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Chapter 7


‘Well begun is half done.’

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/II

Course outline
 Introduction
 Preventive maintenance
 Scheduled maintenance
 Break-down maintenance
 Total productive
maintenance (TPM)
 Total planned quality
maintenance (TPQM)

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU 2
1. Introduction

• Maintenance can be defined as a combination of

actions carried out to replace, repair, service (or
modify) the components or some identifiable
grouping of components in a manufacturing plant
so that it will continue to operate at a specified
‘availability’ for a specified time.
• All actions necessary for retaining an item, or
restoring to it, a serviceable condition, include
servicing, repair, modification, overhaul,
inspection and condition verification.
• Increase availability of a system.
• Keep system’s equipment in working order.

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
1. Introduction

Objectives of maintenance
1. Minimum break-down time.
2. Utilization of optimum capacity.
3. To keep the life of the equipment.
4. To ensure highest availability.
5. To modify the machine tools and other
production facilities.
6. Economy.
7. Improve productivity.
8. Ensure safety.

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
1. Introduction

Problems in Maintenance
• Lack of management attention to
• Little participation by accounting in analyzing
and reporting costs
• Difficulties in applying quantitative analysis
• Difficulties in obtaining time and cost
estimates for maintenance works
• Difficulties in measuring performance

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
1. Introduction

Problems Exist Due To:

• Failure to develop written objectives and
• Inadequate budgetary control
• Inadequate control procedures for work order,
service requests etc.
• Infrequent use of standards
• To control maintenance work
• Absence of cost reports to aid maintenance
planning and control system

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
1. Introduction

Types of Maintenance
Maintenance may be classified into four
categories:(some authors prefer three
categories- scheduled and preventive
maintenances are merged)
• Corrective or Breakdown maintenance
• Scheduled maintenance
• Preventive maintenance
• Predictive (Condition-based) maintenance

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
2. Preventive maintenance

• Principle – “Prevention is better than cure”

• Procedure - Stitch-in-time
• It consists of routine actions taken in a planned
manner to prevent break-down and to ensure
operational efficiency to the extent it is economically
and practically possible.
• It
– locates weak spots of machinery and equipments
– provides them periodic/scheduled inspections and minor
repairs to reduce the danger of unanticipated breakdowns

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
2. Preventive maintenance

Objectives of preventive maintenance

1. To minimize the possibility of unanticipated
production interruptions by locating or
uncovering any condition which may lead to it.
2. To make plant equipment and machines always
available and ready for use.
3. To maintain the value of the equipment,
machinery and other service facilities by periodic
inspection, repairs, overhauling etc.
4. To reduce the work content of maintenance jobs.
5. To ensure safety of life of employees.

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
2. Preventive maintenance

Elements of preventive maintenance

1. Inspection.
a. External inspection (abnormal sound, vibration, heat,
b. Internal inspection (inspection of internal parts)
2. Overhauls.
3. Lubrication.
4. Planning and scheduling.
5. Record and analysis.
6. Training of maintenance staff.
7. Storage of spare parts.

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
2. Preventive maintenance

• Advantages:
–Reduces break down and thereby down time
–Less odd-time repair and reduces over time of crews
–Greater safety of workers
–Lower maintenance and repair costs
–Less stand-by equipments and spare parts
–Better product quality and fewer reworks and scraps
–Increases plant life
–Increases chances to get production incentive bonus

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
3. Scheduled maintenance

Scheduled maintenance is a stitch-in-time procedure and

– inspection
– lubrication
– repair and overhaul of equipments
• If neglected can result in breakdown
• Generally followed for:
– overhauling of machines
– changing of heavy equipment oils
– cleaning of water and other tanks etc.

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
3. Scheduled maintenance

Advantages of scheduled maintenance

1. It reduces down time during repairs.
2. The break-down is minimized and machines
run at a higher level of efficiency.
3. Pre-determination of date of commencement
of work ensures to plan the work load and
distribution of maintenance work force for
balanced attention of all equipment.

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
4. Break-down maintenance
• Corrective or Breakdown maintenance implies that repairs
are made after the equipment is failed and can not perform its
normal function anymore
• Typical causes of equipment breakdown may be as follows:
– Failure to replace worn out parts
– Lack of lubrication
– Neglected cooling system
– Indifference towards minor faults
– External factors such as too low or too high line voltage, wrong fuel
• Quite justified in small factories where:
– Down times are non-critical and repair costs are less than other type
of maintenance
– Financial justification for scheduling are not felt

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
4. Break-down maintenance

Disadvantages of corrective or break-down maintenance

• Breakdown generally occurs inappropriate times leading
to poor and hurried maintenance
• Excessive delay in production & reduces output
• Faster plant deterioration
• Increases chances of accidents and less safety for both
workers and machines
• More spoilt materials
• Direct loss of profit
• Can not be employed for equipments regulated by
statutory provisions e.g. cranes, lift and hoists etc

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
Predictive Maintenance
• In predictive maintenance, machinery conditions are
periodically monitored and this enables the maintenance
crews to take timely actions, such as machine adjustment,
repair or overhaul
• It makes use of human sense and other sensitive
instruments, such as
–audio gauge, vibration analyzer, amplitude meter, pressure,
temperature and resistance strain gauges etc.
• Unusual sounds coming out of a rotating equipment
predicts a trouble
• An excessively hot electric cable predicts a trouble
• Simple hand touch can point out many unusual
equipment conditions and thus predicts a trouble

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
Comparison between break-down and preventive maintenance

Maintenance costs
Total Maintenance Cost

PM Cost

Breakdown Cost

Optimal Maintenance
Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I
By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
Comparison between break-down and preventive maintenance

• It is natural that when cost of preventive

maintenance increases, the cost of breakdown
• But after certain limit, increase in expenditure on
preventive maintenance becomes uneconomical.
• For this purpose, these two costs should be plotted in
a graph and cumulative costs of both types of
maintenance are superimposed as shown in figure
above from which an optimum point can easily be

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
Maintenance Jobs in Lathe Machine

S.N. Parts Maintenance Jobs

1. Beds and Slides i. The guide ways should be cleaned.
ii. Thin lubrication film is put on the guide ways.
iii. Coolants and burrs are also removed from it.

2. Check/ Tool post i. Nuts are tightened.

ii. It is checked for security.
iii. It is properly cleaned.
iv. New packing may be provided, if tool chatters.

3. Head stock/ Tail i. Surface is cleaned.

stock ii. Tapered holes are cleaned before the centers
or tools are attached.

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
Maintenance Jobs in Lathe Machine

S.N. Parts Maintenance Jobs

4. Belt and pulley i. Tension and alignment are checked.
ii. The burr fallen should be cleaned.
iii. Split lubrication oil should be cleaned.
5. Springs i. Tension should be checked
6. Gears i. Noise and engagement should be checked.
7. Lead screw i. The screw should be cleaned.
ii. The play in half nut is checked.
8. Electric motor and i. Earthing, security cover and the pulley on its
starter shaft are checked.
ii. Foundation bolts are checked and
tightened, if required.

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
5. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a concept which

aims at ‘Zero Down-Time’. This demands a devoted
participation of all concerned units and individuals at all
The concept of maintenance management is an innovation,
non-traditional approach to plant maintenance and is
complementary with Total Quality Management (TQM),
Just-In-Time (JIT), Total Employee Improvement (TEI) which
are already developed and successfully implemented world
class manufacturing strategies.

TPM means
- Total employee involvement
- Total equipment effectiveness, and
- A total maintenance delivery system

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
5. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

• TPM aims to use equipment at its maximum

effectiveness by eliminating waste & loss caused by
failure of the equipment, set up and adjustment,
reduced speed, process defects and reduced yield.
• TPM aims at improving the productivity by improving
its personnel and plant by changing the corporate
culture. The operator carries out the daily
maintenance work such as clean up, lubrication,
tightening and external inspection so that the
equipment does not break down.

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
5. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

A comprehensive definition of TPM involving company

wide activities includes the following main elements:
1. TPM aims to change corporate culture in order to
maximize overall effectiveness of production
2. It establishes a sound system to prevent all kind of
losses (zero accidents, zero defects, zero break-
downs) based on actual equipment and workplace.
3. TPM is implemented not only by production related
departments but also by other departments such as
product development, sales, administration etc.
4. TPM involves every employee, from top
management to workers, on the shop floor.
Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I
By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
6. Total Planned Quality Maintenance (TPQM)

TQPM is a comprehensive program which is current in

technology and designed to maximize equipment
reliability and plant availability while minimizing
maintenance cost and resources.
TQPM considers maintenance to be an integrated
function that includes the element like maintenance
tasks, logistic support, technical documentation,
personnel, work control, management organization and
administration, maintenance management information
flow, measure of effectiveness & maintenance

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
6. Total Planned Quality Maintenance (TPQM)

TPQM addresses both programmatic and technical

concerns of maintenance. It is designed to facilitate the
integration of maintenance element into the quality
process (plan, do, check, act).
TQPM employs reliability centered techniques to define
life cycle maintenance tasks and logistic engineering
techniques to define the resource required.
TPQM permits pre-planning of over 90% of all activities
and is a ‘living process’ designed for continuous

Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/I

By: Khem Gyanwali, Thapathali Campus, IOE,TU
Industrial Engineering and Management, BME III/II 26

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