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Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Department Mechanical Engineering

Programme Bachelor of Technology Batch 2019
Semester 8 th

Course Code OET407B Course Energy Audit and Management

Course Leader Prof. Pavan Kumar Reddy

Assignment No.
Name of

Examiner Marks
First Examiner

Max Marks
Marking Scheme

A1.1 Appliances and process 02

A1.2 Pros and cons 04

A1.3 Conclusions 04
Part-A Max Marks 10
B1.1 Introduction 03
B1.2 Material and energy balance diagram 04
B1.3 Possibilities 05
Part B 1

B1.4 Conclusions 03
Part-B 1 Max Marks 15
Assignment 25


Today, buildings have evolved into a diverse array of typologies designed to meet
the highly specific requirements of the people who live in them. Over time, with
growing technological skills, buildings have also been increasingly designed and
operated to place exorbitant demands on energy. Therefore, incorporation of
energy efficient practices in buildings is necessity for a sustainable future.

In this regard conduct an energy audit for your home and prepare a report
including the following,

A1.1 High energy demand appliances and process

The need to promote sustainability and reduce energy consumption has become increasingly
urgent in recent years due to the growing global concern over climate change. To achieve this
goal, it is essential to implement energy-efficient practices in buildings. As a responsible
homeowner, I conducted an energy audit of my home and evaluated the areas where energy
can be conserved. During this audit, I identified the most energy-intensive appliances in my
home, which included the air conditioning system, water heater, and refrigerator. These
appliances were responsible for a significant portion of my energy bills and consumed a large
amount of energy. To address this issue, I conducted a thorough evaluation of my appliances
and identified areas where energy could be saved. I found that my air conditioning system was
old and inefficient, consuming a large amount of energy to cool my home. Similarly, my water
heater was outdated and consumed a significant amount of energy to heat water. Finally, my
refrigerator was old and inefficient, consuming more energy than necessary to keep my food
and drinks cold. By identifying these energy-intensive appliances, I was able to develop a plan
to replace them with more energy-efficient and eco-friendly options. In addition to evaluating
my appliances, I also identified areas where I could modify my daily processes to conserve
energy. For example, I realized that I often left lights on unnecessarily, contributing to
unnecessary energy consumption. By simply turning off lights when they were not needed, I
was able to reduce my energy consumption and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Although the initial cost of replacing energy-intensive appliances with eco-friendly and energy-
efficient technology can be high, the long-term benefits outweigh the cons. By reducing energy
consumption, I was able to lower my energy bills, reduce my carbon footprint, and promote
sustainability. Moreover, energy-efficient appliances are designed to last longer, reducing the
need for frequent replacements and associated costs. Overall, the energy audit of my home
was an essential step in identifying areas where energy can be saved and promoting
sustainability. By making simple changes in my daily routine and investing in eco-friendly and
energy-efficient technology, I was able to reduce my energy consumption and contribute to a
more sustainable future.

A1.2 Pros and cons of replacement of existing system with eco-friendly and
energy efficient technology

As we become more conscious of the impact of our actions on the environment, it is important
to consider the energy efficiency of the appliances we use in our homes. One of the ways to
reduce energy consumption and promote sustainability is to replace existing appliances with
eco-friendly and energy-efficient technology. While there are pros and cons to this approach,
the benefits of eco-friendly and energy-efficient technology far outweigh the costs in the long

One of the most significant advantages of replacing existing appliances with eco-friendly and
energy-efficient technology is the reduction in energy consumption and lower energy bills. Eco-
friendly and energy-efficient appliances consume less energy, which translates to reduced
energy bills and a smaller carbon footprint. This is not only beneficial to homeowners, but it
also contributes to the larger goal of reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainability.
Another advantage of eco-friendly and energy-efficient technology is improved efficiency and
performance of appliances. Outdated appliances are not only less energy-efficient, but they
also perform poorly, leading to discomfort and inconvenience. By replacing outdated appliances
with eco-friendly and energy-efficient technology, homeowners can enjoy increased comfort
and convenience, as well as improved energy efficiency. Furthermore, eco-friendly and energy-
efficient appliances contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions, promoting sustainability

and contributing to a cleaner environment. This is particularly important given the current state
of the environment, and the need for everyone to do their part to preserve it for future

While there are some cons to replacing existing appliances with eco-friendly and energy-
efficient technology, such as the high initial cost, limited availability of eco-friendly and energy-
efficient technology, and potential inconvenience during the replacement process, the benefits
of this approach far outweigh the costs in the long run. In terms of the high initial cost, it is
important to recognize that this is an investment in the long-term sustainability of our homes
and the environment. The initial cost may be high, but it is important to consider the savings in
energy bills and the reduced carbon footprint that will result from the use of eco-friendly and
energy-efficient appliances. Additionally, while there may be limited availability of eco-friendly
and energy-efficient technology at present, this is likely to change as the demand for such
appliances increases. As consumers demand more eco-friendly and energy-efficient technology,
manufacturers are likely to respond by producing more of these appliances, which will make
them more widely available in the future. Finally, while replacing appliances can be a time-
consuming and potentially disruptive process, the benefits of eco-friendly and energy-efficient
technology far outweigh the inconvenience. The increased comfort and convenience, the
reduction in energy bills, and the contribution to sustainability make the initial investment in
eco-friendly and energy-efficient technology worthwhile.

In conclusion, replacing existing appliances with eco-friendly and energy-efficient technology is

a worthwhile investment in the long-term sustainability of our homes and the environment.
While there may be some initial costs and inconvenience, the benefits of reduced energy
consumption, increased efficiency and performance of appliances, and contribution to
sustainability make it a wise choice for homeowners who are committed to reducing their
carbon footprint and promoting sustainability.

A1.3 Conclusions

After conducting an energy audit of my home, it is clear that there are several areas of high
energy consumption that can be improved with the incorporation of energy-efficient practices.

Specifically, the heating and cooling systems, lighting, and appliances are the primary sources of
energy usage. In order to address these areas of high energy consumption, there are several
steps that can be taken. Firstly, the heating and cooling systems can be upgraded to more
energy-efficient models. This could involve replacing the central heating and cooling system
with a newer, more efficient model or implementing a zoning system that allows for more
precise temperature control. Additionally, investing in better insulation and weatherproofing
can help to reduce energy consumption by minimizing heat loss during the winter and heat gain
during the summer. In terms of lighting, replacing traditional incandescent bulbs with more
energy-efficient options like LED bulbs can have a significant impact on energy consumption.
Additionally, installing motion sensors and timers can help to ensure that lights are only used,
when necessary, further reducing energy usage. Finally, appliances like refrigerators,
dishwashers, and washing machines can be upgraded to more energy-efficient models. Energy
Star certified appliances are designed to consume less energy while still delivering the same
level of performance as traditional models. Additionally, using these appliances in an energy-
efficient manner, such as by washing clothes in cold water and only running the dishwasher
when it is full, can help to further reduce energy consumption. Incorporating these energy-
efficient practices into my home will not only reduce my energy bills but also have a positive
impact on the environment. By reducing my carbon footprint and contributing to a more
sustainable future, I can make a meaningful difference in the fight against climate change. In
conclusion, an energy audit of my home has identified areas of high energy consumption and
highlighted the need for the incorporation of energy-efficient practices. By upgrading the
heating and cooling systems, lighting, and appliances to more energy-efficient models and using
them in an energy-efficient manner, I can significantly reduce my home's energy consumption
and contribute to a more sustainable future. While there are some upfront costs associated
with implementing these changes, the long-term benefits in terms of reduced energy bills and a
positive impact on the environment make them a worthwhile investment.

Material and energy balance of an industrial process gives knowledge on the
process, yield, quantity of material in the product, energy and waste streams, and
finished product. This helps in reduction of wastage and improves the production
capacity of any industry.

In this context, consider a process adopted in an industry for manufacturing a

product and perform the following

B1.1 Introduction to the selected industry and specific product

The steel industry is a crucial sector in modern industrial production, as steel is a key material
used in construction, transportation, and manufacturing. The production of steel involves a
complex process that starts with the mining of iron ore and coal, which are the primary raw
materials used in the production process. The iron ore and coal are then processed to create a
high-grade iron ore concentrate and coke, respectively. The next stage in the production
process involves smelting the iron ore concentrate in a blast furnace with coke and limestone,
which produces molten iron and slag. The molten iron is then refined in a basic oxygen furnace
or electric arc furnace to remove impurities and adjust the composition of the steel. The final
stage in the process involves casting the steel into various shapes, such as bars, plates, and
sheets. Steel production is a highly energy-intensive process, as it involves heating the raw
materials to high temperatures in the blast furnace and refining furnace, which requires
significant amounts of fuel and electricity. Additionally, the production of steel generates
significant amounts of greenhouse gas emissions, primarily carbon dioxide, due to the chemical
reactions involved in the production process. The specific product of the steel industry can vary
widely, depending on the end use of the steel. Steel is used in a wide range of applications,
including construction materials, automotive parts, appliances, and machinery.

B1.2 Draw material and energy balance diagram

Material balance:

• Raw materials: iron ore, coal, limestone, and recycled steel

• Inputs: electricity and water
• Outputs: steel, slag, and gases (carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen)

Energy balance:

• Inputs: electrical energy and thermal energy from burning coal

• Outputs: heat losses, waste gases, and steel

The basic process for producing steel involves the following steps:

• Iron ore is mined and transported to a steel mill.

• The iron ore is then processed into iron, which is melted in a blast furnace.
• Coal is burned in the blast furnace to provide the heat needed to melt the iron and to
create carbon monoxide, which reacts with the iron to form liquid steel.
• Limestone is added to the furnace to remove impurities from the iron and to form slag.
• The liquid steel is then poured into moulds to form various shapes.
• Any excess steel is recycled and used in the production process.

Overall, the production of steel requires a significant amount of energy and raw materials, but
the use of recycled steel helps to reduce the environmental impact of the process. The process
also generates significant amounts of waste streams, including slag, dust, and gases, which
must be managed and treated to minimize environmental impacts.

As shown in the diagram, the main inputs to the process are iron ore, coal, and limestone,
which are used as raw materials in the blast furnace process to produce pig iron. Additional
inputs include electricity and natural gas, which are used to power the various stages of the
process. The outputs of the process include pig iron, slag, and various gases, which are
generated during the smelting process. The pig iron is then converted into steel through various

refining processes, such as the basic oxygen furnace process, which requires additional inputs
of scrap metal, oxygen, and lime.

B1.3 Suggest improvement to the process and improvement of efficiency of the


One potential improvement to the steel production process is to increase the use of alternative
raw materials, such as recycled scrap metal or waste materials, to reduce the amount of virgin
raw materials required for the process and reduce the environmental impact of mining. This
could be achieved by developing more efficient material recycling and reuse systems and by
increasing the use of alternative raw materials in the production process. Another area for
improvement is in the recovery and reuse of waste materials generated during the production
process, such as steel scrap and slag. By recycling these materials, the steel industry can reduce
the amount of waste that needs to be disposed of, and lower the environmental impact of the
production process. Another potential improvement to the process is to implement energy-
efficient equipment and systems, such as high-efficiency motors and heat recovery systems, to
reduce energy consumption and operating costs. Additionally, implementing new technologies
such as direct reduced iron (DRI) and electric arc furnaces (EAF) to produce steel can reduce the
energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of the steelmaking process.

B1.4 Conclusions

In conclusion, the material and energy balance of the steel production process provides
valuable information on the inputs, outputs, and waste streams generated during the process.
By analysing this information, it is possible to identify opportunities for process improvement,
such as reducing energy and raw material consumption and increasing the use of alternative
raw materials. These improvements can help reduce the environmental impact of the process,
reduce operating costs, and improve the overall efficiency of the operation. Therefore, it is
important for industries to regularly perform material and energy balance analyses to identify
opportunities for improvement and ensure sustainable operation.


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