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Rhetoric / SPACECAT / Persuasive Appeals – QUIZ

Directions: Circle the correct answer for each question below.

1. Which of the following BEST defines rhetoric?

A) Using a laptop to type out a set of instructions needed to build a bookshelf
B) Using a glue stick to glue two pieces of paper together
C) Using effective and persuasive language to present an argument
D) Using proper syntax and grammar to write a research paper
E) None of the above

2. Which of the following is an EXAMPLE of constructing a rhetorical argument?

A) Explaining to a teacher why you did not come to class on time
B) Yelling at someone for cutting you off in traffic
C) Attempting to convince your teacher that you deserve an A on an assignment he gave you
D) Speaking to one of your classmates about your favorite movie
E) Both A & B

3. Which of the following is NOT an EXAMPLE of constructing a rhetorical argument?

A) Someone persuading their friend to give them half of their sandwich
B) Your teacher trying to convince you that doing your homework is important
C) Calling one of your classmates mean for stepping on your shoe
D) A political candidate starting a campaign in efforts to sway people to vote for them
E) All of the above

4. Which of the following is a part of the “SPACECAT” method of breaking down rhetoric?
A) Arrangement
B) Tone
C) Proposal
D) Ethics
E) Both A & D

5. Which of the following is a part of the “SPACECAT” method of breaking down rhetoric?
A) Construction
B) Asking
C) Context
D) Talking
E) Both B & D

6. Which of the following is NOT a part of the “SPACECAT” method of breaking down rhetoric?
A) Audience
B) Speaker
C) Exigence
D) Preparing
E) None of the above
7. Which of the following is NOT a part of the “SPACECAT” method of breaking down rhetoric?
A) Example
B) Stereotype
C) Context
D) Appeals
E) Both A & B

8. Which of the following BEST DESCRIBES the persuasive appeal “ethos”?

A) Using logic
B) Using timing
C) Using emotion
D) Using credibility
E) None of the above

9. Which of the following BEST DESCRIBES the persuasive appeal “logos”?

A) Using logic
B) Using timing
C) Using emotion
D) Using credibility
E) All of the above

10. Which of the following BEST DESCRIBES the persuasive appeal “kairos”?
A) Using logic
B) Using timing
C) Using emotion
D) Using credibility
E) None of the above

11. Which of the following BEST DESCRIBES the persuasive appeal “pathos”?
A) Using logic
B) Using timing
C) Using emotion
D) Using credibility
E) All of the above

12. “9 out of 10 dentists recommend Colgate toothpaste” is an example of which persuasive

A) Ethos
B) Logos
C) Pathos
D) Kairos

13. Martin Luther King delivering his “I Have A Dream” speech during a racially-divided time in
America is an example of which persuasive appeal?
A) Ethos
B) Logos
C) Pathos
D) Kairos
14. “I wish you would be more careful when you drive your motorcycle because I get nervous
thinking about it” is an example of which persuasive appeal?
A) Ethos
B) Logos
C) Pathos
D) Kairos

15. A scientist presenting factual data that her and her colleagues collected in efforts to receive a
financial grant is which type of persuasive appeal?
A) Ethos
B) Logos
C) Pathos
D) Kairos

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