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Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization 4 – Coutinho & Mayne (eds)

© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-62136-6

Detecting the presence of cementation structures in soils, based in DMT

interpreted charts

N. Cruz
Rodoviária-Mota-Engil, Porto, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal

C. Rodrigues
Mota-Engil & Polytechnic Institute of Guarda, Portugal

A. Viana da Fonseca
Faculdade de Engenharia, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

ABSTRACT: Cemented soils usually don´t fit into the usual behaviour of transported soils in the light
of classical Soil Mechanics theories, creating several problems on the interpretation of in situ test results.
For this reason, the ability of discerning the presence of cemented structures in soils becomes fundamen-
tal in the interpretation of common in situ test results. Based in a large amount of sedimentary data, as
well as in high quality experimental sites used in research programs on Porto and Guarda granitic residual
soils (Viana da Fonseca 1996, Rodrigues 2003; Cruz & Viana da Fonseca 2006), interpretation diagrams
based in DMT tests are proposed for detecting the presence of cemented structures. The results of a recent
DMT calibration experiment performed in large artificially cemented block samples prepared in a large
chamber (CemSoil box) were also used to calibrate these diagrams (Cruz 2010).

Keywords: residual soils, DMT, interpretation charts

1 INTRODUCTION relic macrofabric is no longer present (Cruz 2010).

Apart from residual soils and weak rocks, sedi-
The continued actions resulting from weathering mentary soils (both soft to stiff clays and granular
processes give raise to mechanical degradation, soils) can also be found structured in nature, with
which starts from the unweathered more or less cementation being developed by agents like silica,
fractured massif, exhibiting its maximum strength hydro-silicates, iron oxides, carbonates and hydrox-
and stiffness and moving towards a generalized soil ides deposited under various conditions (Clough et
mass, with no signs of the original macrofabric. In al. 1981, Leroueil & Vaughan 1990).
the extreme limits, assumed behaviours are quite From the mechanical point of view, testing inter-
different, with the first three weathering degrees of pretation and deduction of geotechnical param-
ISRM classification (unweathered, W1, to medium eters are based in quite different laws, depending on
weathered, W3) being represented by rock mechan- the presence of a cementation structure. The main
ics principles and models, where macrofabric and difference observed in the structured materials, with
rock matrix plays the fundamental role in strength respect to classical sedimentary de-structured soils
and stiffness behaviours, while from this level on, is the presence of a bonding structure, which gen-
chemical weathering is progressively extended to erates a cohesive-frictional nature, eventual anisot-
the whole massif and soil type behaviour arises. ropy derived from relic structures, highly variable
The mechanical evolution of massifs is mainly gov- fabric and mineralogy, destructuration under shear
erned by an increasing porosity of rock material, the actions and low influence of stress history (Vaughan
weakening of mineral grains and the existing bond- et al. 1988, Schnaid et al. 2004). From the strength
ing between grains is progressively loss, although strict point of view, bonding condition gives rise to
a residual interparticle cementation always remain. tensile strength, explaining the cohesive-frictional
In this sense, weathering degrees W4 (weathered) nature generally exhibited by residual soils. It is
and W5 (decomposed) represent transition behav- generally accepted that for a given range of stresses,
iour, where micro and macro fabrics have balanced cemented soils may be adequately represented
influence, towards a residual soil-mass where the by Mohr-Coulomb envelope, typically showing a

relatively stable angle of shearing resistance that Beyond second yield, tangent modulus decrease
seems to be fairly independent of cementation level, with axial strain, progressively converging to the
and a drained cohesive intercept directly related one observed in destructured equivalent soil, until
with the bonding structure strength (Clough et al. both converge to failure (general yield).
1981, Viana da Fonseca 1996, 1998, Schnaid et al. As a consequence of these considerations, con-
2004, Viana & Coutinho 2008, Cruz, 2010). This ventional Soil Mechanic Theories do not repre-
cohesive intercept is usually present, even when they sent well the behaviour of these materials, creating
show strong contraction during shear or when the important problems on the interpretation of in-
same soil is in a remoulded state characterized by situ and laboratory testing results. In recent years,
absence of tensile strength. As a consequence, the many researchers have been concentrating their
loss of strength with weathering can be represented resources trying to develop specific models and
by a reducing cohesion intercept, c’, due to weak- methodologies to properly characterize mechani-
ening of contact forces between particles, giving cal behaviour of these non-textbook materials.
continuity to the behaviour evolution observed in Being so, it is important to define clear frameworks
rock materials. However, in these materials, cohe- to detect the presence of cementation, in order to
sion intercept can be a result of many other con- select the adequate methodologies for obtaining
tributions apart from cementation due to chemical the best geotechnical approaches. Moreover, it is
bonding, such as electrostatic forces, adhesion of important that these criteria can be applied by
clay particles (clay bonding), contact cementation common tests such as SPT, (S)CPTu, (S)DMT or
developed with time and pressure (ageing), interac- PMT performed during routine campaigns. For
tion with organic matter and suction due to devel- this purpose, interpreted charts have been proposed
opment of negative pore pressures in unsaturated by Schnaid et al. (2004) for the SPT and (S)CPTu
conditions (Viana da Fonseca & Coutinho 2008). parameters by defining influence zones in diagrams
Despite this complexity, for most part of situations of G0/N60 and G0/qc versus respectively normalized
it is reasonable to assume that chemical bonding (N1)60 and qc1 test parameters. These charts were
and suction give the main contributions for the applied to results obtained in the experimental sites
overall strength. in granitic formations nearby the Portuguese cities
On its turn, the fundamental state-of-the-art of Porto and Guarda (CEFEUP and Av. França
points out that stiffness behaviour is typically rep- in Porto and IPG Guarda) and proved great ade-
resented by more than one yield point, represented quacy for the residual soil profiles (Fig. 1).
by marked changes in stress-strain behaviour. The
concept of more than one yield has been increas-
ingly reported in literature (Vaughan et al. 1988,
Jardine 1992, Malandraki & Toll 1994, Viana da
Fonseca 1996, Cuccovillo & Coop 1997, Rodrigues
2003, among others), identifying the typical pat-
tern as an initially stiff behaviour followed by
progressive yields. The position of yield points
differs according to the author. Globally, an ini-
tially stiff behaviour is identified, represented by
more or less stable elastic behaviour until a certain
point (at very low axial strain where conceptually
the dynamic stiffness is coincident with elastic stiff-
ness) when a first drop occurs (first yield), which
was identified as the beginning of bonding break-
age (Vaughan et al. 1988, Viana da Fonseca 1996
or Rodrigues 2003). Up to this point cementation
contribution remains the same and only very small
changes in stiffness occur. After the first yield,
while stress and strain increase, the cementation
strength decreases with a slight reduction in stiff-
ness, and when the overall resistance (therefore the
stress) drop, a major change in tangent modulus
is observed (second yield). This yield is coinci-
dent for many authors, but shouldn’t be confused
with the Y2 concept proposed by Jardine (1992), Figure 1. Relations between G0 and SPT and CPTu
which is related with the end of an elastic non lin- parameters for structured soils (after Viana da Fonseca
ear behaviour, much more difficult to determine. et al. 2007).

In the case of DMT tests, the earlier references a promising possibility for the present purpose,
(Marchetti 1980) pointed out the possibility of since they usually appear to be higher in over-
using the lateral stress index (KD) for detecting consolidated and cemented soils than in remoulded
cemented structures, since behaviours in normal or normally consolidated ones, because this modu-
transported soils exhibits stable OCR profiles and lus have a wider sensitivity to stress history and
KD values around two or decreasing OCR with cementation (Cruz 2010). If the correlation is
depth towards a value of 2. On the other side, made with small strain shear modulus (G0), as used
cemented soils with structural arrangement due to by Schnaid et al. (2004), it depends exclusively on
ageing will represent stable profiles in depth, with the combination of the void ratio and the average
KD values much higher than 2. Cruz et al. (2004) effective stress, represented by the State Parameter,
confirmed these criteria in Porto granitic residual ψ (Viana da Fonseca 1996, Cruz et al. 1997). The
soils, obtaining general KD profiles stable with selection of G0 as reference parameter makes use
depth with values ranging from 5 to 15. However, of the concept of an almost “intact” parameter,
this criteria is much dependent on the “lift-off ” which is known to be very sensitive to cementa-
pressure, P0, becoming quite sensitive to the effects tion influence (Cruz 2010). In fact, the expected
of penetration. As a consequence, Cruz (2010) cementation breakage during penetration will
proposed new interpretations for the case of DMT highly affect the basic test parameters in structured
tests, as discussed throughout this presentation. than sedimentary soils, and thus the ratios G0/N60
and G0/qc will tend to be as high as the cementa-
tion level increases. Although this implies obtain-
2 OBTAINED RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ing an extra parameter (shear wave velocity), late
technology made its application very practical with
To obtain sustainable interpretation modes it is the availability of Seismic Dilatometer (SDMT) or
important to have considerable amount of qual- Seismic Cones (SCPTu).
ity data in both residual and sedimentary soils to Particularly, DMT provides high level of preci-
properly study the characteristics that differenti- sion for displacement measurements and its response
ate them. This was achieved by using the available can be explained by semi-spherical expansion theo-
data in sedimentary and residual Portuguese soils ries, and thus the respective results usually repre-
collected and analyzed during more than 15 years, sent high level of accuracy. The earlier works on the
completed with important publications on local subject (Jamiolkowski et al. 1985, Lunne et al. 1989,
materials and the access to G0 obtained by seismic Baldi 1991, Tanaka & Tanaka 1998) pointed out
dilatometer tests, SDMT, kindly granted by Pro- some discernable behaviours (in sands and clays)
fessor Silvano Marchetti. The global data set used using the ratio G0/ED, which were confirmed by the
in this study can be summarized as follows: sedimentary Portuguese results in Portuguese soils
(Cruz et al. 2006). Furthermore, Cruz et al. (2006)
a. Sedimentary data obtained in the Tagus and
introduced ID in the correlations for sedimentary
Mondego (clayey to sandy) alluvial deposits
Portuguese soils and concluded that RG (G0/ED)
(Cruz et al. 2006), validated by G0 DMT sedimen-
globally decreases with increasing ID, marked by a
tary data, kindly granted by Prof. Silvano Mar-
significant drop as the soil goes from clay to silty
chetti in the course of a PhD research program
clay, later confirmed by DMT international data-
(Cruz 2010).
base, kindly granted by Prof. Marchetti. As for the
b. Referenced granitic residual soil experimental
residual data obtained in the referred experimental
sites where cross-hole testing was available—
sites, there is an obvious increase of the ratio when
IPG in Guarda (Rodrigues, 2003), CEFEUP/
compared to the grain size equivalent sedimentary
ISC2 and Av. França/Casa da Musica Metro
soil revealing its potential to be used in detecting
station in Porto (Viana da Fonseca et al. 2009).
cementation, as shown in Figure 2.
Other experimental sites around the city of
The whole set of results obtained both in Portu-
Porto were used for checking the solution, such
guese and international sedimentary soils data, as
as CICCOPN (Cruz et al. 2004), and Matosin-
well as in Portuguese residual soils, show the con-
hos (Viana da Fonseca 1996) sites, as well as
vergence of the curves as ID increases, overlapping
Porto Geotechnical Map (COBA 2003).
for values around 5, which seems logical since for
c. Physical modeling in laboratory controlled con-
those values the percentage of fine content is too
ditions, by using artificially cemented samples
small to display a cohesive factor. The representa-
in triaxial testing and in a calibration apparatus
tion of G0/ED versus ID in a bi-logarithmic scale
(CemSoil box) where pushed-in and pre-inserted
seems to be more appropriate to deal with data
DMT blades were installed (Cruz 2010).
(Fig. 3), allowing for the definition of a frontier
The ratios between a stiffness modulus and line (the central line in the figure), which can be
a specific stress-strain in-situ test parameter is described by the following equation:

Res data Sed data

G0/ED = 9,77ID-1,053

G0/ED = 4.4175ID-0.619

0 1 2 3 4 5
Material Index, ID

Figure 2. Relations between G0/ED vs ID in sedimentary and residual soils.

Figure 3. Residual and sedimentary sandy soils, in G0/ED vs ID plot.

Upper sedimentary/lower residual bound: Marchetti et al. (2008), which revealed an expected
similar potential given the sensitivity of KD to
G0/ED = 7.0 ID−1.1 (1) cementation effects. In fact, the plot G0/MDMT ver-
sus KD (Fig. 4) reveals that cemented soils assume
higher rates when compared with remoulded con-
A similar approach was followed using the ditions in sedimentary de-structured soils for the
ratio G0/MDMT plotted against KD proposed by same granulometric range (ID higher than 1.2),

G0/MDMT=6.5 KD -0.691

1 10 100
Lateral stress index, K D
CemSoil Portugal (residual)
DMT sedimentary interna;onal database Portugal (sedimentary)
Border line

Figure 4. Residual and sedimentary sandy soils, in G0/MDMT vs KD plot.

which is also confirmed by CemSoil pushed-in data ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

(Cruz 2010). The equation defining this border line
can be represented by: This research was developed under the activities of
Upper sedimentary/lower residual bound: MOTA-ENGIL, namely Modelação Geomecânica
dos Solos Residuais, RESOIL project, financed by
G0/MDMT = 6.5 KD0.691 (2) European Community (QREN/UE/FEDER) and
also under the activities of CEC, FEUP, namely
PTDC/ECM/099475/ 2008 project, financed by
3 CONCLUSIONS European Community (QREN/UE/FEDER),
through the Operational Program for Competitive
A large amount of quality data obtained from Factors, COMPETE.
an international database (including portuguese)
of sedimentary soils was analyzed and used as
comparing reference for high quality granitic REFERENCES
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