and

Mucociliary Clearance: Implications for Lung Transplant Recipients

Article  in  Drugs · July 2013

DOI: 10.1007/s40265-013-0089-0 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Rogério Pazetti Paulo Manuel Pêgo-Fernandes

University of São Paulo University of São Paulo


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Drugs (2013) 73:1157–1169
DOI 10.1007/s40265-013-0089-0


Adverse Effects of Immunosuppressant Drugs upon Airway

Epithelial Cell and Mucociliary Clearance: Implications for Lung
Transplant Recipients
Rogerio Pazetti • Paulo Manuel Pêgo-Fernandes •

Fabio Biscegli Jatene

Published online: 11 July 2013

Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013

Abstract Optimal post-transplantation immunosuppres- graft preservation, surgical techniques, postoperative

sion is critical to the survival of the graft and the patient management, and immunosuppressive therapy. All of these
after lung transplantation. Immunosuppressant agents tar- factors have contributed significantly to the large increases
get various aspects of the immune system to maximize in the numbers of lung transplantation procedures being
graft tolerance while minimizing medication toxicities and performed in adults each year—from 5 in 1985 to 3,519 in
side effects. The vast majority of patients receive mainte- 2010 [1].
nance immunosuppressive therapy consisting of a triple- The vast majority of patients receive maintenance
drug regimen including a calcineurin inhibitor, a cell cycle immunosuppressive therapy consisting of a triple-drug
inhibitor and a corticosteroid. Although these immuno- regimen. Between 2002 and 2010, the maintenance regi-
suppressant drugs are frequently used after transplantation men of approximately 95 % of lung transplant recipients at
and to control inflammatory processes, limited data are both 1 and 5 years after transplantation consisted of a
available with regard to their effects on cells other than calcineurin inhibitor plus a cell cycle inhibitor. More pre-
those from the immunological system. Notably, the airway cisely, the combination of tacrolimus and mycophenolate
epithelial cell is of interest because it may contribute to mofetil has now become the most widely used combination
development of bronchiolitis obliterans through production internationally (Table 1) [1].
of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This review focuses the Optimal post-transplantation immunosuppression is
current armamentarium of immunosuppressant drugs used critical to the survival of the graft and the patient. How-
after lung transplantation and their main side effects upon ever, these medications also contribute to significant mor-
airway epithelial cells and mucociliary clearance. bidity and mortality in the lung transplant population.
Serious complications that occur as a result of chronic
immunosuppression include malignancies, neuro- and
1 Introduction hepatotoxicity, lymphoproliferative disorders, renal failure,
thrombocytopenia, hypertension and opportunistic infec-
Lung transplantation is a lifesaving intervention for tions (Table 2) [2].
patients with end-stage diseases of the lungs and the pul- Infectious complications are one of the most common
monary circulation. Several factors have been improved causes of morbidity and mortality at all timepoints after
since the first transplantation in 1963, such as optimal lung transplantation (Table 3) [1], and at least 65 % of the
patient selection, donor care, histocompatibility testing, infections involve the respiratory tract [3]. Possible reasons
for this very high incidence of infectious complications
R. Pazetti (&)  P. M. Pêgo-Fernandes  F. B. Jatene include an allograft continuously exposed to the environ-
Laboratory of Thoracic Surgery Research-LIM61, Department of ment, bronchial anastomotic problems, and impaired mu-
Cardiopneumology, Heart Institute (InCor), Hospital das cociliary clearance [4].
Clı́nicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São
Mucociliary clearance is an essential innate immune
Paulo, Avenida Doutor Arnaldo, 455, 1o. Andar, Sala 1220,
Pacaembu, São Paulo, SP 01246-000, Brazil protective mechanism in the airways. A coordinated system
e-mail: of epithelial water and ion transport, mucin secretion, cilia
1158 R. Pazetti et al.

Table 1 Maintenance immunosuppressive agents commonly used and damage. This disruption may be due to diseases like
after lung transplantation [1] primary ciliary dyskinesia, cystic fibrosis and asthma, or
Drug class Agent Percentage of may be secondary to factors such as pollutant exposure and
patients drug toxicity effects [5].
At At Although these immunosuppressant drugs are frequently
1 year 5 years used after transplantation and to control inflammatory
processes, limited data are available with regard to their
Calcineurin Cyclosporine 16 19
effects on cells other than those from the immunological
Tacrolimus 83 77
system. Airway epithelial cells are of special interest
Cell cycle Azathioprine 30 31
because they may contribute to development of bronchi-
inhibitor Mycophenolate mofetil 60 53 olitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) through production of
Combination Cyclosporine ? azathioprine 5 6 pro-inflammatory cytokines [6]. BOS is the major clinical
Cyclosporine ? mycophenolate 7 8 manifestation of chronic lung allograft rejection [7] and the
main cause of mortality (causing about 27 % of deaths)
Tacrolimus ? azathioprine 22 20
between 1 and 10 years after lung transplantation [1].
Tacrolimus ? mycophenolate 46 36
Acute pulmonary allograft rejection is the principal risk
factor for development of BOS, but infection and fibro-
proliferation are also considered important risk factors for
Table 2 Main side effects of maintenance immunosuppressive this process [7]. BOS is characterized by an intense
agents inflammatory process with fibrosis and extracellular matrix
Agent Characteristic side effects deposition in the subepithelium and the terminal bronchiole
lumen, resulting in luminal occlusion [6, 7]. Indeed, the
Cyclosporine Nephrotoxicity, hypertension, hirsutism,
hypertrichosis, gingival hyperplasia large allograft airways develop cylindrical bronchiectasis,
Tacrolimus Neurotoxicity, hypertension, nephrotoxicity, with subsequent altered airflow, impairment of mucociliary
diabetogenic, alopecia clearance and ciliated respiratory epithelial cell loss [7].
Azathioprine Bone marrow suppression, hepatotoxicity, Potential sources of the fibroblasts responsible for the
leukopenia airway wall fibrosis and luminal obliteration include in situ
Mycophenolate Diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, proliferation of resident fibroblasts and recruitment of cir-
mofetil bone marrow suppression, hepatotoxicity, culating mesenchymal stem cells. However, it has been
demonstrated that bronchial epithelial cells also have the
Corticosteroids Osteoporosis, hirsutism, hypertrichosis,
ability to undergo epithelial-mesenchymal transition
(EMT) mediated by transforming growth factor b1 (TGF-
b1) [8]. In the lungs, EMT has primarily been described in
Table 3 Causes of deaths occurring between 1 and 12 months after
alveolar epithelial cells and is thought to be a primary
adult lung transplantation [1] contributor to the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis. A
recent study showed the direct connection between EMT
Cause of death Percentage
of patients and BOS concerning the mechanism of airway remodelling
and fibrosis, and that some immunosuppressive drugs
Acute rejection 1.8 contribute to partial EMT in bronchial epithelial cells [9].
Bronchiolitis 4.6 In fact, the only therapy for arresting functional decline of
Cardiovascular 4.5 the allograft during development of BOS is augmentation
Graft failure 17.0 of immunosuppression levels. However, in most cases, this
Infection (non-cytomegalovirus) 35.9 augmentation is ineffective when BOS is established [6].
Infection (cytomegalovirus) 2.4 Further, there is evidence that immunosuppressive
Malignancy 5.2 agents have growth-inhibitory and pro-inflammatory
Technical 3.4 effects upon human tracheobronchial epithelial cells [10].
Other 25.2 These effects may alter the integrity of the mucociliary
epithelium, causing distal airway injury and airflow
action and cough results in the continuous flow of fluid and obstruction. Indeed, the reduction in mucus-producing cells
mucus over airway surfaces. Disruption of the balance results in impairment of mucociliary clearance, potentiat-
between the ciliated epithelium, periciliary fluid and mucus ing bacterial colonization and recurrent bronchitis [10, 11].
will cause impairment of mucociliary clearance, resulting in Several in vivo and in vitro methods have been developed
microorganism proliferation, lung infection, inflammation to study the side effects of immunosuppressive drugs on
Immunosuppressant Drug Effects on Airway Clearance 1159

airway epithelial cells and BOS development. Usually, in vivo same dose (1.5 mg/kg/day) was considered low in another
assays include bronchial section [12–15] and trachea [16–20] study [35], which used 5.0 mg/kg/day as a high dose.
or lung [21–24] transplantation models. Actually, heterotop- In addition, we found a study that used 5.0, 10.0 and 15.0
ical tracheal transplantation in rats has been the most widely mg/kg/day as low doses and 25.0 mg/kg/day as a high dose
used model, as it is an easy technique to perform and evaluate, [16]. Anyway, in general, cyclosporine doses used in rat-
and because it is highly reproducible [25]. In contrast, lung model transplantation studies are higher than those used
transplantation models are more appropriate for ischemia– clinically, because rats have much faster hepatic metabolism
reperfusion and acute rejection studies, since their use to than humans, and a different body area to volume ratio [35].
investigate BOS presents some limitations, such as being time
consuming and technically demanding, and the high histo- In Vivo Studies BOS was originally investigated
logical variability of airway lesions [6, 26]. In vitro assays are by using a BALB/c-to-C3H trachea transplantation model,
frequently performed using human-derived tracheobronchial in which grafts placed into subcutaneous tissue developed
epithelial cells to analyze the influence of pro-inflammatory subepithelial inflammation, epithelial necrosis and fibro-
cytokines, growth factor and gene expression for markers of proliferation, mimicking human BOS [36]. Using the same
EMT [9, 10, 27, 28]. The use of these cells in culture devoid of model, these researchers found that only high-dose cyclo-
other contaminating cell types is useful to examine the sporine (25 mg/kg/day), but not low doses (5, 10 or 15
response to specific immunosuppressive agents [28]. mg/kg/day), significantly reduced fibroproliferation in
This review focuses on the current armamentarium of allografts, yet epithelial injury and cellular inflammation
immunosuppressant drugs used after lung transplantation, still occurred [16]. Two different doses of cyclosporine (1.0
their main side effects upon airway epithelial cells and the and 1.5 mg/kg/day) were tested in a heterotopic rat tracheal
mucociliary apparatus, and possible implications in BOS allograft transplantation model, and the results showed that
development. both doses significantly reduced the loss of epithelium at
10 days. However, only the higher cyclosporine dose was
able to reduce the loss of tracheal epithelium at 30 days
2 Immunosuppressive Drugs and attenuated development of BOS [17]. Similarly, it was
shown that allografts from rats treated with cyclosporine
2.1 Calcineurin Inhibitors (5 mg/kg/day) for 2 or 4 weeks presented just a mild
degree of mononuclear cell infiltrate in the mucosal, sub-
2.1.1 Cyclosporine mucosal and muscularis layers, minimal thickness of the
submucosal fibrous layer, and complete regeneration with
Cyclosporine (ciclosporin) represents a group of oligo- normal epithelial lining, which were directly related to the
peptides with 11 amino acids, and is produced as secondary absence of BOS [18]. Another study found a high inverse
metabolites by Cylindrocarpon lucidum and Trichoderma correlation between the percentage epithelial coverage and
polysporum [29]. Cyclosporine inhibits transcription of the degree of obliteration in all of the cyclosporine-treated
interleukin (IL)-2 and some other inflammatory proteins, grafts, according to the starting day of treatment (0, 7 or
such as IL-3 and IL-4, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a and 14 days after transplantation). A minimal 4 % obliteration
interferon (IFN). It binds cyclophilin and prevents calci- occurred when cyclosporine therapy (10 mg/kg daily) was
neurin dephosphorylation of nuclear factor of activated T started on day 0, and the epithelium in these grafts was
cells (NFAT), which affects activation and proliferation of predominantly columnar, ciliated respiratory cells, with
CD4? T cells through the IL-2 pathway [30]. The profound 100 % coverage in all grafts [37].
immunosuppressive effect of cyclosporine has been dem- This model has also been used to investigate cellular and
onstrated in many experimental transplantation models in a molecular mechanisms, as well as inhibitory effects of
range of species, including mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, cyclosporine on the BOS process. Unlike observations in
dogs, pigs and nonhuman primates [29]. tracheal allografts excised from nonimmunosuppressed
Nevertheless, it is not so easy to determine the standard animals, cyclosporine-treated rats (receiving 1, 2 or 5
dose of cyclosporine either clinically or experimentally [18]. mg/kg/day) showed decreased development of BOS in a
Clinicians need to find the appropriate dose for each patient, dose-dependent fashion, in association with downregula-
aiming to avoid graft rejection and to minimize toxicity. tion of epithelial major histocompatibility class II antigen
During the first months after lung transplantation, the expression, IL-2R expression and infiltration of T cells.
cyclosporine dose is adjusted to maintain a therapeutic blood While total epithelial necrosis and intense proliferation of
level of around 300 ng/mL [31–34]. Experimentally, there granulation tissue did occlude the airway lumen of allo-
have been studies that considered 1.0 mg/kg/day as a low grafts, in syngeneic tracheal grafts no such changes were
dose and 1.5 mg/kg/day as a high dose [17]. However, this observed [38]. To test the hypothesis that the injury of the
1160 R. Pazetti et al.

airway wall in BOS is immune mediated, another study systemic toxicities of the drug and to decrease local
administered exogenous IL-2 to cyclosporine-treated rats immunoproliferative responses and BOS. A case–control
after heterotopic tracheal transplantation and found that study of lung transplant patients with biopsy-documented
cyclosporine did not prevent obstruction of the airway BOS showed that aerosol cyclosporine in combination with
lumen. Furthermore, exogenous IL-2 administration standard therapy provided a survival advantage over stan-
enhanced peritracheal lymphocyte infiltration and luminal dard therapy alone [45]. The effects of cyclosporine on pro-
obstruction in cyclosporine-treated tracheal allografts [39]. inflammatory signalling mediated by airway epithelial cells
A similar study in mice showed that cyclosporine failed to were examined in a mouse model of acute infection by
block overproduction of IL-2, IFN-c, IL-4, IL-10 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The authors concluded that
granzyme b—all related to BOS development [40]. cyclosporine treatment did not increase the risk of acute
Moreover, neutralization of IL-10 in a rat heterotopic tra- pneumonia or death in the treated animals, nor did it pre-
cheal transplantation model accelerated airway oblitera- vent an appropriate neutrophil response to infection [46].
tion, whereas administration of physiologic doses of IL-10 These data were confirmed by in vitro assays.
attenuated allograft airway fibroplasia [7].
An orthotopic tracheal transplantation model has also In Vitro Studies The effects of cyclosporine upon
been applied, with the goal of demonstrating that the airway epithelial cells have also been investigated in vitro by
airway epithelium plays a crucial role in BOS develop- using either cells collected from lung transplant recipients or
ment. One study reported that repopulation of orthotopic human bronchial epithelial cell lines, such as BEAS-2B. One
tracheal allografts with recipient-derived epithelium had a study demonstrated that cyclosporine (10, 100, 1000 ng/mL)
protective effect against BOS after retransplantation of exerted growth-inhibitory and pro-inflammatory effects
BALB/c trachea allografts back into BALB/c mice [41]. upon human tracheobronchial epithelial cells, which altered
Another study tested cyclosporine (10 mg/kg/day) in this the integrity of the mucociliary epithelium, facilitating distal
same model in rabbits and found neither rejection signs airway injury and airflow obstruction. Cyclosporine also
nor impairment of mucociliary clearance after 10 weeks caused increased airway epithelial cell death after 5 days of
of treatment. However, cyclosporine administration for treatment. This study concluded that the reduction in mucus-
2 weeks or intermittently for 10 weeks was ineffective in producing cells may alter mucociliary clearance, potentiat-
maintaining indefinite graft viability. Curiously, inter- ing bacterial colonization and recurrent bronchitis [10].
mittent pulsing of cyclosporine induced simultaneous Some years later, these researchers showed opposite effects
endothelial graft repopulation and chronic allograft from inhaled cyclosporine, which decreased the secretion of
rejection [42]. critical cytokines and chemokines from human airway epi-
In a comparative study of syngeneic and allogenic thelial cells in an air–liquid-interface culture [47]. In addi-
orthotopic tracheal transplantation in mice, only nonimmu- tion, the data from another investigation provided evidence
nosuppressed allogenic grafts presented normal ciliated that a high dose of cyclosporine induced production of pro-
respiratory epithelial loss and impaired mucociliary func- inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-8 by airway-derived
tion, besides a lymphocytic infiltrate [43]. Two animal epithelial cell lines and primary epithelial cell cultures
studies investigated the effects of cyclosporine (10 mg/kg), obtained from lung brushings [27].
either associated with a bronchial section or not, and reported More recently, it was demonstrated that differentiated
that cyclosporine-treated rats presented a significant reduc- airway epithelial cells collected from stable lung transplant
tion in mucus production from goblet cells, diminished cil- recipients normally secreted IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-a in
iary beating frequency, and impairment of mucociliary response to IL-1b stimulation. Indeed, the secretion was
clearance at up to 90 days of therapy [12, 13]. In contrast, in not affected by treatment with cyclosporine, in contrast to
Ascaris-sensitized cats, the same dose of cyclosporine findings from studies using cells grown in submersion
caused goblet cell and submucosal gland hyperplasia and culture [28]. Felton et al. [9] investigated the contribution
hypertrophy, and inhibited airway wall remodelling [44]. of cyclosporine to partial EMT in bronchial epithelial cells
Although mucociliary clearance was not measured in this and found that cyclosporine caused upregulations of the
study, one can suppose that it was also impaired because of mesenchymal markers fibronectin and vimentin. Cyclo-
mucus overproduction. In both situations of lesser or greater sporine-treated cells also had a 5-fold increase in collagen
production of mucus, diminished mucociliary clearance production and a 1-fold increase in TGF-b1 production. In
facilitates retention of pathogenic microorganisms and, addition, cells treated with cyclosporine began to detach
consequently, respiratory infections—an important risk from each other, losing cell–cell adhesion, and to elongate
factor for development of BOS [7]. and flatten out significantly. Different doses of cyclospor-
Delivery of cyclosporine by aerosol in lung transplant ine (0.1, 0.5, 1, 5 and 10 lg/mL) were tested in a human
recipients has been studied in the last decade, both to avoid epithelium–fibroblast interactive model to verify the role of
Immunosuppressant Drug Effects on Airway Clearance 1161

epithelium–fibroblast interactions in the course of fibro- respiratory epithelium, aiming for greater knowledge of the
proliferation, and it was found that clinically relevant inflammatory process and BOS development after lung
concentrations of cyclosporine (0.1–1 lg/mL) did not transplantation.
affect fibroblast proliferation in monocultures. However, a By using the most common tracheal allograft transplan-
conditioned medium obtained from epithelial cells treated tation animal model, it was found that the epithelial layer was
with 0.1 lg/mL of cyclosporine significantly enhanced absent in controls (receiving no treatment), while squamous
fibroblast proliferation. These data showed that fibroblast metaplasia/cuboidal epithelium was encountered in the
proliferation was stimulated by specific concentrations of tacrolimus group at 14 days, but with complete regeneration
cyclosporine through mediators produced by airway epi- with normal epithelial lining at 28 days. In comparison with
thelial cells [48]. the severe degree of mononuclear infiltrate in all sections of
The human bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B was the mucosal, submucosal and muscularis layers in the control
also used to investigate the effects of cyclosporine on the group, only a mild degree was observed in tacrolimus-treated
apoptosis process, as well as on production of reactive rats. Indeed, the thickness of the submucosal fibrous layer
oxygen species and antioxidant defence. The authors found was minimal (\10 lm) in the tacrolimus group but large in
a dose-dependent cell viability decrease, with intense the no-treatment group ([20 lm) [18].
chromatin condensation and nuclear fragmentation in high- Two studies using the same animal model confirmed
dose cyclosporine-treated cells (100 lg/mL) [49]. They these data, showing effective preservation of tracheal
also observed increased reactive oxygen species production respiratory epithelium by tacrolimus in a dose-dependent
and decreased biological antioxidant potential in BEAS-2B way. They found that high-dose tacrolimus (4 mg/kg)
after cyclosporine treatment [50]. highly significantly suppressed luminal obliteration, pre-
From these in vivo and in vitro studies, we can conclude venting rapid epithelial destruction. A mean of 76 % of the
that cyclosporine promotes (or at least does not prevent) graft’s luminal surface was covered with epithelium, which
pro-inflammatory cytokine production by airway epithelial consisted mainly of the respiratory pseudostratified type,
cells, fibroblast proliferation and impairment of mucocili- and many peroidic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive mucin-con-
ary clearance—all related to the BOS process. These taining goblet cells were found in high-dose tacrolimus
cyclosporine effects depend upon factors such as the dose, allografts. These allografts revealed even less infiltration of
the start time and the duration of treatment, which deter- mononuclear cells. Moreover, tacrolimus did not affect
mine the success in preventing BOS development. smooth muscle cell proliferation [19, 20].
This same group of researchers investigated the effects of
2.1.2 Tacrolimus tacrolimus administered either orally or by aerosol and found
that both routes largely prevented development of BOS and
Despite having a different chemical structure from that of significantly reduced epithelial injury. Indeed, they were
cyclosporine, tacrolimus suppresses the immune system in similarly effective in suppressing graft mononuclear infil-
a similar way by inhibiting synthesis of IL-2 through tration and spot frequencies for IFN-c. However, only oral
binding of a specific immunophilin, tacrolimus binding tacrolimus sufficiently reduced IL-4-producing cells. IL-4,
protein (FKBP12) and, consequently, through inhibition of IL-6 and IL-10 intragraft levels were mildly reduced by
the calcineurin by this complex [51, 52]. either treatment. At 60 days, all grafts showed nearly com-
Tacrolimus is around 10-fold more potent than cyclo- plete epithelial coverage, with a predominance of physio-
sporine [32], and the recommended starting dosage of oral logic, ciliated, columnar epithelium [55].
tacrolimus in adults ranges from approximately 0.1 to More recently, these researchers investigated several
0.3 mg/kg/day, but the dose may be reduced during aspects of tacrolimus treatment. All animals tolerated the
maintenance therapy [53]. Trough whole-blood tacrolimus tacrolimus treatment well, irrespective of the administration
concentrations should be monitored and generally main- route. The tracheal and bronchial epithelium in both tacrol-
tained between 10 and 20 ng/mL, depending on the time imus groups was well preserved after 3 weeks. The density
after transplantation [30, 34]. Therapeutic blood concen- of goblet cells and mucin MUC5B gene expression remained
trations of tacrolimus are usually defined as 10–14 ng/mL unchanged with either route of tacrolimus treatment. No
during the 3-month post-lung transplantation period and changes in expression of zonula occludens 1 or in its distri-
8–12 ng/mL thereafter [32, 54]. Children generally require bution along the cell–cell boundaries of the airway epithe-
higher doses than adults to achieve similar whole-blood lium and along the basement membrane were found after
concentrations of tacrolimus [53]. tacrolimus inhalation, compared with control tracheas [56].
The effects of different doses of tacrolimus prophylaxis In Vivo Studies Experimentally, many studies and treatment on BOS development was examined in a
have investigated the effects of tacrolimus on the murine tracheal transplantation model. Tacrolimus
1162 R. Pazetti et al.

administration was started 0, 7 or 14 days after transplan- inhibited primary fibroblast proliferation and whether ta-
tation. The results showed that tacrolimus prophylaxis crolimus was able to modulate PGE2 production in epi-
dose-dependently inhibited BOS, early treatment halted thelial cells. They found that basal PGE2 secretion by
disease progression and late treatment delayed progression. epithelial cells was in the picogram range, and the highest
Tacrolimus prophylaxis was also associated with inhibition tacrolimus concentration (10 lg/mL) caused a significant
of recruitment of CD4?, CD8? and IL-2R? inflammatory increase in PGE2 production. However, these data dem-
cells into the allografts, suggesting a central role for IL-2 in onstrated that PGE2 levels secreted by epithelial cells were
the development of BOS. In addition, a dose-dependent insufficient to exert an effect on fibroblast proliferation
correlation between epithelial necrosis and tracheal [48].
occlusion was observed, suggesting that epithelial injury is As part of the alloreactive response, T cells induce
required for development of BOS. When tacrolimus treat- apoptosis of target epithelial cells by secreting the serine
ment was initiated at a time when the obliterative lesion protease granzyme b. On the basis of a previous study,
had already started to develop, it inhibited the progression which reported an increase in apoptosis of epithelial cells
of BOS significantly [57]. collected from the large airway in lung transplant recipients
[58], Hodge et al. [59] hypothesized that granzyme b would In Vitro Studies These same effects of tacrolimus be increased in lung transplant patients with acute rejection
have also been investigated in cultured cells. Different and BOS, and that commonly used immunosuppressive
concentrations of tacrolimus (10, 100 and 1,000 ng/mL) agents would fail to suppress this serine protease ade-
were tested in human-derived tracheobronchial airway quately. Tacrolimus (25 ng/mL) was effective in reducing
epithelial cells. After 7 days, histology revealed no changes granzyme b production, and this reduction was significant
in epithelial morphology or tight junction formation, and no for both CD4? and CD8? T cells. However, it is important
obvious signs of cell toxicity or cell injury were observed, to observe that this dose was slightly higher than the
irrespective of the tacrolimus dose. Indeed, tacrolimus was therapeutic range of 5–20 ng/mL. They concluded that
effective in preventing IFN-c, IL-10, IL-13, monocyte tacrolimus exerted a dose-dependent reduction in gran-
chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) and TNF-a upregulation zyme b production.
after stimulation by IL-1b [56]. On the other hand, there Regulation of the ciliary beating frequency in the airway
was evidence that tacrolimus was able to enhance produc- cells is crucial for maintenance of mucociliary clearance
tion of IL-6 and IL-8 in airway-derived cell lines and pri- and may be dependent on frequency-modulated Ca2? sig-
mary cells. Although high concentrations of tacrolimus nalling [5]. The frequency of ciliary beats is greater during
(0.1 lg/mL) enhanced IL-6 production in the epithelial cell Ca2? oscillations than during a single Ca2? transient, and
line A549, it did not affect IL-6 production at clinical higher frequency Ca2? oscillations serve to produce a
immunosuppressive concentrations (0.2–2.0 ng/mL) [27]. stable and elevated frequency of beating [60]. It was
Neuringer et al. [10] showed that tacrolimus caused no reported that tacrolimus has the capacity to accumulate in
significant airway epithelial cell growth inhibition and that T lymphocytes and concentrate up to 900-fold the extra-
IL-8 production was increased in tacrolimus-treated sam- cellularly added concentration, which can lead to a
ples, but without statistical significance. They also reported reduction in Ca2? accumulation and subsequently to dys-
that the percentage multi-layered epithelium trended down function [61].
with increasing concentrations of tacrolimus (0.1 to To elucidate the effect of tacrolimus on Ca2? oscilla-
100 ng/mL). Another study investigated the contribution of tions in the airway epithelium, Kanoh et al. [62] investi-
the bronchial EMT induced by immunosuppression and gated cultured cow tracheal epithelial cells with a
concluded that tacrolimus-treated cells maintained epithe- Ca2? image-analysis system and showed that tacrolimus
lial morphology, baseline levels of matrix protein expres- was able to gradually attenuate and abolish the long-lasting
sion and transforming growth factor production levels [9]. Ca2? oscillations induced by adenosine triphosphate in
By using a human airway epithelial cell–lung fibroblast subconfluent cells but not in confluent cells. They also
interactive model, it was demonstrated that tacrolimus did observed that tacrolimus treatment decreased the Ca2?
not affect fibroblast proliferation through mediators pro- content in thapsigargin-sensitive stores, suggesting that the
duced by the epithelial cells. Furthermore, the results partial depletion of the stores causes the inhibition of Ca2?
showed that the pro-proliferative effect of epithelial cell oscillations. Indeed, immunocytochemistry revealed the
medium on fibroblasts was not altered by pretreatment existence of cytoplasmic FKBP-like immunoreactivities.
with clinically relevant concentrations of tacrolimus The expression of a 12-kDa FKBP was greater in sub-
(0.001–0.01 lg/mL). These concentrations had little to no confluent cells than in confluent cells, suggesting that the
effect on cell viability or apoptosis [11]. Subsequently, 12-kDa FKBP may be one of the factors that regulate Ca2?
these authors examined whether prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) oscillations. Therefore, tacrolimus has an inhibitory effect
Immunosuppressant Drug Effects on Airway Clearance 1163

on the Ca2? response via intracellular FKBP, which may epithelial cells. The results showed that azathioprine-trea-
result in modification of airway epithelial functions. ted cells presented irregularity in cell shape without the
All of these data show that tacrolimus seems to be less loss of cell–cell contact. The epithelial marker aquaporin 5
deleterious to the respiratory epithelium than cyclosporine. was highly expressed in vehicle-treated cells, but in the
Besides, it is more effective in preventing BOS develop- presence of azathioprine, it nearly disappeared. In contrast,
ment. However, the positive effects of tacrolimus are the expression of tight junction protein E-cadherin was not
usually found in high dosages, which can disturb airway reduced in azathioprine-treated cells, maintaining cell–cell
mucociliary clearance. junctions and localization of E-cadherin at the cell mem-
brane. The mesenchymal markers fibronectin and vimentin,
2.2 Cell Cycle Inhibitors which are normally expressed at low or undetectable levels,
showed slight and a moderate increases, respectively, with
2.2.1 Azathioprine azathioprine treatment. Cells treated with azathioprine
generally maintained cytoskeletal structure and integrity of
Azathioprine is a purine analogue and has a well-known the actin ring. Indeed, azathioprine-treated cells showed
mechanism of action at the level of DNA. After its significant nuclear blebbing, typically associated with
reduction by glutathione to 6-mercaptopurine, it is enzy- preapoptotic cells, and increased collagen production
matically converted into several metabolites, which are ranging from 3- to 4-fold [9].
incorporated into replicating DNA and halt replication. Azathioprine is one of the oldest immunosuppressive
These metabolites can also block the de novo pathway of drugs used after lung transplantation. However, the literature
purine synthesis by inhibiting the production of adenylic is poor with regard to studies reporting its isolated and direct
and guanylic acid. Indeed, they can convert the co-stimu- side effects on airway epithelial cells, because it is com-
latory signal from CD28 into an apoptotic signal, resulting monly used as part of a standard triple-drug therapy. Some
in lymphocyte depletion [63–65]. clinical trials have compared azathioprine with mycophen-
In clinical and experimental studies, the reported typical olate [70, 71], sirolimus [72] or everolimus [73] in cyclo-
dose of azathioprine is in the range of 0.5–3 mg/kg/day sporine- or tacrolimus-based therapies. All of them found
[14, 31, 66–69]. similar incidences of infection and acute rejection episodes,
as well as BOS, at 1 and 3 years after transplantation. In Vivo Studies By using a model of bronchial It is not possible to draw firm conclusions from these few
section and reanastomosis in rats, Pêgo-Fernandes et al. experimental and clinical studies, but it seems that azathi-
[14] evaluated the effects of azathioprine (3 mg/kg/day) on oprine does not cause important damage in airway epithelial
the mucociliary system for up to 30 days of treatment. cells, which could be related to BOS development.
They showed that azathioprine caused only transitory
impairment of mucociliary transport in the sectioned 2.2.2 Mycophenolate Mofetil, Mycophenolate Sodium
bronchi of rats, whereas administration of saline solution and Mycophenolic Acid
impaired mucociliary transport for up to 30 days. In
addition, in analysis of the contact angle and frog palate Immunosuppression by mycophenolate occurs through its
transportability of bronchial mucus samples, they observed active compound, mycophenolic acid, a selective and
that azathioprine preserved mucus viscoelastic properties reversible inhibitor of inosine monophosphate dehydroge-
in comparison with saline treatment. nase. Mycophenolate impairs the rate-limiting enzyme in
de novo synthesis of guanine nucleotides. T and B cells are In Vitro Studies Azzola et al. [11] investigated more dependent on this pathway than other cells are [74,
the in vitro effect of azathioprine (0.01–50 mg/L) on the 75]. Other potential mechanisms of immunosuppression
proliferation capacity of primary human lung fibroblasts include inducing apoptosis of activated T cells; decreasing
obtained from transbronchial biopsies of lung transplant expression of adhesion molecules, resulting in decreased
recipients. There was no effect of azathioprine on fibroblast recruitment of inflammatory cells; and decreasing induc-
proliferation up to a concentration of 1 mg/L. Azathioprine ible nitric oxide production and resultant tissue damage
showed relevant antiproliferative effects only at higher [76].
doses, which are contraindicated in vivo because of side The standard dose of mycophenolate depends upon both
effects. its formulation and its combination with calcineurin
On the basis of knowledge of EMT in renal tubular inhibitors. In general, the dose used with cyclosporine is
epithelial cells induced by transplant immunosuppressive 3 g/day, whereas in combination with tacrolimus it is 2 g/day
therapy, a recent and very well-conducted study investi- [31, 74, 76]. Experimentally, the dose used in vivo ranges
gated whether azathioprine contributed to EMT in airway from 10 to 40 mg/kg/day [15, 18, 37, 38].
1164 R. Pazetti et al. In Vivo Studies The role of mycophenolate in the of the mucus layer [77]. Interestingly, an enhancing effect
BOS process was examined by using a reproducible model of mycophenolate on proliferation of conjunctival goblet
of heterotopically transplanted rat tracheas. A mean oblit- cells at lower concentrations was demonstrated in this
eration rate of 47 % was observed after treatment with study. At a dose of 0.25–1 ng/mL, mycophenolate
mycophenolate (40 mg/kg/day) from day 0 to day 27. increased cell viability up to 20.6 %. However, a dose of
Indeed, the epithelium was flattened, cuboidal, sporadic mycophenolate 100 ng/mL for 24 h reduced cell viability
and interrupted in coverage, and was only seen lining tra- by 49.7 %. This finding is consistent with studies testing
cheas with minimal obliteration. The result was worse mycophenolate (5–50 ng/mL) on lymphocytes, monocytes,
when treatment was started on day 7—the obliteration vascular smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts and human
value reached 93 %, and no epithelium was present [37]. intrahepatic biliary epithelial cells [78, 79]. Despite poor
Similar results were achieved by using the same model, knowledge of the genes associated with MUC5AC pro-
where mycophenolate at a dose of 20 mg/kg/day did not duction in conjunctival goblet cells, it was demonstrated
inhibit development of BOS. In this group, respiratory that SAM-pointed domain-containing Ets-like factor
epithelium had disappeared from every graft, and the tra- (SPDEF) is the key genetic switch in pulmonary goblet
cheal lumen was occluded 30 days after transplantation. cells. SPDEF induced messenger RNA (mRNA) expression
Mycophenolate slightly reduced inflammatory cell IL-2R of MUC5AC in progenitors of goblet cells, with no asso-
expression at peak inflammation but did not alter the ciated proliferation of goblet cells in the respiratory tract
intensity or cell constitution of the inflammation. In addi- [80]. This result is similar to a mismatch between
tion, mycophenolate at a dose of 40 mg/kg/day resulted in MUC5AC mRNA expression and proliferation of the
the deaths of three of four animals, due to anaemia and associated conjunctival goblet cells under treatment with
weight loss within 2 weeks, and in the one surviving ani- higher concentrations of mycophenolate, indicating that
mal, the graft was totally occluded by intense granulation increased secretion of mucin in tear film could be due to
tissue [38]. These data were corroborated by Yonan et al. enhanced function of the individual conjunctival goblet
[18], using the same animal model. After mycophenolate cells rather than increased numbers of the cells [77].
treatment (40 mg/kg/day), the epithelial layer was absent The role of mycophenolate in EMT was studied in the
in trachea allografts, and there was a moderate degree of bronchial epithelial cell line RL-65. The results revealed that
mononuclear cell infiltrate in all sections of the mucosal, cells treated with mycophenolate demonstrated significant
submucosal and muscularis layers in the mycophenolate loss of aquaporin 5 expression, whereas expression of
groups. Indeed, the thickness of the submucosal fibrous E-cadherin remained consistent. Indeed, mycophenolate
layer was intermediate in the mycophenolate groups elicited increased expression levels of fibronectin. Myco-
(10–15 lm) and large in the no-treatment group ([20 lm). phenolate treatment resulted in loss of the actin ring and
The effects of mycophenolate upon mucociliary clear- formation of visible stress fibres. Mycophenolate also
ance were tested in a bronchial section model in rats by resulted in loss of E-cadherin localization at the cell mem-
measuring in situ ciliary beat frequency, mucociliary brane and a 3-fold increase in collagen production. Myco-
transport velocity and in vitro mucus transportability. Data phenolate-treated cells begin to detach from each other,
collected from the rat mucus samples tested in the frog losing cell–cell adhesion, and to elongate and flatten out
palate model showed that mycophenolate did not alter any significantly, adopting more fibroblast-like morphology [9].
transportability property for up to 30 days of treatment Nevertheless, by using a primary culture of human lung
after surgery. However, mycophenolate-treated rats had a fibroblasts obtained from lung transplant recipients, it was
significant decrease in ciliary beat frequency values from shown that mycophenolate (0.001–5 mg/L) had a potent
sectioned bronchi on postoperative day 30. Mucociliary antifibroproliferative effect at concentrations achieved
transport velocity was significantly slower in the myco- clinically. Mycophenolate at a dose of 0.5 mg/L inhibited
phenolate group than in the saline-treated group. The 50 % of cell proliferation, which was completely stopped
conclusion was that this impairment of mucociliary clear- when mycophenolate was given at concentrations close to
ance could be related to the high incidence of respiratory clinical trough levels (1 mg/L) [11]. It was reported that
infections in transplant recipients [15]. mycophenolate exerts dose-dependent inhibition of guano-
sine-dependent inducible nitric oxide synthase expression In Vitro Studies The effects of mycophenolate and nitric oxide production in fibroblasts [81]. Thus, it is
upon epithelial cells have also been investigated in dif- possible that the antifibroproliferative effect of mycophen-
ferent cultured cell lines. For example, mycophenolate olate is due to inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibition.
demonstrated a biphase effect on conjunctival goblet cell As was mentioned previously, pro-inflammatory cyto-
proliferation and upregulation of mucin-5AC, a high- kines are related to impairment of respiratory epithelium
molecular-weight glycoprotein and the major component and have been studied extensively. Borger et al. [27]
Immunosuppressant Drug Effects on Airway Clearance 1165

demonstrated that addition of mycophenolate (C0.1 lg/ blind study. The results showed that treatment with
mL) to A549 cells enhanced production of IL-6 and IL-8 budesonide did not affect mucociliary clearance. However,
proteins by airway-derived cell lines and primary cells. On treatment with prednisone was associated with a significant
the other hand, Allison and Eugui [78] reviewed many improvement in mucociliary clearance at 24 h [84].
studies and found that 48 h after stimulation, mycophen- The airway epithelium is a primary target of the anti-
olate inhibited production of all cytokines that were stud- inflammatory actions of inhaled steroids, which restore
ied, including IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-c epithelial integrity by suppressing the expression of mul-
and TNF-a. They also observed that in clinically attainable tiple epithelial-derived cytokines and chemoattractants, as
concentrations (1–10 lM), mycophenolate suppressed well as by promoting the maintenance of proper cell–cell
proliferation of arterial smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts, adhesion and decreasing mucus hypersecretion [85].
which may be relevant to prevention of BOS. Investigating the route of administration of steroids, it was
In summary, some studies observed that mycophenolate found that oral prednisolone treatment given to stable
was effective in preventing fibroblast proliferation. How- asthmatics led to a significant improvement in clearance
ever, the majority of these studies showed that myco- from the peripheral and intermediate regions of the lungs,
phenolate caused deleterious effects on epithelial tissue and but clearance from the inner region of the lungs was sig-
mucociliary clearance. nificantly increased only in six patients who coughed rel-
atively infrequently prior to treatment [86].
2.3 Corticosteroids Although the development of topical glucocorticoids
drastically reduced the adverse effects of systemic gluco-
Prednisone, prednisolone and methylprednisolone are the corticoids, localized adverse effects are most commonly
most common corticosteroids used for induction, mainte- encountered with the use of inhaled steroids. Hanania et al.
nance and anti-rejection therapy in lung transplantation [87] critically reviewed this evidence but found no histo-
[74]. The immunosuppressive action of corticosteroids is logical damage to the tracheobronchial epithelium or
complex and occurs by several mechanisms including (i) T connective tissues after long-term use of inhaled steroids.
lymphocyte depletion; (ii) inhibition of T cell activation In addition, they did not observe any reported changes in
and proliferation; and (iii) inhibition of monocyte chemo- exfoliative cytology. They compared this finding with the
taxis and migration to sites of inflammation [65]. common dermal and connective tissue atrophy seen in the
Most physicians have adopted the use of a moderate skin after topical application of the same drugs, and
dose of steroids in the early postoperative period, aiming to hypothesized that this difference presumably reflects the
avoid adverse effects on bronchial healing. Methylpred- relatively low concentration of inhaled steroid per unit
nisolone is commonly employed at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg surface area in the lung, its relatively rapid clearance from
intravenously twice daily for 3 days postoperatively before the airways by systemic absorption, and possible differ-
initiation of an oral dose of prednisone 0.5 mg/kg/day for ences in lung fibroblast sensitivity to glucocorticoids.
the first 3 months, which is then tapered to 15 mg/day by The effects of prednisone on the mucociliary apparatus
6 months and finally to 15 mg on alternate days by 1 year of rats was tested experimentally. The results showed that
[31, 74, 82]. prednisone reduced mucus transportability (0.65–2.50
mg/kg/day) but impaired mucociliary clearance only after a
2.3.1 In Vivo Studies high dose (2.5 mg) [88]. Indeed, a standard dose (1.25 mg)
improved mucus transportability in the animals undergoing
Since airway inflammation has been considered an bronchial section and reanastomosis up to 30 days after
important feature in established BOS, a high dose of surgery [89].
inhaled steroid was tested as adjunctive standard immu-
nosuppressive treatment in a randomized, double-blind 2.3.2 In Vitro Studies
study of 30 stable lung transplant patients, but no effect on
BOS or survival was seen [83]. Steroid effects on airway It was demonstrated that prednisolone had a differential
tissue have commonly been investigated in patients with effect on IL-6 and IL-8 production by airway-derived cell
asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease because lines and primary cells. At low concentrations (0.001 and
of the histological similarities between BOS and these 0.01 lg/mL), prednisolone significantly enhanced cytokine
pathological conditions. The effects of inhaled corticoste- production. However, the opposite effect was observed at
roids (budesonide 0.25–0.50 mg once daily) and systemic high concentrations (0.1–10 lg/mL). Prednisolone was
corticosteroids (oral prednisone 40 mg once daily) on also able to repress the binding activity of nuclear factor
mucociliary clearance were tested in outpatient asthma kappa B (NF-jB) and activator protein-1 (AP-1) in
through an in vivo, randomized, placebo-controlled, single- the epithelial j cell line BEAS-2B. Since both NF-jB and
1166 R. Pazetti et al.

AP-1 are implicated in the regulation of IL-6 and IL-8 gene p63 controls the transcriptional activity of a variety of
transcription in epithelial cells, the conclusion was that downstream genes, such as the epithelial cell cycle and cell
repression of the binding activities of these transcription growth, proliferation, differentiation and death, it not only
factors may well explain the reduced production of IL-6 represents an extraordinarily specific biomarker for airway
and IL-8 [27]. basal cells but also regulates the self-renewal of basal cells
Doerner and Zuraw [90] investigated whether TGF-b1 and would contribute to development of epithelial remod-
stimulates primary human bronchial epithelial cells to elling in chronically inflamed airway mucosa, such as that
undergo transition to a mesenchymal phenotype, and whe- of patients with nasal polyposis.
ther this transition can be abrogated by corticosteroid It seems that inhaled and systemic steroids do not cause
treatment. Treatment with TGF-b1 significantly reduced the significant impairment of airway epithelial tissue. How-
expression level of the epithelial adherence junction protein ever, they are not able to prevent BOS development.
E-cadherin and markedly induced mesenchymal marker
proteins such as collagen I, tenascin C, fibronectin and
a-smooth muscle actin mRNA in a dose-dependent manner. 3 Conclusion
The process of mesenchymal transition was accompanied
by a morphological change towards a more spindle-shaped The present review highlights the influence of most com-
fibroblast cell type with a more motile and invasive phe- mon immunosuppressive agents that are used after lung
notype. Corticosteroid pretreatment did not significantly transplantation on airway epithelial tissue. In general, the
alter the TGF-b1 induced transition. Since asthma has been studies showed that the negative side effects of these drugs
strongly associated with increased expression of TGF-b1 in are dose dependent. However, cyclosporine and myco-
the airway, they concluded that EMT may contribute to the phenolate presented a worse impact on respiratory epithe-
contractile and fibrotic remodelling process. lium. Currently, all immunotherapy regimens appear to be
A similar study showed that prednisone-treated cells roughly equivalent in terms of prevention of rejection, and
exhibited a typical epithelial morphology, including a decisions regarding selection should be based mainly on
consistent round shape and a tightly junctioned monolayer, side effect profiles and efficacy in individual patients.
nearly indistinguishable from untreated control cells. Indeed, the potency of the agents now available is such that
Overall expression of E-cadherin was not reduced in the the challenge is to avoid overimmunosuppression and the
presence of prednisone. However, aquaporin 5 expression problems of infection and malignancy that accompany
nearly disappeared. The mesenchymal markers fibronectin excessive non-specific immunosuppression. After review-
and vimentin were normally expressed at low or unde- ing the literature, we could ask whether the finding of a
tectable levels. Prednisone-treated cells maintained cell– significant effect of medication on mucociliary clearance is
cell junctions and localization of E-cadherin at the cell of clinical relevance. However, further research is needed
membrane. Indeed, they did not exhibit a significant to more precisely establish the clinical benefit of a specific
increase in soluble collagen production. They also main- agent in patients and to examine the exact relationship
tained cytoskeletal structure and integrity of the actin ring between alterations in mucus transport induced by a certain
at the membrane of each cell [9]. drug and its clinical impact on patients.
The beneficial effects of corticoids in controlling epi-
Acknowledgments No funding was used in the preparation of this
thelial remodelling and promoting the wound-healing review. The authors have no conflicts of interest that are directly
process have been also observed in nasal polyposis. Li relevant to the content of the review.
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