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Theoretical Foundation in Nursing

Quiz # 3
Melody De la Paz

Part 1
Instruction: Match the following concepts with their corresponding answers using the given
lettered choices

B. 1. Orem’s self-care theory

E. 2. “How Simple is the theory?”

H. 3. Area in practice and age group

F. 4. “How broad is the scope of theory?”

A. 5. “How important is the theory?”

C 6. The most concrete type of theory

G. 7. “Testability of the Theory”

D. . 8. “Is the theory clearly stated?”


A. Importance
B. Grand Theories
C. Practice-level Theories
D. Clarity
E. Simplicity
F. Generality
G. Accessibility
H. Middle-range Theories

Part 2- 2 points
Give 2 significance of nursing theories to a nursing student

- to know the right concepts and how to apply on our knowledge and then lastly to
- properly examine specific situations and use it for nursing practices or theories

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