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1. Find clues in text-meaning THE WHO, THE WHAT, THE WHERE, THEN WHEN,
THE WHY. What are you fighting for? What is your Moment Before?
2. Playing to reader or the casting director-always look at the person who is
reading with you. Sometimes the casting director will have a reader, but
sometimes the casting director is also the reader.
3. Establishing and maintaining eyelines-if your audition calls for you to speak to
multiple people, practice ahead of time where they will be standing. This is where
your imagination comes into play. Sometimes, your off-camera scene partner will
be right beside you and sometimes they’ll be in front of you. Make specific
choices as to where they will be.
4. Sitting or standing-when you go into the audition room, take control. “I would
like to stand/sit.” It shows that your prepared and know what you’re doing.
5. Memorize or not- have sides (script) in hand for the first audition/off book for
the call back. We should never see your sides on camera. Have them below the
frame just so your eyes can look down for the line needed. This is more for self-
taped auditions.
6. Props-unless they’re essential to the scene, don’t use it. If your scene calls for a
cell phone, use a real cell phone. Don’t mime it. No weapons real or imaginary.
7. Costumes- they should suggest what you are, never go full costume. Like if you
play a doctor, don’t do the lab coat, stethoscope, etc. Simply well presented, like
something you’d wear underneath the lab coat.
8. Start in frame or walk in- your choice
9. Playing actions in scene- if the writers say what you’re doing in the scene, then
by all means do it.
10. Starting over- we make mistakes. It’s ok. Never apologize. If you’re about half
way down the page and you mess up and/or like to start again, simply announce
that’s what you’re going to do. But if you’re on page 14 and you’d like to start
over, then tough luck! If you do ask for a retake, it better be 10x better than what
you just did. In a nutshell…stop early on if you need to and don’t second guess
yourself at the end.
11. Knowing when to leave the room-don’t believe anything you hear in the
room. Don’t get caught up in the energy of the room-you can’t read it, so, get out
of your head. Stick around in general area for about five minutes in case casting
director wants you to read for another part.
12. Pass on an audition if you’re having a bad day-if you know you won’t be able
to perform your best, don’t keep it a secret. Inform your agent. You don’t want to
be remembered for having a bad audition.
13. NEVER NEVER NEVER go to shake the casting director’s hand-only if they offer
it to you first. Think about it…they see maybe 100 actors, if not more, in a day.
Imagine shaking all those hands not knowing where they’ve been. Gross.

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