Google UX Design Certificate - Competitive Audit Report (Template)

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Part 2 - Competitive Audit Report Google UX Design Certificate

1. Competitive audit goal(s)

To know how are the applications that offer carpool or similar services.

2. Who are your key competitors? (Description)

The app I'm creating is to connect college students for carpooling. In my country the closest
service is called Yummy but it offers cabs not carpool, so I will take it as competition. I also
chose a Spanish app that has had great acceptance for carpooling in this country.

3. What are the type and quality of competitors’ products? (Description)

What our competitors offer are reliable and easily accessible forms of private transportation.

4. How do competitors position themselves in the market? (Description)

Lots of advertising and promotions

5. How do competitors talk about themselves? (Description)

Part 2 - Competitive Audit Report Google UX Design Certificate

Our competitors market on the basis of being reliable and inexpensive.

6. Competitors’ strengths (List)

-have a robust platform that generates trust
-have a solid brand
-the payment process is simple
-create a quality system between users and drivers

7. Competitors’ weaknesses (List)

-There is little confidence in technology in Venezuela.
-there are often technical and logistical problems due to the daily problems of the country.

8. Gaps (List)
-have no sense of community

9. Opportunities (List)
crear una comunidad que intercambie no solo viajes sino información (estado del tiempo,
mejores vías, anuncios de cierre de calles,etc)
Part 2 - Competitive Audit Report Google UX Design Certificate

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