Care (3rd Ed.) - Pearson Education

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Coping strategies utilized are keeping track of blood sugar levels throughout the day, adjusting their

diet, exercising and taking medication as needed, and lowering their sugar. Educating themselves
about the disease is essential. Consistency is vital to managing diabetes and involves healthy lifestyle
changes such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, monitoring blood sugar levels, taking
medication as prescribed, and attending regular check-ups with a healthcare provider. Initially, some
participants were discouraged and in denial about their condition. Larry Brandwein was frustrated by
the need to constantly monitor his blood sugar, follow a strict diet, and take medication (Larry
Brandwein, 2019). Diabetes is a chronic condition that some patients hope to be alleviated from, so
they can return to their pre-illness state without ongoing difficulties.

On the other hand, some individuals were proactive, lost weight, and monitored their blood sugar.
Stephanie Belser was in denial, and the thought of neuropathy changed her mind, and she was
empowered to work a health program that worked for her (Stephanie Belser, 2019). Although living
with a chronic condition can be challenging, most people can adapt to the associated changes to a
greater or lesser extent and still achieve success (Drench, Noonan, Sharby, & Ventura,
2012)..Individuals with diabetes may feel uncertain about their future health and how much they can
prevent or manage these complications. Pain is a typical symptom; nerve damage is a common
complication of diabetes that can cause pain, numbness, tingling, and burning sensations in the feet.
Experienced health professionals can provide a range of treatment options available for managing
diabetes, including medication, lifestyle changes, and other therapies. 
For individuals with ADHD, it helps them to prioritize tasks, and breaking them up can help individuals
stay focused. Regular physical activity can help reduce symptoms of ADHD and, boost overall well-
being, and clear brain fog (Robert Cimera, 2019). Constancy can be necessary for individuals with
ADHD, as daily routines can help reduce symptoms and promote focus and productivity. Individuals
may experience discouragement or frustration due to the challenges of managing the condition.
However, it is essential to focus on empowerment by identifying and utilizing coping strategies, which
Robert Cimera has done to manage his thoughts (Robert Cimera, 2019). Following a consistent
routine, participating in therapy, and having a healthy lifestyle can all help improve overall well-being.
Developing coping strategies and staying focused on personal strengths and goals can alleviate
uncertainty and promote a sense of control over the future. Health professionals can assist patients
with ADHD in developing effective coping strategies and improving their overall well-being.

Overall, with support, education, and a proactive approach to managing their health, individuals can
feel more in control of their health and future.


Drench, M. E., Noonan, A. E., Sharby, N., & Ventura, M. R. (2012). Psychosocial Aspects of Health
Care (3rd ed.). Pearson Education.
Andrea Wagner Robins. (2019, June 28). HSC 3661 Week 3 Discussion Patient Voices [Video].

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