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that he had good moral and religious right to dethrone the

AGRA CANAL, an important Indian irrigation work, available

Thellusson. Owing, however, to the heavy expenses, the amount

Climate and Health.---Lying almost entirely within the

Thames and Lea and fortified themselves twenty miles above

podium. At Nimes, besides the high officials of the town,

metal of the vent by preventing the escape of gas through it

nationale under the direction of the Commission des alliages

Formaldehyde, coming into commerce in the form of a 40% solution

less than a belief that, at any rate, the mass of those who

chemical manufactures, and neighbouring collieries maintain

an acid. J. Wislicenus also investigated the reaction

not executed, ordered the arrest of the bishop of Cambrai.

sweet flag, dittany leaves, star-anise fruit, fennel and


possible combinations of ancient mountain systems, modern

exalts the state of artistic contemplation as the one in

and, at Pandulph's intercession, was pardoned on condition

state of extreme poverty and pay no tribute; the Malsia Krues

Seminary, and from 1851 until his death, at Red Sweet Springs,

presented several papers, including a Memoire sur le calcul

in the north for at least the arctico-altaic group of

nobility who were assigned to him.'' The cellarer's buildings

of the Nile extending over 4 m. The mouth of the main stream

property to 120 acres, progressive income-tax, the national

condition of servitude, and forbade the state to engage in internal

are De procuranda salute Indorum libri sex (Salamanca,

two jeux in Monmerque and Michel's Theatre francais

periodical in the Home and Foreign Review. His contributions

Pop. (1897) 28,771; (1904) 31,655. Flanders in the feudal

Mixture by fusion is the general method of producing an

terre de l'alun, Marggraf's Opusc. ii. 111) . He also

land, in live stock and in dairying. Cattle-breeders did

F.F.F. Ferro flamma fame, Fortior fortuna fato.

of pressure in an aether; but he did not publish his theory,

Piz Tasna. . . . . . . . . . . 10,443 Schiltfluh . . . . . . . . . . . .9,482

another parallel in the story of the conquest by Joshua

tips. Alligators proper occur in the fluviatile deposits of

758-760):---these are ideas on which Aeschylus dwells in the

all religions, and especially in the Brahmanic and Christian,

pp. 284 ff.). The court at which he grew up was the focus

nominations for office in 1878 and 1880 and endorsing the ticket

end and treated as holidays. Abyssinian reckoning is about

the reigns of Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero. His

to most matters, for the state alone to settle the civil

French contraction of Algomequin, ``those on the other

to be going on well, when suddenly the whole apparatus was

the four years of his reign disaster followed on disaster,

Chrome alum, K2SO4.Cr2(SO 4/0)3.24H2O, appears chiefly

traverses the extreme south. The Oise, Aisne and Marne are

the family Uintatheriidae, which also contains species

Historia civil, &c. (Vitodes, 1798); Compendios historicos

June. It assisted in the expedition to Philadelphia in July

boat-pans were for many years almost everywhere employed, and

an inexpensive little instrument known as the ``comedo

campaign had not been unsuccessful, for Sherman had never

translation), ii. p. 129 foll. (Cambridge, 1832); Becker,

157-159, 168, Bezold, Bab.-Assyr. Keilinschriften, pp. 24

comparison with the original deeds. (See CONVEYANCING.)

the excuse for establishing an oligarchical regime, by

C6H4.CHO(2), an aromatic oxyaldehyde, is a colourless liquid

name has been identified with the Assyrian ablu, ``son,'' but

which he gradually perfected there was a development of the

FIG. 1.--Flowering Rush (Butomus umbellatus.) 1, Flower in

whole of the lake, and Domitian was especially fond of residing

dialect, but, owing chiefly to their careless execution, they

regard to the management of dockyards and naval establishments

celebrated the communion in their own houses, and partook of

recover, for in some cases they even profit by man's advent,

travellers (with whatever object) who used the great alpine

long. He first went to take possession of the old Lydian capital

of pharynx; dd, lumen or space of hepatic caecum; ee,

d'Histoire, et de Litterature. His Essai sur la societe

and might apparently be applied to a supporter or coadjutor

his chief men accepted baptism. By the next year (879) not only

For purposes of theoretical discussions relating to moving radiators

than were the purely imaginative writers. He was the central

promoted captain in 1846, and served throughout the Crimean War

deformation of the mountain axis, and seeming to owe their

on either side of a fruit-tree, towards which they stretch

of the volumes of the Archaeological Survey of Southern India.

the fluid-containing tubules of the latter are shut off

rainy season it inundates the country throughout its course

finding their position on the continent becoming more and more

administratively a part of it. The city was re-chartered in

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