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Comparison chart

Concept Definition Variable,

formula or
image that
represents the

Set theory Branch of

mathematics that
studies the
collection of
objects by
analyzing the
properties and
between the
elements that make
up the set.
Probability It is in charge of
theory the study of the
phenomena or

Empirical It is an adjective
approach that indicates that
something is based
on one's own
experience and
without implying a
logical assumption
or deduction.
Subjective Probability of an
approach event based on the
degree of
confidence that a
person has that the
event will occur,
taking into account
all the evidence
available to him,
based on intuition,
opinions, personal
beliefs and other
relevant indirect
Experiment It is a procedure
carried out to
support, refute, or
validate a

Sample space It is the set of all

possible outcomes
of a random
experiment. Event
or event: It is any
subset of the
sample space. The
sample space,
considered as an
event, is called a
sure or certain

Sample point They are the events

of a sample space.
For example, when
rolling a die
numbered from
one to six, each of
the possible
outcomes is
considered a
sample point from
this experiment.
Simple event It is one that
contains a single
sample point.

Joint event It is a set of

possible outcomes
of a random
Therefore, a
compound event is
a set of simple
events and a subset
of the sample
Counting They are
techniques mathematical
strategies used in
probability and
statistics that allow
determining the
total number of
results that can be
from making
within a set or sets
of objects.
Tree diagram  It is a quality tool
that through a
systematic process
allows us to find
the relationship
between a general
concept and the
elements that
compose it.

Factorial A number is the

product of the "n"
consecutive factors
from "n" to 1. The
factorial of a
number is denoted
by n!.
Additive It states that if
principle event A can occur
in m ways, and
event B can occur
in n disjoint ways,
then event “A or
B” can occur in
m+n ways.
Multiplicative A procedure can be
principle carried out in n
different ways and
for each of these, a
second procedure
can be carried out
in m different
ways, so the two
procedures can be
carried out together
in m . n different
Permutations It is the variation
of the order or
position of the
elements of an
ordered set or a
Combinations Number of
different groups of
“n” elements that
can be formed
from an initial
group of “m”
Events mutually They are those that
exclusive cannot occur
simultaneously, if
one occurs, the
other cannot occur
When events do
Events not affect each
independent other, they are
known as

Probability It can be defined

conditional with various
degrees of
Intuitively we can
say that the
probability P(A/B)
of an event A
given another
event B is simply
the probability that
A occurs given that
B has occurred.
Teorema Bayes It expresses the
probability that
event A will occur,
given that B has
occurred, as a
function of the
probability that B
will occur given
that A has
occurred, the
probability of A,
and the probability
of B.

Tabla de elección de ejercicios

Nombre del Rol a desarrollar Grupo de ejercicios

estudiante a desarrollar
Nelson Giovanni Prieto Coordinador El estudiante
Sastoque desarrolla el ejercicio
c en todos los 3 Tipo
de ejercicios

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