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Sulphabe [a.009,) : r ——— —— wr asa Tp | rer | " ea e | E af = B -& = bleep lu. | He \ 7 vemyb ummprenge prow ayy || me pam or qu mug Ser "oar fe “UnpNaMy RAT ay -" i “abner ar fe TP OF | oli ) le | & \ 3 | , 2 | | [| a a | f i = 5 T + gob w i “MeO TSTATIORN RY “Feb eee TSE E> ere OF ofathh reer rep B) PP s py ScER Fs mE Fete GJ iFere | iF| 23 ee a E Velie ae eet te CU cake be: pes tee i flelghesE plas by ie] oe T ez T j 2 [eo HN |e No. Experiment : ] Observation oe — = _ “1 ‘i = 70'S im distitnd won duwcr Ne T - i Shake uw precipitate lf pre absint j - \ og OS+ di H+ Shake. p Jou | * * Oe HS Ne ata, | a 4 iu in prep I Grop 1 lame j H ; AOS + 2-8 daapo af cme. HNO. Bn, No prucapttate | Ho absent add NHC. Haat & cont. Add ie | er AL the alate“ Lecormas —amnical S Armorical elim + 4S goo \ Nie pucipitata. pa Sse | 1 SO S* Nach + NHQOH + (He), toy | Whi prctpilale { May de Ba", Sn Gy $+ ——_____ t - "Gi Coveiewetoe Tests Foe Cariops t 4. Balt | . — 4 OS + CHyCon + Ki Gr Oy sot” Ne pricpitat | 8a?" haunt { 4 [ a peas art | White pk + CHycv04 +UMe), Say salad, Yoke ale Conjevc Tsp co + 20Mgcomy ——> Sr CebiGie + Mh « 0, t Siler), + (Na), S04 —> SHS0q + 26H, LOOHHy | - Ist conamue | Plone bat Crimean Md flame ! “Y - - { - \ a Radial 40 NO3 The Aeish * j | Resuer The Basi. Radival la dn fa Navan [56004] The giaen, oat to Shera — LT wile of be ote da | | HCL da add. \ i to 2A Lille oh tre soll, un rubles with, No dvannearistic sraumatim —, Absunce af Cla c0? JA HyS0q wo watde Glass. ( —— \ Bree of G17, Be ages pee oo adiniatic§ hawrvaior.. — — 3).A lttle 2, the salt to bead aca erat ae Pea ay “aL hep pall ie added. wie Sa | Absunce 2} NO,” _ | Bane oh OTL Ba » Absine of G OF”. 1 Pune of $04 a by al? ant 4 Baty al’, - W,ANaLSis De ASC RADICAS , | 4.) Salk + Nad pluton. Hunk . (./09 4 dil HO. Shake aul, | | ; pacer Ghoks wel , i paw MaS gay in db Ck prucptaty nade Jn dunt) So,” —canfnmid. Ne chanachiniditic buwedion NH? absent . Ne prucipitab | 2 ep ant. No pructpatat. a a > a Experim ment | Observation Tr | ee tana ee ee [i yop ome Hyd. Keak Gh. - _ Z = ( NH4OH du the Aplution I oe ——., deamua_ammenical solution . i | oe | ——— { <——— Srmariak sin + 4,5 pn Na -pescipitate la qesip absant. 4 — - - —___ — p- NH40 +NiyoH +(NHy), CO, __ No_precipitate | vy gpmup absnt | He 7 bemoial 3 adutin ¢ + Mg date HPO, Whale Oupstalinme. pucipttab,.__|_Sl_greup Ja prone | Shalt & senate te aides of the | — | May ke Mgt = ——, twatlule ath a, glavso rod. | Mga, + NHyOH + (NH fay —> My OD PD 228 10.

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