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The pie charts are given representing data regarding the eminent reasons behind the movement of

people in and out of the UK in the year 2007.

At a galnce, it is evident that the driving reason for such movement in that year was related to work or
job opportunities and for education purposes, people emigrating out of the country had a smaller

As we dive deeper into the statistics, the ratio of "looking for work" section's share for immigration
contributed to 30%, compared to just over a fifth of that for emigration.

The people who migrated without stating a reason added to 14% and 11% respectively.

Moreover, There was an approximate similarity in the numbers for a definite job.

Another major factor influencing a move to the UK was for studies ,with over a quarter of people
immigrating .However , only 4% left for studying abroad.

The proportions of these moving to join a family member were on par for both immigration and
emigration, at 15% and 13% respectively.

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