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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationship: Regulus Black/James Potter, Alice Longbottom/Narcissa Black Malfoy,
Barty Crouch Jr./Evan Rosier, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Mary
Macdonald/Lily Evans Potter, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes
Character: Regulus Black, James Potter, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Alice Longbottom,
Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Mary
Macdonald (Harry Potter), Lily Evans Potter, Marlene McKinnon,
Dorcas Meadowes, Pandora Lovegood, Peter Pettigrew
Additional Tags: Texting, Modern Era, Jegulus, wolfstar, Nobleflower, Rosekiller, Marylily,
dorlene, Modern Marauders (Harry Potter), Marauders Era (Harry
Potter), slytherin skittles, Fluff
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-03-26 Updated: 2023-04-07 Chapters: 11/15 Words:

by r_e_g_g_i_e


Where Regulus Black accidentally texts James Potter and ends up falling in love with him
before he realises it’s his brother’s best friend.
Chapter 1


??: hi sorry i’m coming i’ll be over in a sec yh ?

James: Hi! Um who r u???

??: oh shoot sry wrong number bye x

James: No wait!!

??: yes?

James: Hi! :D

??: uh what ?

James: Hi hi how r u???

??: what

James: I said hi hi how r u

??: why

James: Because?

??: oh very funny i’m leaving

James: Nooo!

??: um yu know i could be a 50 year old man for all yu know?

James: Yea but u seem nice :D

??: i’ll have to change the way i text then

James: and ur funny too

??: i wasn’t trying to be.

James: Anyways what’s ur name????

??: and why would i tell u that ?

James: Because u know mine?

??: i don’t

James: Oh

James: Well it’s James anyways :D

??: um i could literally hunt yu down and kill yu ?

James: Yea but u seem too nice for that!

??: yu’ve said

James: Good :D

??: bye

James: Nooooooooo! Plz stay!!!!!!!!!!

??: i can’t soz my friend is here

James: Will u text me after????

??: probably not

James: I’ll make sure u do!


James (? Random Number): Hiii

James (? Random Number): Good time yesterday???

James (? Random Number): Where’d u go?

Regulus: oh god yur still texting me

James (? Random Number): Yes I am! Hi!

Regulus: wat r u doing up so early anyways ?

James (? Random Number): Going for a run!!

Regulus: at six in the morning ?

James (? Random Number): Yes lol to keep fit? What r u doing up then??

Regulus: my idiotic friends woke me up

James (? Random Number): Awh why???

Regulus: yu know yu could still be a sixty year old man ?

James (? Random Number): Awh that’s sweet I grew ten years since yesterday

Regulus: yur not funny

James (? Random Number): I can feel u laughing thru the screen

Regulus: yu should know i’m not

James (? Random Number): Hm

Regulus: i’m actually wondering how someone can be this stupid but okay
James (? Random Number): I feel u laughing :D

Regulus: fine whatever i’m not getting into an argument abt it

James (? Random Number): Yay!

James: How old r u anyways???

Regulus: yur srsly acting like a sixty year old man now

James (? Random Number): Nooo I’m just wondering if ur older or younger than me :D

James (? Random Number): I’m 17 btw 18 in March!!

Regulus: yu know yu could be lying ?

James (? Random Number): Yeah but I’m not?

Regulus: fine whatever

James (? Random Number): So how old r u anyways?

Regulus: i could literally just block yu right now

James (? Random Number): Awh plz don’t :(

Regulus: i’m leaving

James (? Random Number): But you’ll come back after??? :D

Regulus: sure


James: Goodnight!!

??: how early do yu go to sleep

James: Well idk when u go to sleep so I just thought I’d say night???

??: gn

James: Goodnight!!!
Chapter 2


James: Goodmorning Sunshine!!!!

Sunshine: sunshine ?

James: Yes u didnt tell me ur name so I called u sunshine!

Sunshine: oh

James: No goodmorning for me?

Sunshine: good morning is two words

James: Good

James: Morning


Sunshine: morning

James: So! Got any plans for today????

Sunshine: i’m just planning on reading

James: That’s boring :(

Sunshine: no it’s not

James: Well-

Sunshine: fine what r u doing ?

James: I’m going to play a sport with my friends!!!

Sunshine: that’s nice

James: R u on any sports teams???

James: Or do u just stick to reading?????

Sunshine: yes i’m on the school sports team

James: No way! Same!!!

Sunshine: i think yur too exited for half 9 in the morning

James: Awh my friends r here byeeeee Sunshine!!!

Sunshine: bye
James (? Random Number): Good night!!

James (? Random Number): Btw u still haven’t told me how old u r

Regulus: bc u could still be sixty ?

James (? Random Number): I told u how old I am tho :(

Regulus: sry James

James (? Random Number): It’s okay!!

James (? Random Number): Good night

Regulus: night

Regulus: morning

James (? Random Number): Hiiii! U never text me first??? Is everything okay?????

Regulus: yea morning

James (? Random Number): Actually it’s afternoon now!!

Regulus: and whose fault is that ?

James (? Random Number): Sorry!!!

Regulus: mk

James (? Random Number): Do u forgive me??????

Regulus: sure

James (? Random Number): Yay!!

Regulus: bye

James (? Random Number): Byeeeee Sunshine

Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes


James: Mooooorning

Sunshine: hi

James: Hi! U ok?????

Sunshine: mh just got a lot of hmwk u ?

James: Sameee but mostly I’m just practicing sports

Sunshine: why don’t yu do yur hmwk ?

James: Becauseee sports is more fun?????

Sunshine: sports are*

James: ._.

James: If I didn’t like u so much I would leave

Sunshine: please leave

James: Nah

James: What hmwk r u doing???

Sunshine: yu add too many question marks

James: Says u

James: U leave a huge gap ?

Sunshine: it’s one space.

James: Btw can u tell me ur pronouns??????????????????????????

Sunshine: yur doing this on purpose

James: :D

Sunshine: he/him yu?

James: He/him too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunshine: wow

Sunshine: amazing
Sunshine: it’s not as if a little less than half the population have the same pronouns

James: Actually my best friend has different pronouns so there

Sunshine: wow

Sunshine: amazing

Sunshine: i am gonna go so much with that info

James: Yw!!

Sunshine: sarcasm

James: ??????

Sunshine: nvm-

James: R u still doing hmwk???

Sunshine: yes i have lots and *i’m* not procrastinating

Sunshine: hello ?

Sunshine: James ?

James: Back! Hi yes I am not (!) procrastinating

Sunshine: did yu just go search up what procrastinating meant ?

James: ..


James: NOT my fault

Sunshine: it’s kinda yur fault

James: No

Sunshine: yes

James: No

Sunshine: yes :)

James: Okay maybe but only bcz u smiled :))))

Sunshine: :/

James: :D

James: Sunshine???

Sunshine: yes ?

James: Did u leave me for ur hmwk again???

Sunshine: yes

James: Awhh r u gonna be like this next summer hols aswell???

Sunshine: it’s only this year and next ans then yu’ll be free

James: :/

James: Wait

Sunshine: yes i did leave u again

James: Noooo u told me how old u r

Sunshine: .

Sunshine: forgot i said anything

James: :DDD

James: It’s fineee!! Srsly I only have 1 year left :DD

James: Awh lol ur gonna be in skl when I’m out ;)

James: Sunshine??

James: Sunshine u ok???

Regulus: hi

James (? Random Number): Hi! I’m sorry

Regulus: it’s okay

Regulus: gn james

James (? Random Number): Bye Sunshine

Chapter End Notes

uh oh i think regulus’ scared


(not-rab) on Tumblr
Chapter 4
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes


James: Morning Sunshine!!

Sunshine: gm

James: Do u still not like me??

Sunshine: i don’t not like yu

James: So u like me now????

Sunshine: gm

James: :D

James: What r u doing today????

Sunshine: going shopping

James: Oooooooh

James: That’s cool!!!

James: With who?? Ur parents????

Sunshine: no i’m not rly talking to my parents much now

James: Awh It’ll get better I swear

Sunshine: yu don’t even know why i’m not talking to them ?

James: Oh right what did u do??

Sunshine: i didn’t do anything

James: Oh I’m sorry!!!!

James: Shoot do u not like me anymore????

Sunshine: i do it’s just i’m permanently living with my cousin and i don’t rly intend to talk to my
parents atm

James: Oh okiiii <3333

James: R u sure u don’t hate me???

James: Is it bcz i brought up ur parents???

James: I’m sorry!!!!!!!!!

Sunshine: can we change the subject ?

James: Ofc!!!!

James: So why r u going shopping???

Sunshine: it’s my friends birthday tmrw :)

James: That’s soooo cool!!

Sunshine: my other friends r getting too exited for this

James: Hahahahahaha

James: Call me crazy but u don’t seem exactly like the most party person?????

Sunshine: ..

James: I’m right aren’t I

Sunshine: idm a small amount of ppl but like ..

James: I get it!! Honestly my mates want to bring the whole school to our parties

Sunshine: mh

Sunshine: haha

James: :D

Sunshine: anyways i’m gonna go now

Sunshine: bye James :)

James: Byeeeeee Sunshine!!!

Regulus: hello?

James (? Random Number): Hiiii Sunshine!!!

Regulus: sunshine?

James (? Random Number): Hahahaha u’ve started to put ur question marks by the words

Regulus: who is this?

James (? Random Number): Uhh it’s James???

James (? Random Number): Hello?

James (? Random Number): Sunshine???

Regulus: OMG IM SO SRY


James (? Random Number): Lolololol don’t kill them

Regulus: no they’re dead now

James (? Random Number): Omg actually??!!!

Regulus: well no not rly

James (? Random Number): Oh

James (? Random Number): :D

James (? Random Number): I assume ur shopping???

Regulus: yep unfortunately

James (? Random Number):

Regulus: sorry the idiots that took my phone r telling me to get off it

Regulus: bye James :))

James (? Random Number): Byeeeeeee Sunshine!!

James (? Random Number): Gn Sunshine!! Hope u had a gd dayyyy

Regulus: hey yh i did thanks

Regulus: except for the part where they texted yu >:(

James (? Random Number): Aww ur sweet when ur mad

Regulus: ..

James (? Random Number): :D so how was it????

Regulus: okay i just finished wrapping the present

James (? Random Number): Ooooooh what’d u get???

Regulus: some expensive heels

James (? Random Number): Agh slay which???

Regulus: oh idk she just likes them alot

James (? Random Number): Lolololol ikr my best mate has hugeeee heels that we all buy for their

James (? Random Number): And by huge I mean huge heels not huge shoes
Regulus: thanks for the clarification James

James (? Random Number): Np!!

James (? Random Number): Do u wear heels or just ur friend????

Regulus: that’s a bit random ?

James (? Random Number): Yh but I’m learning :DDDDD

Regulus: i don’t but idm boots w heels


Regulus: wow

Regulus: amazing

Regulus: wow

James (? Random Number): :DDD

Regulus: (sarcasm)

James (? Random Number): Oh

Regulus: :)

Regulus: night James

James (? Random Number): Nighttttt

Chapter End Notes

heyyy, this is kinda a slow burn ig ig but i promise it’ll be worth it when i get the time
to write all the chapters heheheh
Chapter 5
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

:) - James: Morrrrrrrning <3333

Regulus: hi James :)

:) - James: Hru today???????

Regulus: good u ?

:) - James: Gooooooood

:) - James: It’s my friends’ anniversary!!!

Regulus: oh that’s cool how long ?

:) - James: 6 months

Regulus: wow that’s a long time

:) - James: Yeeeah lol r u in a relationship???

Regulus: no

Regulus: u ?

:) - James: Nope

:) - James: Me and my ex gf broke up a couple months ago

Regulus: aw i’m sorry x

:) - James: Lolll is oki it was a mutual breakup

Regulus: still - must’ve been rough ?

:) - James: Hm I suppose my 13 year old self would be disappointed lol

Regulus: oh yur the type of guy with a happily ever after and a damsel in distress

:) - James: U can be my damsel in distress ;)

Regulus: .

:) - James: I’m joking-

:) - James: It’s a joke

:) - James: I swear I’m not a creep

:) - James:

Regulus: lol

:) - James: Hbu????

:) - James: Any long term breakups for the mysterious Sunshine???

Regulus: will i ever get a new name ?

:) - James: No :)

Regulus: nah not rly my ex bf and i r friends but we weren’t rly like “in love”

:) - James: Idk the right guy might be right under ur nose :D

Regulus: r yu hinting at smth ?

:) - James:

Regulus: wait guy ?

:) - James: Yeah- soz u said bf

Regulus: oh

:) - James: I don’t care ur into guys???

:) - James: I am too I’m pan :))

Regulus: no it’s not that - it’s just literally only 5 other ppl know i’m gay and trans :)

Regulus: i’m glad yu know too :)

:) - James: U don’t have to answer this but is that why ur not speaking to ur parents?

Regulus: mh

Regulus: wait did i say trans too ?

:) - James: Uh yes-

Regulus: brilliant

:) - James: :)

:) - James: So r u doing anything today???

Regulus: apparently spilling all of my secrets to a stranger

:) - James: :(

:) - James: I thought we were friends????

Regulus: whatever fine

:) - James: :DDD
Regulus: no i’m not doing anything, yu ?

:) - James: Loads of my mates r coming over to celebrate the anniversary :D

Regulus: wow

:) - James: Sarcasm??

Regulus: yu know me too well

:) - James: :D

Regulus: bye James :)

:) - James: Byeeeeeee Sunshine

James: Gn Sunshine!!!!

Sunshine: night James <3

Chapter End Notes

i love them both so much

also i might post again 2night if i get the chance!!

(not-rab) on Tumblr
Chapter 6
Chapter Notes

short chapter : yes

interesting chapter : idk

jegulus chapter : always

:) - James: SYBSJINE

:) - James: DUNSHUMR

:) - James: SHUNSJINE

:) - James: SUNHEIN

:) - James: SHINE

:) - James: HIJJJ

:) - James: I MIDDSSSS UUH

:) - James: HIIJJOIII

Regulus: James ?


Regulus: James ?

Regulus: r yu drunk-

:) - James: NI


Regulus: how sweet


Regulus: right lol

:) - James: I MISSD U

Regulus: yur gonna regret this conversation in the morning

:) - James: NUH UHG

:) - James: I RLT MISS Y

Regulus: ..

Regulus: i miss u too James

:) - James: RKY

:) - James: YAY

:) - James:

Regulus: r yu drunk bc it’s yur friends’ anniversary ?

:) - James: YEEDSASSSS

:) - James: THEYRE SO HAPPYb !!! cxx

:) - James: EVERYBISUD HERE!!!!!!

Regulus: that’s sweet <3

Regulus: now go to sleep James :)

:) - James: R U HAPPO TOOOOO

Regulus: sure

:) - James: WHU R U UP DO LAET

Regulus: can’t sleep lol

:) - James: OJ NO

Regulus: night James ?


James: My head

James: Hurts

James: Badly

James: Help

Sunshine: scroll up some msgs

James: Oops-

Sunshine: lol

Sunshine: r yur friends hungover too ?

James: Very much :(

Sunshine: good u deserve it :)

James: OI

Sunshine: don’t drink

James: Oh cmon u’ve never drunk???

Sunshine: yes :)

James: hypocrite

Sunshine: yes :)

Sunshine: i feel bad for yur friends

James: WHAT ABT ME????????

Sunshine: nah

James: ..

Sunshine: :)

James: U should’ve seen them they were sm more drunk than me??

Sunshine: then yu shud all suffer <3

James: Thanks Sunshine

Sunshine: :)

James: So why were u up so late???

Sunshine: couldn’t sleep

Sunshine: thinking

Sunshine: obviously not smth u do a lot of the time

James: HEY!


Sunshine: good <3

James: >:(

Sunshine: bye James

James: Byeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 7
Chapter Notes

dun dun duuuuuun

See the end of the chapter for more notes

:) - James: Goooooood morning Sunshine!!

Regulus: morning :)

:) - James: Hru today

Regulus: good u ?

:) - James: I am ✨ excellent✨

Regulus: lemme guess not doing yur schoolwork again ?

:) - James: Nuh uh


:) - James: ..

Regulus: :/

:) - James: *Not my fault*

Regulus: hm

:) - James:

Regulus: bye James

:) - James: Byeeee Sunshine

James: Sunshineeeeeee

Sunshine: yes ?

James: Hi :)

Sunshine: hello

James: Have u got any plans for today???

Sunshine: nope not rly

Sunshine: but i’m probs gonna go out bc my cousin’s gf is here

James: Ooooooo

Sunshine: no

James: U like ur cousin’s gf????

Sunshine: hm i don’t mind her

Sunshine: she’s quite nice actually

James: That’s good!!

Sunshine: mh she’s better than my mates anyways

James: Hahah like the one that text me??

Sunshine: yes very much so


James: U didn’t actually kill him did u???

Sunshine: ;)

James: I’m worried

Sunshine: yu should be


Sunshine: :)

James: So

James: On a less murderous note

Sunshine: mh hm

James: :D

Sunshine: how abt yu ?

Sunshine: yu doing anything ?

James: Yesss!

James: My mates r coming round again to play Quidditch!!

Sunshine: what ?


*James has deleted a message*

James: Autocorrect sorry hahahahaha

Sunshine: yur a wizard ?

James: u r?!!

Sunshine: ye

James: AH!


James: Sunshine???

Sunshine: mh

James: R u ok???

Sunshine: ye

James: U sure????

Sunshine: goodnight James

James: ???

James: Sunshine??

James: Night <33333

Sunshine: sorry James

James: ????!!

James: Sunshine?????

James: Plz reply???

James: No I’m sorry

James: Sunshine?

Chapter End Notes


i can’t wait for this to end

argh i will scream tho

hope u enjoyed - check out my other 2 fics if u get a chance !!

Chapter 8
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

:) - James: Look ok? I get it - u don’t want anyone to know ur a wizard. But what I don’t get is that
why ur ignoring me now

:) - James: Again

Regulus: i know yur name

Regulus: and i have a pretty good idea on who yu r

Regulus: and yu still don’t know who i am

Regulus: and i’m sorry but yu should just go

:) - James: Pls Sunshine I know enough :(

:) - James: And I like u

:) - James: I can tell u who I am if that makes u feel better????

Regulus: i think i know who yu r :(

:) - James: Sorry is that disappointing

Regulus: no

Regulus: no it’s just a bit scary

:) - James: Me!?

Regulus: no

Regulus: no i mean

Regulus: something else

:) - James: ?

:) - James: K

:) - James: Do u go Hogwarts??

:) - James: Wait nvm u don’t have to answer??

Regulus: yes sixth year next week

:) - James: Wait really?!!!

:) - James: That’s so cool!!

Regulus: wait what- yur in sixth year??

:) - James: Nah 7th

Regulus: i think i know who yu r

:) - James: U’ve said

:) - James: And I don’t care

:) - James: If u don’t

Regulus: i just think yu think that i’m a much better person that i actually am


The door opened in Regulus’ new bedroom, dark curtains revealing a small window with a view of
London beneath him.

A woman, around four years older than her cousin, willowy blonde hair draped around her
shoulders, walked in.

“Hey, you okay?” Narcissa sat down on the bed next to him, “Talking with the random James
again? You usually smile when you text him.”

“Hm, yeah,” Regulus put his phone down, screen facing upwards but no new messages flashed on
the screen, “..Cissa?”

She put an arm around him and nodded.

“I think James is James Potter.”

It was safe to say she was surprised to the least; her eyebrows shot up and her mouth was hanging
slightly open.

A simple, “Oh” escaped her lips.

Narcissa swallowed, “What are you doing to do about it?”

Saving Regulus from responding, a “ping” had lit up his phone - fortunately, or unfortunately, it
wasn’t James, only Dorcas to alert the group chat of their change of plans.

“Nothing,” with that Regulus exited the room, phone still laid on his pristine bedsheets, done with
the humiliating conversation.

His cousin followed suit, preparing to put the kettle on, and leaving just in time not to hear
Regulus’ phone switch on once again by that random number she had heard so much about.


:) - James: I will always think ur brilliant <3


group chat -> SKITTLESSS

Dorky: y’all 1 week left - we’re meeting at 3 today !

Crouch : Yessss slaying

Ev: u lot doing skl shopping there too??

Dorky: nah why ?????

Pandora <3: Parents will only let us come if we’re “getting school supplies”

Crouch : Ooooooo good idea!!!!!!!

Reggie ✨ : can’t come sry

Dorky: HUH



Crouch : REG WHAT????!!!!

Pandora <3: Omg this has smth to do with that random number
Ev: ?????


Pandora <3: YESSSS

Dorky: :(

Ev: change of plans!

Ev: meeting at Cissy’s place in 5!!!

Dorky: YES!


Pandora <3: Woooooo

Chapter End Notes

yeasss the skittlesssss

argh cissa & reggie friendship >>>>>

hope u liked
Chapter 9
Chapter Notes


See the end of the chapter for more notes

The door to Narcissa’s flat opened abruptly revealing two of her cousins - the Rosier twins - a tall
boy with brown hair who she knew as Barty Crouch, and a girl with dyed hair in braids (Dorcas

“Cas!” She greeted them all warmly, showed them to Regulus who was sitting quietly on the sofa,
and then turned her attention elsewhere, “I didn’t know you had your hair coloured!”

“Oh, yeah,” Dorcas grinned, “Had it done over the hols - you like?”

“Brilliant,” the older girl replied, “Turquoise suits you.”

Dorcas smirked again in response then sat gently beside where Regulus was, Pandora’s arm around

“So,” Barty enquired briskly, “How comes you don’t wanna come with us, lovely people, might I

“It’s nothing,” Regulus mumbled through Evan’s old Slytherin sweater.

“I don’t reckon it’s nothing,” Pandora looked upset, and she never looks upset, “Is it James.” She
said the last part in barely more than a whisper.

He shook his head but as he was, a tear ran down his pale cheek, “He’s James Potter,” matching
Pandora’s level of silence.

There was a sharp intake of breath from various different places around the room and Regulus
buried his head in his hands.

“No, listen,” Evan pulled his friend’s hands away, “We’re going out - whether you like it or not.”

Pandora nodded enthusiastically, “To get your mind off of him.”

Regulus looked up, “Thanks,” he was smiling slightly but his eyes were stuck on a sad expression.


James had spent a long time deciding what to send to Sunshine.

He was so confused with what he said - James think Sunshine is a good person; he seems amazing
from just chatting for a short while.

It wasn’t fair though.

James realised from two of his best friends that sometimes people feel they are a worse substitute
for what they should be.

Sirius and Remus aren’t perfect, sure, but they’re both amazing.

And so is Sunshine.

Which is why James’ heart broke a little when he never replied.

But James was still extremely concerned about the whole ordeal.

A swarm of questions were flying around in his head:

Why did Sunshine not want James to go to Hogwarts?

Why did Sunshine not want to know who James was?

Did he actually know who James was?

It was all a bit too much for James at the moment.

And so, desperate as it may seem, this was why he was practically spamming Sunshine into getting
him to answer.


James: Sunshine???

James: I do

James: Think ur brilliant

James: Pls answer

James: R u mad at me??

James: Who do u think I am

James: Do u hate me now?????

James: Omg do u???

James: Omg did u hate me b4????

James: Omg I’m sorry!!!!

James: Pls believe me

James: I’m sorry Sunshine <333333


Funnily enough, Evan had enough common sense to bring Regulus’ phone on their trip.
But, having Dorcas there, meant it would be switched off - only used for emergencies.

Instead of going to Diagon Alley again, they decided to visit the Crouch household.

This may have been a problem - Barty Crouch Sr. hated the lot of his son’s friends - but he was
nowhere to be seen today.

“Probably too busy sucking up to the ministry,” Barty Jr. offered up bitterly, “Like he had for the
rest of the holidays.”

This got him a sympathetic hug from Evan, much to his delight, erasing his surly mood.

Evan and Barty had gotten together in the last month of their fifth year, drunken confessions
blissfully uniting them.

Now they acted like an old, married couple half of the time (much to the annoyance of their

Funnily enough, James Potter had been at that party.

Surrounded by his usual gang of idiots: Lupin, Pettigrew and Regulus’ brother, Sirius Black.

Most of the Slytherins were prejudiced against the four ‘marauders’, Barty, Evan and Dorcas

Being the house they pulled pranks on most, it was expected; though Regulus always made sure
that if they hurt Sirius, emotionally or physically, they would die a slow and painful death.

Courtesy of him, and an enchanted knife that leaves no wound on the body, only piercing pain
throughout the mind (family heirloom).
And Regulus actually had a good time with his friends, his talk with James already long forgotten.


It was not forgotten, however, when he got back home and saw twenty or so messages from none
other than the person he really didn’t want to talk to.


Sunshine: i’m sorry - for leaving yur messages - for always running off - for making yu endure me


Sunshine: James ? r yu drunk again-

James: No no just extremely happy!!!!!!!

Sunshine: James Potter. yes or no ?

James: Look Sunshine I’m sorry

Sunshine: yes ?

James: Yes

Sunshine: goodnight James <3

James: Can we talk tmrw????

Sunshine: ok

James: YAY NIGHT!!!!

Chapter End Notes

i think i cried at this chapter - it probably wasn’t very sappy but it was to me

i hope u liked!!!

plus (omgomgomg) jegulus meeting sooooon

Chapter 10
Chapter Notes

i was in suspense so i wrote it ok?

not my fault ♀️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

James: Sunshine??

James: Sunshineeeee

James: U didn’t go back on ur promise did u???

Sunshine: James it’s five in the morning

Sunshine: i should be asleep ?


James: fisjdnsjdnsjsnwkdk

James: dkakdnsjsns

James: who r yu and why r yu making James squeal like a little girl ????

James: skdjs

Sunshine: James ?



James: skdjsjsjsjndhs

James: wowoskakdskdkskdsooalslaldkskdksk

James: kijasn

James: Ok I’m back and I kicked Sirius out

Sunshine: Sirius ?

James: Yh yh I thought u knew who we were <3

Sunshine: i did

Sunshine: i do
James: Sorry abt it tho <3

Sunshine: it’s ok

Sunshine: talk later ?

James: I would love nothing more!!!

??: yello!

Regulus: i can’t with more random numbers

Regulus: please just tell me yur a Nigerian prince asking for money

??: hahahah you’re hilarious

Regulus: and yu just typed in “yello” as a form of greeting

Regulus: wait who r yu ?

??: well i am James’ best mate and yu r the one he’s been simping over for the past month

Regulus: yur Sirius ?

Regulus: wait - simping over ?

??: YES!

??: and also

??: YES!

Regulus: sorry i should go

??: what

??: wait huh ????

??: alr jeez

Regulus: did yu give Sirius Black my number

Regulus: James answer me

:) - James: No!!

:) - James: I swear I didn’t!!!

:) - James: Omg he must’ve got it when I went in the shower

Regulus: please just- don’t let anyone else have it ?

:) - James: Yes ofc!

:) - James: Always!!

Regulus: k bye <3

:) - James: Byeeeeee <3333


group chat -> Marauders

Prongsie : Sirius I’m not joking don’t ever text one of my numbers again k?

Pads : ????? what’s got yu in such a mood ???

Prongsie : Just don’t pls

Pads : is this something to do w/ the boy you’re smiling abt ???

Wormtail : OMG IT IS????

Wormtail : Nahhh tell us everything

Mr. Moony : dude just let James handle his business?

Pads : hiiiiiiiuuu Reeeee

Wormtail : Aren’t u right next to him ???

Pads : NO

Mr. Moony : no :))

Wormtail : Overdramatic much??

Wormtail : Heyyy where’d Prongs go ??

Mr. Moony : probably falling in love with another stranger on the inte

Prongsie : OI!!

Prongsie : And he’s not a stranger

Prongsie : He goes Hogwarts!!!!!!!

Pads : wait what

Pads : yu never said that???!!!

Mr. Moony : year?

Prongsie : One below us!!!

Wormtail : Ooo u should ask him on a date

Prongsie : What’s with the laughing emojis????

Pads : he’s joking chilllll - yu should 10000000% ask him out

Prongsie : I’m leaving

Wormtail :

Mr. Moony :


*Prongsie left the group chat*


James: Goodnight Sunshine!!!

Sunshine: nite James :)

Regulus: look ok- i’ve been thinking

Regulus: breakfast the first day back i’ll wear something so yu know i’m me

Regulus: because i can’t let yu not know


James: I’m not too late am I?????

James: Well it’s a brilliant idea

James: Like u!

James: Okay yeah!!!

Regulus: i’ll wear black heels, blue open bottomed jeans, white t-shirt, silver necklaces and a lot of

Regulus: i can’t wait to see yu

Chapter End Notes


1) black brothers ???

3) marauders >>>>>

2 chapters in 1 day
Chapter 11
Chapter Notes

my beloved

See the end of the chapter for more notes

August 31st - 11:38pm

group chat -> please can we not have another dumb name ?

Ev: yk i kinda liked the old name :(

Reggie ✨ : well i did not

Crouch : Baha ur gonna be mad when u find out ur name

Reggie ✨ : Crouch.

Reggie ✨ : what. is. my. name.

Dorky: name?*

Reggie ✨ : no

Dorky: bad grammar but ok-

Crouch : Dun dun duuuuuun

Reggie ✨ : what is my name Crouch ?

Crouch : :)

Reggie ✨ : yur transphobic


Dorky: WOAH

Pandora <3: WOAH

Crouch : What

Crouch : Also when’d u get here Dora???

Pandora <3: I spawned <3

Ev: how sweet

Reggie ✨ : :)

Dorky: WOAH
Crouch : WOAH

Pandora <3: WOAH


Reggie ✨ : oh merlin what now

Ev: u just never smile ♀️

Reggie ✨ : bye

Crouch : Well if I was James Potter I’d ditch u when u talk to us like this

Pandora <3: SPEAKING OF WHICH!!!

Pandora <3: How’d it goooooo?

Reggie ✨ : none of yur business

Ev: ouch 3

Reggie ✨ :.

Crouch : Dude what kind of text is even “.”

Reggie ✨ : yu

Crouch : Oh

Ev: violation

Pandora <3: What about James Potter????????????????????????????

Dorky: ^^^

Reggie ✨ : i told him what i’d wear on the first day back -
if he can be bothered to know who i am he’ll find me

Reggie ✨ : bye for real now




Pandora <3: TRU LOVE ??????


September 1st - 5:16am

Regulus: good morning Jamie <3
James : U never text me first???

James : Or give me a nickname??

James : Sunshine.. r u happy!!

Regulus: i’m seeing my friends again today

James : And me?????

Regulus: and yu


James : Okay tomorrow

James : IM SO EXITED! ✨

Regulus: i don’t want yu to get disappointed though

James : I WONT BE

Regulus: i’ll see yu on the train Jamie <3

James: Stalking me?? ;)

Regulus: djsjdnsj bye

group chat -> Marauders
*Wormtail added Prongsie to the group chat*

Wormtail : Where we meeting?

Pads : where we always meet ????

Wormtail : Yh but I always get lost ???

Pads : and that’s my problem how ???

Wormtail : .. Rude

Pads : <3

Prongsie : I’ll find u there Pete no worries

Wormtail : At least James is nice @ Pads

Pads : ouch

Mr. Moony : su i’m sleeping

Prongsie : It’s half 8?!!

Mr. Moony : and?

Wormtail : I’ve missed u lot

Mr. Moony : what part of shut up didn’t u get ?

Wormtail : .. Sorry Moons

Chapter End Notes

i’m so close to jegulus actually meeting and i’m sooooo crazed

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