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Module 11 Lesson 5-Restoration and Revolution

****Elizabeth I-Daughter of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII, returned
England to Protestant faith. Known as the Virgin Queen who
strengthened England.
• Frequently argued with Parliament and left huge debt after her
• Much conflict between the next rulers and Parliament; government
breaks down

English Civil War

• In 1645 Oliver Cromwell emerges as the leader of the Puritans. In
1647 they capture the king.
• Cromwell becomes ruler and eventually a military dictator. •
Cromwell reforms society by forcing Puritan values; abolishes
theater, sport and dancing.

Restoration of the Monarchy

• ****Oliver Cromwell ruled as a military dictator until he died o
Fought on the side of the ****Puritans, English Protestants
who followed Calvin’s example
• Parliament is reestablished and appoints Charles II King of
o Because he restored the monarchy, this period is known as
the restoration
• During this time Parliament passes habeas corpus
o Latin meaning “to have the body”
o Gave every person the right to be brought before a judge to
determine if they could be tried
o Cannot be placed in jail simply for opposing king, can’t be
held indefinitely
• Charles has no son, so his brother James II takes over •
Many people were upset because he was a Catholic, appointed
other Catholics to office
o English people are Protestants (Anglicans, Puritans)
*******The Glorious Revolution
• Parliament approaches James’ sister Mary (a Protestant) and her

husband, William of Orange (prince of the Netherlands) • William

leads an army to London and James flees to France • Bloodless,

known as the Glorious Revolution

Limits on the Monarchy

• England becomes a constitutional monarchy: laws limit the ruler’s
• Bill of Rights (1689) limit ability to levy taxes, suspend laws,
interfere with freedom of speech
• Cabinet (group of government officials) develops to help monarchs
and Parliament work together

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