Yixiang 2016

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Typical Reservoir Architecture Models, Thief-zone Identification and

Distribution of the Mishrif Carbonates for a Super-giant Cretaceous Oilfield
in the Middle East

Zhu Yixiang, Song Xinmin, Song Benbiao, and Tian Changbin, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and
Development; Ma Shunmin, China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Corporation; Gao Yan, Li
Yong, Zhang Weimin, and Liu Zhuo, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development; Zhen Xiaowu,
China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Corporation; Li Baozhu, Wu Shuhong, and Wei Chengji,
Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development; Liu Bo, Peking University; Yang Qiulin, Research
Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development

Copyright 2016, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition held in Perth, Australia, 25-27 October 2016.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents
of the paper have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect
any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written
consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may
not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

The Upper Cretaceous Mishrif Formation is widely distributed in the Middle East, and it is one of main
reservoirs in the super-giant Rm Oilfield. However, since development in 1954, its Mishrif carbonates,
accounted for 45% oil-reserves, are not largely developed with only 5.5% oil-recovery due to complicated
reservoir architectures and elusive thief zones, the abnormal high-permeable strips that can cause water-
injection breakthrough. Therefore, it is critical for the successful development of the Mishrif to make certain
the different reservoir architectures and thief-zone distributions.
Based on the investigation of lithofacies sensibility and cluster analysis of logs, petrophysical
interpretation models of lithofacies associations have been acquired calibrated by core facies. After
studying rock characteristics, genesis and petrophysical-logging responses on high permeable layers,
2 kinds of petrophysical models have been extracted for thief-zone identification. In the framework
of isochronal stratigraphy, the relationships between the depositional cycles, palaeogeomorphology,
sedimentary differentiation, lithofacies associations, and thief-zone distributions were studied, and the
reservoir architecture models of the Mishrif carbonates have been revealed in a typical section. Finally, the
spacial distributions of coarse lithofacies associations and thief zones in the critical period were predicted
integrating petrophysical interpretations and geology genesis.
Results reveal that, the Mishrif Formation, generally associated with two upward-shallowing sequences,
MA and MB, can be further divided into 6 intervals, from the bottom up: Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4 of MB, and Z5, Z6
of MA. 9 lithofacies associations in depositional units can be determined by petrophysical interpretations,
and the Mishrif reservoirs have varied structures of lithofacies associations in different periods: Z1 has
upward-shallowing structures as from distal-mid ramp, DMR, bioclast-shoal complex, BShC, to rudist-
reef-shoal complex, RRfShC, vertically, and has progradation laterally; Z2 and Z3 have distributions of
lagoon-back-shoal complex, RRfShC, BShC and DMR; Z4 and Z6 are mostly barriers or buffers; Z5
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could have permeable patch rudist/coral biostromes in palaeohighs. Thief zones,formed by marine waves
erosion and leaching on tops of reef-flat buildups, being less-than 0.5m single thickness and distributed
in clustering areas laterally, are often developed in RRfShC and BShC. Considering different structures
of lithofacies associations and thief-zones, and their influences on injectors and producers, the Mishrif
reservoirs architectures can be divided into 5 types: Type A, Type B, Type C, Type D and Type E, in which,
Type A has thief-zones in whole intervals of injection-production wells, and Type B has parts of thief-zones
in either injection or production wells, and they are very important in oilfield development.
The methodology and results in this paper are of great references for the Mishrif and similar carbonates.

The Mishrif Formation of the Late Cretaceous is the most important carbonate reservoirs in the Middle East,
and it provides one of the main producing reservoirs for many oilfields in southern Iraq such as Buzurgan,
Amara, Halfay Majnoon, Rumaila, West Qurnan and Nasiriyya, which contain about 30% of total Iraqi oil
reserves (Al-Sakini, 1992). A lot of studies have been carried out in the past on this formation, but much of
those work have been in the form of internal reports and little has been published (Aqrawi et al., 1998).The
Mishrif Formation has been described in the published literature as being deposited in carbonate ramps and
low-gradient shelves which rimmed these basinal areas (Burchette, 1993). The sequence stratigraphy of the
Mishrif Formation has been interpreted as composted of two third-order regressive sequences separated
by an unconformity (Aqrawi et al.,1998 and 2010), and two maximum flooding surfaces(MFS) have been
recognized in the Mishrif Formation: one in the upper part as the K140 MFS, and one at the base of the
lower part corresponding to the MFS(K135?), the intermediate between the K140 MFS and the K130 FMS
in the Rumaila Formation (Sharland et al.,2001).
However, there are many geological complexities and heterogeneities to be properly characterized for the
successful development of the Mishrif oil reservoirs, such as genesis and identification of abnormal high-
permeability strips (also called thief zones), reservoir architectures and spacial distributions and so on.
The study area, the Rm Oilfield, lies in the southeast Mesopotamia basin in the Middle East, near the
North of Kuwait and Persian Gulf (Fig.1.). It's the second largest oilfield in the world and has a tectonic
anticline in nearly N-S direction with two structural crests in the north and south respectively, and there
is a saddle in the middle.

Figure 1—Location of the study area, where the oilfield outline is

borrowed from A.A.M Aqrawi et al. on The Petroleum Geology of Iraq

The Mishrif oil reservoir is one of the main oil reservoirs in the Rm Oilfield and accounts for about half
of total petroleum reserves. However, since the discovery in 1973, the Mishrif oil reservoir has been too
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difficult to be mass developed, and currently, the recovery factor is only 5.5% due to the complexity and
heterogeneity of reservoirs. For example, the presence of thief zones may result in very different production
behaviors as in tens of barrels or thousands of barrels per day in adjacent intervals that have similar core-
sample attributes such as porosity and permeability, and on the other hand, the fingering of injected water
have been observed in some lithofacies, and therefore, the thief-zone genesis, development and relationships
with lithofacies have to be made clear.
The main purpose of this study is to make full use of more than 800 openhole logs calibrated by cored
wells, establish the fine isochronous stratigraphy framework, identify thief zones and different types of
lithofacies, construct the Mishrif reservoir architecture models indicating varied lithofacies associations
and thief-zone development in different periods, and the spatial distributions of lithofacies associations and
thief zones in the critical intervals, which have of great significance to high effective development of the
Mishrif oil reservoirs.

Depositional Cycles and Stratigraphy Framework of the Mishrif Formation

The Mishrif Formation can be divided into two depositional middle-term cycles (MSCs) and six short-term
cycles (SSCs) according to the characteristics of sedimentary cycles in lithology and rock fabrics of cores
and petrophysical log responses in vertical trends and lateral variations (Fig.2).
The middle-term cycles (MSCs) consist of the lower MSC-1 and the upper MSC-2 cycles which are
possibly equivalent to two third-order sequences as being recognizable and traceable from the seismic
profiles. The lower MSC-1 is a shallowing-upward half cycle covering the Rumaila Formation and the
lower part of the Mishrif Formation, whose bottom is bounded by the regional maximum flooding surface,
MFS K130, located at the top of the Ahmadi Formation featured by deep-water-marine shale deposits
and maximum gamma-ray values, and whose top is demarcated on a regional uncomformity where the
hardground surface with burrows and solution cavities filling can be observed and the gamma-ray log
usually has an small abrupt change. The upper MSC-2 is composed of relative short deepening-upward and
long shallowing-upward half cycles, which is divided by the regional MFS K140 that has local heaviest
shale content in cores and regionally correlative responses in openhole logs
Furthermore, on the basis of medium-term cycles, six short-term cycles (SSCs) and corresponding six
intervals were determined synthetically by high-frequency sedimentary cycles and lithofacies variations
of cores, and corresponding petrophysical responses, relationships between the ancient landscape and
depositional facies differentiation in well correlations throughout the field(Fig. 2, Fig. 6). The six intervals,
from the bottom up, are named Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4 of MB member, and Z5, Z6 of MA member, and it should be
mentioned that the upper boundary of Z1 is closely related to the ancient landform as well as the top surface
of reef-flat buildups, and the thickness of Z2 can vary significantly in the study area, but the thickness of
Z4 is relatively stable which is dominated by tight lithofacies associations and can be served as barriers or
baffles due to its good continuity in lateral.
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Figure 2—Composite presentation of openhole-log, interpretations, depositional cycles, stratigraphy

division and lithofacies associations of the Mishrif Formation of well R03A, in the Rm Oilfield

Identification of Depositional Lithofacies Associations in Petrophysical

Openhole Logs
There are totally more than 900 wells drilled through the Mishrif Formation, in which, 800 wells have
openhole logs,and 16 wells are cored, but only 9 of the 16 wells have relatively continuous cores.
Therefore, it is essential to utilize the petrophysical openhole-log interpretations calibrated by core data and
descriptions for the studies of the Mishrif carbonates.
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The Mishrif Formation of the Rm Oilfield belongs to a carbonate platform and ramp system as can
be observed from cores, in which, there are various grain types including rudist, coral, echinoderm and
foraminifera and other bioclast debris, various grain sizes, different relative abundances of matrix and
allochems, various sedimentary textures and bioturbation and so on. To make matters worse, many of these
fine and complicated rock features described by geologists' observations often have no distinctive signatures
on openhole logs and that is why the lithofacies identification of the Mishrif Formation in fine scale from
an openhole log often meets considerable challenges.
The paper finds that it is possible to associate a suite of rock-sensitive openhole logs to broad lithofacies
associations in depositional microfacies. As different depositional environments often have specific
lithofacies associations, relatively stable lithology-combind features and shale contents, and therefore, in
multiple-petrophysical-attributes crossplots, clusters of data points of lithofacies associations in depositional
microfacies can be discerptible in some ways and recognized by cluster analysis method calibrated by core
data. Furthermore, the depositional lithofacies associations identified by openhole logs are of genetic origins
so they are helpful for the prediction of lithofacies distributions.
In cored intervals, 9 lithofacies associations in different depositional microfacies were selected as learning
objects, and 4 petrophysical attributes, such as gamma-ray(GR), neutron( NPHI,), density(RHOB) and
induced resistivity (IND) logs, which is sensitive to shale contents, particle sizes and physical properties,
were chosen to construct multiple-attributes-dimension crossplots for lithofacies differentiation. Totally,
3681 sample points were studied in different crossplots for rock type identification. For example, in
the NPHI-GR crossplot (Fig.3a.), rock type RT2 (light green color)and RT6 (orange) are separated and
recognizable, but RT2 and RT3 (dark blue) are overlaid and not identifiable, however, in the NPHI-IND-
GR crossplot (Fig.3b.), RT2 and RT3 can be separated because RT2 has higher induced resistivity than that
of RT3, and so on. In consequence, by cluster analysis method, 7 petrophysical rock types (RT1, RT2,…
RT7) are distinguished, which has the close relationships with 9 depositional lithofacies associations.

Figure 3—Identification of rock types (RT1,RT2,...RT7) by cluster analysis method in RHOB,GR,NPHI

and IND crossplots calibrated by lithofacies associations in depositional units of the Mishrif Formation

Subsequently, the lithofacies associations in depositional units are determined by relationships between
7 petrophysical rock types and 9 depositional lithofacies and the naming rule of dominated thickness of
lithofacies associations in a genetic unit as in Fig. 2 and Fig.4.
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Figure 4—Relationships between 7petrophysical rock types (RT1, RT2,… RT7) and 9 lithofacies
associations in depositional units of the Mishrif Formation in the Rm Oilfield, southern Iraq

The characteristics of depositional lithofacies associations and corresponding petrophysical rock types
can be described as follows.
Rudist reef and shoal complex (RRf_ShC): This lithofacies association is defined by dominant rudist-
debris packstones to rudstones with subordinate wackestone to floatstone textures, in which, some leaching
or dissolution phenomena can often be observed, and It is one of the best reservoirs in the Mishrif Formation
with core-sample porosity in the range of 15%-30%, and permeability in 10mD-2000mD, where high
production intervals are usually developed. The petrophysical log responses of the lithofacies association
always have very low gamma-ray (<20 degrees API) and the highest resistivity of IND (>150 ohm.m). It
corresponds to the petrophysical rock types RT1 and RT2 developed in the same depositional unit.
Bioclast shoal complex (BShC): It is characterized by fine to relatively coarse-grained packstones to
grainstones with echinoderm, foraminifera and rudist debris that are moderately to well sorted often with
possible cross bedding lamination. Its physical properties are good with porosity mostly distributed in the
range of 12%-28% and permeability in 5mD-400mD. The typical openhole log responses are low gamma-
ray(<25 degrees API), high IND resistivity (>100 ohm.m),and It can be recognized by petrophysical rock
type RT2.
Inner ramp (IRp): It is bioturbated wacke-packstones to wackestones, in which diffuse bioturbation
often results in a pseudo-nodular fabric that was enhanced by cementation of burrows. Its physical properties
are relative poor with permeability lower than 50md. It corresponds to petrophysical rock type RT3 in MA
member and has lower IND resistivity than that of RT1 or RT2.
Distal-mid ramp (DMR): Argillaceous wackestones to subordinate mudstone with minor skeletal debris,
and It has often a pseudo-nodular fabric related to the burrows and wispy seams surrounding them. Its
physical properties are relatively poor with permeability lower than 30md. It also corresponds to RT3 in
lower MB member that can be differentiated from IRp in MA.
Lagoon-back shoal complex (Lg_BShC): This lithofacies association has skeletal wackestones with
extensively bioturbated, tight fabrics and some burrowed hardground. Its physical properties are very poor
with porosity in 5%-20% and permeability in 0.01mD-10mD. It corresponds to RT4 in petrophysics.
Open lagoon/proximal shoal complex (OLg_PShC): It is dominated by bioturbated wackestones to
packstones and has the textures and fabrics similar to that of Lg_BShC lithofacies association. It has very
poor physical properties and corresponds to RT5 in petrophysics in Z4 interval.
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Outer ramp (ORp): It is argillaceous mudstones to wackestones and often has the lamination with
alterations of cleaner and dirtier layers. Strong cementation is present in core observations and openhole
logs responses. It corresponds to RT5 in lower MB and the Rumaila Formation
Rudist/coral biostromes (RCB): It is rudist and/or coral-dominated wacke-packstones and floatstones
that have massive and chaotic fabrics. It corresponds to petrophysical rock type RT6 in MA member.
Organic-rich/intraplatform basin (ORIB): Mudstones with subordinate wackestones that have
argillaceous or organic-rich intervals with black and shale appearance with no visible skeletal content. It is
developed in the upper MA and corresponds to RT7 of very high gamma-ray.

Identification of Thief Zones

According to the Mishrif core-sample analysis, the porosity ranges from 2% to 36%, with common
values from 8% to 28% in zone average, and the permeability ranges from 0.01mD to 2621mD, with the
common values from 3.2mD to 82mD in zone average, which belongs to medium porosity and permeability
However, the productivity of a single well is relatively high by production logging tests PLT, well tests
or production data, and there are often the abnormal situations that the permeability by core sample analysis
is far less than that derived from well's dynamic data, which occurs frequently in the North Rm Field (NR).
For example, in the PLT testing interval of well R#33 in NR, the average porosity and permeability are
22.9% and 17mD respectively by core sample analysis, but the PLT has got an abnormal high production
that is equivalent to the permeability of 1254 mD by calculation models. On the other hand, a few of thin
layers with water-injections fingering have been observed from development monitoring. Therefore, it is
suggested that some high-permeability thin zones, namely thief zones, should have been developed in the
PLT testing or water-injection monitoring intervals.
Fortunately, in some abnormal high-permeable intervals, there are just plug samples with the consecutive
sampling density of 0.5m covering the continuous cores whose permeability cannot account for high
productions, and consequently, it can be inferred that thief zones are very likely less than 0.5m in single lay
thickness and have usually been omitted by core sampling.
In order to detect thief zones of underground strata, two kinds of openhole-log interpretation models,
Flag_thief_1 and Flag_thief_2, have been designed based on testing the discontinuity of rock mechanics
properties and the heterogeneous distribution of dissolution pores in the Mishrif Formation, as follows:

where: GR,NPHI,RHOB,DT,RT(Induced resistivity, IND) are gamma-ray, neutron, density, acoustic and
resistivity logs respectively; C1i and C2i(i=1,2,.…n)are constants.
Openhole logs of wells in study area have been processed by thief-zone detection models, Flag_thief_1
and Flag_thief_2, and comparisons between log interpretation and cores have been applied based on detailed
log-core-depths correction, which reveals the follow observations: (1) indications of thief-zone development
by interpretation models usually correspond to coarse lithofacies associations, most of which are rudist reef
and shoal complex (RRf_ShC), and the second most are bioclast shoal complex(BShC); and (2) the thief-
zone position indicated by openhole-log interpretation are usually located at a broken or open cores, where
a leaching surface as well as dissolution pores and vugs near the surface are developed.
For example, in well R02# (Fig. 5.), there are two intervals of thief-zone development interpreted: (1) in
the upper interval of Z3_MB, the indication of thief-zone development corresponds to a section of lithofacies
association, RRf_ShC and a horizontal broken open cores in which a leached and burrowed hardground
surface can be observed;(2)in the lower interval of Z1_MB, the indication of thief-zone development relates
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to a horizontal and irregular open cores in lithofacies association of RRf_ShC, near which, dissolution pores
and vugs are well developed.

Figure 5—Thief-zone identification by openhole-log interpretation

models and the comparison with corresponding cores in Well R02#

Reservoir Architecture Models of the Mishrif Formation

In the isochronous stratigraphy framework, the lithofacies associations and thief zones are interpolated
genetically between wells, and the Mishrif reservoir architecture model in a typical section is
constructed,which reveals the distribution and evolution of depositional lithofacies associations in different
periods, the relationships and stacking patterns of lithofacies associations and thief zones.(Fig.6.)
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Figure 6—Typical reservoir architecture models in Sect I of the Mishrif Formation in the Rm Oilfield, southern Iraq. For Section
location, see Fig.7. Codes in legend are lithofacies associations. Different intervals have varied reservoir architectures
in lithofacies associations and thief zones. Z1_MB has a coarsening-upward lithofacies in vertical and prograding reef-
flat buildups in lateral in relative-sea-level falling; Z2_MB and Z3_MB are combinations of patch reefs, shoals, lagoons
and ramps lithofacies associations; Z4_MB is composed of tight lithofacies which serve as barriers or buffers; Z5_MA has
inner ramps in the lower interval and rudist/coral biostromes lithofacies on paleohigh; Z6_MA is developed argillaceous
or organic-rich lithofacies associations that are not reservoirs. Thief zones are usually developed on top surfaces of
reef-flat buildups in different periods. According to the composite structures of lithofacies associations and thief zones,
the Mishrif reservoir architecture can be divided into 5 types, such as Type_A, Type_B, Type_C, Type_D and Type_E.

Structures and evolution of depositional lithofacies associations in different periods

1. In the period of Z1_MB, influenced by relative sea-level fall and ancient landform, the lithofacies
associations were formed coarsening-upward depositional sequences, in which, the coarse rudist reef
and shoal complex (RRf_ShC) were developed on the top of a paleohigh, and turned to be relative fine
lithofacies associations of bioclast shoal complex (BShC) and distal-mid ramp(DMR) successively
towards lower and both sides, which can be interpreted that, the shallow and sunny water environments
on the top of reef-flat buildups were suitable to reef-building organisms growing but would have reef-
flats leached and eroded by sea water if they are above wave base in the relative sea-level fluctuations.
As a result, Z1_MB was the reef-flat buildup with prograding structure in lateral and shallowing -
upward depositional sequences in vertical.
2. In the period of Z2_MB, affected by early relative sea-level rise, the reef-flat bodies withered and
then, in the later relative sea-level fall, some reef-flat bodies on the top were probably exposed
undergoing some erosion (Fig.6. Well R-29A). Meanwhile, near the reef-flat buildup, the restricted
or open lagoons were formed as flocks of patch reefs became well developed in surrounding areas
because of shallowing environments (Fig. 7a). In consequence, lithofacies associations of RRf_ShC,
BShC, DMR and lagoon-back shoal complex (Lg_BShC) were inter-distributed in lateral.
3. In the period of Z3_MB, the reef-flats continued growing in the early relative sea-level rise, and then,
the restricted or open lagoons kept developing as the surrounding patch reefs continued growing in
the later relative sea-level fall. Its formation thickness varied little, having the inter-distribution of
lithofacies associations of RRf_ShC,BShC,DMR and Lg_BShC too.
4. In the period of Z4_MB, the open lagoons were developed throughout the study area, scattered with
small patch reefs in the early relative sea-level rise, and soon afterwards, in the relative sea-level
fall, a regional unconformity was developed, which divided the middle-term cycles of the Mishrif
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Formation into the lower MSC-1 and upper MSC-2 cycles. The lithofacies associations of Z4_MB
were dominated by Open lagoon/proximal shoal complex (OLg_PShC) that had relative heavy shale
content and tight lithology and serves as barriers or buffers.
5. In the period of Z5_MA, the lithofacies associations of deep water inner ramp (IRp) were deposited,
in which, the maximum flooding surface K140 was developed, and in the later relative sea-level fall,
patch rudist/coral biostromes (RCB) were scattered on high places, but in some lower restricted places,
the lithofacies associations were often severely cemented in diagenesis that were demonstrated by
petrophysical log responses as lowest GR and high density logs as in well R03A in the Mishrif section
6. In the period of Z6_MA, the mudstones and subordinate wackestones with argillaceous or organic-
rich intervals were developed, which belongs to lithofacies associations of organic-rich/intraplatform
basin (ORIB) and generally, it was not reservoir in the study area.

Characteristics and genesis of thief zones

Figure 7—Distributions of (a) coarse lithofacies associations and (b) thief-

zone of Z1-MB interval of the Mishrif Formation, in the Rm Oilfield, southern Iraq

The development of thief zones indicated by openhole-log interpretation models have also been proved by
production logging tests (PLT) as shown in well R-29A and R-19A (Fig.6.), in which, the profiles of PLT
have shown that the oil flows apparently came from thief-zone strips.
It can be observed from the Mishrif reservoir architecture model that thief zones are usually developed
in lithofacies associations of rudist reef and shoal complex(RRf_ShC), and distributed in several horizontal
strips nearly parallel to top surfaces of reef-flat buildups in different periods. In lateral, the extent of thief-
zone strips are often in 1–4 well spacing, that is about 1000m to 4000m.
Taking all factors into consideration, it can be inferred that the thief zones actually are the weathering and
leaching surfaces formed by marine water on the top of reef-flat buildups when situated above wave base
in the relative-sea-level fluctuations. And in the condition of well cores, thief zones usually exhibit broken
and open cores accompanied by leaching and dissolution phenomena in nearby, but are usually omitted by
plug sampling, and that is why core-sample permeability often cannot account for high dynamic data in the
Mishrif Formation of the Rm Oilfield.
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Classification of reservoir architectures

According to the composite structures of lithofacies associations and thief zones, and considering
thief-zone influences on injectors and producers in water-injection development, the Mishrif reservoir
architecture can be divided into 5 types(Type_ A, Type_B, Type_C, Type_D and Type_E), in which, the
first three types applies to MB, the last two applies to MA:
Type _A:
In most intervals of MB in injection and production wells, the relative high-permeability
lithofacies associations, such as RRf_ShC and BShC, and multiple thief-zones strips are all
developed and connected.
Type _B:
In parts of intervals of MB in injection or production wells, the coarse lithofacies
associations, like RRf_ShC and BShC, and the thief-zone strips are developed.
Type _C:
In whole intervals of MB in injection and production wells, there are a few of coarse
lithofacies associations but no thief-zone strips developed.
Type _D:
In whole intervals of MA in injection and production wells, the coarse lithofacies
associations, like rudist/coral biostromes, are either not developed or developed but with strong
cementation, and thief-zone strips are not developed.
Type _E:
The coarse lithofacies associations like rudist/coral biostromes and a few of thief-zone strips
are developed in parts of intervals of MA in injection and production wells

Spacial distributions of relatively high-permeability coarse lithofacies associations and thief zones
Obviously, the distributions of relative high-permeability coarse lithofacies associations and thief zones
are very important for the development of the Mishrif oil reservoirs.
Taking the critical interval of Z1_MB for example, the coarse lithofacies associations, including rudist
reef-shoal complex (RRf_ShC) and bioclast-shoal complex (BShC), are well developed in the northern Rm
Oilfield (Fig.7a.), where patch reefs and shoals are developed, and some lagoons and open lagoons are
surrounded by patch reefs and reef-flat buildups. In southern field, only a few of patch reefs and shoals are
scattered near the structure axis.
The thief zones in Z1_MB are mostly distributed in the northern field again (Fig.7b.), which shows their
close relationships with the coarse lithofacies associations such as rudist-reef-shoal complex (RRf_ShC)
and bioclast-shoal complex (BShC). It can also be seen that, the thief-zone distribution shapes are often in
clustering areas whose single extent is often among 1000–4000km in Z1_MB.

According to depositional cycles,sedimentary facies differentiation, corresponding petrophysical log
responses, and openhole log correlations, the Mishrif Formation can be divided into 6 intervals which
are,from the bottom up, Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4 intervals in MB member; and Z5, Z6 intervals in MA member.
By use of a suite of rock-sensitive openhole logs, 9 lithofacies associations can be identified by cluster
method calibrated by depositional units in cores, and these lithofacies associations interpreted have the
sedimentary meanings so that they are helpful for the prediction of lithofacies distributions.
Thief zones are considered to be the erosion and leaching surfaces acted by marine water on the top of
reef-flat buildups when situated above wave base in the relative sea-level fluctuations, and they are usually
developed mostly in rudist-reef-shoal complex and next in bioclast-shoal complex lithofacies associations
in multiple-thin-layer strips that are nearly parallel to ancient top surfaces of reef-flat buildups with single
12 SPE-182356-MS

thickness less than 0.5m. In lateral, thief zones are distributed in clustering areas relating to patch-reefs
The composite structures of lithofacies associations differ in different intervals in the Mishrif Formation:
Z1_MB has coarsening-upward lithofacies sequences in vertical and prograding reef-flat buildups in lateral;
Z2_MB and Z3_MB are combinations of patch reefs, shoals, lagoons and ramps lithofacies associations;
Z4_MB is composed of tight lithofacies which have stable distributions in the field; Z5_MA has tight
inner ramps in lower places but relative high-permeability rudist/coral biostromes lithofacies associations
distributed at some paleohigh areas, in which some severe cementation would occur in some restricted
environments; Z6_MA is developed mudstones and subordinate wackestones with argillaceous or organic-
rich lithofacies associations that are not reservoirs.
Five reservoir architectures (Type _A, Type_B, Type_C, Type_D and Type_E) have been recognized
according to grouping patterns of different lithofacies associations and thief zones, and their impacts on
injectors and producers, in which, Type_A and Type_B architectures are related to the development of high-
permeability coarse lithofacies associations and thief zones that should be attached importance by utilization
or avoidance during the Mishrif oil reservoir development.

Mishrif Reservoir is operated by Rumaila Operating Organization (ROO) formed in partnership with BP,
CNPC (PetroChina) and SOMO. The Authors of this paper acknowledge the use of technical data and
evaluations performed by BP as a lead contractor. We also like to thank the management of each partner
for approving publication of this paper.

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