Vlog - Actividad

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1. Create a folder in your drive. Label it “Spanish 1- semana 4.” Upload your “Vlog” in that folder.
Share your video with me: aalvarezvaldes@powayusd.com
**I will not receive any video after the end of your assigned period.

1. Within your own table exchange chromebooks, so you can watch your classmate´s Vlogs.
Complete the following information in your notebook (chart below)
2. You need to write about 10 different classmates´s vlogs. Since in your table there are not enough
people, exchange your chromebooks with another table in an organized way.
3. After you are done, take a picture of the activity (chart below) and upload it to the same folder you
already created (“Spanish 1- semana 4”.)
***Your work in your notebook should be clear, neat, and organized.

VIDEO Nombre del Edad del Gustos ¿Qué le ¿Te subscribirías

NÚMERO # estudiante estudiante ¿Qué te gusta a su “vlog”?
gusta? a del video?

Ejemplo La chica del Harshini tiene 14 A Harshini le Me gusta la Sí, si me

video se llama años. gusta: creatividad/ el subscribiría.
Harshini. ____, ____, perro blanco de
____, y ___. Harshini. Tal ves, me
O subscribiría.

El chico del No, no me

video se llama: subcribiría.


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