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Title of lesson: Absolutism in England Background

Your Name: Lindsey Garber

Length of lesson: 55 minutes

Context of Lesson: Before Absolutism, the students learned about the Age of
Exploration. Some of the rulers that are mentioned in this unit are briefly talked
about in other units such as the Age of Exploration. After this lesson, the students
will be studying primary source documents about the absolute rulers.

Overview: In this lesson, students learn more about Absolutism in Europe,

specifically in England. They have learned some information about the rulers in
England, but now they will be learning more about the background and specific
rulers. Finish the day with a guided reading worksheet.

Central problem/ Essential question: What are the characteristics of a good ruler?

Objectives: There are no state standards related to Absolutism. School uses textbook

Students will know/be able to:

 Students will be able to explain the relationship between Parliament

and Absolute rulers in England.
 Students will be able to show understanding of this relationship by
explaining how which rulers succeeded in ruling over England.

Anticipated student conceptions or challenges to understanding:

 Students may not recognize what an absolute ruler is and determine

characteristics of a good one. I will remind students of what an absolute ruler
 Students may not understand why Oliver Cromwell got rid of Parliament. I
will explain that Cromwell wanted all the power with no check over him.
 Students may not understand the reason why the Glorious Revolution was so
glorious. It was because it was bloodless.

Materials/Evidence/Sources: Use bullet points to identify the resources that the

teacher and students will use in the lesson. Attach all relevant materials such as
handouts, lecture notes, etc.

 Absolutism in England PDF Notes -
 Absolutism in England PDF Student Notes -
 Absolutism in England Guided Reading -
 Schoology -

Instructional Sequence:

1. Start class by telling students that they are going to continue learning
about Absolutism, but now they are going to dive deeper into England and
its rulers and background information that has happened. 

2. Begin by passing out notes sheet and pulling up the notes on the board.
As soon as all students have the notes, begin by asking the students what
they know about Elizabeth I since they read about her the previous days in a
group activity. Students will give examples of things she did and note on
some of them. Repeat them to the class.

3. Get started by reading the notes on the board. Tell students they Elizabeth I
sister, Mary I, converted England to Catholicism previously. Once she passed
away, Elizabeth wanted to follow in her father’s footsteps and return England
to Protestant faith. Continue reading the PDF. Make sure students
understand although Elizabeth did a lot for England, she still left the country
in a huge amount of dept and many conflicts with Parliament.

4. Let students know that a big reason the English Civil War broke out was
because of these conflicts with Parliament. Charles the first had problems and
sent out an army to go against Parliament. Explain that Oliver Cromwell
emerged as the leader of the Puritans, and they went and captured Charles
the first and executed him. Cromwell becomes the ruler and eventually a
military dictator, ask students if they know what a dictator is. Someone who
controls everything by themselves. So, he reforms society and forces
everyone to follow him. Read PDF from there and ask students if they would
want to live in a place where they were not allowed to do anything fun.

5. Continue explaining that after he dies, Parliament comes back and restores
the monarchy by putting Charles II as the monarch. Parliament also passes
habeas corpus and explain what they all mean by reading the PDF.

6. Continue by saying after Charlies II died his brother, James II, was made
the monarch. He made Parliament upset, and Parliament decided to try and
overthrow him by going to his sister. This is what led to the Glorious

7. Explain that what the Glorious Revolution is by reading the PDF and some
additional information then explain that it was so glorious because it was

8. Finally, read the last pieces of information on the PDF explaining how the
monarchy was limited and relate it back to habeas corpus.

9. Pass out the Absolutism in England guided reading and allow students to
grab a book. They will have the rest of the hour to work on this assignment.
Explain to students what they will be doing on this assignment. They need to
read the book and make sure their find the relationship of Parliament and
each ruler on the worksheet. They also need to do both parts of the worksheet
to receive full credit. Once they are done, they have time to finish their group
assignment and FRQ prep sheet along with their study guide/rulers table.

10. Finish the day by telling students what they might do tomorrow. Tell
students to have a good day!

Assessment: During instruction, I will look around the room and see if anyone looks
confused. I will ask several times if any students have any questions about the
material at hand. After the instruction, students will demonstrate understanding
with the guided reading. Students will submit this on schoology.

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